Spunk, Moxie Or Gumption? You Decide.

DSCN5615Because sometimes the light that shines within me gets curious about things, I researched the following three words after I thought of them while watching a certain video.

Thinking that these three word meant the same thing, I can now tell you that I was right according to the dictionary these three words mean different things.

Sort of.  [I guess.]  In a very nuanced way.

~ ~ • ~ ~

SPUNK = courage and determination

MOXIE = force of character or nerve

GUMPTIONshrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness

~ ~ • ~ ~

The following video of Monkey the Cat, who just happens to look like one of my dearly departed pussy gatos, demonstrates for us the above concepts.

It shows that…

Monkey’s gumption helps him have the spunk to use moxie to get the kibble.

Or to put it another way…

Monkey’s spunk combined with his moxie gives him the gumption to play the game that gets the kibble.

Or perhaps it tells us that…

Monkey’s moxie influences his gumption so that he has the spunk to find the ball to get the kibble.


Instead of focusing on the syntax of a perfectly crafted sentence, like I have here, I suggest that you, gentle readers, watch the video and learn, as Monkey the Cat shows us what spunk or moxie or gumption is all about.

You will be amazed.

~ ~ • ~ ~

16 thoughts on “Spunk, Moxie Or Gumption? You Decide.

  1. Is the video really about Monkey or about his owner, who has (if I counted right) 4 monitors and massive speakers in their home office AND spare time to engineer an elaborate cat feeding/entertainment system?


    • Joan, I wonder, too. Monkey may be a shill for the person who designed this elaborate feeding station. Perhaps the person wants to sell these feeding stations to the masses and who better to be a spokescat than Monkey???


  2. I’ve always thought moxie a bit different from the other two, but I’m not exactly sure why. I’m off to watch Monkey. Being back to school is stressful enough that I live for cat videos. Sad, eh?


      • It seems to me that moxie is associated with the mob and prohibition. Now, I have absolutely no reason to believe that but can’t you just hear the guy in the fedora and trench coat talking about how that dame has moxie?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Zazzy, is that right? I agree that I can hear that guy talking right now. There’s a soda called Moxie. I had a taste of it once… very intense flavor… not sure what it was… won’t have it again.


  3. It’s impossible for me to hear the word “spunk” and not think of the fact that Lou Grant hated spunk…

    As to the kitty video… I recall when I posted my pictures of the bungee cob I put out for my squirrels, there were a few comments that despite how much fun it looked, I was so mean to make the squirrels do that much work to get their food. I believe that pales in comparison to all of the tireless labor poor Monkey has to do to round up a ball just so he/she can get… what, maybe 10 or 12 pieces of kibble that fall from that machiavellian contraption? My cats would go on strike if I made them do that…


    • evilsquirrel13, I remember that scene! A classic in a classic.

      I agree that Monkey is working hard to get a snack. [Or at least, I hope this gadget is only for snacks, not Monkey’s main meals.] Our cats would have smothered me in my sleep if I tried to get them to feed themselves like this. Then they would have eaten me! So to them, problem solved. 😉


  4. RC Cat would simply yawn and walk either to the pantry or fridge and help herself…none of that human game stuff.
    “Spunk” that is Lou Grant’s.
    The 3 words are a like but different. Could go into that, but the cat is glaring at me. Sigh. Staff is so difficult to train and gets distracted by words…which RC says is exactly what causes most problems for humans.


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