Color Me Amused By A Trend Known As The Unexpected Red Theory

Because I’ll read just about anything that talks about color (names, descriptions, history), I read What Is TikTok’s ‘Unexpected Red’ Theory— and Why Should You Be Following It? which just happens to be the latest interior design trend within a demographic younger than I am.

Have you heard of this?

According to the above-referenced article: “The unexpected red theory is incredibly easy to implement, requiring only one small red object… big enough and central enough to catch the viewer’s eye, and it’s always best if the decor piece itself is also interesting to look at, whether that be because of its shape, function, or texture.”

EZPZ, right?

Thus armed with this knowledge, grasping for something to write about here, I grabbed my camera and wandered around the inside of our house to see if, by chance, I already had the unexpected red theory going on here at Chez Bean. It sounded familiar to me, like something not particularly new.

And by gosh and by golly I discovered that what I refer to as pops of spirited color is in fact what the young ones of today are touting as the unexpected red theory

Thus I realized that this was a trend that might be less of a trend than more of a design principle, an attitude, a timeless way of adding energy into a room without overwhelming the room with too much saturated color.

Like people have been doing for decades.

So with that little bit of introduction I’ll share my pops of spirited color examples of unexpected red that make this house a home and suggest that not all trends are as avant-garde as trendsetters may think.

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Do you like the color red? If so do you have a particular favorite shade? [List of Crayola crayon colors, beginning with shades of red, found HERE.]

Do you feel, like I often do, that it’s best to ignore trends because someone somewhere is trying to do more than influence you, they’re trying to manipulate you? [Definition of + a bit of history about ‘manipulation’ HERE.]

Do you love the fact that tomorrow is an extra day, a rare 29th day in the month of February? Will you be celebrating it in some special way? If so, how? [List of possible Leap Day activities found HERE.]

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244 thoughts on “Color Me Amused By A Trend Known As The Unexpected Red Theory

  1. I like pops of red and lean towards the blue side of the spectrum rather than the orange. Blues and greens run amok in my house with those pops appearing helter-skelter. It’s good to know that I’m current with style (although that has been around since the cave men days — remember the etchings on the caves? I’m sure someone splattered blood on some!).

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I always ignore trends and when it comes to decorating am either 10 years early or ten years late to color fluctuations. That being said if your red dragon doesn’t qualify all bets are off.
    Red isn’t my favorite color but I do like cranberry and burgundy hues.

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  3. Hmmm… the only time red comes out in this house is at Christmas… (I looked around to be sure.) I like red well enough, and really love wearing burgundy. Maybe the neutrals and soft greens and blues around the house need some sprucing up. I usually ignore trends and prefer the comfort of the familiar, tried and true.

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    • Barbara, I like wearing burgundy, too. It seems warm, a not too over the top shade of red. I think the idea of adding pops of red can be visually fun, but I also think people have been doing this long before this *trend* arrived on the scene. 

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    • I’m with you on wearing red, Barbara 🧣 And I recently learned that in the movie Jaws, Steven Spielberg carefully made sure that no one wore red and that the background was as devoid as possible from the color red, so that when 🩸 did show up it stood out… I guess that’s like “The Unexpected Red Theory” that Spielberg intuitively knew about for films?


      • EW, I think many of us understand the unexpected red theory intuitively! Of course Spielberg made book off his understanding while the rest of us don’t, but *hey* such is life. 😁


  4. I actually dislike the color red a lot. Reminds about having periods to be honest…

    But it’s a great tool for getting attention. I use it in blog posts when I need to clarify or make a point.

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  5. I love pops of red and have them all over my house! A red cabinet in the piano room. A painting with red elements in the living room. A rug with red swirls AND a red cabinet And a photo of red flowers in my office. A red blanket on the couch in the basement.

    From the Crayola list, I like Red, Maximum Red, and Scarlet. But I remember being very drawn to Brick Red when I was a kid and used actual crayons.

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    • Suzanne, your decorating with red sounds lovely. I like pops of red too and after wandering around I realize I have them in most rooms. The concept of the unexpected red theory is sound, just not new.

      I like Scarlet the best of all the red shades of Crayola crayons, Brick Red never called to me though. 

