In Which I Show You Who You Are & Ask You Two Questions

I MADE THIS DANDY BAR CHART that summarizes who reads this blog.  I created it using data provided by you, my commenters, after you took the SW COLOR ID quiz [that I wrote about HERE] and told me your results [in the comments].

As you may recall, after taking the quiz SW described each personality type in short pithy sentences.  And you know I do like a pithy sentence so here is all of that information in one place.

  • Naturalist [40%]: I let in the fresh air.
  • Minimalist [17%]: I find joy in the little things.
  • Creative [14%]: I make it my own.
  • Nurturer [14%]: I bring people together.
  • Trendsetter [6%]: I walk with confidence.
  • Free Spirit [3%]: I create my own path.
  • Dreamer [3%]: I take it all in.
  • Enthusiast [3%]: I jump in with both feet.

I realize the above is more statistical than my usual flapdoodle and twaddle, but I found it interesting to see the diversity of personality types, and the percentage of said, that engage here in the comments on The Spectacled Bean.

Or to put it differently: you, kids, are an eclectic bunch of wordy wackos who I believe have your hearts in the right place. Thank you for commenting here. You bring joy to my life.

• • ❤️ • •

HERE’S SOMETHING I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT.  Even though I’ve been doing this forever I’m not sure about how to refer to some things regarding weblogs.  I don’t want to be pedantic, nor do I want to sound like an old codger using antiquated terms.

I’m a wordy girl so this concerns me.  Thus I created the following two polls because I’d like to know your answers to these quandaries.

Thank you in advance for your kind participation.

107 thoughts on “In Which I Show You Who You Are & Ask You Two Questions

  1. I’ve already forgotten what result I had for the last test. I’m thinking minimalist, but I’m dubious when it comes to that. So now, I’ve moved on, and answered the next round of your playful quizzes, and I’m beyond curious to see what you’ll do with this new data…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m the reader that read “Candy bar chart” and spent ten minutes trying to find what candy bar I was. Sigh.

    And I can’t answer your questions. I hate forced choices. When I blogged, some people were readers, some were friends, some were acquaintances…. And while i think blogosphere might be outdated, I still rather like it. I like some of the other terms, too.

    Oh, and I’m clearly an almond joy/mounds – Because….

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    • Zazzy, you made me laugh with this one. I hadn’t thought of this chart quite that way, but I can see how you could make that mistake.

      I narrowed down the choices on the poll questions to the ones that I hear/read most often. [And to a few silly ones because why take ourselves too seriously?] I’m curious to see what the results tell me because I am in need of some guidance. I like to be current with my word choices, but I’m not sure what is the best way to refer to these concepts. 🤔


  3. I think reader is more common, but I think of 95% of you as friends, even though we’ve never met.
    Some of those choices on the second poll are…creative. I do wonder sometimes if life in general is all just something I imagine, and none of you are friends are real… 😉

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    • Deb, I can go with “reader.” I don’t have a preference per se but I’m finding it difficult to know which word to use when referring to either of these concepts. I need points of clarification.

      Yes, I, too, wonder about what is real and what is imaginary. With social media in our lives the line between the two isn’t as distinct as it once was.

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  4. I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea how to make a graft like you’ve done. I’m impressed.

    My blog readers are all followers and some have become virtual friends over the years. I don’t tell my family and friends in “real” life that I’m a blogger. I want to be able to write freely without worrying if I’m offending anyone that I see when I’m out and about.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jean R, I made the graph on Canva. I compiled the stats myself of course. I’m a bit of a geek at heart.

      I like “followers” as a way of referring to those people who engage on a personal blog. All my friends and family know I keep a public personal blog, so if I say something here I’m cognizant of that fact.

