Looking For Good Luck: Angel Numbers Are A Serious Matter, Maybe

The oppressive July heat & humidity that made me a teensy bit fractious have given way to what is supposed to be a week of cool & clear August days.  HALLELUJAH, I feel restored and back to my silly lighthearted self.  Case in point…  

This is a photograph of me as a little bean. On the back it says it was taken by pixy PIN-UPS, which was part of J.C. Penney. My mother’s notation says: “Not sure when taken but cute!!”

~ ~

The first idea to float into my mind this morning was a question.  The question was: Are you rigging the system if you wait around for Angel Numbers to appear on a device?

In case you’re unfamiliar with Angel Numbers* they’re a series of digits that are either all the same like 4-4-4 or are numbers in a sequence like 1-2-3-4.  You see them on digital devices or on street addresses– or sometimes flight numbers.

In my youth Angel Numbers were known bearers of good luck.

As kids when we saw an Angel Number, usually on an electric digital alarm clock or the bank’s time & temperature display, we’d make a wish.  They were a rarity back then, more so than they are now with computers screens and smart phones and Dick Tracy-like watches.

I still notice them and admit that I want as much good luck as I can get so I still wish on them. You never know…

Thus the other day when I glanced at the time on the microwave and saw that it was 1:22 I stood in the kitchen waiting for the number to change to 1:23, an Angel Number.

Which brings me back to my original question.

By doing what I did, fabricating a contrived situation so that I’d definitely see an Angel Number, am I creating a scenario in which my Angel Number sighting is null & void because I rigged the system? OR am I using my own observational skills and clever wiles to make my own good luck opportunity?



Did you know about Angel Numbers as a child? Did you make a wish on them?

Do you make a wish on them now?

Did you then, or do you now, make wishes on other things? What are those things?

Do I look angelic or devilish in the photo at the top of this post?

~ ~ ~ ~

* HERE is some information about Angel Numbers. It says they are part of tarot. Could be, but as a child they weren’t revealing my future to me, they were fun.

217 thoughts on “Looking For Good Luck: Angel Numbers Are A Serious Matter, Maybe

  1. I never heard of angle numbers before. I am such a disbeliever in good luck happening from intentional things. It’s either happenstance or hard work that causes the best good luck. Although hoping for a miracle is something I do often. Especially when it comes to the lottery. 🙂 Yes, you are definitely cute! I love that you had a little wave in your hair. Very cute.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I don’t wish on them, and I didn’t know they were angel numbers, but I’ve always like sequential numbers. Most of my blog posts go live at 4:56 am. So, if you subscribe to my blog and look at your phone when it beeps, you have a good chance of seeing an angel number. Of course, if you leave your phone in the kitchen, you have a better chance of getting a good night’s sleep 😉

    Liked by 8 people

  3. I didn’t know about angel numbers as a child. I have heard about them as an adult but not in the way of granting wishes or forecasting futures. More of an awareness or centering, so that when you see those numbers you take a moment or two to be either grateful or more chill about something that’s stressing you out. Making wishes is fun, and it doesn’t hurt to express something you want to happen, just so long as you follow it up with some action! And gratitude and chilling is something I can always get behind.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Arlene, I like your adult version of what to do when you see an Angel Number. In a way our childhood ‘make a wish’ is a less sophisticated version of being grateful or chill in the moment. I agree that it’s only through action that a wish might come true. I’m not sure I knew that as a child, though.

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  4. I had no idea that observing of these numbers when they occur actually had a name! I like the idea of Angel Numbers. Yes, I notice them. Sometimes they seem to happen with remarkable frequency, and then they disappear for a while. It never occurred to me to make a wish when it happens. You can be sure I will start. I believe that we create our luck, therefore I say, go for the wish!! Patience is, after all, a virtue 😉

    Liked by 6 people

    • Natalie, apparently Angel Numbers weren’t part of everyone’s childhood. Pity, they were [and are?] silly fun that [who knows?] might bring a person good luck. Thanks for the compliment on the photo. You’ve accurately described me, then & now! 😊


  5. Eeek, you’re so cute! Angelic with just a touch of devilment. I didn’t know they were called Angel Numbers OR that you could wish on them, but I am going to do that from now on! I generally only wish on birthday candles, but I am a person who sends good thoughts to people when I hear or see something that reminds me of them. I don’t know if those people actually receive those good thoughts, but I like to think that they do. For example, yesterday I heard a song that reminded me of my friend, and I sent all sorts of love her way.

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    • Nicole, I like your description of little me. It holds true of me now. I do what you do too. That is, I send good thoughts to other people when something reminds me of them. I learned to do that through Reiki. Every little bit of positivity and support helps.


  6. Love the pic! Never heard of angel numbers, but I notice numbers all the time, always have. I like sequential ones for time and dates, but random ones for addresses. I love 3, 8 & 12, but not 9 or 11. Definitely do not like 11 or 111, etc.!

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    • Paula, thanks about the photo. I thought it showed me at my best. Angel Numbers show up all over the place IF you’re primed to look for them. I get what you’re saying about your preferences for some numbers; I love 3, 7, & 8, but I’m not crazy about the numbers 2 or 6. They rub me the wrong way.

