When It Comes To Blogging, Sometimes I Wonder About You People…

ACCORDING TO THE stats provided by WordPress, the following is when you, my gentle readers, most often show up here to read The Spectacled Bean.

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I’m happy to have loyal readers, make no mistake. Fans, followers and lurkers are good.  But as much as I enjoy writing and connecting with you, I’m a little nonplussed about the day and time that you are most likely to be here.

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AS THE FOLLOWING shows, this is a blog written by an well-meaning, but slightly scattered, writer, who according to Typealyzer, is an artist.  This, I do believe, explains how it is that I started to write this post, intending to publish it today, Tuesday, at 8:00 am, but failed to do so, thereby risking the chance of disappointing you, my gentle readers.

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SO I ASK of you, my gentle readers, what say ye about showing up here, oh say, an hour later– at 9:00 am? And allowing for the possibility that Wednesday or Thursday make lovely most popular days of the week?

Not that I want to be the sort of blogger who tells you what to do, but I think you people are crazy. Tuesday? [Tolerable, if we must.] 8:00 am? [Decidedly uncivilized.]

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 ~ • ~

30 thoughts on “When It Comes To Blogging, Sometimes I Wonder About You People…

  1. For most bloggers, their most popular hour of the week would be immediately after the time they most often post (I’d bet my traffic is highest on some early morning Thursday hour due to my weekly comic). I’m sure that explains your rather mundane finest hour… though I particularly like Tuesdays since I know I have a weekend to look forward to within 24 hours.


  2. Here I am, Tuesday at 9:10 a.m. Opps! My readers are most likely at Thursday at 8 p.m. I’m typically (but not always) a morning poster so I assume people let my posts mature like fine wine before reading them. At one time my time was around 9 a.m. I concluded that my working readers would read it while taking their coffee break. Of course we don’t all need to be here at the same time. Just keep the coffee on.


    • Polly, that’s an excellent point. According to WP I have followers in Europe and Brazil, which would explain what to me seems like an early hour. So smart, you are.


  3. Hmm. Tuesday at 9:15. But I’m here dependent on when your post comes up in my reader and when I happen to check it. Well, sometimes I mark you as unread and come back later when my brain has kicked in. 🙂


    • susie, according to the stats you are late! Of course, I don’t know if the stats factor in time zones or not. In fact, I’m not even sure that I care what the stats say! We’re here when we’re here.


  4. Mine’s Thursday at 1pm, which is ironic, since I am likely to be napping at 1pm on Thursdays. Maybe my readers like to read without my interference?
    I suspect this is because I do #ThursdayDoors and that brings a lot of traffic.
    I go through the reader with my coffee in the morning, and if it isn’t there, it won’t be read until the following day. I bet a lot of people do that just like I do. I bet people take you with their morning coffee 🙂


    • joey, Thursday at 1:00 pm is when I would have expected my readers to be here. But no! I seem to have early birds. I like your idea that people take their morning coffee with me. Makes me happy to believe that.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. When I’m not in Africa ;), I show up here not too long after you’ve posted, but generally in the evening after work. I look at Facebook in the morning, but enjoy reading through the blogs, so it’s not a quick event. Nor should it be, in my opinion.


    • Margaret, first thank you for taking the time to read here. And second, I agree with you about how reading blogs needs to be enjoyable– and not rushed. I usually read blogs late morning or late afternoon during the week. But on the weekend, it’s anyone’s guess when I’ll have the time.


  6. I agree. I tend to read blogs at night. 🙂 Tuesday at 8 am–either they are in the cubicles not working or they are in Europe and Asia where it is a far more civilized time of day.


    • Kourtney, I like your explanation of who these Tuesday 8 am folks are. Seems a bit too early for me, but whatever works for them. Blogs are 24/7 for just that reason– always there when you need them.


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