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  6. I LOVE any opportunity to talk “colors” with you, Ally Bean. I’d heard about the “unexpected red” business and chuckled. I’ve tried to break up with red – especially after our kitchen remodel – and I’ve surrendered. Just like your sweet pics of sneaky red and rosy tones, they’re everywhere in our house in unexpected ways. And…thanks for the list of ‘leap day’ activities — who knew?! I’ll need to take a look. xo! 🥰

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  7. Oh boy! I’m hip! I’m cool! I have a red cabinet on which my television sits. I’m trendy!

    That said, I think trends are silly, especially when decorating. Trends go away and then people spend a lot of money on the next trend. You do you. A pop of color is wonderful if that’s what you like. If you like all beige, well, it’s not my house. Most of my pops of color are Copenhagen blue but I do enjoy the red pillow part of the year.

    I enjoy some of the design shows and yes, I think there’s a lot of manipulation in design. The farmhouse kitchen was in and now I guess it’s out. I liked it, certainly didn’t have the money to spend on it but I hear people are ripping out those beautiful kitchens for no better reason than to get the latest trend.

    Happy Leap Year! I’ve never done anything special for February 29th but perhaps I should.

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    • Zazzy, I’m smiling knowing how *trendy* you are with your TV cabinet. But you said it about not following trends because they go away, fairly quickly anymore. I know around here people are doing what you mention, taking out farmhouse kitchens and replacing them with a contemporary look. I like both, but wouldn’t destroy one that was in good order just to jump onto another trend. If something works, stick with it.

      I like Copenhagen blue but haven’t seen anything in that color in a long time. Maybe after red becomes expected, the trendsetters will go after blue and you’ll be super trendy.

      We don’t have anything planned for tomorrow but it seems like we should. These Leap Days are special, I mean think of how few of them we all experience.

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  8. I’m with you … red is a wonderful color for delivering some pop with a mere splash. The red tie or bow – but the lady in the red dress catches the eyes. But a big NO to a red room. But there are many pop colors. Nothing special for me on the 29th. Just another day – and one that happens every four years. Enjoy your Leap Day.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Frank, I know that at one point red rooms were THE thing for interior design, but they are a commitment to a bold color. I like splashes of spirited red whether it be inside the house, in the garden, or with what I’m wearing. I like the idea of a red bowtie, btw. Snazzy.

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  9. We’re not much on following trends, but we seem to have started some. When we replaced the siding on our house, we were the only gray house on our little portion of the street. Now there are five. Trends seem to come and go too quickly. We bought a couch several years ago, The sales person, noting that it was toward the lower end of prices, commented, “This is a very good choice for a disposable sofa.” We questioned her use of that term. She said it was designed for people who change furniture often, to keep with the trends. We still have it and it’s still comfy.

    I started working at the job I retired from on the 29th. I mistakenly said that if I made it to my “real 5th anniversary” I’d buy a round of drinks for everyone. Not only was I still there 20 years later, my boss was, too and he remembered that comment.

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    • Dan, a disposable sofa?!! Oh that’s a term I’ve never heard before but I get its meaning. I know that some people are comfortable changing out their home’s decor every few years, but that’s not us. I’m glad your sofa is going strong, btw.

      Gray exteriors are a very popular around here lately, as in too popular, so that in a few years when that trend is over the houses are going to look dated. Some houses should never have been painted gray to begin with, it doesn’t go with their brick or roof, but people jumped on the trend.

      Funny about you buying drinks! That’ll teach you to be flippant.

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      • Given the cost of new siding, my house can feel free to look dated.

        The saleswoman was also shocked when we told her the arms on the sofa she wanted to sell us were too tall for our dog to rest her head on.


        • No one uses siding around here and I don’t know why. It’s all paint so exterior colors change more often. Still if we had siding I’d be there with you on that point.

          I love your approach to picking a sofa, one must keep all members of the family happy.

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  10. I’ve been in “my red period” for about 10 years now. My living room and kitchen are centered around the color pops of red. In my old house one accent wall was red, and the bottom banks of cabinets were the same shade of red. Tempered with white cabinets on the upper bank. In my new house there are red knick-knacks (mostly from Roosters and Chickens), red in the floor rug, and red throws. I was born in the year of the Rooster in the Chinese calendar so have incorporated that in my kitchen. There’s a red berried wreath over my microwave/range that breaks that up nicely.