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  7. – Picture – angelic and smart. Came out so well.
    – Angel Numbers – was not aware of them as a kid but I am now. And will start making wishes.
    – Wishes elsewhere – not really, though after reading yet another horrible article about the news of the day I do wish that mean hateful people would see the error of their ways, or just disappear.
    – Rigging – not if you wait for the numbers to appear on their own. Rigging would occur, for example, if you reset the clock on the microwave to and Angel Number time because you were there and did not want to wait on it.

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    • Zen-Den, I knew you liked this photo. Angelic and smart, eh? I can go with that.

      You make a good point about the daily news and the need for good wishes [prayers?] sent as a form of protection against the haters. Make the haters disappear, I like it.

      Your explanation of rigging leaves me in the clear about what I did waiting for the microwave time to change. I feel empowered and will continue with my wily ways. Must get good luck.

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  8. I have never heard of this before, but if I had known when I was a child, I would have found that a lot of fun. I don’t believe in luck; I think what happens is about our hard work and actions and how those actions dovetail (or not) with those of everyone else. Sometimes this can be very predictable, other times not, or in between somewhere. There are periods of our lives when our actions are very defined for us or our generation, raising kids, for instance or being required to participate in a war.

    I think you are very cute in that photo. 🙂

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    • Lynette, I was surprised when I realized that not everyone grew up wishing on Angel Numbers. Another one of those assumptions that proved inaccurate. As a kid, making a wish on an Angel Number was the done thing.

      I understand your idea about how effort leads to good luck. If having good luck were as easy as wishing on a number, or buying a lottery ticket, then we’d all be living the life of Riley.

      Thanks for the compliment about the photo. I found it and thought I needed to share it here. Just because

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  9. I hate to say it, but waiting for the microwave probably voided your wish! Or we could all sit in our kitchens, staring at our microwaves and clocks, and wait for sequential Angel Numbers all day long! When I was a kid, we made wishes when anyone said the same word or phrase at the same time, and a first-spotted one-headlight “padiddle” either gave you the right to hit your brother in the backseat!

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  10. I agree with your mother, you were an adorable little bean! Definitely angelic. I never heard of Angel Numbers before. The only thing I make wishes on are birthday candles and shooting stars. I keep my wishes a secret, though.

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  11. Never heard of this! I wonder if it’s a regional thing? I do think you may have pushed a bit in waiting for the 3 to appear. Seems for true good luck it must be an unplanned thing. Personally I remember the scary warning I heard as a kid: if you drive by a cemetery you must hold your breath and lift your feet up off the ground until you pass. Evil spirit possession I suppose?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Deb, I wouldn’t be surprised if Angel Numbers were a regional thing, or maybe just my small town’s thing. I take your point about how by contriving a situation to see an Angel Number, what I saw wasn’t a working Angel Number. Bad me.

      I REMEMBER DOING THE CEMETERY THING. I’d forgotten all about that. I agree I think it was so we wouldn’t be possessed by evil spirits, but I cannot say for sure.

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  12. I’d never heard of angel numbers until I read your post. I do remember looking for four leaf clovers as a child, but I always grew impatient before finding one, and that was the end of that. Luck? I like Bon Jovi’s line in the song “It’s My Life”: — “luck ain’t even lucky, got to make your own breaks.”

    Liked by 4 people

    • Linda, I remember half-heartedly looking for four leaf clovers, but knew that was a long shot. Angel Numbers, however, seemed plausible– and were more fun. I agree with Bon Jovi’s lyrics, btw. Of course that’s an adult saying that, not an idealistic kid.


  13. I never heard of this term, nor the practice of wishing on numbers. I do think that sitting and waiting for anything that’s supposed to be random isn’t truly in the Spirit of the thing. But you do you; if that makes you happily connect with a part of your childhood that makes you feel good, then who cares?

    I love that picture of Little You. You look like someone just might be ready to tickle you–again.

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    • nance, I only recently became aware of how most people don’t know about Angel Numbers, either from their childhoods or from tarot. I take your point about how I may have manipulated the system to get to the point where I could make a wish. On the other hand, as you mention, it does make me smile whenever I see an Angel Number so that’s good.

      I’ve no memory of sitting for that photo. Who knows why I was smiling. Maybe I’d been promised an ice cream cone after. I’d do anything for ice cream!


  14. Your photo is purely adorable! Never heard of Angel numbers. It’s too late for cynical ol’ me. I don’t believe in angels or luck per se. It is true that sometimes good things occur or bad things averted for no apparent reason. But I think awareness has a lot to do with it. There. Aren’t I a killjoy?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Eilene, ha! Obviously the concept of Angel Numbers is not for you. No problem, we all can’t get into the same things. Sure you can be all rational and ignore their power, but maybe they work. Or worked when we were kids. Their influence in the adult world, however, might be more about effort than dreaming.

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  15. I’d never heard of Angel Numbers only lucky and unlucky numbers, so, no I’ve never wished on them.

    I make wishes on shooting stars, dandelion fairies, and birthday candles.

    I loved deep side part of your hair style then and you were so cute. Mom was right!! 😀

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  16. Seeing your sweet little JC Penney face was the best way to start the day.
    You KNOW I’m familiar with Angel numbers. I typically see 1:11 or 11:11 daily or nightly. According to what I’ve heard, it implies you’re on the right track with whatever you’re doing in your life.