      However most of them pay no attention to me. I figure that if they don’t bother to read what I write, then I can write what I want, can’t I? 😉


    • Kate, yes I agree– I know more about bloggy friends than I do about people in real life. When it comes to blogging I’ve had many people come and go over the years: some people are here to read my thoughts & stories, others are here to share their personal dramas. I take who I can get, but wonder about the mental health of some of them. 😳

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      • So true. I had one person start to follow several years back. She was very personal. She sent me gifts and was always solicitous and complimentary. I read her blog (she was a great writer) and she was constantly having falling outs with her friends. Then one day it was me. Not sure what I did but I was relieved. Getting gifts makes me feel beholden even though it shouldn’t. Now I’m free again. That is the strangest thing that has happened to me as a blogger.

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        • OK, that’s weird. I don’t know what to make of a person like the one you describe, but you’re better off without her odd energy in your life &/or blog. Like they say, not everyone you lose is a loss. 🙄

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          • I think she was needy for something. Like I said she was a good writer but occasionally make no sense. Even I was surprised at the relief I felt at the end. Perhaps I let myself get sucked into giving her affirmation. I’ve met some other bloggers and they were (dare I say?) normal.

            Liked by 2 people

            • I can see how you got sucked into things with this woman. Good writing will take you there. Better that she is gone from your realm. I’ve only met one blogger in real life and it was by accident; she wasn’t at her best [shall we say]. Give me normal, or normal enough, people, please.

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  5. A Naturalist who let’s in the fresh air here! Himself was only commenting the other day how he finds it difficult to hear the TV as I always insist on leaving the patio doors open (he’s got hearing damage in certain registers). It’s been 5 years and he’s only telling me this NOW 😉

    On your questionnaire, I went for readers rather than followers, even though the latter is WPress’s preferred description. But I don’t feel any form of a leader, nor do I think my readers are the following kind – they all known their own minds too well, so reader it is!

    Liked by 1 person

    • deb, I’m all about people who let in the fresh air. The bar chart shows that clearly. 😉

      I’ve never thought about the idea of being a leader. That’s a whole different perspective on a blogging relationship. Will need to contemplate that idea.

      I can get behind “reader” because that is literallywhat people are doing when they land here– or I go elsewhere. Thanks for your input.


  6. I don’t think I took the original poll to help you create the dandy bar chart (nice work there!), but I did just take both polls at the bottom of this post. I was a bit of a rebel in poll one, but a happy sheep in poll two.

    P.S. For the original poll, I be the ‘make my own path’ person, so that wouldn’t affect the numbers too greatly.

    P.P.S. Who cares if you use outdated words as long as you keep using words like flapdoodle and twaddle?

    P.P.P.S. I was told there would be no math.

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    • Tara, I’m pleased that you liked my bar chart. Sometimes I just have to geek out a little bit, although let me apologize to you about the maths. Mea culpa.

      I like how you know yourself well enough to not have to take a quiz to find out that you are a free spirit. I thought I’d come up in that category, but I didn’t. Dreamer here.

      Excellent point about my word choices. I do tend to use old-fashioned words so when it comes to new words, why am I fussy? No answer but good observation.

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      • My brain thanks you, but no apologies needed re: math.

        Going back just now, the paint people think I’m a minimalist, but I disagree. I don’t like grey and white everything. So there. I’m going by life experience. Path maker. Weirdo. HERE!

        Thank you for observing my observational skills. 🙂

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  7. I don’t remember if I took the color quiz before or not, but I did now. It said trendsetter, but no, those are not colors I would choose. I have problems with quizzes because my real answer is usually in between the choices. Would that make me an outlier?

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  8. I took that quiz and have no recollection of what it said I was.



    Anyway, for the past fourteen years, I’ve used the term Readers, usually modified by the word Dear. I love my Readers! The term Followers sounds so egotistical to me. Some of my Dear Readers are now really Friends, too, and In Real Life, not just the Interwebs. I’m grateful for that.

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    • nance, I’ve used the term reader or friend when referring to people who read my blog. I don’t think I’m a leader so therefore I have no followers. Because everything about social media is new I was curious to see what words other people used. We are always in flux here in the blogosphere.

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      • I like that, Ally (not a leader, so therefore I have no followers). I’m going to stop using that phrase to describe people who read my blog. I suppose “reader” is the better choice than.

