Share Your World | Who You Calling A Birdbrain?

Once a week Cee asks the questions on her blog, and I answer them here on my blog.  You can join in this week’s Share Your World Challenge by clicking here.

 List some of your favorites types of teas.

  • Oolong
  • Irish Breakfast Tea
  • Orange Pekoe
  • Peppermint

If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be?

“GO RIGHT TO TURN LEFT”  This is my favorite traffic sign ever.  I saw it years ago in a small town in MA.  This sign, which makes no sense and perfect sense at the same time, aptly summarizes my days.

What are a couple of things that people could do for you on a really bad day that would really help you?

Bring me food, then leave me alone. Check on me, then leave me alone. Pretty much, leave me alone… I’m having a bad day here. 

Irregardless [sic] of your physical fitness, coordination or agility: If you could be an athlete what would you do?  Remember this is SYW, dreaming is always allowed.

Oh, I could be a swimmer, I suppose.  Meaning I’d have to have muscles and feel comfortable wearing a swimsuit in public and have eyes that aren’t irritated by chlorine and hair that doesn’t get frizzy near humidity.  So, sure, if I must be an athlete, and all the previous conditions have been met, then I’ll happily be a swimmer.

Optional Bonus Question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Last week’s gratitude award goes to the video below that demonstrates how to put an adhesive bandage on your finger so that it’ll cover the boo-boo and stay in place.  I’m inspired by this video– and am almost looking forward to doing that which it shows me how to do.  Who knew?

This week’s looking forward to something goes to the distinct possibility that our new washer and dryer will be installed in our newly updated laundry room.  When that happens, we’ll have a working clothes dryer for the first time since April– and a better washing machine for the first time in years.  *fingers crossed* 

55 thoughts on “Share Your World | Who You Calling A Birdbrain?

    • Maggie, that’s exactly what they’ve done. I’m intrigued, but knowing how clumsy I can be I’d need someone else to cut the bandage for me– lest I stab myself with the scissors inflicting even more damage to meself.

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  1. I don’t drink tea. I was sickly as a child, and hot tea with lemon and honey was a constant remedy. Now, just smelling tea makes me sick by association. Iced tea is okay, I guess, but I rarely have it.

    My Personal Traffic Sign: Proceed With Caution.

    Athlete: In college, I took a marksmanship class. Back then, three credits of phys ed were required. I ended up being certified as a Marksman with a .22 rifle, which is ironic since I really, really dislike guns. I only took the class because it did not require changing into gym clothes or any running, throwing, or sweating. So, I guess my Athlete-ing would be shooting.

    Bad Day Caregiving: Anything but trying to Jolly Me Out Of It. That is THE ABSOLUTE WORST. Don’t joke around, try to be funny, etc. I am having a Bad Day. I need to Wallow and Bitch. Hear me out, commiserate, then leave me alone. IT IS NOT TIME FOR LEVITY.

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    • nance, interestingly you’re the second person who I’ve read that said they didn’t like tea because they associated it with childhood illness. I can understand that.

      Marksmanship, you say? I didn’t have the opportunity to take anything interesting in college phys ed classes. I took tennis and badminton, which have not done one thing to improve my life– except allow me to graduate from college.

      I understand your need to wallow. The only way through it is to do it, as they say.


    • Kate, I’ve never heard or seen anyone cut a bandage like they do in this video, but it makes sense. I’ve a new goal, one that is dependent on me getting hurt– so I’m not sure how much of a goal it is. But I’m going to give this a try sometime.

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  2. LOL I have worked as a medical assistant for over 18 years and never learned that trick. The things they DON’T teach you in school! I’ve been drinking a lot of tea to help with weight loss lately. I’ve almost forgotten what “regular” tea tastes like. I do like licorice and vanilla though and in the winter time cinnamon and pumpkin spice. Swimming would be my go-to exercise with most of your conditions but I would also require a heated pool. I’m not swimming in cold water! Leave me alone is good on a bad day but I’d rather have a book or craft materials than food. New washer and dryer, now that’s exciting! Happy Tuesday, Ally.


