Share Your World | Hell’s Bells Nut Shells

Walnut shells on the garden bench left by industrious [hungry?] squirrels.

 What do you consider is the most perfect food for you? (It can be your favorite food to something extremely healthy.)

APPLES: Natural. Sweet. Healthy. Portable. Alkaline. Reasonably priced. Easy to sauce. Nice to crisp. Wonderful to pie. Tasty to cider. Pretty to look at.

 Are you focused on today or tomorrow?

I’m usually focused on both.  They are, after all, connected to each other in ways unbroken.  Like the flow of the eternity symbol [figure eight on its side] my mind glides effortlessly from today to tomorrow, and then back again to today.  I’m mindful of now, but with a sense of perspective about later.

• If you could interview one of your great-great-great grandparents, who would it be (if you know their name) and what would you ask?

The only great-great-great grandparent that I know of is the man who immigrated from Scotland to America.  He was, supposedly, from a well-off nobleman’s family [weren’t they all?], but being a minor son with no title to inherit, he decided to come here to make his fortune.

If I could talk with him I’d ask him: why did he came here? what did he do for a living when he got here? and how did this life differ from the one he left?

• What inspired you this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination.

Here’s what inspired me last week: did you know that a rainbow can happen even if it’s not raining where you are?

I didn’t, nor did Zen-Den.

On Thursday night he drove home from where he works downtown, and noticed, as he drove along, that a rainbow in the sky seemed to end at our house.

When he got home, he walked inside the house and asked me when it’d rained.  I told him that it hadn’t rained here.

He said that it hadn’t rained on his drive home either… BUT there was a rainbow in the sky out front of our house now.

Of course, we both went running out the front door to see this rainbow– and by golly there it was.  Large and bright and colorful.

Now how amazing is that?

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Catch up with everyone else who is answering Cee’s Share Your World Questions this week by clicking HERE.

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46 thoughts on “Share Your World | Hell’s Bells Nut Shells

  1. Apparently I am descended from a Native American chief, the first female chief of the tribe actually! She is my great, great x about 5 I think ancestor. I feel like I owe her a big fist bump 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like this prompt/series of questions. Methinks I’ll be stealing it for my next blogpost (and giving you credit as my Inspiration).

    Did you research the Rainbow Phenomenon, then? I’m thinking Not, knowing you and your laidback philosophy. Don’t look a gift sky in the…well, not sure how to extend that metaphor!

    (And those black walnut shells are killing me here right now. The squirrels feast on them from the tree adjacent to our backyard and pitch the shells into our pond! Turns the water icky and clogs up the skimmer.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • nance, I like Cee’s questions, too. They’re a good way to think about things in your life from a different perspective– write about things that you’d never think to write about.

      No, I didn’t research the rainbow phenomenon. I only do research when I’m truly interested in the topic &/or going to buy something. When it comes to rainbows, I can let them remain a mystery.

      Yes, these shells are all over our property, too. I can imagine how icky they make your pond. They do a number on our concrete.


  3. You know your apples.

    And rainbows — I knew that! They’re everywhere. Once you start noticing, you’ll see them so many places. I like when they’re in the clouds, something to do with the moisture in/among/between them. Very cool.


    • Tara, I didn’t know that rainbows could appear without rain… being that the first syllable of “rainbow” is “rain”… I think that’s a logical conclusion. However, I was wrong. Of course, like you said, I’ll start noticing them everywhere now. Which is a good thing.


  4. Good points about apples. I agree with letting the rainbow phenomenon remain a mystery. I only knew one of my grandparents so I definitely would like to talk to any one of the others, if I could understand them. They would most likely have spoken Italian or German, and I know neither. Happy Tuesday, Ally.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Janet, re rainbows: I don’t have to know everything about anything, I’m not Sheldon! I only knew one of my grandparents, too. The others were long gone before I arrived. I’m told that my paternal grandmother was hell on heels, so I’d love to talk with her, try to figure out what made her tick.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d interview my great ancestor Susannah North Martin . . . one of the 19 alleged witches hung in Salem in 1692.

    Favorite foods: pizza, chocolate, grilled cheese, chips . . . but all things in moderation. I round them out with healthy doses of fruits & veggies so I don’t transform into a rotund round blob.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Cool questions you answered, and great responses. My favorite food has to be popcorn. I eat it every day (even have the little grand loving it!)
    I’d love to interview my maternal great great grandmother, Molly Brennan, that was sent here as an orphan from Ireland. I wonder if she had red hair😁
    Rainbows have to be the most magical things around! I remember seeing a complete one while in an airplane once…cool!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I saw a rainbow recently, but it had rained. I suppose it has to do with moisture in the air, but I didn’t know there could be rainbows without rain, either. There were a lot more rainbows in the south. Too often the devil beat his wife. Always humid, mostly with sun, bleh.
    Apples are a good one. I bought oodles of McIntosh apples for 69 cents a pound yesterday!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi, Ally – Great answers (once again). I’ve also recently seen a rainbow without noticing any rain. I question my BFF about this, and here is what Mr. Google said: “Rainbows require raindrops. They don’t have to be where you are. The raindrops just need to be on the opposite side of you from the sun. A rainbow may be easier to see if the raindrops aren’t where you are. There would be fewer clouds between you and the sun letting more light hit them.” So cool. And it left me wondering how I discovered interesting/unusual things prior to this friendship!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Donna, your BFF is one well-educated source of knowledge. It’s almost as if your BFF isn’t a real person. Just saying. No disrespect intended.

      So that’s how the rainbow formed, huh? I’m amazed. Well, there goes another assumption out the window! Thanks for explaining rainbows to me.


  9. Geez, I barely remember two of my great grandparents. Who, outside of people with an interest in their ancestry, would have any idea who any of their 32 great great great grandparents even were? I’d be more fascinated with rainbows that appear out of nowhere. That can only have one scientific explanation…….. unicorns.

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  10. There must be moisture way up there, even if it didn’t come down as rain. Weird though because I’ve never seen that phenomenon. I would love to meet my mom’s grandparents to ask them WHO in the world were your Italian ancestors and where would I find them. I’m sort of “appled” out these days. Although I do love apple crisp!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Margaret, this rainbow without rain had us baffled, too. I like it, and am glad that I saw it, but HUH? I take it you’ve hit a dead end in your ancestry research!


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