        The line of thought reminds me in an off-hand way of a “best of” album of John Mellencamp’s titled, “The Best That I Could Do.” He said he named it that because he decided it wasn’t up to him to say if the songs on it were “great” or not. Therefore, he couldn’t call them “greatest hits.” I thought that was a clever and enlightening. – Marty

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        • Marty, yep, I’m not a leader. Free spirits rarely are. But I’ll admit that referring to the people who read your blog as followers isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s just a different take on the relationship.

          I like your story about JM and his album title. I see what he meant. I cannot say for sure that how I refer to the people who read my blog is the same way that they refer to me. When I’m saying friend, they may be saying acquaintance. Two different paradigms going on there.

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  9. I’m one of the 14% creatives I believe. Your first poll was a hard one to answer so I went with the obvious, if you are reading my blog you are a reader, however, I would hope that we could also be friends. Follower sounds a little too mind controlling for me but fan might be nice as it would imply I have done something notable. As to the second, I liked bloglandia but the more I said it the more it sounded like a medical problem and I come here to get away from that kind of typing. I went with blogosphere. Happiest of Fridays to you Ally. Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. This is impossible to answer, because i fit in more an one category for the first set of questions. And the second – I couldn’t even tell you where my blog fits. I have heard from a few comments something about “the variety” of the images, so where does that fit in the 2nd? Sorry, am not much of a help:)

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    • Junieper2, I appreciate you taking the time to read the questions. Blogging is relatively new and the terms we use are evolving as we go. Coming from a communication background, I’m curious about social media terminology, hence the poll questions.


    • Jan, I’m the same way. I know bloggy friends, the people who comment here regularly, better than family. And all the other commenters I think of as gentle readers. I like both and am grateful for any and all comments.


  11. NOT THAT I EVER OVERTHINK THINGS… but I always have a problem with forced choices. Because I’m not only a follower of Ally Bean, but a friend of Ally Bean (yes, I am), I took the first quiz and was labeled a Trendsetter. I am so not a trendsetter but I guess because I don’t like traditional furniture/colors/design, I chose the only alternatives possible, which made me trendy. So, people who read my blog are friends, readers, followers, and, I imagine a few goofballs… I just can’t choose one response. I’ve always used the term Blogosphere, but I’m really liking Bloglandia, so I just may steal that.

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    • Janis, I’m pleased to know that this post has got you thinking. I figure that’s a good thing. I’m sure that you’re allowed to dismiss what SW told you about yourself and self-assign yourself to whichever description best suits you. Thus I will not call you Janis the Trendsetter. I usually say blogosphere, too– but occasionally I slip in blogworld. No right or wrong. I just thought it’d be fun to find out what other people thought.

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  12. Such a great idea to follow up with the results
    And it was kind of a breath of fresh air because sometimes it feels like people hustle through posts (‘and guess I had seasons) but this felt the opposite of that
    – taking time to follow up and reflect on that post has a “slow, comfortable” feel of that makes sense.

    And looking forward to the results

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    • Yvette, thank you! I kept track of what everyone told me after they took the SW quiz when they commented, then I hit upon the idea of making a bar chart because I like them. I agree that often we whip through blog posts without taking any time to reflect on what we’ve learned. I’m looking forward to the poll results, too. I’ll be fascinated to learn which terms are the most popular.

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  13. I stopped at lunch to read this (I had a fork, so you know, couldn’t type) but I voted and liked it earlier. I am in the 40% which is nice. Readers in Blogland. However, some of my readers are irl friends and others I would still call friends, although blog-buddy might be more fitting, depending on how one defines friendship.

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    • joey, isn’t it something how forks get in the way of typing? 😉 Thanks for coming back to comment.

      Readers in Blogland is a great summation of your pov and the reality of personal blogging today. Blog-buddy has a certain folksy charm to it, but I can’t say that I’ve ever heard or read that phrase before. Perhaps you should trademark it while you can.


  14. I voted but like others before me, I was conflicted by the language in the first question. Without doubt I consider many, many, many of my readers as friends first and bloggers second, even if I’ve never met them irl.