    • Janet, you make me feel better about not knowing how to put on a bandage– stylishly. I wondered if it was just me who missed the memo, or if others didn’t know this also. I like just about all teas, but those are my favorite ones. Good addition about the heated pool. Hadn’t thought of that, but I want it, too.

      The installer guys just walked in the door and told me that they were here to put the washer and dryer into place. OH HAPPY DAY!

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  3. Woo Hoo! New washer and dryer… the things we take for granted!
    I love any black tea, Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, etc. Not a fan of any flavored teas, even green tea.
    I agree with you on being left alone during a bad day. Don’t even bring me anything. Just leave me alone.
    I’ve always thought rowing would be a cool sport to do, but I guess you’d have to be brought up around a body of water to even try it.
    The most unusual street sign I’ve seen is down the street from here: “Keep horses off sidewalk.”
    And I LOVE the Band Aid idea! It’s always such a “pain” to try and keep one on a finger. Will definitely try this!
    Love your Cee questions. Fun!


    • Beth, I like most any tea, although I’m not a big fan of white tea. [Z-D says it tastes like dirty dish water– and I don’t disagree.] I knew a woman who took up rowing as a present to herself on her 60th birthday. It’s more strenuous than it seems. I love your horse sign. Do your horses read? 😉


  4. Mind blown after band-aid demonstration. Wow.

    Okay, so, I swam through two deployment summers. Every evening all summer, just an hour or so with my kids. I’m not a pool person, much the same as you, prefer ocean and lake, love the water, love to swim, but not so much chemicals. Became a pool person by default, because landlocked again, and I will only exercise in ways that I please. I don’t want to feeeeeel like I’m exercising. Swimmers of all sorts at my pools, but mostly the wrinkly white-haired type — strong women, good role models. Pools gloriously NOT rank with chlorine, I wear bathing caps indoors. Very pleased. Will be swimming for life. Will be wrinkly white-haired type, and in good shape like them. Will not medal in it. Will not win bathing suit competition. 😉

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    • joey, that video is one of those “well why didn’t I think of that” things. So smart.

      I like swimming. I can do it well enough, but those indoor pools do me in. We used to live near a Y that had a great, well-ventilated pool, frequented by those white-haired role models of which you write.

      You’re right, they do inspire both in their athleticism and in their devil-may-care attitude about being seen in a swim suit. I have yet to reach that level of indifference– or to find a decent indoor pool. But if/when I do– look out world!

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  5. I loathe competition with others, so I would opt to write about all who chose a dream sport. Give me a goal, though, and I’d gladly compete against myself.

    I like English breakfast tea with milk or Constant Comment with a sweetener. Those are available. My all-time favorite was a sophisticated fruit-laced tea sold at home parties. I bought it once before the woman who did the parties moved away. *sigh*

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    • Anne, I’m the same way. I’ll challenge myself, but I’m put off by competitive endeavors. I’ve always thought that it was an introvert thing.

      I, too, like English Breakfast Tea with milk, and in my case, sugar. I rarely have it, and consider it a treat. I grew up with Constant Comment, but don’t especially like/dislike it. I’ve never heard of tea being sold at home parties. Sorry your supplier disappeared before you could stock up on it. Bummer.


  6. I’m rather impressed by that bandaid trick. Although I buy the cheap brands so the moment you touch the sticky part with your other hand it won’t stick worth anything, even to itself.

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    • Deb, I’d never seen anything like the recommendation in the video, but you bring up a good point. Our adhesive bandages are Kroger brand, which is good, but how well would this cutting/repositioning work with them? I suppose I should to a test run on this whole tricky-dicky, let’s see if it’s still sticky, bandage idea. To do.