    Here’s my take on you stopping and waiting for your angel number to turn. By wanting that luck or wishing for the mystical part of the angel number to come true, you are believing in something other than yourself. That is magical in and of itself. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Kari, I like your interpretation of what your Angel Numbers mean to you. I wonder if the reason we made a wish on Angel Numbers was to set ourselves on the right path to success. Or some childhood version of that.

      Nice explanation of what I did. I can go with it, and not because I got the opportunity to make a wish, but because I like magical moments– any way I can get them.

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  17. I constantly see 11:11 on the clock or 111. I have read this is a sign from the beyond. In my mind, I associate the number with my sister. When I see them, it makes me smile thinking her presence is near. I do not make a wish on it as I interpret it as her telling me something. We used to make wishes on the wishbone of a roasted chicken or turkey. And of course on birthday candles. I think you look adorable which can be interpreted as angelic!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Maggie, I like how you’ve interpreted the Angel Numbers you see. If I was you I wouldn’t wish on those particular numbers either. Adult interpretations of Angel Number sightings don’t seem quite the same as childhood sightings, even if I do still sometimes wish on an Angel Number.

      I remember making a wish on a chicken or turkey wishbone. It seemed very important to do so, an honor even. Glad to know little me appears angelic. She may have fallen a bit since then.


  18. Never heard of Angel Numbers…but childhood connections like that are fun. BTW: waiting for an ‘Angel Number” to appear as you describe is not tampering at all – tampering would be to get inside the machine and fix it into an Angel Number manually. Kind of like how they used to change out odometers on used cars back in the day!
    Your Ma’s right: what a cutie, you!

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    • Laura, I like how you’ve made the connection between what I did, waiting for the microwave time to change, and tampering with a car’s odometer. In your astute observation I come off as angelic. Wise, and ready for good luck to happen. Almost like that cute kid in the photo. 😉

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  19. Oh my gosh! I love this picture of you. So cute and definitely angelic. Were you maybe three?
    Crazy that I have never heard about the angelic numbers. I’ll be keeping a lookout for them now!
    I am reading a book called Angels in My Hair by an Irish gal named Lorna Byrne. It is a true story of her life. She sees angels and some spirits. They thought she was retarded when she was little because she focused on the angels instead of the people around her. It’s an amazing book

    Liked by 2 people

    • Beth, Mom was usually great about writing kids ages on photos, but on this one she didn’t. I started wearing eyeglasses a few months before I turned 6, so this would be before that.

      I’ve not heard about Lorna Byrne, but if she’s Irish she well could be talking with angels and spirits. Kind of makes sense to me. I say that as a woman with Irish ancestors on both sides of my family.

      Sláinte 🥃

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  20. Exceptionally cute photo of you as a Little Bean, Ally! ‘Fabricating a contrived situation’ I will have to think on this one and my subconscious will likely give me an answer. Which brings me to Do we create our own good luck?

    One of my first posts on September 29, 2018 was “Do you happen to see 11’s 111’s 1111’s everywhere? Discusses this exact topic. I had never heard about Angel Numbers until one of my granddaughters was born on a certain date and the ICU nurse told me about this. (I am cautious about adding links on someone else’s blog – although if you are curious, Ally, I can send you link – short post)

    The 111’s 1111’s are HUGE in our family now! Thank you for sharing an interesting post.

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    • Nancy, I’m beginning to wonder if 11:11 is the perfect Angel Number. Many commenters are aware of it, for various reasons. As a child we weren’t limited to one specific Angel Number sighting. Less discriminating, I guess.

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      • From a quick google:

        In numerology, 11 is a master number. It represents intuition, creativity, genius, refinement, and fulfillment. Related to this meaning, seeing 11:11 can be a call to reflect on your purpose in life. It can also be a call to return to balance and claim to the life lessons in front of you.

        So that’s it ~> intuition, creativity, genius, refinement, and fulfillment. Can’t do any better than that!

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  21. I’ve never heard of angel numbers! But I’d say they have to just appear, not wait for them. I do have a certain affinity for certain numbers, or combos though…but it’s just one if my many quirks!

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  22. The cutest lil’bit bean I’ve seen in awhile Ally Bean. I love numbers – seriously – like waking at eg 2.22 or 4.44 am from a dream. And adding up number plates of passing cars bringing them down to a single digit (even cell nos. on billboards). 1.11 or 11.11 as I get into my car or just happen to check the time randomly is portentous. Do I make a wish? I will from now on. Never too late to have a happy childhood 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    • Susan, I also like waking up from a dream and seeing an Angel Number. I generally don’t wish on them then, but I figure my dream was blessed– not that I remember many of my dreams– but it all seems like it’s good.

      I notice numbers on car license plates, but have never added them up to get to a single digit. You’re clever. I’m usually looking to see if any of the numbers are my phone number or house address. No reason to do this, I just do it. Wishing on an Angel Number is a goofy kid thing, but why not? Like you said, it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

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  23. I’ve never heard of Angel Numbers. I’m trying to remember what little cosmic numbers I had an attachment to when I was young. I think John Lennon singing Number Nine Number Nine Number Nine.
    Love that photo of you. Such a cutie!!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Robin, I only recently realized how few people knew about Angel Numbers, so maybe that’s why I was thinking what I was thinking when I woke up. My subconscious was nudging me to talk about them here.

      Glad you like the pic of me as a little bean. I have to admit I like it too.


