Marching Forward With A Sense Of Serendipity & A Stack Of Books

A sense of serendipity:

I think the above is proof positive that I was destined to be a blogger.

Sure, some people might only see a short story + crayon drawing created by an 8 [?] year old kid. A homework assignment. On Manila paper. Written with a pencil. Demonstrating Zaner-Bloser penmanship.

But I see a future personal blogger.  Did I not tell you what we did?  Did I not share an image that supported what I wrote?  Did I not make the whole page look pretty?

Why “yes” Ally Bean, you did do those things at age 8.  Those things that today, getting to the crux of it here, might tempt one to ask:


Why “yes” they are, Ally Bean.  And to think you only had to wait about gazillion decades for your natural blogging talent to manifest and be appreciated by tens of people.


A stack of books:

I went to the bookstore. A real one. Brick and mortar.

I bought books that I’d either heard about from other people, or looked interesting to me in the moment.  In the end, after putting some books back on the shelf, I bought the ones shown above, described below.

The books are from top to bottom: a memoir, a novel, another memoir, a theological/inspirational book, a mystery, and a how-to guide.

It was only after I got home and created this stack of TBR books that I realized two of the titles referred to dirt.  This seems appropriate considering that we’re heading into Spring when gardening season begins and bulbs bloom– as explained in my homework assignment seen at the top of this post.

And on that happy note, I’m going to enjoy my day as a full-fledged blogger [whatever that means] and as a bookworm who needs to get reading.



Please answer one of the two following questions. Individuals who answer both questions will receive a gold star. 

When did you realize that you were destined to be a blogger?


What books are loitering in your To Be Read stack?


84 thoughts on “Marching Forward With A Sense Of Serendipity & A Stack Of Books

  1. For a while I thought you were getting goats. That surely will give you topics! Since I was old when the internet (and blogging) was discovered it wasn’t a childhood passion. I always wanted to write but it was messy and tedious. Typewriters that couldn’t correct. Rewriting was work. Sometimes I couldn’t read my own editing. Then poof, everything got simple.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kate, I agree that writing is much easier because of these new-fangled modern devices called computers! Of course, you still have to be able to string words together in a coherent fashion. And you can do that, so maybe you were destined to be a blogger!

      Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, I know that most people can’t write, but in my experience many of them can be rather passive-agressive about it– dismissing my ability to write clearly as nothing much… because you know those spread sheets are all important. Numbers never lie. Tally the columns, make the deals. 🙄


  2. Hi, Ally – I LOVE Gold Stars!
    1. I knew that I wanted to be a writer since I was a young child. I didn’t discover that I wanted to be a blogger until I was looking for a solid New Year’s Resolution on January 1, 2016!
    2. I just finished reading ‘Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand’ by Helen Simonson. Next up are: Empress of the Night by Eva Stachniac (Historical Fiction), A House in the Sky by Amanda Lyndhout (Non-fiction) and Being Mortal by Atul Gawande.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Donna, some people just know that they want to write from the beginning and obviously you’re one of them. You started a blog as a NY’s resolution? That’s funny.

      I read Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand and enjoyed it– well-written and nice to read a novel about mature adults stumbling through later life. Your other books sound interesting, too. The last one I’ve heard of.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Donna.

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  3. 1. I’ve always enjoyed writing ~ private journals, poetry, songs, never-to-be-finished novels, etc. I joined an on-line writing site (WEbook) in 2008 ~ parts of it were like a “communal blog.” Other parts were novels in progress desiring feedback (i.e., a case of premature ejaculation). Someone who enjoyed my writing on the site suggested I start my own blog. (Before then, I’d never even heard of a blog.) So I started SLTW on WordPress, taking it one post at a time while allowing the future to unfold. It’s been fun. And work. But mostly fun.

    2. No books loitering in my To Be Read stack ~ except Bridge books. 😀

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    • nancy, in all the time I’ve been blogging I’ve never heard of WEbook, but have no doubt that it was good for you. Everyone gets into blogging via a different path. I hear you about the work aspect of keeping a personal blog.

