Hazy Summer Days & A Less Than Brilliant Idea

Over the weekend we went for a walk on the trails in a wooded, overgrown section of a city park.  It was hazy and hot outside, but it seemed like a good idea to go for a walk… at first.

In my mind this walk was going to be a glorious opportunity to photograph the flora and fauna we saw along the way.  Yes, I was going to capture, for all time, the beauty of late summer.


I had my camera with me, but thanks to the hazy weather conditions + lens-smudging humidity most of my photos aren’t clear enough to be of any interest to me– or anyone else.

I share these three photos which are, trust me, the best ones of the bunch.  No pithy story to go with them, however.  Only a realization that I need to check the weather forecast before going on a walk… if my camera is coming along, too.

20 thoughts on “Hazy Summer Days & A Less Than Brilliant Idea

  1. The photos are quite lovely. The streak of icky weather…not so much. I cannot wait until this breaks. I’m tired of (but, yes, grateful for) air conditioning. It makes me feel dopey and sluggish, and the constant heat and humidity makes me even moreso, with a shot of irritability.

    Will I also complain bitterly about the icy cold of Winter? You bet.


    • nance, I agree about the weather. The humidity has turned me into a slug. I thought that getting out of the AC & going for a walk would cheer me up, but it just made me grumble. Looking soooo forward to autumn.


  2. I so love summer and even warm weather. However…the last week (and this one too) has been unseasonably hot and humid although I suppose I prefer it to the yucky winter we had last year. As for your camera, I like that reason. I’m going to borrow it when my pictures don’t get. Normally I blame it on the cats.


    • Kate, it’s the unseasonableness of this humid weather that is tiring. Hot temps this time of year I understand, but all this moisture. *sigh* As for blaming poor photography on the weather, by all means do so. You need to give those innocent kitties a break! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I always enjoy your photography skills! And we have had a whole summer of very hot temperatures and high humidity. But it’s the norm here. We just get used to changing clothes a couple of times a day!


    • Beth, I think that if I was accustomed to the high humidity, I’d be less sluggish. But after a July in which we drowned, and now this hazy, humid stuff, I’m ready for a new season. And clear days. I want clear days!


  4. I don’t know, Ally. Hazy, humidity marred photos of late summer seem entirely appropriate to me. Still, I’d rather walk in the brisk autumn air and take pictures of pretty leaves.


  5. I’m not used to humidity, so I never think about how it affects the eyeglasses and the camera. Phuket was a real eye opener. (walked out of the airport and my glasses steamed completely up) I kept my cell phone in a Ziploc bag! I think the photos are beautiful; I especially like the last one.


    • Margaret, I’m sort of used to humidity… at least this summer I am! But I didn’t consider it when we went out walking, so I got home with about 50 blurry photos. Bummer AND Botheration.


  6. I’m glad you had a digital camera. How frustrating it would have been to have gone old school, with film and developing expenses, and then find them all steamy and blurry due to humidity. I’ve never even thought of humidity as a factor in photography before.

    It’s hot here, but dry. California never gets the kind of humidity you get east of the Rockies. Still, we had our a/c on most of yesterday and last night, and I won’t be surprised if it hits 105 today.


    • J, you’re right. I would have been [pardon the pun] steamed if I was using a film camera. With the digital camera I deleted all but the three photos I posted here. Humidity is part of our summer life here, but this summer it’s been southern FL humid. Which is to say, constantly moist and clingy with lots of mold. YUCK.


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