Nine Years Ago This Week I Started My First Blog

YES, it is true.

I’m probably more amazed by this fact than you are.  Who’d have thought that I’d stick with blogging, more or less consistently, in one way or another, for this long?

My immediate answer to that question is: not me.  But that’s a bit too flippant.  In reality, I think that the reason I have continued to blog is that it’s a quiet way to make your mark on the world.  To question and learn.  To reflect and inspire.  To laugh and enjoy.  To connect with people in a casual, easy way.

At least, those would be the reasons why I keep a blog at this point.  Any dreams I might have had of making money or of getting noticed by a publisher are long gone.  Now I write about what happens in my life because I can– and because I want to.  Very simple.

– • –

In honor of this auspicious occasion I’ll do something that I rarely do.  Today I’ll point you in the direction of a few of my previous posts about blogging.  I’ve learned a few things.  I’ve experienced a few things.  And naturally, I’ve talked about them all.

To Comment Or Not To Comment

Blogging: Then And Now [Subtitled: In Which I Explain How I Came To Be A Blogger] [Sub-Subtitled: Blame It On The Dirt]

My 5 Suggestions For Writing Better Blog Posts

An Explanation Regarding The “Absurdities Of My Week” Post That Is No Longer Here– Absurdly

An Inconvenient Blogging Truth

– • –

So what does the future hold for me and blogging?  If I am entirely honest I have to answer: I haven’t a clue.

Throughout the course of my illustrious blogging career I have never felt the need to have an overarching plan with a mission statement, monthly objectives and weekly goals.  Instead I have always done whatever makes sense to me in the moment.

And right now it makes sense to me is to say thank you to all my gentle readers.  I appreciate that you make the effort to visit here on a regular basis.  Your comments make my day and keep me on my toes.  You’re the best.

THANKS for stopping by.

21 thoughts on “Nine Years Ago This Week I Started My First Blog

  1. Pingback: The 9 Year Mark | Naples Girl Blog

  2. Congratulations on nine years of wonderful writing. We who have been smart enough to read you are better people as a result. Thank you so much for sharing your wit and wisdom; it makes the world a better place.


    • kate, we’ll see how much longer I keep on with blogging. I have taken some mental health breaks along the way, but I always come back to it. And even when I’m not publishing my own posts, I continue reading/commenting on other blogs… so I’d say that I’m hooked.


  3. And it’s a good thing that you’re hooked. I enjoy your style. <i<Style! Whether you’re posting about your life or interesting ideas, I enjoy reading what you write.


  4. I love your blog, and can’t believe it’s been 9 years! Good for you. Your writing has always been appealing to me. I remember telling you years (and years) ago to write a children’s book–or any book. And you know, it’s never too late! Go Ally! In the meantime, I’ll continue reading your posts here:)


  5. Nine years! Happy Blog Day, Ally! I’d wish you many more but after many years of blogging myself I know that a wish like that can sound like a curse, so I won’t. 😉


  6. What I like best about your blogging is the warm and conversational style…..without the goals and objectives and mission statement 🙂 Congrats on accomplishing a big milestone.


  7. Wow, 9 years! That’s great. I’m not sure if I’d even heard of a blog 9 years ago…I guess I’ve been at it for almost 7 years.

    I’m so glad to have found your blog, as I enjoy reading what you have to say very much!


    • alejna, thanks. I discovered blogs years before I started my first one. Since then I’ve had a few different blogs, but this one is the one that I like the best! Guess it took me a while to figure out what worked for me.


  8. I read most of your other blogs, didn’t I? I enjoy blog writing and blog reading. I learn so much about people, about other parts of the country and about life in general.


    • Margaret, I think that you’ve seen ’em all. I agree with you about why I blog. Learning about how other people live and think is enlightening, to say the least. 😉


      • And I think (from what people have told me) we both have very clear, human voices on our blogs. I don’t know how to explain how though. Maybe a conversational style of writing?


        • I think it is that we both are chatty, but have a point to what we’re saying [most of the time]. I often pretend that I’m writing a letter home as I write a post. Like I’m telling a good friend what I’ve been up to lately.


  9. I’m a latecomer to your blog. Happy 9th! Some of your Reasons To Blog sound very familiar. Having one’s own little corner of the interwebs is nice, I think, and knowing that people read and look forward to what appears there is lovely. I’m coming up on Year 8 myself this summer, and though Facebook has made a big dent in the blogging community, I’m happy to stick with my blog. I see our posts more as articles in a virtual magazine, whereas FB is more like Instant Messenger of old.

    In any case, thank you for being so welcoming here. And thanks for your comments at my spot.


    • nance, I like your analysis of the difference btwn FB and a blog. I think that FB is great if all you want to know is what someone is doing. Blogging is more about the how and why of things. Which is why I enjoy it so much. I like depth.

      Thanks for stopping by here. Glad that we made the connection.


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