    I had to go back to your original post with the quiz. It appears I never said which one I was and even worse, I don’t remember which one I was. Apparently it wasn’t memorable 😏
    Having said that, each of the statements you used to describe the different categories speaks to me.

    To follow up on the continuing saga of trying to find a new paint colour for my bedroom, I’m still at the colour swatches on the wall stage. Gilles is being very uncooperative about any of my suggestions. I am quickly approaching the I’m-going-to-do-whatever-I-want stage.
    It continues to amaze me how 2 people who can make major decisions with ease can get so paralyzed by choosing a colour of paint!

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    • Joanne, I’m sorry my question was confusing. I try to be clear, but don’t always nail it. So far most people have voted for the term reader as the one they use when they describe the people who read their blogs. Very literal.

      We’ve had our share of color conundrums, too. I finally started Googling each color that we preferred so that I could find some photos of the color in a home and a description of the color, often in blogs about decorating/remodeling. Also painting samples of the various colors on the walls proved invaluable. Once the walls were a splotchy mess, we were more motivated to get on with things. Make a decision now.

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  15. Well, it was hard to choose a category because many of them fit, but I chose follower since I am, yet that discounted all the other categories I wanted to choose so I think the survey results may be a bit skewed as a result. Have a terrific day, Ally. xo

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    • Donna, that’s the prevailing conclusion right now. I’m looking forward to seeing how this plays out. It’s been intriguing to learn what people prefer when it comes to these two terms. Lots of opinions about this…


  16. Raising the bar, are you. (Do you need some sort of license for that , say like a fishing for something license ? Hmmm. HaHa)
    Mom always said You should be polite and pronounce the place’s name as the locals do.
    As long as there’s flapdoodle, it’s fine
    (Having worked with data/anaysis these are always interesting to me…but then it
    ‘s very hot, far too wet, and cabin fever can do odd things….)

    Liked by 1 person

    • philmouse, I’m always curious to learn how people refer to each other. Relationships can take many forms. My poll questions were a lark, but have brought to light some interesting povs.

      However, when the polls close I won’t be making any more bar charts with this data. The social scientist in me has had her fill of that. I’ll write about the conclusions, like the wordy girl I am.

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  17. Of course, the one poll that said I was a minimalist was a huge miss. No one who knows me personally would ever use that to describe me. And, of course, I refer to all the people who read and/or follow my blog as my Wayward Friends even though most I’ve never met in person! 😉 Mona

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    • Mona, I’m finding that many people are not happy with what the SW told them about themselves. It’s funny how one quiz could start so many conversations here. I often refer to the people who read my blog as bloggy friends, but your designation of Wayward Friends is brilliant. I like it. ❤️

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  18. I went back to that post and noticed I didn’t take the quiz and just left a sarcastic observation about how internet as AI now seems to know what color our walls are. I don’t know if that categorizes me as a Free Spirit, a Trendsetter, or possibly just a Smart Aleck. But feel free to decide for yourself and adjust your bar graph accordingly…

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    • evilsquirrel13, while I’m all about letting everyone self-define themselves vis-à-vis their wall color personality, I will not be redoing the bar chart for anyone. That sucker took too much effort, even if it is pretty. Thus I’ll be ignoring your additional data… but thanks for playing along. 😉

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  19. Well the term “Naturalist” works for me … sadly “Creative” was a smaller percentage but perhaps it pertained more to other areas of creativity. I figured I was a “Follower” so went with that option since you could not have more than one choice … and thankfully I picked Blogosphere. I first wanted to tread into “Blogland” than remembered my very first post was “LINDA’S BIG ADVENTURE: ENTERING “THE BLOGOSPHERE” so I went with that. How little I knew at that point … what was I getting into?

    Liked by 1 person

    • linda, it’s been interesting to find out which SW color category appeals to someone, even when their quiz results say otherwise. Like any of it matters? It’s all just fun.

      The poll questions are a bit more meta than my usual ones, but I’ve been fascinated to see which terms resonate and why. I like blogland, although I rarely use it. I think that, like you, I first got into blogging in the blogosphere– and that term has stuck with me.

