My Inaugural Three Thoughts Thursday | Listening. Doing. Watching.

I’ve decided that once in a while I need to have a bona fide feature on this blog wherein I allow myself to just tell you, my gentle readers, a few thoughts.  

To share with you what I’m focusing on without fiddle-farting my morning away writing a whole long involved story about it.  

So with this groovy introduction, I give you the following.  

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I think that the By The Book podcast is delightful.

It’s hosted by comedian Jolenta Greenberg and her skeptical friend Kristen Meinzer.  These women pick a self-help book, read it, then live by it for two weeks.  Their subsequent conversations about how living by the book went for them, and sometimes how it went for their husbands, are funny, insightful + mature.  I’m enjoying this podcast, listening to one episode every few weeks.


I think that the Happyfeed app for your smart phone is useful.

I admit that initially I thought this app seemed flaky, geared more toward teenage girls than grown-ups, but I’m enjoying doing what it wants me to do each day.  That is, I’m creating a small gratitude journal by writing three good things that have happened to me on each day.  The app then shows me my days, in a list, with my good things on the list.  It’s easy.  It’s up-lifting.  What’s not to love?


I think that Santa Clarita Diet is hilarious.

I binge-watched this Netflix TV show a week ago and haven’t stopped smiling about it yet.  WARNING: it is bloody & gory.  However, once you get past the fact that Drew Barrymore’s character, Sheila, a suburban realtor, turns into a hangry accidental zombie who devours people, the humor in this show is over the top yet *somehow* spot on to reality.

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Question of the Day

What have you been thinking about lately? It’s Thursday, no better day than today to share your thoughts on any topic! Add them to the comments below– and we’ll talk.  

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95 thoughts on “My Inaugural Three Thoughts Thursday | Listening. Doing. Watching.

  1. Love this idea, Ally. Not only have you given me a new Netflix idea (can always use those), I’m getting that happyfeed app. Not so sure about the podcast; I haven’t found a way to work podcasts into my life. What am I thinking about lately? That’s easy. I love how my new Fitbit teaches me about sleep. The Steps are fun (and important) but a pedometer can count steps. I’m fascinated to see the relationship my dreams and how I feel as I wake that my sleep patterns bring about. I’m taking my sleep more seriously as a result.

    Great new feature. Thanks.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Janet, I’m glad that you like this idea. It’s been percolating in the back of my brain for some time, and summer seems like the perfect time to introduce it. [I dunno why, it just does to me.]

      I had one of those original clip-on Fitbits and it was underwhelming. It told me my steps, but here’s the thing… Zen-Den had one, too. One day out of curiosity I wore both of them & at the end of the day his Fitbit told me I’d walked about a thousand steps more than mine did. I never trusted my Fitbit after that.

      Go figure, huh?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I was surprised the Fitbit never asked me to pace out or measure my steps, as pedometers do. Though just last night I found the place where I can change how much distance my steps cover. I haven’t done it yet though.

        Liked by 2 people

        • You’re right! The Fitbit set-up never included setting my pace like my old pedometer did. Hadn’t thought of that.

          I’ve been tempted to get one of the wrist version ones. I’d like to know more about my sleep patterns vis-à-vis my walking schedule. Plus the plum-colored one calls to me!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m going to check out the By the Book podcast – it sounds like it might be fun to listen to. Lately I’ve been listening to First Draft podcasts – a show produced by Aspen Public Radio, which interviews a wide range of writers about their process. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Michelle, I’ve not heard of First Draft and it sounds [no pun intended] like something I’d enjoy. Thanks for the heads up. Let me know what you think of By the Book. I find it smart and snarky, in just the right proportions.

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  3. I like your ideas. By The Book sounds interesting. I’ll have to check out the Happyfeed app. We don’t have Netflix. I record a bunch of television shows, then try to watch whenever I can.
    I’ve actually been missing my little buddy lately. His mom is off for the summer. So I’ve been busy cleaning and getting rid of things. I also spent 4 hours in my studio yesterday painting and listening to music. That is a great relaxation for me.