    I went from blues and corals in those rooms to red and love it! My shade of red is on the burgundy side. Who knows how long I’ll be in this “red period”. I was in the blue/coral period for over 20 years. I’ll ride the red wave for as long as I feel it guiding me.

    I don’t think I follow trends with my home interior colors. I just go with what I like.

    The 29th of February doesn’t come with fanfare for me. It’s just another day on the calendar.

    I love your artwork with the quote about travel.

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    • Deborah, I went through a red period, too. Like you had some walls painted with a burgundy red shade and we had some upholstered chairs in red. I morphed out of it but a few small bits of red remained. 

      Your rooster and chicken motif sounds fun and pretty and meaningful for you. I like any style of interior design IF it rings true to the person who is living with it. It’s when people jump onto trends or just do nothing inside their homes that makes me raise an eyebrow and get a bit judgey. 

      I like that travel quote too. It brings together two things I like to do into one thought.

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  11. I like colour. Pops of colour. Walls, or a single coloured wall in a room. It doesn’t have to be red and it doesn’t have to be trendy. Especially not trendy because colour is big business these days. People purchase everything turquoise for a few years then toss it when the trend changes. Not very environmentally friendly. There is an international committee that decides on colour trends. All for marketing. I personally think people should make their own trends and go with what makes them feel good.

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    • Jenn, hear, hear. I agree with you about going with what feels good, designing a space that is for you first and foremost. It is your home so why not make it personal? However it may be that some people don’t know what they like so they follow the trends, at least that’s how someone explained it to me. And wasting money on trendy things doesn’t seem to phase some people. I don’t do that, prefer to keep furniture and whatever for decades, but I’m also confident in my own design choices.

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  12. I do like the color red! I wear it in my sweaters and my flannel. I have more books than I realized that have red covers (I just looked). I have a framed, avant garde abstract that my granddaughter made. I often have red and white striped towels in my kitchen. There is even a small pop of red just outside my window in the hummingbird feeder.

    I always ignore trends, have no use for them so clearly all of this red I have around is purely and fully unplanned.

    Tomorrow is Thursday. That is all I know…just another Thursday…

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    • Deb, you sound like you have a good handle of red, perhaps not so unexpected in your life! I like the idea of red and white striped kitchen towels and will copy you the next time I buys some. Our kitchen is in white and gold and blue, so a pop of red will be nice. Hadn’t thought of a hummingbird feeder being red, but of course it is.

      I’d say you’re doing red right in that it happens organically for you in the same way that I put little bits of red here and there without a grand plan. Just something fresh to see.

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  13. Do I like red? My bedroom walls are red, and that is far beyond a pop of color. But it’s calming and warm and cozy. It shocked the former owner of the house who had painted everything beige. Not even a rosy warm beige, just gas station rest room beige.
    I think just about any ‘trend’ made up by folks who want to be ‘influencers’ is automatically something I would not do. And pops of color have been around as long as we started decorating our caves, way back when, so how is this a new trend? I guess I don’t understand and probably should go pour myself another cup of coffee.

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    • Dorothy, a high school friend had red walls in her bedroom. It was cozy and fun. I could go for that, at least in theory maybe. I’m not fond of beige or harsh white either. Give me a shade that has some character, please.

      You said it about influencers trying to manipulate people into following a trend which in this case is merely something people have been doing forever. But apparently once something is on TikTok it automatically means it is so special that you have to do it and give credit to whoever put it on TikTok! 😉

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  14. I love all your reds, especially the whimsical AND colorful dragon. I do enjoy pops of color, but red isn’t my favorite color, so it tends to be a seasonal pop in my house: Christmas, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day. I know a lot of folks are really into accent walls, but I keep mine mostly cream or white in order to indulge in seasonal decorating.

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    • AutumnAshbough, Drags is an institution here at Chez Bean. Way back when I had a naming contest for him on the blog! People were clever but in the end we all decided he was an unassuming dragon and Drags fit him.

      I like cream and white walls, for the very reason you mention. Holiday decorating is tricky when there are too many colors in play.