      Bridge books could be considered part of a TBR stack, so I’ll give you a gold star for answering both questions.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, nancy.

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  4. 1. Writing/Reading were always what I was best at. I wrote and read a lot in school/out of school, so I turned it into a career. Then, when I learned about blogs, I knew that it was the best way to Practice What I Preached to my own writers in class: Good Writers Write. And I’ve been doing that over at my spot now for almost 13 years.

    2. Waiting to be read: Word by Word–Kory Stamper.

    Liked by 1 person

    • nance, I agree that good writers write. That’s rather the essence of all interesting bloggers. I started my first public blog in March 2004, and have had a few different ones along the way– but you’ve held tough with your original one. You inspire.

      I’ve not heard of your TBR book, but should I ever finish the ones I have in my stack– who knows, I might read it, too.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, nance.


    • John, I believe that Zaner-Bloser was a business competitor of Palmer. Palmer fell out of fashion because it didn’t encourage kids to learn to print, then write cursive; Palmer went straight to cursive. Plus Zaner-Bloser had these wacky-shaped pens that we kids were forced to buy and use. Did Palmer have special pens? I don’t know, it was before my time.


  5. As a young adult I discovered I enjoyed writing, but wasn’t really interested in putting together plots and characters and all of that – what I enjoyed was stringing words together for a paragraph or so. I stumbled across a couple of blogs I really enjoyed back in 2008 or 2009, then husband and I took a road trip so I created my first blog as a way of keeping up with friends and family while we were gone. Once we returned, I quit, until my daughter complained and I started up again. I go in spurts and starts, sometimes only posting once a week, sometimes more. Books to read – my books are largely from BookBub, Kindle editions, because that’s ever-so-budget-friendly. Waiting in my library are Wreckage, Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving, Allie & Bea by Catherine Hyde Ryan (I think), Silent Victim, and some more. They all have authors, obviously, but I don’t remember the author’s names of all of them. I have pre-ordered Lisa Genova and Anna Quindlen’s new books too. My reading is mostly light escapism type of reading. Because my brain retired when I did.


    • Carol, I’m like you about writing. Once I escaped from academia, and the specific type of writing required there, I realized I liked to put together words to write essays and letters. No plot needed, no deep character development. Now I think of myself as a lifestyle newspaper columnist– with a blog.

      I’m sorry I didn’t know you back when you were doing a travel blog, but am happy that I’ve found you along the way. I think that any blogging schedule that works for you is a good one, so post when you want to.

      I find that TBR lists are both encouraging and overwhelming. I’ve never read any book by Anna Quildlen, so the next time I’m a book hunt I’ll look her up. Thanks for the idea.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Carol.

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  6. Miss Ally Bean, I have never actually felt it my destiny to blog. My first serious writing endeavor was in 6th grade when I wrote a mystery story that followed closely to my beloved Nancy Drew. I dabbled after that, but blogging arrived when I had the idea to write for my children. That lasted until I realized they really didn’t care much and since blogging has, and likely will remain for me, those random bits of words and ideas that make it out to the world on occasion, destiny seems to have little to do with any of this!

    As to my TBR stack…mine encompasses two bookshelves. So many titles now that when I do pull one off to read I stare at the cover and read the synopsis I then ususally ask “why did I ever think this book sounded interesting?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deb, I always liked to write, but never attempted to write a Nancy Drew-esque story at age 12. You were a clever girl.

      I know what you mean about people in your real life being indifferent to your blogging efforts. It’s disheartening to think that the little effort it takes to read what you or I write is too. much. for. them. to. do.

