Lighthearted Tidbits: Who I Am This Week + An Update About The Deck


I did what the following image asked me to do, because I wanted to, and saw what my week will be about: confidence, relaxation, and creativity. I can groove on this for a week, maybe longer.

What are your three words for the week?

• • •

I studied the following image and realized that I am, more so than ever, all about detachment, especially the “Allow others to be who they are” Law.  I’ve never been one to want to fix people, preferring to observe and understand them, then write about them even.

Which Law of Detachment calls to you?

• • •

I looked at the possiblities in the following image and decided, instantly, that my vibe is: Dragon with an Apothecary Satchel sipping the Tea of Wisdom [A3$]. But if you’ve followed along here for a while I suppose you already sensed that.

What’s your vibe? 

• • •


The deck, subject of a previous blog post, is built now. See four photos at bottom of this post.

There are finishing details that involve power washing the dirt off and painting the new screen door and installing new outdoor lights and landscaping decisions about what to do around the base of the deck, but until we get to warmer days those activities will have to wait.

For me the real significance of declaring the deck project completed is that it’s the last thing we had to plan and schedule during the height of the pandemic.

Not that there aren’t other house projects we need to do, but now we’re dealing with the normal frustrations of home improvement, not endless Covid-19 inconveniences. And that fact alone, feeling beyond the clutches of the worst of the pandemic, makes me smile and experience a sense of freedom that I haven’t felt in almost 3 years now.

Happy Week, Everyone!

The Floor is Trex Enhance in Coastal Bluff with a Trex Transcend Railing in Charcoal Black with a Trex Transcend Drink Rail in Spiced Rum

Door to be painted, light fixtures to be replaced

Stairs going down to ground below

Stairs going up to deck above, landscaping to be added later

• • • • •

229 thoughts on “Lighthearted Tidbits: Who I Am This Week + An Update About The Deck

  1. My three words were ‘do,’ ‘jay,’ and ‘fid.’ I’m moving into a time of big jobs and deadlines at work, so ‘do’ is appropriate, and my bluejays are becoming demanding about their peanuts, so that makes sense, too. ‘Fid’ probably isn’t a word most people would pick out. It’s a conical tool for splicing rope: a term from my boating life. Once rope is spliced and put to work, it becomes a line: mooring line, dock line, and so on.

    I’m glad your deck’s relatively done. Waiting on warm weather for the last spiffing up isn’t nearly so hard as waiting on lumber or workers.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Linda, your words are perfect for you. Thanks for explaining about ‘fid’ because, as you surmised, I wouldn’t know what it means.

      You’re right about the deck. The last few details we’ll happily do ourselves. No waiting for anyone or anything now– just waiting for warmer days, maybe in March, probably in April.

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  2. Your deck looks lovely! We have (and are still) purchasing major furniture. I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find out that the delivery times are normal (under 3 months) rather than the 9 months plus during the pandemic (if we could order at all). We didn’t have supply issues with the deck but our contractor bought most of the supplies about 3 months before he started building just in case.

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    • Kate, I’m interested in knowing that the furniture delivery times are reasonable again. One of these days I’ll get the gumption to start looking for some new pieces of furniture. Maybe.

      Also interesting about how your deck contractor purchased ahead of time. Ours seemed to be living in the moment, perhaps taking the $$$ from one finished job to pay for the supplies of the next?

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      • Ours was too. We had a schedule of payment but he always begged for it early. Fortunately, we were able to accommodate him. Our experience was mixed. He was in a family trauma at the time so the schedule was off and by the time he left (with my blessing) there were a few things we had to finish. Just getting him out after 8 weeks was a relief. Not sure if I would use him again. He does great work if his life isn’t in shambles.

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  3. Fitness, Connection, Relaxation are my three words. All will work for me.
    I couldn’t decide on the others…
    I like your deck and I’m sure you can’t wait to enjoy warmer weather out there.

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    • Ellen D, those are good words. It’s fun to see what you see in that image, then apply the words to yourself. Yep about the deck. Just need warmer days, but it is winter here so I’ll wait patiently.

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  4. The deck and door look very nice. A drink rail in spiced rum made me laugh.

    I got “joy, health, and confidence.” So I guess all the medical appointments this month should go well.

    I am a dragon drinking tea also–but with a cursed amulet. I don’t like any of the laws of detachment, however wise they might be, which probably means I didn’t finish my tea of wisdom or I spiked it with Caps’ Firebeard’s Special.

    That’s a fun vibe chart.

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  5. Joy, Relax, Adventure. Great words for me. I need a little Adventure in my life to counter all these grey winter doldrums. And for me, Adventure can be any small thing that I don’t normally do.