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  15. Ally, I purposely avoid trends, as I am sure someone is making a dollar based on it. As for Red itself, in extreme moderation I agree is adds a pop to any room, I am not a fan otherwise. It is one of my favorite ink colors (not fire engine red), I prefer dark reds. If I may quote myself “people choosing red ink are emotional, passionate, and love being the center of attention, everyone knows exactly how you feel. Emotions and their heart are worn on your sleeve! Someone who is creative and artsy and loves to experiment and try new things.”

    As for your pictures the book and glass of wine really make the point for me. I do prefer asymmetrical decore and would have placed the red book a little more to the left or the right.

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    • Danny, that’s how I think about interior design trends that come my way from TikTok. Someone is manipulating someone in the hopes of getting that someone to part with some moola. I like darker reds, too, and like your description of a person using red ink. Looking around my desk I don’t see a red ink pen, so that’s not me.

      I take your point about the book’s placement. Those cookbooks move around depending on which ones we’re using and who puts it back on the counter!

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  16. Before it was a “thing,” I have used RED everywhere. Excuse me, “pops of spirited color .” I especially enjoy using it in my kitchen with neutral cabinets and black, granite countertops. My closet also shows my penchant for red, and its subtler (?) variations: raspberry, wine, purple. But of course!

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    • Marian, see, see, that’s what I’m saying! The use of pops of color, like spirited red, has been a design principle forever. And now this woman comes along and is trying to make it sound like a big deal? Not buying it, gumdrop.

      Your kitchen color scheme sounds perfect as does you wardrobe color choices. It all comes down to knowing what you like and going with it.

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  17. I always dreamed of a black and white kitchen with pops of red. I have a red KitchenAid, red towels, and all the gadgets I buy are red (thermometer, ice cream scoop, etc.). Unfortunately, people know my favorite color is purple, so they buy me gifts in purple, so now our kitchen is really black and white with pops of purple and red and it’s not quite right. LOL. First world, problems, amirite?

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    • NGS, I’ve thought that when Bluesy the Mixing Floozy [my KitchenAid mixer] goes to the great beyond, I’d like a red one to replace her. I bet yours looks great sitting on your counter. Black and white and purple and red is a bold color scheme. I’m smiling about your *problem* understanding what you mean from a design perspective and from a first world perspective.

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  18. Red used to be my favorite color to wear except maybe for the last five years when I started favoring pink. My mom used to tell a story of five year old me pitching a fit in a store over buying a red winter coat that cost more then she wanted to spend. But my dad stepped in and said, “Let her have it, if it means that much to her.” I really don’t like having red in my home though and walk through right now I couldn’t find any accidental red spots.

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    • Jean, that’s a sweet story about getting your red coat. I wore read a lot when I was a girl, but less so as an adult. Other than nail polish shades, I guess. Once you start thinking about the idea of unexpected red in your home, it’s interesting to see if you have any. None for you then… which might be unexpected. 😉


  19. I’m not a big fan of red. I wore red clothes when Ed was in college, because those were his school colors. I don’t have much red in my home decor at all. I appreciate a pop of color, but really my home decor has not been planned out with any sort of thought. I’ve had the same couches in my family room for over 18 years. Maybe I can put more thought/care into what the house looks like when the kids are mostly out of the house.

    I ignore trends. Those cold shoulder tops from a few years back? I refused to buy those. I refuse to buy a Stanley cup. I don’t want to buy into anything that comes with a ‘you have to have it’ sort of mindset.

    I have not given the 29th any thought. At all. I wasn’t aware that people celebrate it.

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    • Ernie, I know that red doesn’t call to everyone. I don’t wear much of it anymore, but do have some splashes of it in the house. I imagine that when you decide to plan out your home decor you’ll find a way to pop in one color that you like.

      I remember those tops and refused to buy them, too. And the whole thing about the Stanley cup being a trend, I just shrug. I don’t know if many people celebrate the 29th but it does seem like an opportunity. Like a holiday in need to a good drink or food to be associated with it.


  20. Ha! I appear to have examples of that TikTok trend in my living room too 😀 A red wall clock, dark red floor length curtains, and dark red patterned cushion covers on Himself’s leather armchair. I like reds which are on the blue spectrum rather than the orange, so from the Crayola chart prefer Red and Maroon.

    I did have a favourite dress coat which was red… but have no reason to wear it anymore, sadly.

