For The Win: In Which I Bid Adieu To Jibber Jabber July

Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 8.17.08 AM

“What’s up, Doc Ms. Bean?”

I STARTED my #JibberJabberJuly challenge with Scrat, my blogging muse.

But now that July is almost over, I think that I’ll end my month of writing with Bugs Bunny.

Always loved him, too.  Observant.  Funny.  Snarky.  He makes a good counterbalance to Scrat’s earnestness.

* * *

THANKS TO my faithful gentle readers who followed The Spectacled Bean during this month of wordiness.

I appreciate your support via comments + likes + link backs.  It’s only through those means that I, as a blogger, can know if what I write here resonates with my readers.

And rings true.

* * *

ALSO HELLO to my new followers.  This has been a delightful unexpected consequence of #JibberJabberJuly.

As part of my writing challenge I also commented more often elsewhere, and in the process of that became visible to many new people who found it in their hearts to visit this blog.

Many of my new visitors even left a comment &/or started following The Spectacled Bean.  Isn’t that cool?

Thank you!

* * *

AND ON that happy note, I’ll leave you, gentle readers + newbie followers, with Sweet Baby James singing Secret of Life.  I’m going to take his words to heart and use them as my August mantra.

“… try not to try too hard, it’s just a lovely ride.”

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22 thoughts on “For The Win: In Which I Bid Adieu To Jibber Jabber July

    • Zen-Den, thank you. This has been an interesting test of my writing endurance. As you know.

      [I edited your comment because what you said could have been misconstrued. Think about it.]


  1. Commenting on other blogs is good for me. It helps my writing. It has to be concise. It’s quick and fun. Sometimes someone else will like a comment and go to my blog to see if my “real” writing is similar. Sometimes I end up with a new follower. I didn’t know JibberJabber was a “real” thing. I thought it was something you cleverly made up.


    • Kate, I agree. I try to comment elsewhere when I have something to add to the conversation. It’s a good way to connect and to keep my writing concise. [Like Twitter in that respect.]

      #JibberJabberJuly is entirely something I dreamed up. No one else did it to my knowledge. I just figured that while I was writing here, I might as well check-in with bloggers who I’d lost touch with– and discover some new bloggers along the way.

      Turned out to be most illuminating on both fronts.


    • Carrie, I feel the same way. I’m glad that I did this writing challenge in July because I was stuck inside buildings so much of it, but I’m amazed that July is over already. Thinking/hoping August is more of an outdoorsy month– and goes by more slowly because it’s so wonderful! Not that I don’t love writing…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Brava! Thanks for entertaining us this month.

    And thank you for the James Taylor clip. You know, I could listen to him sing a Tibetan monk’s grocery list and still be completely enthralled. His voice makes me feel so calmed and embraced; I still thank my older sister Patti for introducing me to him a hundred years ago (when he was the heartthrob Sweet Baby James). The music of the early seventies was stellar: James, Carly Simon, Seals & Croft, Simon & Garfunkel…and those are just the mellow ones.

    (Oops! I almost just blogged on your blog. Sorry. But thanks for a month of diverse posting!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • nance, I love it when someone blogs on my blog. That’s the best compliment there is. My whole point here is to start conversations about whatever, so thank you.

      I agree about JT. There’s something akin to demerol in his voice. Plus I think the words to this song are a perfect antidote to the modern disease, busyness. Adventures are good, but so is kicking back and letting some mellow into your life.


  3. You know I love reading your musings here. You always make me think about things I may not have before. I also like reading other people’s comments.
    The older I get the faster time goes. Sometimes days drag on but the months and years fly by! I’m actually listening to an Anne Murray CD as I sit here on the computer. She’s another “oldie but goodie.” Goodbye July!


    • Beth, while it’s true that I had little else to do this month because of the rain, keeping the blog this month became a part-time job. Fun, yes. But I’m going back to a more relaxed blogging schedule in August.

      l haven’t thought of Anne Murray in years. Same era as Sweet Baby, but a much different sound and persona.


  4. Congratulations on meeting your own goals! Few of us really do that. I’ve really enjoyed your thoughts this month – something to look forward to. I want to keep reading more. I need to know what happens with the Bird Lady and Fuzzy and the petunias. Oh, and that gallery wall you were planning – I was thinking about that the other day.


    • Zazzy, happy to know that I kept you entertained. Good ideas for posts.

      IF anything more happens with Bird Lady, I’ll write about it.

      I haven’t seen Fuzzy or any of his relatives in months.

      The petunias are looking terrible now, so that might be it for them.

      And the gallery wall is on hold until we decide on new furniture for the TV room. Considering how slow we are at making decorating decisions, the rest of that story might be in the next decade!


  5. I like meeting new people through blogging and their comments. When I ask where in the world people found my blog(because I don’t have it searchable), they nearly always respond that it was because of a comment I wrote on someone else’s blog. It may even have been how we met! Connections are important, the real life and internet ones.


    • Margaret, I like to meet new people too. That’s been one of the best things about blogging. I often see a comment and then click along to see who wrote it. You just never know who you’ll come across next!


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