In Which I Notice The Sky & Share My One Word Of The Year

What’s the word, hummingbird?

Well, if we’re talking about my favorite photo of late the word would be blue.  I took this while out for a walk in the park.  Such a clear day and look at that sky!

But I doubt that’s what you, my gentle readers, want to know about.

I suspect that you’re asking me about my #OneWord365 because you’re wondering if after choosing one word you might feel empowered to get your lazy backside into gear for the new year.

So you want to know my word in case it’s a good one and you can use it, too.  Which would be fine with me because mi palabra es tu palabra.

Thus, I share with you my word of 2019.  It is:


As in efficient.

Without turbulence. 

With ease of movement. 


Well organized. 

While I admit I’ve never known of anyone else to choose this word, as a free spirit with a Type B personality I think I’m onto something good here.

I can keep it simple whilst accomplishing things.

Just watch me do it this year.

• • •
How about you, my gentle readers, do you have one word for the year?
If you do what is it? If you don’t, why not?
And more to the point, how are things working out for ‘ya so far in 2019?
• • •

109 thoughts on “In Which I Notice The Sky & Share My One Word Of The Year

  1. Great word! As a hyper-efficient science-y type of person, I can really appreciate it!

    I haven’t formally picked a single word for a year and stuck with it. I think that for my birthday 1.5 years ago, I focused on the word perspective (as in, to zoom out of my head and get a better perspective, a bird’s eye view, perhaps). I believe I picked a word for my most recent birthday as well, but then never wrote it down. Perhaps I should start over in 2019!

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    • Maria, it’s never too late to pick a word of the year. After I wrote this I went back to see what words I’d picked previously and discovered that I don’t do this every year. Just when the mood strikes, I guess.

      Thanks for your support about my word. At first it seemed like a goofy choice, but it resonated with me so I went with it.

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  2. I’m laughing – at myself. I’m so NOT streamlined that I can’t possibly find a word that would fit my needs for 2019. But I honor and envy your ability to be streamlined in the cold blue sky of day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pam, oh, I hear ‘ya. I’m being optimistic here with this word. I feel like I should be able to get things done in a less scattered way, so I hope that by announcing this word to the world I’ll be able to make it so.


  3. Great word. Definitely one I should adopt!
    And that sky could not be any bluer! Awesome beauty!
    If I had to choose a word for the year, I would say survive. So far it has been going like gangbusters, with no sign of slowing down. So survive it is!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Beth, survive is a perfectly acceptable and doable word. You’re always so busy that I imagine this word will help you stay centered and happy. We all do what we can in the way that we can, eh?


    • L. Marie, I like your word and the way in which you’re envisioning it. In some ways my focus of streamlined will involve some release if I am to accomplish anything.


    • dennyho, I don’t do this every year, but when I do manage to commit to a word I find that it helps me be more intentional in my life. I just program the word into my mind and get on with life!

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    • nancy, as usual you’ve found a great way to look at things. I do need to streamline myself a bit, so your interpretation of this word will work for me… when out the door for a walk I go.

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  4. Sometimes I wonder if death isn’t my word. We have had so many and many are surprises. Perhaps based on that my word should be life or “enjoy it while you have it.” I like yours. I have been working on that for about a year or two. It started with stuff and now I’m working on lifestyles.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kate, I understand what you’re saying about death. Last year three people died, two of which were surprises. It startled me into thinking about what I want to accomplish– and how. Hence I am streamlining my life, in all ways.

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        • I’m sorry to hear that. I understand what you mean, though. For me some years, decades even, were filled with death, while others were filled with birth. It’s easy to be blithe about life when it’s all growth and newness, less so when it’s all about endings. My condolences, Kate.

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  5. I think I had a word that I thought would be good, but I don’t remember it now. 🙂 I hope you enjoy the streamlining process. I enjoy organizing and all that jazz, and saying ‘no’ to anything that doesn’t fit with that. Ahhhhh.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Perhaps I should choose “compromise” as my word. No disputes or heavy issues to speak of needing compromise, but simply little realizations regarding work and life that need some adjustment and a little letting go on my part to be feasible into the future I think.
    Maybe I should share my word with all those special people leading our country as well…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Deb, I like your word and the way in which you want it to work in your life. And I adore your idea of sharing your word with those people who are supposedly running our country. You’re thinking big there, darling.

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    • Jill, I adore your word and your sense of humor about it. There’ll be some minimizing in my life, too, as I implement streamlining. These two words go hand-in-hand.


  7. The sky is so blue, and the tree is outlined beautifully! I love your word for the year. I have more like a word for the day or week. It’s everchanging, due to circumstance and needs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Donna, I like your word and look forward to seeing how you evolve. I don’t always pick a word each year either, but like you this word found me, so I’m allowing it to stay.