    Allow Others To Be Who They Are: This is the one I need to keep reminding myself of with regard to one of my sons. He’s exactly like me, but he missed the Practical Gene. It’s hard to shut up and let him live his Impractical Life.

    Hooray for your deck! Fingers crossed for an early spring so you can get out there and break it in.

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    • nance, my definition of Adventure is the same as yours. It needn’t be anything Large, just something Different.

      An adult child without the Practical Gene would be difficult. I feel for you on that point, but I suppose the word to focus on is Adult.

      Getting this deck built was more difficult than getting those two bathrooms remodeled during the pandemic. I would not have thought that before all of this, but that’s how it played out. I’m hoping for an early Spring… for many reasons.

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    • Dorothy, nice words! You’ll do well with them this week. I’m with you about hoping my vibe does some good, some days I wonder. As for the deck, *hallelujah* we have something safe again.

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  6. Fitness, Balance, Focus – have no idea how they relate to me at the moment but there you go. OTOH – they are perfect for my husband. I bet you will be enjoying that deck even in the colder weather – I know I would be!

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    • Grace, I like how you’re able to apply your words to someone. Made me smile with that one. I agree about enjoying the deck soon… very soon… temperature be darned. I want to get out there.

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      • My husband is currently receiving in-home P/T and has to repeat the exercises 3 times a day – The Focus is on Balance . Fitness is just part of the package. So perfect for him, applies to me only tangentially since I am his caregiver (no one really pays attention to caregivers.)

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  7. Don’t force situations is my current law of detachment. It’s my life. I like your deck and it seems that the stories of it’s coming to life are less horrific than many of the stories of construction the last couple years. I am very glad for you!

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    • Zazzy, in some ways the entire pandemic experience for all of us was a lesson in the “Don’t force situations” Law. ‘Ya know? As for the deck, this new one is safer and prettier than the one it replaced. I look forward to enjoying it soon.

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  8. Your deck looks great! How wonderful that will be when the weather is warmer (I’m a huge deck lover).
    I’m probably the dragon who’s anticipating a flagon of ale as I’m coming up to retirement at the end of October. I’ll be hanging up my scales, opening up the ale and admiring the view from the deck. 😉

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    • Lynette, I’m smiling here. You put together these topics into one wonderful comment. As a fellow dragon I don’t know why tea called to me more than ale, but whilst sitting on our deck I’m sure I could be happy with either. 🐲

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  9. Focus, fitness and creativity, check all of the above on the laws of detachment, and unknowable sea entity with a crystal ball. Now that your beautiful new deck is finished, you might take a page from my book and sit, focus on the wonder of it all, do a sit up or two, peer into your crystal ball and enjoy a blast of creative imagination that moves you on to the next new project. Or the blog. Congratulations and rejoice!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Julia, I like your words and agree with you about all the Laws of Detachment. So you’re an Unknowable Sea Entity and that is cool by me. Not as cool as a Dragon, of course. 😉

      Your ideas for what I could do on the deck are brilliant. I’m ready to move onto a few new projects so sitting on the deck, when the weather warms, will no doubt be motivating.

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  10. That was fun! I got balance, focus, creativity / allow yourself to be who you are / I could be a gryphon with the orb of a seer downing a flagon of ale. Congratulations that the Covid projects can now all be crossed off. Freedom indeed! The deck looks great.

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    • Deb, I like all of your results. They seem to fit you. You’re the first Gryphon, btw, so consider yourself especially special. My logical mind understood why all these home improvement projects were as delayed as they were, but my spirit has felt stuck throughout it all. Now I’m off for some fun.

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  11. Yay on the deck! It looks like such a nice place to be. (You know, when the weather isn’t quite so cold.) Must feel great to have that done.

    As for words: balance, health, love. I’ll take it. Detachment is a constant project for me. Have been having big opportunities to practice allowing others to be who they are. It’s challenging when who they are creates bad feelings for me. But, I’m working on it, hoping that solutions will emerge. Honestly don’t know what vibe I give off, but what I’d like to be is a gryphon with an orb of wisdom, also sipping that tea. Maybe when I’ve gotten better at detachment.

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    • Rita, yes, seeing this deck *finally* built is a big relief. The one it replaces was not safe so can’t wait to use this pretty new one.

      Your words are good ones, inspiring, hopeful. I thought the Laws of Detachment were fascinating. I get what you’re saying about “It’s challenging when who they are creates bad feelings for me.” Same situation here with certain people.

      I like thinking of you as a gryphon and you certainly are wise. I’d be honored to join you in a cup of tea on our deck. 😁


  12. The deck looks amazing.

    My words were Fitness, Focus, and Jay. Fitness and focus seem a bit ironic; I’m headed in for day surgery tomorrow and won’t be able to exercise for a while; it will also involve general anesthesia, so we’ll see how much I’m able to focus.