      However, I’m glad that you continue on with your writing. I’m interested in what you have to say. And have to admit that I have the same reaction as you. I look at some of the books I have bought and wonder: … why… whatever was I thinking? 🤨

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Deb.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. LOL Tens of people. Most times you have so many comments on your blog I am jealous. I think I started mine about 5 years ago but it was on a Vistaprint managed site and they did not have anything to stop the spammers so I left them and moved to Blogger in 2014. Last year, through John Holton, I was able to simulcast onto WordPress. Very cool that. Books on my TBR: 11/22/63 by Stephen King; Wicked; Not Dead Yet by Phil Collins; Map of the Sky by Felix J. Palma. I am also going to be reading some Agatha Christie books in a readathon coming up – titles to be determined after a poll. Rewrite your life sounds interesting. I’ll have to check that out.

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    • Janet, I don’t have a huge blog following, but I have a wordy one. Love them all… words be their thing & commenting comes
      easy to them here on The Spectacled Bean! 😊

      I didn’t know that Vistaprint had a blogging option. In my opinion you’re much better off using blogger/wp to publish your blog. They’re both more mainstream, which can only help get eyeballs to your blog.

      I should re-read some Agatha Christie books. It’s been a decades since I read them, and loved them. Wonder if I still would?

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Janet.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. 1. I’m still not sure I *am* destined to be a blogger, but it comes with the author territory.
    2. There are so many books waiting for my attention on both my virtual and real shelves, that it’s not even funny. But I have a couple book club reads to get to first, so it’s going to be a while before I can check another one off my list.

    And 3. I love that you still have your eight-year-old picture and story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Carrie, it’s interesting how authors are now expected to keep a blog. As if you have extra time to write blog posts. It takes me hours to put together my blog posts, so I don’t know that I could wear both hats like you do.

      We have more books around here than we’ll ever read, but it’s soothing to have them around. They’re my friends, which I have to admit I’ve ignored in the last year. However I’m rededicating myself to being a bookworm, starting today!

      I found my homework paper while sorting through all the family stuff boxes. My mother saved it. Not everything in those boxes belonged to dusty old ancestors! 😉

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Carrie.


      • Yay! I always love a gold star. 😊 You picked a good day to rededicate yourself to being a book worm: it’s World Book Day today! As for my blogging, I post so infrequently now, it probably doesn’t even count. But I still visit a lot of sites, and that counts too. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

        • Is it really World Book Day? Well, what do you know… [not much]. I agree with you that visiting and commenting on blogs is part of being a good blogger. It’s all about the balance.

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  9. To be honest, I decided to become a blogger when my former publisher told me I had to be one. But I’ve come to love it so you never know. The True Believer is sitting waiting TBR. In my defense, it’s not an easy read.


    • JT Twissel, I’ve heard other authors say the same thing. Blogging is a fun platform in and of itself, but I can see how it might be helpful for authors to be part of the blogosphere. Glad that you took your former publisher’s advice.

      I just looked up The True Believer. I’ve never heard of it, but it looks fascinating– and relevant to today’s political stage.



  10. I love your paper you wrote as an 8 year old! Your printing was so neat!! And I loved how the flowers got taller as they reached the sun.
    I am not a blogger, but have kept a journal faithfully since the fifth grade. I have boxes of them! Does that count?
    And I have stacks of books under the bed to read, but hope to get to The Civil War Diary of a Southern Woman by Sarah Morgan (612 pages!) and Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay. I’m almost finished with Maeve Binchy’s book, Heart and Soul…love her work!
    I’m so glad you are blogging. It’s cool to read your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Beth, I didn’t think about how the flowers got taller as they neared the sun. I wonder if that was on purpose, or an accident?

      Yes, I’m sure that your journals make you an “honorary” blogger. Of course, as I recall, you don’t want anyone to read them, so I guess you’re a blogger with a private blog. How’s that for logic? 🤓

      I’ve heard of The Civil War Diary of a Southern Woman, but don’t know who told me about it. You, maybe!

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Beth.


  11. 1) I’ve always loved to write and gravitated toward careers that had that as a large part of the job description. As I was headed into retirement, I started my blog so I had a reason to write regularly.