    As for tomorrow, I have a long-time friend who’s birthday is 29th February, so I will be writing to her. We’ve been in regular if infrequent touch since we were young and our parents were friends.

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    • Deb, see how hip you are and you didn’t even realize it! You sound like you’re spot on with the unexpected red theory. I like the same shades of red as you do. Nothing with an orangish undertone, please.

      How fun to know someone who has a Leap Day birthday. I don’t know why I’m so smitten with the 29th this year, but I feel like it is special, in a good way of course.

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  21. Ally, I can report there doesn’t appear to be much evidence of “red at play” here with regards to this unexpected red theory. I had never heard of this concept before, so this shall now serve as my “learn something new every day” thingy. I don’t gravitate towards red as much as I do other colors, and this may be tied to an unfortunate washer incident some years back where a brand-new red shirt took direct aim at some of the other unsuspecting laundry in that particular cycle. Since that time, I have respected red as a color much more. I love Drags…looks like he has one of the best seats in the house…🐉!

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    • Bruce, I’m pleased to know that I learned ‘ya something here. I had not heard of the unexpected red theory but once I did read that article I discovered there are many, many more out there.

      I bet everyone has learned the red shirt in the laundry lesson. It does tend to stick in your mind. Yes, Drags has a lovely seat. It’s an old small antique one with a caned seat. No human being could sit safely on it anymore, but Drags is right at home there.

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  22. I love pops of colour. Red, Orange, whatever. When I remodeled the house, it ended up being in shades of greys, charcoal, browns so that a simple floral cushion on the beige sofa pops. I also painted one wall (entrance) a deep blue. I love it. I’m not home right now, but I am visualizing various paintings or lithographs that I have, and quite a few have red!)

    I don’t follow trends for anything, quite frankly. Only once, way back when, did we take the colours “du jour” to repaint our dining room – a bright orange above the white wainscoting and one wall an olive green (which is surprising that I went along with it because I loathe olive green… but it worked). 

    At the time, our bedroom was painted a deep dark red with a floral border (I was all about Jessica McClintock then) about 2 feet below the ceiling and said portion above the border and ceiling was beige. I rather loved it.

    In the house I left for this one, our dining room was painted a lovely shade of red. With white trim and the marble fireplace, it was wonderful. Our kitchen, on the other side, had red mahogany cupboards. Sigh. I wish I didn’t have to sell it but it was humongous and my kids would never have left 😉

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    • Dale, your house sounds lovely. I like grays and browns, I understand how your floral cushion pops. Also like the idea of a deep blue entrance area, that’s inspired.

      I don’t know that I’d have been so open-minded about painting anything olive green. Olives in martini, wonderful. Olive color on the wall… well, maybe.

      I remember the painted wall/wallpaper border look that you described. It was pleasing and not too over the top. I bet your dark red bedroom was charming.

      Your humongous house sounds lovely and inviting. I’m sure it was difficult to leave, but maybe your decorating experiences there helped you find your way where you are now? Trying to think positive here.

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      • I am truly pleased with it.

        Tell me about it. A former boyfriend had an apartment with olive green walls in the living room. He had a designer come in and the first thing the guy said was: Don’t you just want to commit suicide here? I laughed because I agreed wholeheartedly!

        Oh yeah. It was all the rage back then in the late 90s 😉

        It was. And sometimes I wish I had simply remortgaged it because I could have stayed longer. I hated my new house until I remodeled it! Now? True love.

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        • Funny, funny, about the designer’s comment about olive green walls. I just couldn’t. Even drinking a martini on the hour every hour I couldn’t do it!

          I get it about hating a new house until you get it right. We didn’t like this place until we decided to bite the bullet and remodel it. Now, love it!

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  23. Hmm. As soon as you said “latest design trend” I started shaking my head. Isn’t a pop of red also a hallmark of Feng shui? Or maybe I’m confusing that with the recent Lunar New Year’s red envelopes. Whatever (said in my best valley girl imitation), I’ve had pops of red in all my rooms since I’ve had rooms. None as adorable as your dragon though. Happy trending!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Linda, red can be oodles of fun so I get why you love it. I lean into blue undertones in the reds around here, at least inside the house. In the garden any shade goes. Trends strike me the same way, I’m suspicious of why something is a trend.