    And “Jay”…not sure what to make of that one. Take flight like a bird? I will be on an airplane in a few weeks, so maybe that’s the connection?

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    • Elisabeth, I see what you mean about Fitness and Focus when you’re facing surgery tomorrow. Perhaps they’re goals for the future you when you have healed?

      I adore your interpretation of Jay. I am sure it has to do with safe airplane travel, which I can only imagine will lead to somewhere that’ll encourage you to be fit and focused. Bringing it all back around. 😉


  13. Kudos on your sturdy yet elegant deck. Zen-Den is fortunate that you don’t try to “fix” him, searching for way to improve your mate, a temptation I must intentionally resist.

    I will practice confidence and relaxation this week as I finally send to the publisher finished files for my marriage memoir. At this point, creativity will have to wait. Clever post, Ally!

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    • Marian, yes STURDY is how I think of the new deck, too. It’s pretty, of course, but that old one was a low-level stressor in my life.

      I’m glad that you’re feeling confident and relaxed as you finish your memoir. There’s plenty of time and opportunities for creativity later.

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  14. This was a lot of fun.
    Balance, creativity, and fitness are my words. They all speak to me about everything that is going on in my world right now.
    I really like the Laws of Detachment. Allow others to be who they are, and allow yourself to be who you are, were the ones that resonated with me.
    I went with a fairie carrying an apothecary satchel and sipping wisdom tea.

    Your deck looks fantastic. I’m sure you can’t wait for the weather to warm up so you can sip your wine out there. 💕

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  15. I couldn’t get past the spelling of “detachment” so I looked it up, ha. I so want it to be “deattached” but… moving on… My law of detachment is “Don’t force situations”. I can still remember a mock interview session as a young professional where I badgered the poor interviewee into total discomfort. Over many years since I’ve learned to take much more of a give-and-take approach, more like a casual dialogue where both sides have their say.

    I’ve never heard of a “drink rail” but it’s a fitting phrase for that top piece, Ally. Your comments about additional projects brought a chuckle. I always think of that Brady Bunch episode where Mike & Carol finish painting the master bedroom, only to realize – uh-oh – now the adjacent hallway needs a makeover 🙂

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    • Dave, your spelling of the word ‘detachment’ would make more sense, but somehow it’s not the spelling we use. Good old English language always giving us fits.

      I know that it can take some time to learn how to interview someone for a job. You’re right it’s all about give and take, not forcing the situation. That was a good lesson for you to learn.

      No drink rails where you come from! That’s what I’ve always heard them called. They’re a nice finishing touch on a deck + they’re a way of reminding yourself that you’re at the edge of the deck. Yep to Mike and Carol. Our projects keep going too.


  16. Race you up those stairs! . . . the deck and stairs look FAB!
    Enjoy lots of creative relaxation this month/week/year.

    The Laws of Detachment work for me in Tandem ~> together all 6 remind me that “the what is, is” . . . let it be. 😀

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    • Nancy, and you know what… those stairs would hold us now. Let the race begin.

      I like the Laws of Detachment, too. They are easy to apply in specific situations, but put them together like you suggest and it’s “Let it be, Let it be” [my favorite Beatles song].


  17. Health, Joy and Sulsy? Sulsy you ask? It sorta jumped out at me.

    All 6 of the Laws of Detachment speak to me because all through my life these principles have been the foundation of who I am.


    I love your deck Ally. It’s so warm and friendly looking. Just the place to enjoy friends and family while sipping your favorite adult beverage munching on this or that little treat.

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    • Johnny, I’m laughing about your words. I say you define ‘Sulsy’ any way you want then apply it to your week.

      I like the Laws of Detachment, too. As I’ve gotten older I know I’ve come to understand them better– and accept them more. It’s an example of the Tea of Wisdom, I suppose.

      So you’re an Unknowable Sea Entity with your Orb of the Seer! Sounds perfect. I love our new deck too. It’s been a long time in coming but now that it’s here, let the fun begin [well when it gets warmer outside].


    • Margaret, the cost for wood was only slightly less than Trex so we went with composite. Your words are encouraging, not a bad way to live your week. As for the “Uncertainty is reality” Law, that’s pretty much a constant anymore, maybe always has been but we chose to ignore it.


  18. My words are connection and relaxation and fib. In a few weeks I will be visiting Ed for Mom’s weekend and then Mini for parents weekend. Relaxation is on the horizon, back to back weekends. I am doing all that I can to connect with Curly’s twin friends who just lost their mom suddenly. I told Mini would could have her group of friends over with their families, if the twin’s dad would be interested.

    No idea when the fibbing will come into play. Keep you posted.

