Our Weekend

Fun.  Lots of newness.  Much happy.

√  Set up our new computer, an iMac.  My first new desktop computer in 8 years.  Rather spiffy.

√  Got together on Saturday with some out-of-town friends who were here for the day.  Lots of laughs and our first visit to the oldest farmers market in the area.  Rather amazing.

√  “Created” a new cocktail.  Sweet tea + bourbon + a spring of mint.  Rather refreshing.

√  Put finishing touches on the paint job in the un-bedroom.  Means that after 3 years we are officially finished with repainting the entire inside of this house– and can reclaim our weekends.  Rather wonderful.

√  Changed my blog template to this more up-to-date one that you’re now seeing.  Rather dashing.

√  Started reading two amazing memoirs.  One with an artistic/scientific bent, the other with a celebrity/humanitarian bent.  Can’t decide which one to finish first so I keep switching back and forth between them.  Rather compelling. 

√  Decided to tidy up my twitter feed by deleting most of my tweets.  Have adopted a “less is more” approach regarding my future tweeting.  Rather liberating.

So how was your weekend?  Care to share?

6 thoughts on “Our Weekend

  1. It was rather good with our younger daughter here, although she was dealing with much drama in her life thus I dispensed much advice,many hugs and wiped lots of tears. What are the two memoirs? (for Book Club recommendations)


  2. Margaret, your weekend sounds exciting… in its own way.

    The books are: 1) The Anthropology of Turquoise: Reflections on Desert, Sea, Stone, and Sky by Ellen Meloy [a Pulitzer Prize Finalist book]; and 2) All That is Bitter & Sweet: A Memoir by Ashley Judd. The first book is deep, meandering, and thought provoking. The second book is honest, inspiring, and very personal. Both have me enthralled at the moment.

    la p, thanks. I like the new look, too. Much cleaner. Easier on the eyes.

    I’m jealous about your week in the mountains. I’ve only flown over the Rocky Mts– never been in them. I’m sure that I’d love it.

    Mike, well, what a surprise that you watched sports on TV this weekend! Who’d of thought that’s what you’d be doing. 😉 I’m sure that given his druthers, Z-D would of preferred that to finishing up the painting. But I didn’t give him any druthers, so he painted.


  3. I didn’t mind the painting when the results are so good. I think your entry is Rather incredible. As are you.


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