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    • Beth, By The Book is one of those podcasts that has charmed me. I especially like how honest these woman are about what really happens when they follow the self-help books. 😉

      No babysitting, eh? Well, I’m happy to know that you’re getting back into your studio. That’s a great thing and being relaxed in the summer is what it’s all about. Enjoy!


  4. I really like Drew Barrymore, but I just couldn’t find much to like about Santa Clarita. I admit to not sticking around for long, but perhaps that says more about my TV watching habits than anything lately. Something has to hit me hard and fast and fully anymore for me to stick around to the end or I just give up. Perhaps when the 90 degree weather hits next week and I am sweating and surrounded by fans unable to move I will give SC another try!
    My thinking lately involves cornering my adult kids into answering some questions/giving their opinions on my parenting as they grew up. I’ve been wondering how I rated as a parent and would like their honest viewpoints.

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    • Deb, I only stuck with Santa Clarita Diet because a friend told me to shut my eyes during the gory parts and to give it a chance. Once I was more into the plot, I was hooked. Season 2 is less bloody and delightfully absurd– especially the ending.

      I think it’ll be fascinating for find out what your adult children think about your childrearing. I don’t know that I’ve ever known anyone who has asked this question of their kids. If it’s not too personal, I hope that you’ll share some of your findings on your blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Actually my intent Ally, sharing those views on the blog. I follow a blogger who has a teen going through the process of college apps, etc and reading her blog has brought back many memories, and questions!

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    • marian, Canva is free & easy to use, but there’s a learning curve. Plan your time accordingly. Now after messing around with it for over a year, I can make images without stressing. Plus, it’s just fun to see what I can create on it– even if I don’t use it for anything. To me it’s better than Luminosity for keeping my addled brain in shape.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lynn, thanks for the encouragement. I’ve been wanting to have a casual blogging feature like this, so I finally did it. I’m enjoying Happyfeed for the very reason you mentioned. Happy is good. Hope you enjoy it, too.

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  5. I’ve been hooked on all things Podcasts and Book Trib, so I’ll certainly check out By The Book..thanks! I don’t watch Nexflix, so no binge TV for me, but I do love to binge read. I’ve got a “Happy Journal” that I’ve kept every day for the past four years. You write one thing that made you happy each day. It’s fun to write the current entry and see the previous year’s entry right above.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jill, please let me know what you think of By The Book. It has a smart vibe to it, so I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time with it. Your “Happy Journal” is exactly what this app does. I’m impressed that you’ve kept your journal going for four years. My goal with this app is one summer… then I’ll see if I want to keep going. So far, it’s fun.

      Liked by 1 person

        • I’m pleased that you like the podcast. I figure that in a few years I’ll get through them all! I recently found By The Book, so I’m slowly going through them, savoring the wisdom in each one.

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  6. Your 3 thoughts are news to me.
    Never heard of them.
    As a result of seeing your thoughts, I feel out of date, out of touch, out of sync, out of the know, out of the loop.

    At least I got over hump day! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • nancy, well, my goodness! My intent here wasn’t to make you feel like less, it was to share stuff so you could feel like more.

      It’s a brave new world, eh? And one that seems to be, more & more, at my fingertips via a gadget.

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    • Margaret, Netflix is a good way to watch TV and movies. I like it because it can be on your TV set, your laptop, and your smartphone. You can alternate among your devices to watch anything because the Netflix account keeps track of where you stopped watching, so use whichever device is handiest for you.

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  7. I’m loving your Three Thoughts Thursdays, Ally Bean! Short, succinct, helpful. I love podcasts but I admit to listening to just a few (and mostly rebroadcasts of existing radio shows like This American Life). By the Book sounds right up my alley… I am pretty skeptical about most self-help books.