    The deck looks amazing.

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    • Ernie, I’m pleased that at least two of your words make sense to you. The parents weekends will be fun, maybe for you more than the kids! I know I’ve been reading on your blog about the situation with the mother of the twin girls. I hope your offer is accepted, it could be healing for all concerned.

      As for fib… well, who knows? You do look after some small fry who *might* be inclined to fib. I agree that the deck looks great– and is sturdy again. Yay!


  19. My three words were Health, Balance, Creativity. I can definitely work with that.
    Allow yourself to be who you are is my law of detachment
    I am definitely a dragon with a cursed amulet, drinking the Capn’ Firebeard’s Special – at this time. At another? Probably a different trio!
    The deck looks fantabulous. Job well done! I would also declare it done when all is left is finishing touches and things that must wait for more clement climes…

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    • Dale, your words are wonderful and encouraging. I’ve no doubt you’ll have a good week with them. Yes, yes, to your preferred Law of Detachment. That one takes some self-reflection and acceptance.

      Another Dragon! There are a few of us here. I agree that on a different day my vibe could change– and that’s okay. [Please refer to the Law of Detachment discussed above.]

      We’ll happily do the finishing details on the deck when weather permits. This project is done enough to call it done in my estimation.

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  20. Wow — first things first! Woohoo about the deck! Looking fab! Ready for Spring! And thanks for bringing the fun this morning, Ally. After I read Johnny’s words – including ‘sulsy’ I wanted to copy off of him! Fun! But mine…in truth? Joy, Creativity and Health. I’ll take ’em! And we have a little overlap in our vibes…I was drawn to Dragon, Orb and Tea…and my detachment? “Allow” like you was a good one, my runner up, but I’m going with ’embrace it’ or heaven help me, die trying! 😊

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    • Victoria, thanks for you enthusiastic response to our new deck. It looks great and is sturdy which makes me happy. Now we wait for warmer days.

      I enjoyed Johnny’s found word, too. Why not go with it? I like your words and I’m sure they’ll make for a positive week.

      So far there are more Dragons here than anything else. Who knew I was running a club for dragons here? Good point about focusing, at least tangentially, on “Embrace it.” Sometimes that’s the only thing to do, if’n you want to remain centered in sanity.

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  21. Nice deck. I like Trex. I have my eye on ‘Rocky Harbor’, but when we figured out how much it would cost to do all our decking, we decided we will power sand and wash, then stain again…

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    • Margy, we kept our old deck going with the upkeep you mention for as long as we could but once the stairs collapsed, it was time to suck it up and get a new one. I looked at Rocky Harbor, but the gray didn’t work with our brick.

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  22. Ha ha! The first three words I saw were health, fitness and joy. I just had PT earlier and am able to do more things, so I guess that all kind of fits into my week for now.
    I relate to “uncertainty is reality”. We never know what each day will bring, even if we have it all planned out.
    Not sure what vibe I give. Hopefully, friendly and approachable.
    You are going to love your new deck and get so much use out of it! Can’t wait to see the finished pictures😻

    Liked by 1 person

    • Beth, your words are perfect for you and your week. That image thingie is fun. I agree about the “Uncertainty is reality’ Law of Detachment. So much truth to it, even if we don’t like the truth of it.

      I thought the vibe possibilities were a hoot. I’m sure your vibe is friendly and approachable although any vibe combo is great. Yep, once we finish the details on the deck and get some pots of flowers growing and find ourselves with adult refreshments in hand I’ll take some more pics.


  23. Hooray for your deck being complete! Whew!

    I like these little temperature gauges. While I am not sure exactly what my vibe is, I totally see that you are a dragon with an apothecary satchel sipping the tea of wisdom. Makes total sense.

    The three words that popped out at me were health, fitness, and balance. (And then focus, but you said just three so I am IGNORING that last one!) I suppose out of deference to this post I should go walk on the treadmill for a while.

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    • Suzanne, yes that deck has been a problem for too long, but no more.

      I’m glad to know my vibe rings true with you. I try to be authentic here. I like silly things like that meme.

      Your three words will do you well this week. I don’t make the rules about how many words you’re allowed to report on, so while Focus is a good one, you’ll have to ignore it. Sorry. Enjoy your treadmill walk!

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  24. Good philosophy, Ally…observe and understand people, versus trying to fix them. The Laws of Detachment are grey and overlap at times. Re: the vibe – I will let that percolate?…germinate? – Also, grey and overlap…pouring rain the last few days – grey is in my radar. Great about your deck! A weight lifted off. You get get many hours of pleasure 😀

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    • Erica/Erika, I’ll help you fix you if you ask me to, but as a rule I just let people do their own thing. Good point about the Laws of Detachment, they overlap but do seem to be relevant to me.

