Hobbling, But Happy: An Early October Walk In The Park

We’ve yet to see any fall color here, but on Sunday the sky was clear blue.


Zen-Den and I decided to go to a city park for a mosey.


It seemed like a sensible thing to do.


You see, Zen-Den, who sprained his ankle a few weekends ago, was just getting back to walking without a crutch.


And I had twisted my knee while mowing the yard on Saturday morning, meaning I was moving slowly, too.


So, not wanting to let a glorious day go to waste, we hit upon the idea of going to a nice flat park.


Where we hobbled ourselves around, park bench to park bench, taking photos and laughing about how we’ve somehow morphed into old people.

40 thoughts on “Hobbling, But Happy: An Early October Walk In The Park

  1. These are beautiful photos Ally thank you! Maybe the slower walk was especially beneficial! Here’s to the knee and ankle getting completely better. I bashed my toes about 2 months ago, probably broke at least one, only now in last 2 weeks is it ok. That’s ok, at least I CAN walk …


    • Susan, I’m sure the slower walk helped us. I mean, it didn’t hurt. Plus fresh air + sunshine = a good time, regardless. Now as for breaking your toe… OUCH! So sorry. What a bother.


  2. I broke a bone in my knee a few years ago and had to be in a knee brace which kept my leg locked out straight for a month! I never take walking for granted anymore!. Your pictures are beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think you hit upon the problem in your second line…. wishing to go for a “mosey.” Moseying, to me, conveys images of saddle sore cowboys limping along with those 800 pound chaps impeding their movement. Going for a mosey will almost always leave you feeling old. Next time, just go for a plain old walk…


    • evilsquirrel13, I’ve never thought of horse riding when using “mosey” but now that you mention it, I see your point. Henceforth, we’ll go out for a walk. Problem solved.


  4. I need to walk more and get outside. My daughter finds it hilarious how I creak and crack while getting up from the sofa after sitting for a while. Awesome pictures and days without clouds in the sky are the best!


  5. As much the mileage as the age, eh Bean? The crabapple picture turned out well. T’was indeed a lovely Sunday afternoon.


  6. I really love the October colours. Sometimes I compare a year with human life…autumn is like an old man, losing his hair, but filled with experiences and beautiful colours. Happy Hobbling 🍁🍄


  7. Ah, yes, nothing like a nice, flat park 🙂
    It’s funny how some days we’re old together, some days we’re young together, but I am always the only klutz!
    Feelin better?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Getting older is not for the faint of heart! I have a wonky knee at times, and tweak my back for NO apparent reason, except normal living. sigh Glad you could enjoy a slow, but beautiful walk in spite of the physical challenges. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Margaret, you said it! We were moving so slowly, bench to bench, that a older couple in their 80s, speaking Russian, were able to zip by us a few times while we rested. Funny, but kind of sad, too.


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