Tweeted Twaddle: A Blog Post “Written” Without Doing Much Of Anything

•  I can’t see straight today.  My April allergies are in full swing making my eyes itchy & watery.  This happens every year, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.  Now does it?

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•  Because I refuse to stop reading while my vision is blurry, I have set my Kindle’s font to old-people-rheumy-eyed large.  It’s a feature on there. Really.

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•  Naturally, while reading I became a bit peckish so I tried a new-to-me snack.  I did not like it, so I had to share this fact on Twitter.  That’s what Twitter is for, right?

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•  So in closing of this eclectic [some would say filler] post, I leave you, my gentle readers, with this tweet of creative writing in which I summarize what I wish was going on outside today.  Because a girl can dream. Yes?

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20 thoughts on “Tweeted Twaddle: A Blog Post “Written” Without Doing Much Of Anything

  1. Is Spring really here, though? It’s snowing yet again this morning, and has done so every day since Saturday. I’d welcome my Spring allergies at this point… 🙂


    • evilsquirrel13, I didn’t start out liking Twitter, but somewhere along the line it won me over. I think that it’s because 140 characters lends itself to twaddle. Plus I like people to get to the point, which is the essence of Twitter. Try it, you might like it! 😉


  2. It feels like summer here–high 80’s. But at least we had a nice rain Monday night to wash away some of the pollen that has been plaguing most people. Really? A seaweed “snack”? Sounds horrible!! At least you were brave enough to try it. Happy spring and may rain wash away the pollen that is plaguing you.


    • Beth, summer should be here soon, but until then pollen and mold will be my sworn enemies. The seaweed snack was dreadful. Don’t bother. Although the red wine from the box wasn’t half bad… Who knew?


  3. I adore this quirky kind of post and your imaginary weather fancies. Maybe I can look outside and see the clear azure sky instead of thunderheads? 😉 I’m thankful not to have allergies; so sorry for your misery!


    • Margaret, I thought about writing a post complaining about my allergies and the wet weather, but decided that there must be a more clever way to say that stuff without saying that stuff directly. [Made sense?] Happy that you enjoyed the result of my eclectic effort.


    • Zazzy, good questions, all. No fluffy clouds yesterday and none predicted until the weekend. The storms were torrential and have watered the grass so thoroughly that I swear I can see the grass growing. Seaweed chips were dry & salty & so thin that they shattered when touched. If icky = trendy foods, then they were trendy. *bleech*


  4. I’ve been reading about arsenic in wine. Seems to be in the less expensive brands…not the mid range (what I consider mid range, $10-$15 a bottle). Not ALL cheap wines, but some. Google it and make sure your wine in a box isn’t on the list. It’s not a terribly long list, so likely you’re perfectly safe. And if the arsenic was in the wine, just chalk it up to experience and don’t drink any more of that brand.


    • Well never mind. I went and looked at the arsenic thing, and it appears that the amount of arsenic in the affected wines was about the same as in apple juice, the FDA isn’t worried, the only people really worried about it are the people who run a lab that tests your wine for arsenic. So I guess they’re just trying to make a buck. It was all over the papers here when it was first reported, though!


      • J, I’ve not heard about arsenic in wine, but thank you for researching it. I liked my boxed wine, but truth be known I’m getting tired of all wines. These last few years wine has been the thing among my friends and family.

        I’m kind of ready to not drink much of it anymore. Maybe only have a glass on special occasions? I’ve had my fill– cheap and expensive.


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