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  7. What a fun compilation of questions and answers. Liking variety, I have quite a stash of teas to choose from, but my particular favorite is Vanilla Orchid. I’m with everyone else in thinking that bandaid trick is genius. I don’t know about the athlete question. Does it count that in my dreams I’m a fabulous dancer – as in stop-traffic amazing. That of course is part of the dream – I’m dancing in the streets. I’ll have to look more closely next time – I bet there’s a sign for that. 🙂

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    • Deborah, I’ve never heard of Vanilla Orchid tea, but I suspect it’s on the grocery shelf and I’ve not noticed it. I’m sure that: 1) dancing would be a suitable answer to the athlete question; and 2) if there’s not a traffic sign for it, your amazing dancing skillz will be the genesis of one being created!


    • Sarah, I do believe you’ve missed the entire point of that question. Hmmm?!

      However, considering how free-form all things are here on this blog I’m more than willing to allow you to answer: Mr. T.

      Even if it makes no sense…

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    • evilsquirrel13, *sigh* I know that “irregardless” is now allowed in casual conversation, the dictionary says so. But I grew up in a world where saying it was forbidden, and occasionally I’m a stickler on words/grammar, so seeing it on my blog prompted me to add the sic. Not as a way to criticize Cee, but as a way to stay true to my wordy roots.


  8. I’m not if I’ve ever had oolong tea. Now I feel I must somehow try it. I agree with all your other choices, but would add green tea. Yes to the traffic sign–love it! Yes to the bad day and being brought food, esp. if it includes ice cream. I think I’d simply pass on being an athlete. It sounds like too much work. 🙂 Band-aid vid was awesome, esp the second demo so you can still bend your finger. Brilliant!

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    • Betsy, oolong tea is mild, yet kind of smoky. I love a big mug of it in the afternoon to keep me going strong. Ice cream would be an acceptable way to make me feel less bad, too. A Klondike Bar might solve all my problems stat. I trust that you’ll try both of the bandage ideas on the video on your girls at some point! At their ages they’ll make fine test subjects to see IF MacGyvering adhesive bandages really works.

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  9. OH MY GOODNESS! THAT IS GENIUS! Seriously, where has the video been all my life. Do you have any idea of the number of bandaids I go through with two (let’s be honest here – they get it from their father – three) boys here? Someone is always getting splinters in their hands, or fish hooks, or you know sometimes it is better I don’t know where the boo boo comes from.


  10. Ha ha. I should youtube a video of me trying to put a bandaid on my right hand index finger. I’m right-handed. On the other hand, the language would be x-rated. Swimming? Even under those conditions? Naw. Never happen (chlorine/humid hair/too-cold-water. I’ll be a runner. If it’s not too hot or humid and if my knees behave and if I look good in shortie shorts. Ha. Thanks for the fun blog.

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  11. Yay for progress on your laundry room! I like to run, but not to swim. And I only liked tea when I was pregnant, weird. I love coffee though. 🙂 Equal Exchange Mind Body and Soul is my favorite.


    • Margaret, your comment just came through the system, 4 days late! Tea often seems to be something that people associate with specific times in their lives. At least you enjoyed it for a few months along the way. I’ve never heard of Equal Exchange Mind Body and Soul. It sounds like a regional thing.

      [Thanks for commenting, sorry for the delay.]


  12. The bandaid hack is life changing. Well, at least it’s pretty cool and I can’t imagine why I never thought of it. I mean, I like the knuckle and fingertip bandaids but I never have any when I need them – and let’s face it, my knife skills require that kind far more often than the excess of regular bandaids I have in the drawer. But now I know how to make them work, thank you for sharing!

    I would be a ninja warrior. I’m not sure why I’m so fascinated with that show but it looks like fun even though never in my wildest youth would I have been capable of even the easiest of those obstacles.

    I’m catching up some today Ms. Bean. My word you close your comments quickly!


    • Zazzy, I agree that the adhesive bandage hack is one you’d think I would have thought of– considering how often I have a boo-boo on my fingers. But I didn’t– just glad to have learned it now.

      A ninja warrior, huh? Not a bad choice. I wish you well in this imaginary pursuit. 🙂

      I have no idea when my comments close. I haven’t checked on that feature in months. I’ll go see to it now. Thanks for the heads up.


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