    2) I have a book, The Dry, waiting for pick-up from the library. It’s not one that I would have chosen on my own, but it’s for my book club and it looks interesting. In the wings are Little Fires Everywhere and The Great Alone. I just finished Catcher in the Rye – I can’t believe that I never read it before. Also, Eleanore Oliphant is Completely Fine (loved it!).

    I’m enjoying all the book recommendations in the comments.

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    • Janis, I never worked at a job that required me to be able to write, even though I majored in English. You were lucky to have had that experience. My language skills ended up taking me into jobs that required I talk [blah, blah, blah] all the time.

      You’re the second person to mention Eleanore Oliphant Is Completely Fine. You both enjoyed it. I’ll have to get a copy the next time I go on a book buying spree.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Janis.

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  12. hmmm – I’ve always enjoyed writing, for as long as I can remember. It’s easier for me to write than to carry on a verbal conversation.
    But blogging? I started my first blog December 2012 when I first picked up a camera to take pictures of our 10 month adventure to hike the Bruce Trail. It gave me photos to wrap my words around and I’ve been hooked ever since.

    As to books, I’m currently reading Three Sisters, Three Queens by Philippa Gregory. Up next will either be Sons, Book 2 in the Good Earth Trilogy by Pearl Buck, or The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, 4 Patients’ Lives by Theresa Brown, or Former People: The Final Days of the Russian Aristocracy by Douglas Smith.

    I am most amazed that you actually have something you created in primary school! I have almost nothing to prove my existence prior to high school 🙂

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    • Joanne, I think it’s kismet that you found blogging in the way that you did. By using your photos as your writing prompts you were lightyears ahead of how I began blogging– sans images or even much of a theme. But you got it going on.

      I haven’t read a Philippa Gregory book in quite a while. I need to put one of hers on my list. The Final Days of the Russian Aristocracy sounds interesting to me. The House of Romanov fascinates me.

      My mother saved lots of my early childhood school papers. I found them while I was going through family stuff. This homework assignment was particularly cute.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Joanne.


      • oooo – a gold star! I do love stars 🙂

        My sister introduced me to Philippa Gregory books last summer and I have to say I’m rather impressed. I had never read her books because I thought they were fluff. More than a few times, I’ve checked the history to verify the events. I will definitely read more.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. I know you’re in the middle of purging, but I do hope you hang on to that artwork, ABean. I have something similar that I thought about sharing in a blog post.

    1. I remember watching the movie Julie and Julia thinking blogging would be fun. Plus, everyone said “If you want to get published, you have to have a platform.” I still remember the feeling when I posted my first post. 🙂 Now, I’m addicted!
    2. I’d crash your blog if I listed all of the books in my TBR pile. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jill, I found the homework in one of the boxes of family memorabilia. My mother saved lots of my early childhood artwork and notebooks. She was a teacher and I don’t think she could bear to throw them away.

      I remember reading Julie and Julia, too. A friend gave it to me because she knew I was doing the brand new thing called “blogging.” She didn’t understand what I was up to, but figured that book would help me. Kind of funny thinking back on it.

      Thank you for not crashing my blog. I’ll give you credit for sharing your book stack with us. We’re on the honor system here.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Jill.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Super cute post 🙂 I am loving your choice in books. Adorable paper memory.
    My friend told me to blog. She said it’d be like writing a letter to everyone all at once and I write the best letters. She’s a good friend.
    Lingering in my TBR are four books and one is red. Beyond that, I don’t recall, but Imma read the red one next.

    Liked by 1 person

    • joey, blogging is very much like writing a letter. In fact one of the early pieces of advice I got from another blogger was to write each post as if you were writing a letter to two friends who were interested in what you had to say. Good advice.