      It’s gray and cold here, too. I want to use the deck BUT all in good time. Happy percolating or germinating or whatever it is that you’re doing to find your vibe. 😉

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    • I agree that it’s a fantastic philosophy, and if we had more of that in the world, I think it would make the world a better place.

      I’m not sure what it says about me, but the three words that first jumped out at me were all short, how do you guys find those longer words first? Mine were “focus”, “fig”, and “haas.” I’m taking Haas to be a Haas avocado, which we have and as soon as they ripen we’ll celebrate this post with avocado toast (we’ll have some figs tonight, sadly only dried figs, though I love fresh, ripe ones!)!

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      • Endless Weekend, you make me laugh. I don’t know how I saw longer words initially but I did. Your three words are good ones. They don’t have to have many syllables to have meaning and two of yours are about food, so that’s not a bad thing.

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  25. Gorgeous deck!!! Congrats on finishing a project. Wasn’t there another one you were working on inside? A bathroom?

    My 3 words for the week are relaxation, health and connection. I don’t know about the relaxation part but I’ll try to pay more attention to that.

    I’m having trouble with the laws of detachment. Don’t force the situation came first but the embrace yourself reminds me of the poem by Jenny Joseph about “When I get old,” and the Red Hat Society. If you haven’t heard about that, you should check it out.

    I am a fairy with an apothecary satchel and tea of wisdom, of course. Have a marvelous Tuesday!


    • Janet, good memory, oh fairy one. We had our bathrooms remodeled last spring/summer so it’s been an exciting 12 months here at Chez Bean. Your words are encouraging ones. I’m sure if you try you can become relaxed, have some more of that Tea of Wisdom. It’ll put you right out.

      I know of the Red Hat Society. There used to be a branch [club?] around here but I haven’t heard a word about it in years. I know the poem and it is applicable to the “Allow yourself to be who you are” Law. Spot on, in fact.

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  26. Joy, cat and health … my vibe is definitely question reality and fairy or goblin depending on how much Flagon Ale is in the house. Fun post! I have no idea where you find all these things!


    • NGS, thanks. I can’t overstate how relieved I am to not see that caution tape when looking out the kitchen window. It bothered me more than I realized until it was gone.


  27. Such a relief to get a project done. I wish we had gone with Trex because I’m tired of the every other year upkeep involved with wood. It looks wonderful.

    I am a Don’t Force Situations person while being married to the opposite. This week, I’m Fitness/Balance/Focus, which is what I strive to be.


    • Bijoux, our previous deck was wood and it is a chore to keep it looking good. I know there are issues with Trex but no more staining wood is going to trump them. I’ve decided already.

      Your words are inspiring. I like them and can see how you’re going to have a great week. I’m not sure how I’d do married to a Do Force Situations person. Maybe you balance each other out?


  28. My first word was “lancebock” so, you know. This could be a very lancebock week! I shall report back!
    Your deck looks wonderful – what a great thing to have done! You will enjoy it so much, I’m sure! I really like the railing and colours you chose.


    • Nicole, “lancebock” sounds like a type of beer that people celebrate on Lancebock Day by drinking too much of it and singing German drinking songs.

      The deck looks pretty and I’m sure once it’s powerwashed will look better. Deciding on the colors was tricky but we did it. Thanks for the compliment.


  29. I guess I’ll be eating avocados (“Hass”) with a “cat” while my “focus” is on “fitness.” 🙂 I know, that’s four but I can’t help what I saw! I’m not sure how I’m supposed to choose my detachment, whether by appealing color or by the words below, so I remained detached and didn’t choose. Oddly enough, my vibe is probably the same as yours although I wouldn’t have expected that and am not sure it’s true. But I’ll certainly stick with the tea and I like the dragon (Wales has the best flag in the world!), so I’m at least close.

    Off to drink my tea and congrats on the deck as well as that feeling of freedom! Priceless!

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    • Janet, you’re an overachiever, seeing four words. However now that you’ve seen them your week is set. Can’t call do-overs on this one.

      Nice analysis of why you had to detach from deciding about your preferred detachment law. Well reasoned. I have Welsh ancestry so it makes sense that I’d be drawn to the Dragon, also it looked cute to me. Love that flag, too.

      Yep, feeling more like a free spirit now that the rickety stairs are gone. Something about seeing them every day unnerved me.


  30. My three words are fitness, balance and focus. I got two out of three already so … something to work on 😉 Your deck looks GREAT! But, oh, those stairs. I’m ambulatory but those stairs would give me serious pause … as in vertigo. Given the drop to your yard, you need the stairs, but did you ever think of putting a slide in? That would be fun!