    Keep TTT up! I’m jealous of your logo, though. I think I need to create one for my GratiTuesday posts.

    Liked by 2 people

    • janis, thank you. I only listen to a few podcasts, too. Like you, I take self-help books with a grain of salt, so By The Book makes me laugh while opening my mind to what I could be doing. Tell me what you think of it if you listen to it.

      I look forward to seeing what you create for your GratiTuesday logo. Your weekly feature deserves some bling.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve enjoyed the work of Ms. Barrymore in the past, but gory is so not me. I’ll have to sit this one out.

    Three thoughts. That’s enough thoughts on a Thursday. Gotta rest up for the impending weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tara, I’m surprised that I tolerated the gore, but somehow the whole premise of the show made me overlook the icky.

      Yes, I agree that three thoughts on a Thursday are plenty. This won’t be every Thursday, but when I think I’ll be sure to do it in threes.

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  9. I LOVE Santa Clarita Diet too! I finished season two last week and am sad I have to wait so long for more. It’s silly but fun, and the cast is great, including the two teens. That teenage boy makes me laugh every time.

    Haven’t heard of By the Book or Happyfeed though, so thanks for the new info!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Carrie, I’m glad to find another Santa Clarita Diet fan. The show made me laugh in spite of how ridiculous it is. And the ending of the second season was a surprise. I agree, that guy who plays the teenage neighbor boy is perfect casting. [He played Young Sean in some of the Psych episodes.]


  10. Interesting idea. I’ll check out Canva. The only podcast I listen to (and rarely at that) is the TED Radio Hour. TV I don’t watch at all, though I do check out videos from the library (there’s old-school for ya!)
    Three thoughts:
    1. Why, when someone says something that irritates me, do I obsess about it for hours?
    2. I so love making a one-egg omelet with fresh veggies from my garden – yum!
    3. I hope the cayenne pepper I sprinkled in my flower pot will get rid of that damn chipmunk!

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    • Eilene, Canva is fun, but can be a time suck until you get the hang of it. I’ve never listened to a TED talk on a podcast. The few I’ve heard were through YouTube.

      1. Interesting question for which only you have the answer!
      2. Your omelet sounds delicious. Why not make one while contemplating why you obsess? 😊
      3. Cayenne keeps the squirrels out of our flower pots, so maybe it’ll do the same with chipmunks.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Interesting idea. Today I’m thinking about how much I don’t like to spend whole days working on yard projects (guess what I’m doing!). I’m also thinking about how much I love a great day. Today the weather is perfect. We get about 3 days like this every year and I’m trying to live it fully.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. By the Book sounds cool – two weeks is a long time! Got to be some really hilarious outcomes. Will have to check that out.
    Journals and gory shows – if it works, do it. (Hiding during the scary/gruesome parts is a skill learned in childhood – and should be practiced to stay proficient in it!)

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    • philmouse, I enjoy the banter between the two women who host By The Book podcast, and I like their insights into what actually did work for them. I’m not usually one for either journals or gory shows, but these two have hooked me. Go figure.

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    • Roy, I agree that the writing and acting are great in Santa Clarita Diet. There’s almost a Desperate Housewives vibe to it. As for why I like this show, I’m with you. There must be something off in my psyche to like it so much. This is one weird show.


  13. I also love Santa Clarita Diet. It’s a fantastic show with terrific characters.

    Hmm. Thoughts.

    Most of mine are depressing currently.

    One is I wish that so many of my favorite shows weren’t so hard to watch these days. Also that I wish there was more lighthearted fare.

    Look at that! Two thoughts!

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  14. I’ve struggled with trying to START a gratitude journal, let alone maintaining one. Maybe this happy feed app might be the solution I’m looking for. Sounds worth checking out!

    Right now I’m thinking about my long to-do list this morning. On Monday I leave for Quebec for 4 days of cycling on the TransCanada. I have a LOT of details to take care of before then – including Father’s Day. Whew – it’s going to be a whirlwind!