      I’m the same way about knowing what’s in my TBR stack. I like color & remember color. I figure that if I got the book I must have had a reason, so I’ll read it whenever– choosing the color that appeals to me in the moment. It’s not like I’m in college anymore, dealing with a course syllabus. *shudder*

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, joey.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I can clearly remember the day I thought it’d be cool to be a blogger. It was on California Highway 99 in Fresno, and I was dreading going into work. All I wanted to do was stay home and start a blog. It finally happened!

    My next two books waiting to be read: (1) Women and Thomas Harrow (John P. Marquand), and (2) We Were the Lucky Ones: A Novel (Georgia Hunter). – Marty


    • Marty, that’s a cool story about deciding to be a blogger. I get the dreading work part, for sure. And what better thing to do than write a blog? I’m glad you followed your Highway 99 dream and started your blog.

      I’ve not heard of either of those books, but it’s been fun to learn what everyone is reading. We, meaning this group of commenters, are an eclectic bunch. No wonder everyone is so interesting!

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Marty.

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  16. I don’t know that I was destined to be a blogger, although I wrote short stories at a young age. I never illustrated them the way you did though! I am reading Lincoln in the Bardo for Book Club, and have Pachinko in my TBR pile, also for BC. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Margaret, you are the person who comments here who has had a blog the longest, I think. You preceded me [March 2004], so maybe you were destined to be a blogger and just never realized it! Hmm?

      I used to be a book club, but it disbanded for lack of interest. The books that we read took me in directions I’d never go which was ok by me– but so many members whined about being forced to read outside their comfort zones that… book club is no more!

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Margaret.


      • That’s why I love being in a Book Club; it challenges me to read outside my comfort zone! I think I started blogging in late August of 2003, but I could be wrong. I would have to check my blog archives.


        • I had to look up when I started blogging, too. So long ago, so totally unaware of how blogging would change my life for the better. Glad we found each other way back when. ❤️


  17. “tens of people” 😂

    I’ve been blogging since the aughts, but I was into journalism as a high school student and my favorite pieces were my opinion pieces, so…

    And you know that TBR question is a dangerous one for me. My current list is 800+ on Goodreads. I’m due for a culling, though, to be sure.


    • Akilah, high school journalism would be a perfect precursor to a personal blog. I can see how it all came together for you. Opinions, you? How could that be! 🤔

      800+ books waiting to be read! Oy vey. My eyes are crossing just thinking about it. Of course this is your thing so it makes sense. I applaud your ability to read [and remember] as much as you do.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Akilah.


  18. I don’t see a Like button on that writing assignment, so for Blogging 101, I’ll have to just give it a B+…

    And since I really want my gold star….

    1. About the time I realized I wasn’t going to become rich selling my drawing designs online, even though I’d already started up the blog to “promote” them…

    2. LOL!

    Liked by 2 people

    • evil, you’re right, of course. Without the ubiquitous Like button no post is complete… anymore. Your blog was to sell your comics? That’s fascinating. I don’t think I know anyone else who went into blogging for the specific reason that you did.

      And what does LOL! mean? You don’t read? Or you have too many books to read that you can’t/won’t list them here? I need clarification before I can award you a gold star. I have standards, oh yes I do.

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      • I’m not much of a reader when it comes to actual literature. I have to either be really bored or (more likely) completely without internet to do any actual reading. You may now look down on me and shake your head….


        • Yes, it does seem like a sad admission. One, I’m afraid, that should keep you from getting a gold star. But considering your honesty…

          AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 given with the hope that it’ll inspire you to read some books, evilsquirrel13.

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  19. One sentence should read “appreciated by HUNDREDS of people”! I love your blog.

    I became a blogger of sorts in 1980 when we moved to England for two years. Average people didn’t have computers then. I typed a letter with a portable typewriter once a week to friends and family, and my husband sent it to his secretary in NY. She copied it and mailed it to several people in the US, who then passed it on to others. It’s much easier today!

    I have a list of books on my phone that might interest me. When I see a free hour coming up, I might try to find one to download. The one I look for is usually checked out or not available. By that time, the hour has passed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Anne, thank you for your kind words.