  24. I hadn’t heard of Angel Numbers… but I’d say yes, waiting for them tick off definitely nullifies the luck.
    But let’s get back to that adorable photo. Pixy Pin Ups? I’m sorry but that sounds like a perfect name for a pedophile website!

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    • Rivergirl, many commenters would agree with you that I rigged the system, therefore my wish means nothing.

      As for the pixy PIN-UPS, thinking the same thing as you, I did some fast research before I posted this. The company changed its name over the years, shortening it to Pixy, but I don’t think the company is still around.

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    • Dawn, wishing on birthday candles was fun, but organized and expected. Wishing on Angel Numbers was spontaneous, although in my recollection both sources didn’t manifest in what I wanted. 🤨

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  25. I am among the ever-growing ranks of those who have never heard of angel numbers, Ally. The only superstition I recall from childhood was something to do with holding one’s breath driving through a tunnel. But the tunnels in our area were so long that we never managed to hold our breath long enough to find out what magic would occur. Perhaps that explains my overall skepticism for superstitions and omens.

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    • Donna, it’s been interesting to learn who knows about Angel Numbers and who doesn’t. I don’t know about holding your breath while driving through a tunnel. Of course, there were no tunnels where I lived as a child so it figures. I’m sorry you never found out what magic was awaiting you IF you managed to hold your breath that long. Seems like you deserve to know.

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  26. I’m another who’s not heard of Angel Numbers. I am aware of people regarding sequential numbers as special if not actually lucky – often seeing social media posts drawing attention to when dates line up. My grandfather was very superstitious and believed the number 7 was his lucky number. Hard to argue with his logic when all three of his great-grandchildren were born on the 7th of their particular month & year 🙂

    I love the picture of cute little Ally, hopefully not so cute that she didn’t have fun getting into mischief from time-to-time though. I might have to drag out one of me from that time and find an excuse to include it in a blog post for I had great curls…

    Liked by 5 people

    • Deb, I’ve enjoyed reading the comments on this post because many commenters have slightly different takes on what I call Angel Numbers. I can understand why sequential numbers would seem special, and I get how one particular number calls to someone. We all have our ways of understanding the world.

      I’d love to see your photo of little Deb and her curly locks. My curly hair was always brushed straight then pinned back with a barrette. Or two. Or three.


    • Jan, Angel Numbers were a childhood thing for me, but when I did a fast research about them for this post I found out they are associated with tarot. Surprised me, but there you go. As for who I was and who I am, I’d say I’m angelic enough and leave it at that. 😉


  27. I’ve never heard of angel numbers but am always open to something cool and upbeat. What’s the harm? You look adorable, but have a devilish glint in your eyes. 😉

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    • Margaret, Angel Numbers are upbeat. No doubt about that. Now whether you wish on them or research their meanings is up to you. I’m lazy so I wish. I like your description of little me. Might still hold true in fact.


  28. Angel numbers are new to me, as is padoodling or pidoodling. We did have Slug Bugging, in which one was permitted to punch whoever was in the back seat with them if they were the first to spy a VW Bug. I did not enjoy Slug Bug, as I thought it was stupid. And it hurt.

    Still, I feel able to weigh in on your microwave question, and unlike others I think waiting voids it. (I am no fun. See previous paragraph.) I think it has to come to you from the universe to count. Although, in real life, I think we often have to make things happen for ourselves. But Angel Numbers don’t seem like real life to me. (See: no fun.)

    What does look like fun is Little Ally. I always like my friends to be nice, but with an edge. That little girl looks very nice, but also like she definitely has some edges. And edges are where the fun often lives.

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    • Rita, we did Slug Bug. It was just part of a car trip, but you’re right it did hurt to be the slug-ee.

      So far commenters are split on whether I rigged the Angel Number system. I am keeping an open mind about what I did, allowing for the possibility that what I did was not according to Hoyle BUT could be okay, too. See, I don’t want to snub any possible good luck that might be coming my way.

      I love your line: “I always like my friends to be nice, but with an edge.” Me too, sister. Goody two shoes need not apply, nor should phonies. 🙄


  29. I agree with your mom about your photo – cute!!! 🙂

    I did not know about angel numbers as a kid, but I wake up frequently at night and glance at a digital clock. It seems like every time I wake up, it’s on an angel number – 1:23 or 4:56 or something like that. Also, my birthday (and favorite number) is an angel number – 111. Thanks for teaching me something new!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Laurie, I wish I could tell you how I came to know about Angel Numbers, but it was years ago. I was amazed when I realized that not everyone knew about them– and their power to grant wishes.

      I occasionally wake up in the middle of the night and see an Angel Number. It makes me feel good, for no reason in particular. In the middle of the night I don’t usually wish on them, though. A missed opportunity?

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  30. I’m going with devilish, just ‘cos.

    Boy, you really got me on a forgotten memory with “444.” I’ve never heard of Angel Numbers, but for many years in the early eighties I played 4-4-4 in the District of Columbia’s three-pick lottery game. I had never played the lottery before. An older co-worker, though, had studied the results and noticed that those three numbers had never won. So for years I played them… and also never won!

    I remember “Slug Bug,” and also something else about cars with only one headlight, which at least in Michigan in the seventies meant that you were supposed to kiss the person next to you. – Marty

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    • Marty, I think I look a bit devilish too. Kind of playing to the crowd, biding my time until I could get some kind of reward for sitting still.

