Of Presidential Candidates & Contenders: What’s The Use In Jiving?

{ Subtitled: Your Story’s So Touching, But It Sounds Like A Lie }

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Please note, I didn’t watch last night’s presidential wannabes debate tedious issues + character failings among themselves.  I get nothing from such events.  They are a waste of my time.

Next September after each political party decides who’ll be the candidate, then I’ll pay attention to her or him.

But in the meantime, I don’t want to be accused of encouraging any of these babbling, narcissistic, argumentative individuals with delusions of presidential grandeur by watching them.

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In fact, my suggestion would be that instead of televising these dog and pony shows debates, the TV stations would do better to play endless versions of the 1940s hit song, Straighten Up and Fly Right, written by Nat Cole and Irving Mills.

The lyrics of this tune summarize all that there is to be learned from the real presidential wannabe debates.  Or at least it seems that way to me, an Independent voter with limited patience for political shenanigans.

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20 thoughts on “Of Presidential Candidates & Contenders: What’s The Use In Jiving?

  1. I’m so with you. A lot can happen between now and next November and all this stuff now is a waste of time. Locally our mayor who threw his hat in the ring for the senate was arrested for taking kickbacks. Until then, he was a frontrunner. Just goes to show ya!


    • Kate, this is all nonsense to me. All the wannabes have these wonderful stories that they trot out during the debates, but who cares? I say, chat among yourselves quietly over there in a corner– and when you have picked your candidate, tell me.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I must admit I watched the debate last night. I usually wait until the later debates too, but I was curious to see the spectacle. Plus, I enjoy listening to the newscasters and pundits discuss debates the next day. What can I say? I’m a bit of a political junkie.


  3. I didn’t watch either because I didn’t think my blood pressure could handle it. I like your reasons for not watching. Why bother when we won’t have any say in who is chosen to run from each party? (unless we’re delegates and I’m not)


    • Margaret, I’m not a delegate, for sure! I see no reason to care about these debates. I don’t like seeing idiots on parade, nor do I like watching a train wreck. Sadly, it seems to me that is what most of these presidential wannabe debates are all about. Now when it comes to the real presidential debates, I get more interested.


  4. Whoa. Now that’s perceptive – the songs are right on target. (Catchy tune and words – always liked them.)
    All this is circus drama – I actually turned it on, but couldn’t watch even as entertainment. Like , you, wake me when the politicians decide who they are going to trot out there.


    • philmouse, when these folks figure out who is running and what they believe in, I’ll get interested. But until then, I’ve got better things to do like… watching paint dry… washing my hair… sorting my sock drawer… etc. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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