A Sunday Morning Winter Walk To Try My New Camera

This less-than-exciting post comes to you from the intersection of Cabin Fever Drive and New Camera Avenue.


Because the sun was shining this morning, and ignoring the fact that it was 20ºF outside, I decided we needed to go for a walk somewhere unique.


We drove to a city park and went for a short walk on a groomed path that runs beside abandoned railroad tracks.


I wanted to take more photos, but after a 1/4 mile on the path we were cold.  Plus it wasn’t all that pretty out there.


So we turned around, walked purposefully back to the car, and drove home. Because, you know– frozen!

23 thoughts on “A Sunday Morning Winter Walk To Try My New Camera

  1. Way to cold for me. I drove to Starbucks and it’s still closed. Bummer. I did stick my camera out of the door to get a few pictures but I really should have walked around outside to find the best shots.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Zazzy, thank you! I got a Nikon Coolpix P610 [in red]. It’s a point and shoot with 60x zoom. Because of the long zoom, I wanted to go to a park to test it out. I think that I’m going to have fun with this camera, if only because I look so cool snapping photos with a red camera! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I like that 2nd one – the rail boards channel your eye right into the picture. That’s a great picture.
    Glad you got out for even a little bit – nice pictures, and when you go back inside you are always surprised how nice and warm it feels.


    • Thanks philmouse. I was snapping photos quickly, trying to be arty with frozen fingers. Not easy to do. You’re right about coming home– so wonderful to be warm again.


  4. Living in California, and not the Tahoe area, we don’t really get that uncomfortable cold. I’ve lived in Philadelphia and Alaska, so I’m familiar with it, and I don’t like it. But being cooped up is sometimes too much to bear, especially when one has a pretty new red camera! Glad you got out a bit, and that you then got to appreciate your warm house after. 🙂


    • J, I’ve lived in colder regions than this one so I sometimes overestimate my ability to tolerate the uncomfortable cold. Yesterday morning was one of those times. But I thought if I stay in this house one. more. minute. I’ll flip. Zen-Den, of course, just followed along with my less-than-brilliant idea to go on a walk. Good guy, that one. 🙂


  5. I love winter photos that show the stark beauty, and you captured that. I have a Nikon D080 and a point and shoot (quality) camera also. In some ways I prefer the big camera, but never take it with me on trips because I wouldn’t bother carrying it around for the shots I want, which are usually spur of the moment.


    • Margaret, I had a SLR camera when I was in college. The thing was way too complicated for me, so I sold it. But when these digital point and shoot cameras came along, I began to get into photography again. I have no doubt that your Nikon D080 takes better photos, but like you said, so cumbersome to carry around. This new red camera lets me be spur of the moment– and kind of arty when I want to. Hence, the stark winter beauty seen above! 😉


  6. I did the exact same thing a couple weeks ago when I had a week off and wanted to spend a day in the park taking pictures of winter squirrels. Not only did they not want to come out in the cold, but I didn’t last long before I was trudging my frozen butt back to the car…


    • evil, not surprised that your squirrels were nowhere to be seen. This was the kind of cold that pierced right through you. And then when I got us out there in the middle of nature for fabulous photo shoot, it all looked dull to me. *sigh*


  7. All of your photos are nice, but I so love your second one! We were at 52 yesterday, but I still wore my winter coat, scarf and mittens to walk Mozart. Call me a wimp!


    • Hello there Beth The Wimp! I thought that I’d be warmer outside, walking, than I turned out to be. I had on a wool coat and polartec hat and cashmere lined leather gloves, but I got chilled through quickly. These photos were my first attempt at using the zoom lens. The second photo is interesting because it shows me how this camera can capture some unique scenes. It’ll be fun to use.


  8. The photos make the scenes look more pleasant than I remember them. That darned cold! Looking forward to all the wonderful photos to come from your new red wonder.


    • Zen-Den, I agree. Things looked more boring and gray to me when we were out there on the path. Human eye vs. Camera eye? Who knows. Just know that I like my new red camera. Thank you!


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