    • Marie, your words suggest that you’ll have a wonderful week. One of the biggest challenges for me when moving to this hilly area was to get used to driving and walking on hills. I understand why those stairs could freak you out. I guarantee you that I’ll be going up and down them slowly.

      Former neighbors used to have a slide off their deck and it was a hoot to watch kids and adults use it. New people moved in and got rid of the slide. No sense of whimsy, that bunch.

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      • Tallahassee is hillier than most places in Florida, enough that I still hate having to stop on a hill when driving stick-shift 😉 Years ago I had an 84 VW Rabbit and one morning I had to stop in the middle of a hill and wait for the light to turn to green. Of course, it stalled as soon as I let up the clutch. Cars started zipping around me which didn’t make the situation any easier. I finally got going again, but, afterward, avoided that hill–no matter how far out of the way I had to go–until we got a new car 😉
        Pity about the slide. I would have kept it 🙂

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        • Yes, I understand your situation. I drove a stick when we moved here and had my moments. When it came time to buy a new car I got an automatic. I felt like an old person buying one, but so much easier/safer on the hills.

          I’d have kept the slide too, but there’s no accounting for taste or lack of whimsy.

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  31. My three words were: fitness, health, adventure. (I thought that was pretty cool.)
    Laws of detachment: Allow yourself to be who you are. (I thought that was pretty cool too.)
    I’d like to think I’m dragon, raven, and tea of wisdom… of course people who really know me may disagree.
    The deck looks great!

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    • Robin, your words are perfect. They’re meant to be yours. I like your preferred Law of Detachment, allow yourself to be you. Sometimes that’s easier to say than to do, though.

      Your vibe is a good one, and I’m not saying that just because I, too, want to sip the Tea of Wisdom. As for what other people have to say about you, may I please refer you to your preferred Law of Detachment. 😉


    • Natalie, thanks for the compliment about the deck. It’s a relief to have it completed. I like those two laws, too. *Allowing* can be tricky to do but worthwhile in the long run. Usually.


  32. I found act, hot, and cat. Not sure what to make of that. I guess I should try to act hot. That will be weird. The cats are a daily joy for me, so I’m not surprised that it jumped out at me.

    Your deck looks great! I’ll bet you’re excited to use it. C’mon warmer weather!

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    • The Travel Architect, all I can think of about your three words is the play, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. [Kind of an obscure reference, but I trust there’s no smell of mendacity in your room.]

      We’re very excited about using the deck. It’s pretty and finished and it’s sturdy– which the previous one was not.

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  33. It had to be frustrating it took so long. We’re trying to find someone to build us a metal garage and no one seems to be available in forever!

    My words were Health Fitness and Adventure. Well, I guess I’d better go skiing!

    My detachment phrase is “ Don’t force situations” This has been really working for me lately.

    My vibe? Gryphon with a Raven familiar chugging Capn’ Firebeard’s Special.

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    • Eilene, we had a similar experience to yours trying to find someone to build your garage. Few wanted the work and then the few who did weren’t available for a long while. Patience is a virtue, and all that. 🙄

      I like your words and agree that you should go skiing. But I don’t want to force you into it, of course.

      I like your vibe. It suits you. And that’s what matters the most.

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    • J, yoga sounds like the perfect way to make use of your words. You’re going to have a great week.

      Yes this is a hilly area and no matter which way I go I’m always dealing with hills. And curvy roads.


  34. Ooooh, lovely selection of fun stuff Ally, thank you 🙂 My words were Balance, Creativity and Health – all of which are always important aspects of my life. But right now, I’m also considering working with a new health practitioner for my back & knees which will aid my balance, and I’ve just signed up to work with a writing coach to get my fiction writing back on track. Each of the Laws of Detachment apply to me at different times, but currently I’m embracing “Don’t force situations”. My vibe is the Gryphon with the Orb of the Seer and the Tea of Wisdom (the latter two because I’ll always take all the seeing & wisdom I can get).

    Hurrah on your new deck – I know you will make it as attractive and as comfortable a place as the rest of your home.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deb, I’m happy that you enjoyed this post. I like your words and it sounds like they’re perfectly suited to who you are and what you’re doing right now. Good luck with your knees/back and getting balanced plus your writing project. Both seem like important things to me.

      I was leaning toward “Don’t force situations” as my current preferred law. There’s a wisdom to it that I’ve experienced while living through the pandemic while dealing with home improvement projects. Couldn’t force much of anything, could I?

      I like your vibe. I’m smiling. It suits you and I’ll join you in a cup of the Tea of Wisdom. Perhaps on our deck come Spring?

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  35. Hi Ally – I knew you had a number of trees behind your house, but until I saw the last photo, I hadn’t realized there is a ravine back there. I have to say, I love winter and what it exposes for us to see that’s usually hidden. What a lovely space!!

