
“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen.  Keep in the sunlight.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

~ ~ • ~ ~

My energy this week has been scattered.  Some moments I’ve been focused + productive.  But other moments (most moments) I’ve been angsty + worried.  Then add in the fact that this is a 4-day work week– and I don’t know what I’m all about.


While it is true that I am more comfortable than most with the vagaries of life, this week I’ve felt out of sorts about my lack of progress or connection or accomplishment or whatever.  Scattered, I tell you.


So yesterday afternoon I decided that the best thing for me to do was to see what I could see outside around the house.  I thought that a distraction would be good.  Naturally I took my camera with me.

DSCN0269It was a hazy sunny day which meant that most of my photos weren’t clear– just kind of a fuzzy, glare-y mess.  Rather like my week.  And with the sun in my eyes, those photos that were clear tended to have lousy composition– off-kilter or scattered.  Still a few of them turned out okay.


And so on that positive note, I’m off to enjoy a summer weekend where being scattered is a plus.  On the agenda we have a walk in a county park [on the other side of town];  a meal at an English pub [in another part of town];  an art show [in an entirely different direction];  and a cocktail hour on the terrace next to the woods [out the back door].  Life may be scattered for me now, but it is good.  Happy Weekend everyone!

26 thoughts on “Scattered

  1. The pictures look great, and you make me want Saturday to be here now. Another fun-filled weekend with the Bean – yea!!


    • Zen-Den, I sure hope that it’s a fun weekend. I’ve made the plans, so all I need now is for the weather to get it together and be sunny. Really, is that too much to ask?!!


  2. We have just finished eclipse season.
    Yes, we have had 6 eclipses in 3 months.
    Saturday was the last with an eclipse on a full moon.
    Eclipses can create disturbances in the atmosphere as well as
    fatigue, lack of concentration and feeling scattered.
    6 eclipses in 3 months is a lot for the body to absorb.
    Next week will be better and the improvement will continue thru June.


    • winsomebella, it would certainly seem that way. I long for a bit of togetherness– as in accomplishing things [not as in being stuffed together with 10 other people in a stuck elevator].


  3. Well, your rosemary looks healthy and wonderful. Mine didn’t winter over so well, and it’s just now resurging.


  4. Love the pictures, as usual…especially the sunshine guy yard stake! I hope the weather cooperates for you this weekend. But I know you and Zen Den will enjoy it no matter what:) And by the way, I never thought you were ever “scattered”.


  5. Scattered is simply a time of reorganizing?
    I think you are right – things are a bit out of balance with the 4 day week – humans do so well with predictable routine?
    Love the little feet under your potted plants – and wish I had some little stone steps like yours
    I didn’t know about all the eclipses either…although another blogger more in tune with universe mentioned this would be a period of instability…must check in there…
    Hope you have a nice weekend


    • philosophermouse, I like your point of view about scattered. Reorganizing is a perfect way to describe what I’ve been doing– or not doing– lately. Bingo!

      The little feet are from Lowe’s and besides being as cute as a bee’s knees, they keep the pots off the wooden deck thereby slowing down the deterioration of the wood. It’s humid around here & rot sets in quickly.


  6. Your plants look great! Herbs and tomato are looking healthy and happy. My garden is still on hold. Maybe next week. I like the little feet, too.


    • Zazzy, so far so good with our little veggie/herb garden. We’ve had the right amount of rain + sunshine this spring, I guess. Glad that you like the little feet. Cute + practical, but not so easy to find around here.


  7. I’ve been rather scattered, myself! (It comes along with my general feelings of stucknesss.) Glad that you are finding the good in the scatteredness. It sounds like you have a lovely weekend planned!


    • alejna, you’re on to something there with connecting scattered with stuckness. I hadn’t thought of that before. And yes, pending the unforeseen (lousy weather), we’ve got some fun in our future.


  8. The last photo of the stone steps reminds me of a friend’s place. She has similar stones leading to an outdoor shower and mint is planted in the spaces between them. Everyone who uses that shower enjoys the fragrance coming and going.


    • I know that sounds delightful but she closes her bathroom for the summer and forces everyone to use the outdoor shower whether they are in favor of the idea or not. So she’s inventive AND a little bit nutty.


      • Suzette, it does sound quite delightful… in theory. As a person who prefers being inside when naked, I wouldn’t like this shower at all. But the mint idea is a lovely one.


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