A Question. An Answer. An Insight.

When queried about her choice of Newtons, she said:

I like my Newtons figgy and original.  

Proving once again that she is a woman who does, indeed, live by her stated motto:


[Hello FTC!  Just to be clear, you do realize that I’m not being paid for my opinion here, right? That I’m just babbling without any compensation whatsoever.  OK then.  We’re good.]  

13 thoughts on “A Question. An Answer. An Insight.

  1. I’ve Googled this, not having the foggiest (figgiest?) idea what a Newton is. I’ve found a recipe for a pastry, bit like a Danish, with fruit inside – is this it? Looks gorgeous! Not sure what the other options might be, but I love figgy stuff, so I would go with figgy too. 🙂


  2. Oh, but Newtons are fruit and cake… if I recall the old ads correctly. I definitely prefer the original to the reduced fat newton. And newtons are the only way I’m willing to eat figs (at least that I’ve tried so far). But I think apple newtons ran a close second. I haven’t seen them in a while – do they still exist?


  3. It’s been awhile since I’ve eaten a fig Newton, but I do love them. Grandma O always had them for us–good memories. Thanks!


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