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    • Joanne, yes this is what the realtors call “a wooded ravine lot with a nontraditional backyard.” They’re hundreds of them around here [the lots for sure, maybe realtors too for all I know]. I agree about the beauty of winter, part of the fun about living where we do.

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  36. My three words for the week are fitness, sea, and balance. “Uncertainty is reality” calls to me… My vibe is probably Fairie with an Apothecary Satchel sipping the Tea of Wisdom. Wow, your deck looks very nice! Good things come to those who wait, as the saying goes.


    • Barbara, your three words seem perfectly suited to you. That’s cool. There’s truth in the “Uncertainty is reality” Law. Sometimes I like that one, other times I resent it. Another Fairie! At first I thought Dragons were going to be the primary creature, but Fairies are gaining on them. [And isn’t that a nutty sentence for me to write!]

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  37. YAY – congrats on completing the deck, it looks beautiful!! Done in time to enjoy the spring weather 😍😎 As your questions go, What are your three words for the week? FITNESS, BALANCE, FOCUS (I guess they’ll work out for me 🤣) Which Law of Detachment calls to you? Solutions will emerge. What’s your vibe? As a Sagittarius who hasn’t pondered those vibe representations before, I’ll say whatever represents loyal, independent, and kind. 🤷🏻‍♀️


    • Shelley, we’re pleased to have this deck built. Looking forward to using it as soon as possible. Your words for the week are good ones that’ll do you well. I like the “Solutions will emerge” Law, too. I guess that might be the summation of your experience having the deck built. 🤔

      I like your vibe but don’t know exactly which combo would definitely represent you. We’ll just leave it open for interpretation.

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    • Suzanne, I’m sure your three words were meant to be your three words. Since they came to you without effort, that bodes well for them, for you. We plan on enjoying the deck to the fullest.


  38. Creativity, health & joy were my 3 words. Love it!

    The Law of Detachment that spoke to me most was Embrace it! I think it should just be my new mantra in life!

    The who vibe do I give off confused me. Hmmmm…what does that say about me?🤪

    Loving the new deck. Looks like a lovely spot to enjoy a cuppa of whatever you enjoy most. You must be so happy it is finished!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lynn, your words suggest you’re going to have a great week.

      I hadn’t thought of it but I agree that “Embrace it” makes for a worthy mantra. I mean, it’s easy to remember and suggests an acceptance of reality.

      I know we’ll use the deck for all sorts of things. We’ve been talking about furniture placement, once we decide on some furniture. I am happy it is completed.

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  39. My three words were fitness, focus and gratitude.

    All the Laws of Detachment made sense to me. Maybe the circles didn’t matter, but I loved the colors of Don’t Force Situations.

    I have a fondness for dragons and fairies but especially for the unknowable sea entity.

    Congratulations on finishing the deck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nicki, good words, you can’t go wrong with them. I know what you mean about the colors on the Laws of Detachment circles. Some looked prettier to me than other ones.

      I can see you as an Unknowable Sea Entity. Good vibe. Thanks about the deck. It’s been a long time in a’coming.


  40. Okay, Ally, I’ll play along. My three words for the week are fitness, creativity, and relaxation. I’m down for that. My detachment vibe is uncertainty is reality. I’m still working on accepting that, but I know it is true. And finally, judging by how my family reacts to me, I must be giving off a vibe of apothecary satchel with a side of tea of wisdom! By the way, the deck looks great!


    • Christie, thanks for playing along. I like you three words. You’ll have a good week if they’re nudging you. Like you I know that “Uncertainty is reality” but wish it wasn’t true. I’m all about Apothecary Satchels and Tea of Wisdom, many Dragons are you know? Thanks for the compliment about the deck. I like it, can’t wait to take my satchel and tea out there for a bit of relaxation.


  41. I like solutions will emerge and uncertainty is reality – although I have trouble embracing it. WTH is an apothecary satchel? I should know this having working in a modern apothecary for decades, but tried googling – is it something to hold your witchly herbal potions?

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    • Joni, I know how you feel about the Laws of Detachment. They’re all applicable in certain situations but can be difficult to accept. My guess is that an apothecary satchel would be something in which you carry your magical herbs and potions. I don’t know for sure, but I can embrace the uncertainty. 😁

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  42. Hello! I finally made it back here — yay! I was slowly crawling out of non-blog times a couple of weeks ago and the most recent post was the one that had comments section closed. I was getting ready to read and comment on the one before that but alas, time ran out on me again.
    Anyway, all that to say I’m so glad to be back and I can comment!

    I really like the images that I can reflect on to see what my vibe is or what my week is about. I’ll have to come back and ponder those — but the one about detachment: I’m an expert on those! Ha!

