Mild Winter Weather Distracts Sincere Blogger From Her To-Do List

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I HAD PLANS for this week.  Big plans.  I was going to be all about updating this blog.  Making it prettier.  Revising my pages.  Getting back into the blogging groove.

Admirable goals.

BUT WE’VE HAD unseasonably warm winter weather this week.  I’m talking snow-free days in the 50s with lots of sunshine.

This is unheard of around here.

AND I’VE FOUND it impossible to sit still in our home office staring at a computer screen when I can be outside… in January… wearing a lightweight jacket… and goofing off wherever I want to be.

I’m sure that you understand. 

SO I’VE DECIDED that instead of missing out on what is right before my nose, I’m going to put my To-Do List in my desk drawer where it can rest until I get back to it.  Which will be next week, presumably, when winter, inevitably, returns.

21 thoughts on “Mild Winter Weather Distracts Sincere Blogger From Her To-Do List

  1. I can so relate to this! Mild winter! Love, love, love it! We have had one snow storm with a very small accumulation. We are expecting a clipper today but the predictions are all over. I’m predicting it will be an non-event. I hope I’m right. We will see changes when you get snowed in.


  2. It was 68° Monday. We haven’t been snowed on even once yet this winter. Hard to believe after last year. Yes, it will almost certainly come but it sure is nice while the warm weather lasts.


    • Zazzy, that’s amazing. We had one huge snowstorm in mid-November and I thought: “here we go again with an awful winter.” But so far this season has been delightful.


  3. Go out and enjoy it! I’m so jealous as I look out and it’s snowing like mad here in NEO. We had a brief melt, but it left plenty still on the ground. Sigh. More coming, and temps in the 20s. Get out there and kick up your heels for me.


    • nance, I’m doing my best to appreciate this unexpected gift. I feel for you and your current weather situation, but realize that we’ll have the same by next week. Stay warm, my friend.


  4. Tim and I went to the beach last weekend. We of course couldn’t get in the ocean, but walked along and loved every minute! There was a heated pool indoors that we used. It was heaven! Enjoy this great weather while it lasts!


    • Andra, I’m doing my best to appreciate this warm [for us] weather. Now if every winter was like this one [so far], I’d never complain about winter again. If only.


  5. We’re having a mild winter too, and it’s great for me, but not good for the ski resorts or the summer runoff that we need from our (non-existent) snow pack in the mountains. Although I love the lack of super cold/snow(not that we get that much here anyway), I worry a bit about the consequences later on.


    • Margaret, you make a good point. If we don’t have enough snow our spring bulbs and bushes will suffer. Of course, if this is just a one week blip on the radar we’ll be okay. Our weather patterns are so random anymore. Tires me out thinking about what might happen next– and what I’ll need to be wearing because of it!


  6. …”WE’VE HAD unseasonably warm winter weather this week. I’m talking snow-free days in the 50s with lots of sunshine.”

    Understand as the same thing is going on here so blogging is the last thing on my mind right now.


  7. Go outside! Run! Play! Blogs and indoor chores are for yucky weather. After 3 weeks of cold gray we had a couple of days of bright sun and 70’s…now back to grim…but next week, there’s hope for warm and sun again. (hope so, the German is coming to visit and 2 dogs that are bored….)
    Oh, I think your blog looks very nice. Nice color combination – not cluttered. I’m having to get used to the sidebar on the left….kinda like coming from the US and trying to drive on the left without feeling weird


    • philmouse, it’s interesting how sunshine draws us outdoors. Around here, mild temps in January are so unlikely that when we get them we all get silly happy. Not a bad thing, especially when it becomes an excuse to goof off.

      I’m glad that this new template looks uncluttered. Thanks for telling me. I’m trying to make this blog readable + presentable on desktops, tablets and phones. My last template didn’t do the phone part so well.

      I know what you mean about the left sidebar. Kind of different, but kind of cool, too. We’ll see how long I keep it there.

      Liked by 1 person

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