  8. That’s a great word! I like how it can be used in several different ways. I don’t normally pick a word of the year, but I’m always inspired to when I read the word choices others make. I think I’ll choose “proactive.” As the person who puts the “pro” in procrastinate, I think it may be time to change my evil ways and actually get stuff done. Love your pic of the tree against the blue sky!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Janis, it’s funny but when this word found me I didn’t realize how versatile streamlined will be. It’s applicable to so many situations. I like proactive. I think many of us could benefit from applying it to our lives! I wish you the best in getting stuff done… wait for it… proactively. 😉

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    • Judy, you’re right, streamlined is like keep it simple. I hadn’t thought of that so thank you. No worries if you don’t have a word for the year. I’m sure having one is entirely optional. 😉

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  9. I’d never thought of a word for the year until I began reading blogs a few years ago. So many were doing it, I tried it on, liked it, and have been coming up with one ever since. This year my word is “awe,” as in “I want more in my life.” We’re getting an awe-inspiring blizzard in a day or two. Seems the word is working. Keep us posted on how the streamlining is going.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Janet, I learned about the word of the year idea a long time ago from a yoga teacher. She was all about it, so I gave it a try. Then, somehow, in the last few years the one word idea has taken over the blogosphere.

      I like your word awe. It’s a good approach to living that to me suggests being more alive and aware. I bet your year will be great!


  10. Ally, I think my word for the year is going to be, whatever. I feel like life just happens and that somehow, good or bad, we have to carry on. If what happens is good, then whatever it was that was good probably caused a smile. If on the other hand, something bad happens, then whatever it was, simply was.

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  11. That’s a good one. I like how your blue sky with tree photo is also illustrating streamlined. Mine is still Breathe. Since I had to think it and do it about 20 times yesterday, I think I still need it.

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  12. Gratitude. I’m trying to focus on appreciating what I have instead of wanting something different – with varying days of success depending on the day. Streamlining is a good one – something I’ve been trying to do for the past few years, also with varying degrees of success.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Carol, I like gratitude as a word for the year. We all could benefit from thinking about it more often. As I streamline my life in 2019 I’ll through in a little gratitude, for good measure. 😊

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  13. I do like your word. I don’t have one this year but it’s a slower and more relaxed year where I’m just going to focus on learning/trying new things.

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    • Katie, I don’t always have a word but streamlined came to me in a flash, so I’m going with it. Maybe your word is learn, and you just haven’t figured that out yet? 😉


    • Laura, thank you. I don’t go searching my brain and soul for a word of the year, but if a word appears in my life that seems like it’d do me good for a year, I latch onto it. I guess you’d say, I accept it. 😉


    • Thanks, Marty. I hope that streamlining works for you– and for me. The clear blue sky was something else. We don’t get many like this one around here, so naturally I had to snap a pic of it.

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    • evilsquirrel13, we had gray skies at Christmastime, but in early January the sky cleared. Now, of course, it’s snowy and clear outside, nothing bad just not quite so pristine blue.


  14. Pingback: One Word for 2019 – Life + Nature

  15. Streamlining has been my philosophy since Retirement almost 8 years ago, and I highly recommend it. It’s a great Guideword since it works on so many levels, both physical and mental, and you can use it as a mantra when you start thinking about getting stressed or involved in stuff that, really, you could simply Cut Loose.

    (Maybe…some stuff…not so Simply, but remembering that you are trying to practice Streamlining helps!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • nance, I like how you’ve used this word in your life and hope that I’m able to do the same thing. Streamlined makes a good mantra, for sure. You’ll be my guiding light as I streamline all that I do.

      [I’m still having difficulties leaving comments on your blog, but I’m trying.]


      • I’m sorry to hear that! You were able to leave a comment recently (my 12-07-18 post) just fine. Why things have suddenly changed, I have no idea. Sigh. Thanks for your continued efforts!


        • Just tried again and Google eats the comment every time. I can comment without trouble on WP & TP blogs, but not on Blogger ones. Ironic considering I have an Blogger account and use gmail.


  16. This is a new idea for me but one I can see having purpose. I’m decidedly late in picking my word though as a virus from hell has had me moping, miserable and many other mmmm words for the last couple of months. About 90% there, but that last 10% is taking its time I tell ya. I’ve considered using my alternate night periods of insomnia for making a selection but feel I want to be in a more positive mindset. But I *may* be missing the point … 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • deb, the #oneword365 idea has been around for a while and I sometimes do it. This year my word, streamlined, came to me while I was reading an article about, of all things, retirement.

      I’m sorry to read that you’ve been under the weather for so long. Any unhealthiness that drags on for as long as yours has will wear you down to the nub. Pick your word, if you decide to do so, when you feel rosy and good. I’m sure there’s no law that says you must decide your word by the end of January or it doesn’t work! 🤓

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  17. First of all–love that blue. It looks good on you. Second of all, love your word of the year. I actually just used that word in my novel the other day, so now I feel like I got your nod of approval (indirectly, of course). Third of all, yes, I have a word. It’s “thrive” meaning going above and beyond living and surviving. I’m taking things by storm.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kate, your word of the year is a good one that I could see myself adopting one of these years. I want to thrive every year but this year I’ll be streamlined as I do it. How’s that for combining two concepts into one life? 😉


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