      You played the lottery and you lost? Even with your plan in place you lost. It’s like… it’s like… the lottery does not work in your favor.

      I remember Slug Bug, but not the dealio about the one headlight. We also wished on turned up dress or pant leg hems. As you turned it down you made a wish. We were a hopeful lot.

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  31. I’ve never heard of angel numbers and never knew it was something people thought about until recently, when I noticed people planning their weddings on dates like 12/12/12. Our niece got married last year on 08/08/2020, Covid be damned! I didn’t think it was a magical date, but what do I know?

    When I was a kid, the only number game we played was trying to write words with an upside down calculator.

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    • Bijoux, I remember writing words with an upside-down calculator! I’d forgotten all about that. Technically it did involve numbers, but maybe not quite in the same way as Angel Numbers.

      I think it’d be cool to plan a wedding on a day that had significant numbers. It’d be extra special. It would take a lot of forethought and resolve to make it happen, but I can see how it’d be groovy.

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  32. You look like an absolute doll! I have always known of Angel numbers but never knew that’s what they were called. In particular I would notice 11:11 or 123 or 888 and my favourite 333. I don’t think I don’t think I’ve ever made a wish on one and yes I do think you created an opportunity there with 1:23 but who doesn’t in life! If it made you feel better, I say go for it! 🙂

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    • BossyBabe, you’re right. Many people notice numbers, but don’t call them Angel Numbers, even if the number might be defined by someone else as an Angel Number.

      I’m fond of three, too. I’d like to see 333 somewhere. Like you said, and I believe, if you want good luck you gotta work at it. And that’s what I did while standing in front of the microwave. My story, sticking with it.

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  33. I never heard of angel numbers and will probably forget the term by the time I hit post. The clock is turned off on my microwave so I’ve got no chance there. I remember throwing a coin in Trevi Fountain but don’t remember what I wished for. In the photo, you look cute. Phew, this made me think, now I need a rest. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Judy, many people don’t know about the term Angel Numbers. I mean, you see the numbers & recognize they’re unique, but you don’t have a name for them. My husband mentioned throwing a coin in a fountain as an example of wishing on something. Thanks for thinking here, now go enjoy your rest. 😎

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    • Donna, that’s the thing about Angel Numbers. Once you know what they are– and that they’ve been right in front of you all along– you see them. Be sure to make a wish on ’em, if’n that’s your thing.


  34. I never heard of Angel Numbers, but I did (and do) get excited if something I was looking at (like a digital clock) flashed a sequence of numbers. I didn’t know I was supposed to be wish on them, though, so … gee, lots of lost opportunities.

    I don’t think you’re rigging the system if you “wait” for the Angel Number to appear. That’s just smart and the American Way.

    I think you look adorable in your photo: a happy little Bean!

    I have a question, though (if no one else has asked): if Angel Numbers can be a series of the same numbers, as in your example, 4 4 4, what about the series 6 6 6 ? Seems that series always has a negative connotation.

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    • Marie, Angel Numbers are a childhood thing I’ve known about for a while, so it never occurred to me that other people didn’t know about them. I got thinking about them after I realized that I was standing around in front of the microwave waiting for one. Thanks for your support regarding how I came to see it.

      A couple of other commenters have mentioned 666. The best explanation came from Nancy. She reasons that Satan was an angel who fell from grace and that he took his number with him. Therefore 666 is still an Angel Number. Works for me. 🤷‍♀️

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  35. I have seen the numbers occur, but did not know they were called “Angel Numbers.” It makes perfect sense to someone like me who wishes on the moon each month and pulls a daily tarot card. My husband is in love with those kind of number occurrences and often points them out to me as well. i’ll have to let him know about the Angel thing and I definitely will start looking up the meanings. Thanks for the link!

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    • Janet, you’ve nailed it, that’s the thing with Angel Numbers. You know that you’ve seen unique number patterns but you don’t know that the phenomenon has a name. I’m glad you followed the link. It’s filled with information about how to understand the Angel Numbers you see. It doesn’t mention making a wish on one, so I’m thinking that was definitely a childhood thing. A fun one, actually.

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  36. I have never heard of Angel Numbers. There are two places that give me a thrill when I happen on numbers that line up: I love when my grocery receipt adds up to a full dollar amount and I also like when I see lined up numbers (all the same, or when it clicks over to the next 1,000 or 10,000 miles) in my odometer. We get our thrills where we can… 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Janis, I love that too when the grocery receipt shows me a perfect dollar amount. I haven’t seen that happen in a long time. I want to notice when my odometer does something cool, but it usually happens when I’m in rush hour traffic. I know that it’s doing something significant, creating a special number, but I can’t take my eyes off the road. Life is tricky like that.


  37. I do that, too. I keep all my clocks on 24-hour time and get all excited at 12:34 and 23:45. Also at 02:46, 01:35, 13:57, 11:23 (the first four Fibonacci numbers), etc. I’m a numbers guy…

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    • John, you’ve taken this numbers thing to a higher level. How fun. Like you I love to see 12:34. In fact now that I think about it I like to see 3.14, as in the beginning of Pi. I don’t wish on Pi though.