      And yes, I had no idea that blogging would evolve into what it has. It’s a lot of work, but it’s rewarding to meet new and different people via an almost brand new form of communication. It really is quite cool.

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      • I like how you did these polls Ally – I thought it was interesting. I don’t know why I picked “blogosphere” initially … I likely heard it on social media as I never followed any blogs before starting my own.

        The blogging is fun and it is a lot of work and I find myself thinking about the blog even when I am not immersed in writing a post, commenting or in Reader.
        I will be taking pictures and as I’m walking, my brain is churning thinking how I’m going to use those pictures. I always hope I can remember what I thought about to write those thoughts down.

        I rerturned to the botanical gardens and community gardens yesterday and took a ton of pictures – too many pictures as I create more work for myself winnowing down what I will use. But I enjoy every aspect of blogging though it has only been six years for me.

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        • I always hope I can remember what I thought about to write those thoughts down. Me too.

          And it’s that very thing that has me convinced that writing a blog is a good way to fight aging. If I’m aware enough to know that I should remember something [to write about it] then I figure I’m giving my brain a workout– and that is a good.

          Like I’ve said before about why I blog: it keeps my heart open and my brain clicking! *hallelujah*

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          • Sometimes I think of a funny headline for a post – I try to associate it with something else. There have been times I forgot the headline, fretted over it, posted and then remembered what it was many hours later!

            I agree with you Ally – anything that you do to give your brain a workout is good … that is a great motto for blogging!

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  20. First off as an analytical NERD, I dig the bar charts!!! I am an enthusiast – which I see had a low rating (haha)- and feel as though the people who read my blog are at a minimum acquaintances – some are becoming friends – which I absolutely love. Why didn’t I think of being a social scientist?? That sounds dreamy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • pam, I’m right there with you about bar charts [and pie graphs]. I like any visual representation of data– when it’s presented clearly. It’s the dormant social scientist in me grooving on things. 🤓

      I think you make a good case for how we start as acquaintances and if the fates are with us, become friends. I don’t think I realized how any of this would play out when I first started blogging.

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      • haha – glad there is a fellow nerd out there. I have dabbled in blogging for about 7 years? I have come and gone over the years, but every time I start back up – I’m so glad I did. Enjoy connecting with funny, smart people like yourself! Too much fun. 🙂

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        • I’ve come and gone from blogging over the years, too. I’ve come back with new blogs each time. This current one has been the most fun for me. I’m much looser here than in previous ones, while being much less wordy. I’m glad I found you, too. The more [smart] the merrier!


  21. Given the way I write most of my blog posts, I tend to see my “followers” as friends because who else would read me? And I’m glad to see that “Blogosphere” is popular 😉 I just took the SW color quiz. I’m a “Nurturer.” Ya know, I get the heebie jeebies when I see stuff like that. I mean, given how much of an introvert I am, it’s hard to think of myself as a nurturer … although I do nurture my cats 😉

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    • Marie, laughing here. I understand where you’re coming from. I think of the people who read my blog posts in the same way: who else but friends would do that? I think that nurturing cats would qualify you to be a Nurturer. I also bet that SW would be more than willing to allow you to buy paint colors from any personality type. Something tells me that the quiz is more about sales than accurately assessing anyone’s personality. 😃

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  22. So glad you write this, Ally. I’d missed the first quiz, the SW one, so I took it just now. Turns out I’m a minimalist. The various piles throughout my home may herald a different view, but I am tackling them anew. I shall wear my new identity proudly. And tackle one more like. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Janet, nice that you can take your identity in stride and adapt it to make it work for you. That quiz has been fascinating, both for those who agree with its results and those who don’t. Thanks for telling me who you are, but I do hope you’ll understand when I say I won’t be redoing the bar graph to reflect this. Making that little sucker was much too time-consuming.


  23. Love the bar chart. I had originally been classified as a Naturalist, and while that is true, I see myself in the other choices as well. It all depends on my mood. And the weather. Sorry I missed the poll! I still use the term blogosphere. If it’s outdated, I was not notified. 😉


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