Sharing My World, As One Does When One Keeps A Blog

Thanks to joey of Joeyfully Stated I’ve become aware of Cee’s Photography’s Weekly Share Your World Questions.

I’ve decided to answer them this week because I like to keep things fresh and vibrant around here. No same old, same old for me.

Variety rocks.

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Q1: Have you done something you truly want to do today?

A1: Yes, I have.  I started sorting through my clothes, accessories, shoes, focusing on getting rid of things I don’t like and/or things that don’t fit properly.

I’m not a clothes horse and would enjoy having less stuff to deal with every time I need to get dressed.  Which is to say, every day.  So this is a step in the right direction for me.

Q2: What can you help the world with?

A2: I’m better than the average bear at figuring out solutions to problems involving, but not limited to: understanding family dynamics;  planning for any event;  and decorating your home in a way that reflects your personality.

Yep, that’s what I can do for the world.  Facilitate understanding about what makes people tick;  get things done in an organized way;  and support you as you make things pretty.

Q3: If life was “just a bowl of cherries”… which fruit other than a cherry would you be…?

A3:  Difficult question.  I’m torn between being a blueberry which would snuggle up smoothly against the cherries, OR a slice of kiwi which would contrast in color, shape and texture with the cherries.

Probably going with kiwi, but here’s an idea: we could kick the fruit salad up a notch by putting it in a carafe and pouring white wine sangria on top of it.  Then it wouldn’t matter what kind of fruit any of us were.

Happy fruit is the best fruit, you know.

Q4: Quotes List: At least three of your favorite quotes?

A4: Thinking about funny movies I like…


“The world is made for people who aren’t cursed with self-awareness.”  ~ Annie [Susan Sarandon], Bull Durham


“Laugh while you can monkey boy.”  ~ Dr. Emilio Lizardo [John Lithgow], The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension


“I just find it amusing that you came from somewhere.”  ~ Marcella [Joan Cusack], Grosse Pointe Blank

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Bonus Q: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Bonus A: Last week we finished taking unwanted household items, formerly stashed in our basement, to Habitat for Humanity.

This coming week I’ve arranged for St. Vincent de Paul to come to the house to pick up used furniture, also formerly in our basement.

Those two events combined translate into a tidier basement, and a sense of relief about getting the right things to the right place.


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29 thoughts on “Sharing My World, As One Does When One Keeps A Blog

  1. *so jealous* Need to do more cleaning out. I do it every spring but I swear it multiplies through the rest of the year. I want to gather HFH stuff. We replaced some things and the old ones were in perfect condition. Got to get stuff out! You have inspired me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kate, for me the time has come. It’s part of my word of the year FORWARD. I want to be more organized, so that I can feel lighter in all ways. Best of luck as your sort through it all.

      Liked by 1 person

    • nrhatch, I’ve inherited so much stuff over the years that until recently I’ve not known what to do with it. But lately, out the door it goes… and in come a few new things that I really want. 😉

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    • nance, the first quote is the subtext of my life. I’ve said it for years. You’re not crabby, you’re sane. Mangoes are a good choice. The color would look nice with the red cherries.


  2. Sangria! (Actually I was going to lead with “Clean Basement!” because deep down, that’s one of my heart’s desires. Lol) Anyway, just last week I had a roasted fruit sangria at a small plates restaurant. Guess it was the winter version. Sounded better than it was and left me craving a real sangria, with lots of happy fruit. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are inspiring me, girl! I’ve got quite the clutter going on (mostly my daughter’s college stuff she brought back home) in the basement, porch and in her room. I have been selling stuff on craigslist but it’s going to take a lot more! Love the quotes! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • brickhousechick, I am, by nature, not the tidiest person on earth [ask Zen-Den] but I’m on a roll lately. I think that part of it is that I want to use the basement for something other than a large underground storage unit. Call me crazy, but there’s potential for a nice room down there.

      Good luck with your de-cluttering. May the gods of home organization shine their light upon you, so that you may live a tidy life. 😉


  4. You are amazing at cleaning out and organizing! I need to do more of that! I like the tone of this post–upbeat and dynamic. Now I need to get off my butt and do a few things around here! 🙂


    • Margaret, thank you. WHEN I get it in gear I can make things happen. The problem is, and always has been, that I’m a bit of a sloth so this sort of organization only happens sporadically. Best of luck with your adventures in organizing. It’s rewarding, but takes so. much. effort.


  5. OK Family Dynamics Person. How do I not roll my eyes and want to take and shake a family member who is actually supporting Trump????

    And I love the Grosse Point Blank quote. Ah, the days when Cusack (John) made good movies………


    • Tara, I’d go Southern. That is, with a smile I’d say: “well, bless your heart,” then skedaddle away from the confused person as quickly as you can. If that fails, a good old Gibbs head slap works, too. Of course, in that scenario you will need to roll your eyes to make it effective, so that might not be the answer you’re looking for!

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