    Oh, the deck looks lovely! I can imagine hanging out there often, drinking coffee/tea or enjoying some adult beverages later in the day. I have never lived in a house that had one so I have such grand ideas what I’d do if I did! I’m glad to hear that the last project from COVID time is done-DONE! Yay! I can’t even imagine. I hyperventilate at the thought of getting work done here without COVID-related issues!! But you got it all done! Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • M, I end up closing comments because if I don’t I get spam, spam, spam. Those idiots who do that are my nemesis.

      I thought all the memes were fun. I don’t know how I find them, but they come to me. Not sure what that says about me, though.

      The deck project has been ongoing, as you know. I don’t know why it was difficult to find someone to rebuild it, but it was. Decks are lovely BUT if I was to ever build a house again I’d avoid having one. From the beginning this one has been nothing but trouble. You have no idea…


  43. I found joy, health, and relaxation. What a fun little game someone came up with!
    “But if you’ve followed along here for a while I suppose you already sensed that.” Hilarious. I don’t know what I am other than entertained.
    Congrats on the deck!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Betsy, I agree. Looking for your words is fun. I’ve been intrigued to learn which words people find in that image. Ones I don’t see, but that’s the point, of course.

      Yes, I didn’t think I’d shock any regular reader by revealing I am a Dragon, you sensed it already. In fact I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how many other Dragons read this blog. Thanks about the deck. What a project it has been!

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  44. Balance, Focus, Joy.
    I’m on board with all of that.
    Ally, the deck looks fantastic! A drink rail? Say it isn’t so!
    I’m so happy for you guys and you will have an amazing amount of nice days/evenings on your newly finished deck!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suz, your words are wonderful. I want to see those words, too.

      Yep, we have a drink rail. That’s what they’re called and that is what it’ll be used for. I’m looking forward to getting out on the deck but it’s still too cold here to make it happen.

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  45. The deck has been quite the home improvement project but it is done and looks marvellous. It finally came together in the end. Well done. And that’s impressive you have in mind other home projects going and the landscaping will certainly keep you occupied.

    Looking at the vibe I am, I think I’ll be Unknowable Sea Entity with an Orb of the Seer sipping on Tea of Wisdom. Or maybe sharing the Tea of Wisdom, that sounds more like it 🌊🔮🍵💓😊

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    • Mabel, the deck project was one that dragged on in what I’d describe as forever. It came together and the actual building of it went smoothly enough, but all that waiting got to me.

      I like knowing you’re an Unknowable Sea Entity. I’m sure you use your Orb for good and am delighted that you share the Tea of Wisdom. All the best Unknowable Sea Entities do, you know? 😉


      • Though it took a long time, the building went smoothly enough and I’m guessing it was a good build. Because that’s how you want your home improvements to turn out – all good in the end.

        Yes, I am the Unknowable Sea Entity. Who am I and where I am, nobody really knows. But I see things and know what I know 😄


    • Ann, so true. While writing this and thinking ahead to our next home improvement projects, I thought how lovely it’ll be to just deal with all the normal nonsense of home ownership, not some stupid virus too. Thank you, the deck is lovely and we’re looking forward to using it when the temps get warmer.

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  46. Fitness, creativity and health.
    Definitely a fairie, I carry an amulet but it’s not cursed because it doesn’t work on fairies. Elven bread is a natch. And there you have it Ally Bean. A few days later but I came to the party.

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  47. “Uncertainty is reality” is true so much of the time. I feel it more than ever lately when I’m driving, for example. That is, you have to be really alert on the road, because there are SO many vehicles out there. While driving, you can’t assume anything. Unfortunately.

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    • Neil, I know how you feel about driving. I sometimes find myself talking myself through a busy multi-lane intersection. So true about assuming nothing when behind the wheel. Not like it once was.

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  48. The first three words in the word search puzzle: fib, joy and grit. (Hmm)
    Laws of detachment: “Allow yourself to be who you are.”
    What vibes I give off: “Tea of Wisdom” (Though I’m not feeling too wise. I’m not a regular tea drinker, but ensure I have one cup of green tea daily with lunch – found out today you’re supposed to drink it two hours after eating – who knew? I’ve been suffering with green tea all this time with no benefits?)
    I like the deck and especially the stairs alot – they’ve made a beautiful job and you have a scenic view.

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    • Linda, yours are good words to use as guidelines for you week. I agree with your preferred Law of Detachment. It’s an important one.

      As for green tea I knew it was supposed to be healthy, but didn’t know about the timing issue. I drink it more on ice in the summer but only when I want to. I will not be scheduling the drinking of tea on my daily planner. Thanks about the deck. We’re happy to see it here.

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