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  38. We used to make the words “shelloil” with numbers on a calculator viewed upside down. I think that is as close a I got to an angel number and it was contrived. I don’t think it appeals to me. Love the giraffe car game comment- wish I’d had that one in my parental toolbox when certain kids visited.

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    • Amanda, another commenter mentioned using a calculator to write words. I remember doing that but not the words I wrote. The giraffe car game is genius. We played Quaker meeting that was similar to it: “No more talking, no more fun, Quaker meeting has begun. If you dare to crack a smile, You will have to walk a mile.”


  39. First off, you look adorable in that photo. But of course your mom thought you are cute.

    Like some others, I have never heard of angel numbers, but I’m told not to use too many of them in passwords. I do have a preference for the number “7,” and I don’t like to see 9:11 on my digital devices: microwave, stove. Those numbers in sequence make me cringe.

    I used to notice when the odometer turned over to a fresh new “thousand,” but now I could care less. %-/

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    • Marian, thank you. I admit that I like the photo of little me. I look happy, but perhaps a bit ornery, too smart for my own good.

      I didn’t know about not using numbers like Angel Numbers in a password. Makes sense to not use them. I like 7, too. It seems sensible to me and easy to write. Not fussy at all.

      I try to notice my odometer, but like you the thrill has worn off. I don’t know if it is a function of my age or the age of my ancient car. 🤷‍♀️

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  40. I’ve never heard of Angel Numbers, but Pixie Pinups sounds familiar. I think we used them for pictures of our oldest daughter. You look adorable in your pixie pinup.

    I think you cheated by waiting for the number to change. These kinds of superstitions are based on chance, so they can’t be consciously engineered.

    I’ve wished on a blown-out birthday candle or two in my time.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Nicki, thank you for the compliment about little me. Whoever took that photo did a great job.

      Commenters seem to be evenly divided on whether I cheated or whether I was clever. Somehow that doesn’t surprise me, consensus would shock me more than disagreement!

      Wishing on birthday candles has been the number one answer. I think we all did, or still do, that. I mean, is it even a birthday if you don’t do that?

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  41. No, I had not heard of angel numbers as a child, but then, we had analog clocks so there were few places to see them. I see 11:11 a lot. It makes me smile, but I don’t really put much meaning in it. It’s like a “howdy” from the universe is all. And yes, your childhood picture is darling.

    Liked by 4 people

    • KDKH, when I was a child we had both analog and digital clocks in our home so the opportunity to see Angel Numbers was there, in some rooms.

      I love your idea that 11:11 is a “howdy” from the universe. This makes me sense to me, feels right. I’ll think that the next time I see those numbers, and I’ll wave back at the universe in reply.

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  42. Never heard of angel numbers. Do not wish on things. You look adorable. What your mom wrote sounds exactly like something I would (possibly have) written on something like a picture one of my kids drew, for instance. Darling photo of you. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Betsy, I thought that everyone knew about Angel Numbers, but I was wrong-o about that. You don’t wish on things? Not as a child? Not even birthday candles? How could this be?

      My mother usually put age information on the photos she saved, but this one slipped by her. I thought it put me in a good light, so to speak, so I tossed it onto this post. 😊

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  43. Add me to the list of the newly initiated to Angel Numbers.
    As to contriving a good luck moment, I’ve done that with my own special brand of superstition – if you are OK with me calling it that. I used to walk to work, downtown, past a busy train track. This was around the time that they were phasing out the caboose. If a train had a caboose at the end, it would be a lucky day. If, however, I was about to walk out of view of the passing train, I would slow, or stop altogether to make sure I had my chance at good luck. Funny, eh?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Maggie, I love your personal superstition. That’s a great way to make your own good luck. Not to mention I always waved to the man in the caboose when I was a child. Had to. I hope you got lots of good luck because of your conscientious pursuit of it. LOVE THIS!


    • Zsoro, you’re doing the Angel Number thing like you’re supposed to do it, I suppose. But you can’t blame me for trying to make my own good luck. 😉


  44. I have a JC Penney photo with the same pose at about the same age. Those photographers had a talent for turning little devils into little angels. I like that your photo reflects curiosity in your eyes. Like many others, I have never heard of angel numbers, but will forever be on the lookout – seeing one may not change my luck, but looking for one can change my frame of mind. Joyful post. Be well.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Suzanne, you’re right. Those J.C. Penney photographers had a gift for taking wonderful pics of wiggly little kids. Of which I was one. And, oh yes, I was a curious little bean. 🙄

      Once you know about Angel Numbers you’ll see them more. Or at least you’ll know what to call them when you see them. I don’t know that I believe they’ll foretell your future, but they can make you smile. And that seems like a valuable thing to me.

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  45. You definitely look like an angel in that photo, Ally. Are you still one?

    I have never heard of angel numbers before, but now that I have been enlightened, I’m going to heat up water for my tea and stare at the clock on the microwave until it turns 1:23. :-p

    Liked by 4 people

    • Mary, some days I’m angelic, but maybe with a few more edges now. Also I fear my halo has been tarnished over time.

      I wish you well in your pursuit of Angel Numbers. I feel you’re on the right track to getting your wish. Effort should be rewarded.