      You have the most interesting “how I became a blogger” story I’ve read yet. I can understand how using the internet would seem like a huge step forward, after the whole snail mail process. Did you keep your letters from 1980?

      I’ve never tried to read books on my phone, but I can imagine that your experience is typical of most people’s experiences. I’ll give you credit for having some TBR books, even if you can’t quite get to them when you want to.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Anne.


      • Thank you for that gold star! What a precious thing to have!!! I haven’t had a gold star in 70 years! I’m hugging it right now.

        John, the history major, kept the typed letters from 1980. In fact, he kept everything after that until I no longer printed them. Several years ago I retyped them on the computer and integrated the photos with the words.

        Writing goes a bit further back to 1960 when I was a senior in high school. I had no idea I might be good at writing. I was picked by an English teacher to enter a timed writing contest. I didn’t win, but I realize now she was making a statement by asking me.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Anne, what a cool story from high school. It’s wonderful to read about the positive way in which a teacher nudged you toward your future. I’m sure you’re right in that the English teacher didn’t care if you won the contest or not– just wanted you to realize your gift.

          What a fun project to computerize your letters + photos. That takes effort, but I’m certain the result is worth it.

          Please enjoy your gold star. I’m happy that I had the opportunity to give you one. 😊


  20. Now that you ask, my mind goes blank. The current blog was born of a desire to give women my age a voice: everything in print, and online, seemed to be catered to younger women. Still engaged women in their 50s were not catered to, although things have changed a bit since 5 years ago. But I had another blog prior to C&S and, for the life of me, I cannot remember why I started it. As to the stacks of books lurking in my house, they are too numerous to even go there…currently reading Michael Chabon’s Moonglow.


    • camparigirl, you certainly are right about the scarcity of almost anything geared to the over 50 crowd. I find blogs here and there, and occasionally see adverts aimed at 50+ women, but it’s odd how few there are… considering who has the disposable income.

      I’ve never read anything by Chabon, but have seen his books on the shelves in the store. Will add his name to my next-time-I-buy-books shopping list.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, camparigirl.


  21. I started blogging in 2011, but you know what, I never called myself a blogger. Just a writer. I don’t know why. And my TBR pile–are you kidding me? Over a hundred, but I’ll just list my top 3: The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth, Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, and Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan.

    I love your story about the flowers. So sweet!


    • Kate, interesting about what you call yourself. Blogging is a form of writing so it makes sense. I think of myself as a writer, to be sure. One with a blog. 😉

      I’ve heard of Manhattan Beach, but I’ve never finished A Visit From the Goon Squad so either: 1) JE’s writing doesn’t appeal to me; or 2) I’m lazy. I need to revisit that book, don’t I?

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Kate.


  22. I just found your blog. Your paper from your childhood made me smile. It also made me realize how much education has changed over the years.
    Anyway… I started blogging the first time when I was pregnant with my second son as a place to vent my life as a stay at home mom. I started again when we moved from FL to PA this summer. Just kept my blogger name even though I changed blog formats.
    I have 2 books I’m reading right now Lilac Girls and one I started last night which name I don’t remember. I typically don’t have a lot of books lined up, but buy them as I go.

    I can’t wait to read more from you

    Liked by 1 person

    • Teacher Turned Mommy, you make an excellent point about how education has changed over the years. My sweet little homework assignment seems so innocent, doesn’t it?

      I imagine that “a place to vent” might be one of the most frequent reasons for starting a blog. I started my blogging career more out of curiosity: what is this newfangled blog thing and can I do it? Venting came soon thereafter.

      I’ve heard of Lilac Girls, on a podcast, I think. I seem to overestimate my ability to read books, so I buy too many. But like I said above, I consider books to be my friends so keeping them around makes me happy.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I’ll visit you soon, I need to see how a woman from FL is holding on in PA. What a change of locale!