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    • Joanne, I’ve never tried to do a gratitude journal so this simple way of doing one works for me. I’m going to do this for a few months, then decide if it’s helping me/the world in any way.

      Planning for any travel is all about the details. I can imagine your to-do list is lengthy. Hang in there. I look forward to your blog posts about your biking adventure.

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  15. Thanks for the link to Canva. I’ll take a look; I’m always on the lookout for a new graphics resource.

    I’m still thinking about my blogging outlook.

    I tried a Postive/Gratitude/Good Things Journal back at the start of the new year. It just wasn’t my thing. Felt very restrictive to me, but you know me: I hate being bossed. Knowing it was supposed to only be Good Stuff made me think of the opposite all the time! I’m a terrible project…sigh.

    Liked by 2 people

    • nance, I enjoy Canva and have learned how to use it by trying things. There are lessons somewhere on it, but I’m a free spirit. And I like how it allows me to waste time, creatively.

      My concern with the whole gratitude journal concept is that I can’t quite wrap my head around what I’m supposed to be getting out of it. I’m grateful by nature, so seeing my happinesses in writing is nice… fun… but to what end? Like I mentioned to another commenter I’ll do Happyfeed for the summer then decide if I continue on with it.


  16. Three delightful thoughts! I like how they’re quick but interesting. You do that just right. It IS unbelievable that the suburban real estate agent becomes a slurpy zombie. Not that I’ll watch to see!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jacqui, thank you! I usually write lengthier posts, but sometimes I want to show up to my blog and just be. And see what other people are thinking about. And just be with them. Hence, my newest idea for how to keep my blog– a random Thursday default post in which I can dump thoughts. Thanks for stopping by to check it out!


    • Marty, I’ve never been sorry about subscribing to Netflix. I don’t watch many movies or TV shows, but when I want to watch I go to Netflix first to see if what I’m interested in watching is there. Usually it is. Can’t say the same thing for Hulu, which we also have for some reason…

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  17. Nice. I’m all for anything that elicits gratitude. That app does sound good.
    I’ve wondered about Santa Clarita Diet — is it all done? Is the series concluded?

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  18. Every time I see the Santa Clarita Diet “advertised” on Netflix, I wonder what it’s about. Now I know and will have to check it out. I was seriously expecting that it would be health food related lol!

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  19. Not so much into gore, so I’ll likely pass on that show. However, I enjoy checking podcasts. That one sounds like fun. The app sounds nice too! I don’t have any interesting thoughts today, so I’ll leave it there. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kate, the podcast has been around for a while, but I recently found it. For me it has the perfect ratio of information to snark. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for commenting.


  20. Hi Ally,

    Cool idea, to have a regular feature like this! Also podcasts: I am behind the times on those – have listened to a few but never developed a regular habit. I think I am missing out. Santa Clarita Diet – have seen it advertised but not watched yet. Will put on my list for watching when the weather keeps me indoors (hopefully not for months yet!).
    Have a great week,


    Liked by 2 people

  21. I always discover the most interesting things through your blog. I’ve heard of the Santa Clarita Diet show but haven’t heard of that app or that podcast.

    This new feature is a great idea!

    Liked by 1 person

    • L. Marie, you flatter me. Thank you. I don’t listen to every episode of this podcast, but those that I have heard made me think + laugh– wise women do that, you know?


    • Elen, I, too, have an eclectic mix of blogs that I follow. I enjoy variety and I adore seeing how people express themselves in print. I can’t imagine limiting myself in the blogosphere. The Happyfeed app is cute, easy to use, and not at all woo-woo like some positivity-based things can be. 😉

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  22. I’ve watched the first season of Santa Clarita Diet and liked it. Haven’t gotten around to season 2 yet. I think I kinda forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder!

    Liked by 2 people

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