  46. I’ve never heard of angel numbers. I do enjoy patterns and noticing the time being 1:23 or my car’s mileage being a pleasant pattern makes me smile. I’ve never made a wish on them, however. Wishes are challenging for me. My birthday wish has been for world peace since I was 5 or 6 years old. I don’t know where that comes from except it was during the Vietnam war. I’m a little neurotic about wishes and feel as if I can’t make a wish to benefit myself – not that wishes ever come true. I expect that somewhere along the way someone told me that wishes were selfish. I don’t remember that happening but I can’t picture my child self just coming up with that on my own.

    And you look mostly angelic in your photo. But there is a little mischief in those eyes!

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    • Zazzy, your take on making a wish fascinates me. I realized at a young age that wishes probably wouldn’t happen, but I wished anyway… for myself. I’m sure you’re right that someone must have convinced you to not make wishes that would benefit you alone. I cannot imagine any child being so selfless without a nudge from somewhere. But then like you said there is some mischief in me, always has been, and maybe I was told to wish for world peace– and didn’t do it because it was my wish to do with what I wanted. Ha!

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  47. How interesting. Wonder if the number wishing is a regional thing (and where it originally got started.)
    I can see even barely superstitious maybe trying to get an Angel Number for a flight…(but do they get off if the flight changes?). Still Angel flight numbers are a little to close to “your number is up”?
    Thanks to this post, now we’ll all be noticing sequences
    And yes, very cute pix!

    Liked by 4 people

    • philmouse, I have no source for why we wished on Angel Numbers. Maybe some kid made it up and we all went along with it? Could be regional, I suppose.

      I never thought of the numbers as being superstitious or omens, but apparently they’re part of tarot and have meanings. I hadn’t thought of the ‘your number is up’ saying with regard to Angel Numbers. To me, Angel Numbers were/are fun, nothing too deep.

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  48. That was an interesting post Ally. I’ve never heard of angel numbers, but will watch for them in the future and make a wish. You were a cute little bean! I think you look impish in the photo – which might be another word for mischievous or maybe planning something up to no good!

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  49. I go through days where I see nothing but angel numbers, Ally, and I don’t necessarily make a wish, but I feel like it’s my angels trying to tell me something so I do pay more attention.

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  50. I have never heard of Angel Numbers! I think for me it was always 1:11 or 11:11 on the clock that meant something….don’t ask me what it meant, it was just cool I guess.
    I do love seeing my car odometer when it gets to an interesting number like 12345 or 20,000. But I don’t make wishes.
    That is definitely an angelic picture of our inquisitive friend. I pictured you with dark hair though. Do you think you hit the JC Penney salon prior to the photo for a ‘frosting’? ; )

    Oh, and I think you totally rigged the angel numbers so they are null and void.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Suz, you were aware of a couple of Angel Numbers but didn’t have a name for them. How I came to know that name for them I couldn’t say, but cool numbers deserve a name, so why not Angel Numbers?

      No frosting, a term I remember from way back when. Woman did that for some trend, right? I’ve always been a blonde, naturally at first, later with LOTS of highlights. Now I’m what they call gronde, gray + blonde.

      Many commenters felt like you do, that I rigged the system. Considering how this past year has gone, can you blame me?

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  51. Your picture is darling. I always make a wish if I catch the clock at 11:11, I didn’t know about the other opportunities. Is it cheating to wait for it? They say we make our own luck in life, so I’ll say no.

    I make a wish when I see a white horse. I have no idea where that one came from, but I like it.

    Another superstition I have is that I do not like open umbrellas in my house. Why? No idea. I just remember it being bad luck somehow, like walking under a ladder or something.

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    • J, another person who makes a wish on a cool number! One commenter wondered if this was a regional thing, but considering where you are and where I am, I’d say ‘no.’ Thanks for your support about how I came to see an Angel Number.

      I’ve never heard of wishing on a white horse. Considering I often see horses when I go out for a long walk, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve heard the umbrella superstition, but can’t say that I worry about it.


  52. I have always wondered if my youngest daughter’s birthday was an angel number. She saved my life and continues to do so. I am a recovering meth and heroin addict and she changed my world. What do you think? She was born 12-22-12

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stephanie, why not? I figure if this date seems like an Angel Number to you, then it is. If you follow the link in the post to the webpage about Angel Numbers in tarot, there are lots of examples of Angel Numbers and what they mean. Your special number might be there. 🤷‍♀️


    • L. Marie, Angel Numbers are a thing. Of course for me they remind me of childhood fun, for others they’re part of tarot. Who knew? Yes, there was a mischievous side to little me. I was too smart for my own good.


  53. Like so many of your noters, angel numbers are new to me. I was going to comment on 666 being a devil number, but Autumn beat me to the punch. I do cringe anytime my outdoor thermometer reads 66.6…which happens a lot more often than you might think!

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  54. Never knew about angel numbers until now:) But I have seen them show up on a few occasions. The last one was last year, a huge warrior. Saying, that he just had been to Gabriel (the arch angel that told Mary from the Bible that she would give birth to the Messiah), and that I needed to double down in prayer for America. I know you did not expect this comment, but I couldn’t resist:):)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Emille the blogger formerly know as Jesh, you’ve made my day with your name change and your comment. I didn’t expect this comment but welcome it. The discussion about Angel Numbers has gone in all sorts of directions!


  55. Love your young photo and I find it fun to see you as “little bean” when I’ve yet to see “now bean” being still quite a new friend on here, haha.