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Teacher Turned Mommy.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Way to tie the two things together there, AB! I fell into blogging accidentally when I wanted to find a place to story funny kid stories. What it became is something I didn’t know could or would happen–namely a great place to make friends around the globe. Most of my TBR currently are books by blog friends!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Betsy, thanks for noticing my “clever” connecting concept. Talk about going with the flow…

      You’re right about how blogging allows you to meet and understand people from all over the place. It’s a meeting of minds, most fun.

      I have a pile of TBR “blogger” books, too. But I’m reluctant to talk about those books, difficult to be fair-handed when you know the author and don’t want to step on any toes.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Betsy.


  24. Ally, what an adorable precious drawing and words at the start … those are for keeping! Yeah, there’s nothing like a real bookstore and I spent ages in one yesterday. As for books lingering to be read … I have a couple of Amanda Powse books that never seem to get read! Oh, I never thought of blogging, that was for other people, until my writing tutor recommended it! I’ve never looked back! 😀😀 Happy Reading all your new books! 📖

    Liked by 1 person

    • Annika, thanks. My 8 year old self is flattered that you like my work! It’s interesting how a number of the commenters here have mentioned that someone nudged them into starting a blog. That’s how I began, although in my case it was another blogger who liked my comments– and told me/helped me get going in the blogosphere. She’s long gone, but I’m still here.

      I don’t know Amanda Powse, but will keep her name on my radar. I rarely get to brick and mortar book stores anymore, which makes me sad– but does make it an event when I do get there. Thanks for stopping by to comment.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Annika.

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  25. It was a while before I *knew* TBH. I started to blog because it was something I’d have to do to help my Life Coaching site with its google ranking, but I blogged annoymously ‘cos, well I was rather embarassed and totally unsure about putting myself out there. There was three years of that before I moved over to WP and outed myself. Now I think this is the last site I’d give up (I participate in 3).

    On my TBR list/pile is more books than there are days in the year. I culled a bundle the other day (by bundle I mean 4 full carrier bags) of books I’d taken from other people. When I finally looked at them, I wondered what on earth I was thinking as I’d no real desire to read them, hadn’t heard of them, yadda yadda yadda … I’ve kept the ones I chose (and paid for) myself – either Kindle on real paper. Currently on my bedside table are Bruce Chatwin’s Songlines, Jonathan Coe’s The Rotters Club and Susan Cain’s Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking.

    Liked by 1 person

    • deb, fascinating start to your life as a blogger. Figuring out how to put yourself out there is tricky. How much goes public? How much is interesting enough to share with the world? I didn’t know you were in 3 blogs.

      I know how you feel about taking books from friends, then wondering why do I have this book? Only certain friends have the same taste in leisure reading that I do, so I limit who I take a book from. Quiet is one of my favorite books. It’s explanatory + relatable, says the introvert.

      AND NOW HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR: 🌟 Good job, Deb.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I wondered if you might know Quiet – don’t know why, just had a hunch, you know 🙂

        Two blogs are wholly mine – the personal one & the one that supports the Life Coaching business (Caring Coaching) which is probably about to go through *yet* another overhaul of style and content. Oh there are so many things I’ll do rather than give a talk in public 😦 The other one is co-hosted with @breakerofthings (who I think you know) and is called Fiction Can Be Fun – all on WP now. I was on Weebly before but their gorgeous themes didn’t convert to phones well and, as most people read on those, the style was going to waste!


    • Ah ha! I knew that you knew @breakerofthings but somehow didn’t put the blog connection together. Or maybe I forgot. Best of luck with your professional blog overhaul. Anytime I mess around changing things about my blog, I grit my teeth because I know it’s going to take twice as much time as I think it’ll take.

      Glad to be able to give you your first gold star. Never too late, eh?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Peta, you have a good idea. I need to reconnect with my inner 8 year old self and start coloring again. I don’t know that my handwriting will ever be as clear as it was here, but I can try. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment.


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