Fuzzy The Squirrel: Color Consultant & Investment Advisor

IT WAS A beautiful clear spring day, so I went outside to photograph the new gutter on the back of the house.  It’s the one that we had to buy to replace the storm-damaged gutter that fell down last autumn.


I WAS TRYING to decide if the new gutter, which came in Desert Sand, was going to blend, as is, with the rest of the house trim.  Or, if it was going to have to be painted SW Agreeable Gray to match the house trim.


BUT AS I was standing there snapping photos I was startled when I noticed that on top of the screened-in porch roof, under the new gutter, was Fuzzy the Squirrel watching me.


SEEING AS HE was already up there and in a good place to look around, I asked him what he thought I should do about my color dilemma.


FUZZY, WHO IS always happy to be included in our plans, carefully perused the situation then confirmed what I was hoping.


“LADY, YOU’D BE crazy to hire someone to climb up here and paint this new gutter.  I can barely see a difference between the two colors.…


IN FACT, I think that your monies would be better spent on buying a few more tomato plants for the deck + maybe a nut tree or two for the backyard.  Much better investments.  In my humble squirrel-y opinion.”

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26 thoughts on “Fuzzy The Squirrel: Color Consultant & Investment Advisor

  1. Fuzzy the squirrel is very smart! And I don’t blame him for wanting a nut tree in your backyard. He feels that he deserves one:)
    The video of the little squirrel eating the nut is hilarious. I was surprised that the nut didn’t fly out of his little paws!


    • Beth, Fuzzy seems to much too comfortable around this house. He’s turning up everywhere.

      I agree about the video. I laughed, but wondered the same thing. Determined little fellow, I guess.


    • lovetotrav, that darned squirrel has been around this house for years now! I might plant some tomatoes, despite what he did to them last summer [link to story is up there in the post]. But the nut tree request is too much. He can just be happy with the trees we’ve got out back now. No need to indulge him any further!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Too funny. I agree then. I prefer squirrels though who stay outside rather than try to live in my house with me though. Those are the kinds that I know. Cheryl


    • Kate, I fear that if I gave into that demand we’d become the squirrel party house! Can you imagine how popular that much seed would make us? Fuzzy was helpful, for once, but not that helpful.


      • I can. I buy 400 pounds of seeds every fall (that’s my year’s supply) to feed all the birds. However the occasion squirrel or chipmunk has been seen feasting.


        • That’s a lot of seed! What a lucky bunch of critters you must have in your yard. We have too many raccoons around here to even try to feed the birds– let alone, squirrels and chipmunks.


          • I keep on can outside and during the past week some critter has learned how to get the lid off. We’ve moved into the garage but I doubt it was a mouse. Maybe opossum or raccoon or crafty squirrel.


  2. Fuzzy is clearly correct. Besides, surely he mentioned that once you started painting the gutter you’d have to re-paint it. Fuzzy knows better than to set anyone up for that effort and expense.

    I am thinking I should send you a bunch of chestnuts and black walnuts to plant in your yard for Fuzzy and friends. Don’t worry, they’re only a huge mess in the fall.


    • Zazzy, I appreciate that Fuzzy has saved me $$$ when it comes to having the gutter painted, but I’m only going to reward him for his help with a tomato plant or two. No nut trees around here, please. I grew up around black walnut trees and they stain everything within a 5 mile radius– grass, kids, shoes, squirrels, cats, toys, bikes, dogs. You name it!


    • evilsquirrel13, brilliant idea! With his star power he’d be an instant hit. He could focus on curb appeal, house exteriors and attic spaces. The show could be called: Fuzzy’s Fabulous Finds.


  3. Fuzzy is obviously a very narcissistic creature. 🙂 I do agree with him on not bothering with the color since it’s so close. However, I don’t trust his self-serving advice. He sounds like a politician.


    • Margaret, I suspect that everything Fuzzy does is for his own good. You nailed it. He’s a politician looking out for number one, but with a good eye for color. 😉


    • I know Zen-Den. He’s getting a bit too comfortable around here. I wish that Fuzzy [and those darned chipmunks] would go live in the forest primeval… where they belong. Until they start contributing to the mortgage, in the forest they must stay.


  4. Fuzzy. Any chance he’s out meeting the public, gathering nuts before he announces his run for political office? At least he’s prudent about spending other people’s money….although like any politician he has his special interests…or is he just after the vegan vote?
    Right now all our birds and critters are being encouraged to shop local and eat local. We put out (too much) sunflower seeds during winter, but right now the lazy things need to visit the Lantana, the fig trees, the citrus trees, and the dates/palms. It’s for their own good! This time of year the bird feeder can become a hawk feeding station.


    • philmouse, yes our favorite squirrel is prudent with our money. From that point of view, he might not be a bad choice for US Congress! However, I don’t think that he has his voter registration card yet– not old enough, you know?

      Hawks eat from bird feeders? I’ve never seen that happen around here, but maybe our hawks are just doofuses. Hope that your other birds remember that normal old fruit trees are where they need to be. Yum, dates– I say!


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