    I am a follower of these kind of synchronised/angel numbers, too. I remember in my teens I used to seem to always see 11.11 tick over at night and for some reason, it used to freak me out how many times it would happen over other times on the lock. I’d turn over to look away from it although I’m not really sure why. I even blogged on this a few years back. However, in recent years I became close to someone who loves these numbers and is obsessed with 2.22 and 3.33. Even now I still get sent photos to my Messenger of them when he sees them tick on by lol. Now I’m fine with the 11.11 and he just would say “make a wish” over seeing it. Not sure if the different numbers mean different things but number patterns are fascinating, aren’t they? Or I’m showing my geek side. I guess waiting to see it could be rigging the system slightly but it’s all in good fun and interesting 🙂

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    • Katy, my little bean photo made me smile when I found it the other day mixed in among some old papers. Had to share it here.

      I’ve been told that 11:11 is a super special Angel Number. Probably very good luck for you to see it often, even if it did freak you out. I didn’t know about its wonderfulness as a child, but then my experience with Angel Numbers was all about making a wish. As for rigging the system… maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. But like you said it’s all in good fun, so I’m pleased.

      I agree with you that number patterns are fascinating. I notice them on license plates. Not sequential Angel Numbers necessarily, but digits juxtaposed in certain ways. As for what the numbers mean, beats me.

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  56. That photo is so Sweet. I can almost here you giggle. Pure innocence. I had never heard of Angel numbers before. So funny. The chances certainly seem to increase in our digital age. I would assume standing and waiting for an angel number would not count. But who am I to say? I also remember holding breath when driving by a cemetery.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ernie, thanks for the compliment about the photo. I did giggle often when I was a girl. Angel Numbers are around us and you’re right that with digital devices everywhere I see them more now than before. Or maybe the angels are talking to me more now… 🤔


  57. First of all, Ally, that photo is adorable! Definitely, an angel with a little devilish streak. When I was a child, we didn’t call them angel numbers or wish on them, but we certainly got excited when we saw them. And I will definitely start wishing on them. I can use all the good luck I can get…even if I have to contrive it by waiting for the numbers to turn. That’s called taking initiative in my book. Thanks for an enjoyable post and a pleasant start to my day. May you have lots of good luck today!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Christie, as a child I’m sure I had my devilish moments but overall I’m sure I was an angel. Ha! As for my devil to angel proportion now… I’m not saying. 🙄

      Once you know there’s a name for the numbers you already know you’ve been seeing all your life, it’s fun to wish on them. I agree with you that I took initiative when I waited for the Angel Number to appear BUT many commenters have said otherwise. It’s been a fun *controversy* to discuss.


  58. What a cutie pie you were as a little bean Ally and I agree with your mom’s notation. I think you look angelic, not devilish. I have never heart of Angel Numbers as a child, nor in later years. Perhaps we did not have that concept in Canada where I grew up? Years ago when the Michigan state lottery began, my mom and I decided to go with our own combo of numbers, not the “easy pick” computer-generated numbers. We took birth month/day/year and address as I recall. We won $25.00 the very first time. We played that combo for years and never won another dime, nor were we, nor I, successful with the Lotto machine picking them either.

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    • Linda, thanks for the compliment about the photo. I don’t remember a thing about having it taken. I’ve never played the lottery but I like your approach to picking your numbers. Might as well have a rhyme and reason to them. Funny how they worked for you once, and never again. It’s almost like the lottery is a game of chance. 😉

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      • I like the clothing kids wore back then, as opposed to now. Some of the clothing today looks like something an adult would wear and too risqué, I once had a boss who was leaving the law firm and going to work at a securities firm downtown. I got some Lotto tickets, one for him, one for me. Put his ticket in his card. He won $50.00. I won nothing. I bought the lottery ticket because the other attorney I worked for, won some prizes courtesy of me. I had sent in a postcard for a raffle for a week in Colorado at a ski lodge. He won the trip to Vail, all expenses paid for two, including airfare and they put the postcard back into the barrel and pulled the same postcard again and he won a pair of skis. He was ecstatic – they had triplets and another child one year older. The attorneys set up a Lotto club and included me and I was the “designated buyer of weekly lottery tickets” … being attorneys, they drew up a contract for us. We never won a dime and played about six months, so the magic wore off!


  59. Pingback: The week gone by — Aug. 8 – A Silly Place

  60. Coincidentally, I read this post at 11:11 AM on 8/8. I have a screenshot of a photo of my phone taken at 12:34 pm that I display as my background. I also rig the system as you did, I think that is beneficial to bring on moments of whimsical joy. So yeah, I remember Angel Numbers and I do notice them still to this day! I’m so happy to read you’re experiencing cooler August weather – I hope that has allowed you to head outside and get some Vitamin D. Signing off at 11:17 (it took me 6 minutes to craft a reply?!?!)…

    Liked by 3 people

  61. Our blogs are on the same wavelength this month. I never thought of mine as “Angel Numbers” (and some don’t qualify by your definition), but I’m certainly guilty of fabrication. Brings me no less satisfaction than when I happen to catch them by accident. Nice to know I have a kindred spirit out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dave, thanks for commenting and confirming that I’m not the only one who waits around for the *good* numbers to appear. I figure you gotta make your own good luck. Or maybe I’ve just found a justification for procrastination. At any rate, hello kindred spirit.


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