My 2015: The Year Of The Recluse

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Looking at the calendar today it occurs to me that I have been remiss in not sharing with you, my gentle readers, my resolutions revolutions one word goals dreams aspirations vague ideas simple plan for the new year, 2015.

Clearly I need to get more scoot in my get-along.

[The preceding phrase is one that I don’t normally use, but I heard a football color commentator use it when talking about some player doing something, so I decided to add it to my folksy phrases repertoire.]

[Yes, I have an actual list of folksy phrases that I started about 10 years ago.  I recently rediscovered it when I took it upon myself to sort through the stuff in my desk.  Trust me, I will be referring to said list often now that I have found it.]

So here is what I’ve decided that this year will be all about for me.  I’m going to be a recluse, defined thusly as: “a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people.”

Not exactly anti-social, but non-social.  ‘Ya know?

And sometime throughout the year I might even explain why I’ve come to this decision.  But for today all I’m going to say is that I’m comfortable with the idea of spending more time by myself while pursuing my particular interests– like finding & using folksy phrases!  😉

26 thoughts on “My 2015: The Year Of The Recluse

  1. This is the best time of year to become a recluse. Staying warm is the most important thing to me right now, even here. There are so many things to occupy yourself with; reading, drinking coffee or tea, cooking/baking, watching TV, researching things on the computer, etc., etc., etc. I’m with you!


  2. I spent a moment in morgueFile. A most interesting site. I look forward to building our “Fortress of Solitude” (Superman reference) together. But not too closely together – after all, a girl needs her space to be a true Recluse.


  3. I’m already a recluse. We maybe go to one social function a year, and that’s only because it’s at the hospital and the dessert table is incredible. But other than that we stay home except for a meal out or a movie. Suits me just fine. Enjoy your new solitude!


  4. If I made resolutions it would be the opposite one. I’m alone too much of the time and need to make an effort to socialize outside my work day. Just too tempting for me to withdraw which isn’t healthy for my particular (or is it peculiar?) personality.


    • Margaret, I can see how you’d need to force yourself to get out and do something. I’m more of a homebody. Good friends I like, but socializing for business is another matter entirely! It exhausts me.


  5. Welcome back! I think I need a desk. One of the things I miss now that I am retired is an actual DESK. Having spent so much time working from one (I was a teacher), it seems odd that I still don’t have one, despite having searched for the perfect one for the past several years. Yep. This is The Year For The Desk.

    Should you need an ever-spewing font of folksy phrases, I suggest watching Dr. Phil. He’s full of them.


    • nance, I am all about my desk. Always have been since I was little girl in 3rd grade. I wish you all the best in your pursuit of the perfect desk. What a good year it’ll be for you!

      As much as I like folksy phrases, I’m not sure that I could stomach an hour of Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil kind of makes my skin crawl. So thanks for the suggestion, but I’ll pass. 😉


  6. I look forward to hearing all about your reclusiveness. As someone who is something of a recluse by nature, I can understand wanting to step away from the forced business socialization. Plus, I’m looking forward to your you-projects.

    As for folksy phrases – here are some of my favorites:

    …like mud runnin’ up a hill. (pronounsed he-ill)
    …like buttin’ a stump.
    Well for cryin’ in a cow yard!


    • Zazzy, we’ll see what this new reclusiveness brings my way. I’m an introvert so I find that alone time is delightful; therefore, I’m hoping for a delightful year.

      LOVE your folksy phrases! I’ve never heard any of them. Wonderful.


  7. That sounds wonderful! When I was little, I used to be envious of those old Bhuddist monks that would sit alone at the top of a mountain for decades (do they really do that?) and dream of becoming a hermit. Now I’ll add you to my list of solitary folks to envy!


    • Maria, what a fun childhood memory! I remember being told that those monks did exactly what you said, but I have no idea if that is true. While I plan on being less social, I don’t think that I’ll go so far as to sit on top of a mountain. But then again, never say never. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. People who are comfortable with themselves are the best people to know. I think it’s important to know how to be alone, and to be comfortable in that place. Lord knows, I need such time to get anything done these days. I may take a few pointers from you and look forward to hearing how your non-social time unfolds.


    • Andra, I agree that it’s important to know how to be alone and not get freaked out about it. I’m kind of a natural in that respect, thanks to nature + nurture. Plus I want to accomplish some goals this year that are important to only me, so I figure that by politely recusing myself from social obligations I can get something done. 😉


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