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  24. I neither like nor dislike red although it’s not my favorite color. I’ll try to find a picture of myself when I used to wear red lipstick. Horrific. I like calm neutrals with pops of color; I usually go with pinks, purples, and blues. To me, a lot of red is a jarring color and I think of my house as my sanctuary, so it doesn’t have very much bright color.

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    • Margaret, I understand your ambivalence toward the color, I feel the same way about purple. Everyone’s home has to be what they need it to be, so if red isn’t your sanctuary color so be it. I don’t think I ever wore any bright red lipstick, I’m too pale, but I did go through a phase with bright red toe polish, the bolder the better.


  25. I do like a pop of red here and then . My front door is red – I believe the name of the color is Pumpernickel Beet Gestapo or some such silliness! I tend to stay away from trends especially since my grotty old peach and burgundy tiled bathrooms are now considered “vintage.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jan, I feel the same way. A pop of red makes me smile, adds energy to a space. I like your front door’s [supposed] color name. I remember when bathrooms were in peach and burgundy, kind of a pretty combo but dated… or as you said, vintage.

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    • Arlene, I imagine that where you are is beautiful enough outside that inside need not have splashes of spirited color. I’ll let Drags know he has a fan. He has quite the ego about such things.

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  26. Isn’t it funny how the youngins think they have discovered something new and different when it has actually been around forever (often just called something else).

    I don’t wear red but I do have “pops” of it here and there in our house. Full disclosure that it is just by accident. Or… maybe I’m a trend setter after all. Red is an attention-getter, probably why stop signs and other warnings are often in red.
    I’m not sure how I’ll spend the bonus day tomorrow, but I’m always happy to get an extra day of life.

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    • Janis, yes it is funny about what the youngins think which is how I got laughing about unexpected red theory. I mean, this concept isn’t new but to hear about on TikTok you’d think otherwise.

      I don’t wear red anymore but like you have a few pops of it around the house. I like the energy it brings to spaces.

      See, you’re thinking like I am about Leap Day. It seems like a gift, something special, but I have zero idea about how to celebrate it other than to be grateful.


  27. As the stereotypical clueless male, I admit this is something I’ve never heard of, but that ‘s why I hang with bloggers such as yourself on the cutting edge. 😊

    Red is my favorite color, although it strikes me as odd that I have nothing in my voluminous wardrobe (that’s a joke) that is red. Thanks for the cheat sheet. I’m going with scarlet as my favorite shade.

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    • Pete, I didn’t know about this theory until yesterday when I read about it, so I’m about as clueless as you when it comes to trends.

      Not one piece of red clothing even though it’s your favorite color! Welp, that’s a problem with an obvious solution. Maybe a t-shirt in Scarlet?

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  28. I do have touches of red in my new Arizona home. I didn’t in Palm Springs. I have red throw pillows in a southwest pattern, a similar red table runner and placemats. In Palm Springs, we had red bougainvillea outside the window. Oh, I also found a large red pot that’s in the living room at a consignment store. No, I didn’t think it was a trend. But I see a lot of red in the stores here of Indian or Southwest themes.

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  29. Honestly I didn’t know about the red theory and my household decorating tends to run more along the lines of what someone else is giving away or what we find at the thrift shop so I can’t really say I know what the latest decorating trends are. I love that you have a resident dragon.

    Liked by 2 people

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  31. Red is my all-time favourite (the blue end not the orange end) although blue is a close second. There are definitely reds around my house – red pillows, red bits in a rug, etc.

    However, I am voracious about ignoring trends as it’s only about trying to get money out of my pocket as well as telling me how to think (I can get very irritated by that). There’s no doubt that it’s manipulative and is as old as Noah’s first child. The same crap is employed by so-called influencers, marketers and other vendors of anything that can be sold, including politics. When it comes to this I guess I’m bordering on being a misanthrope as I refuse to be told how, what and when to spend, especially by big business.

    Happy Leap Year! Only comes every four! And, you may have been searching for a topic for your post, but I think you landed on a thought-provoking one. 😊

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  32. a beautiful poinsettia on the left and gorgeous red and yellow tulips on the right on the sideboard if I look up from my chair in my sitting room. The red and yellow colour in each bloom. Over the fire place is a large framed picture, the centre of which is a chair with a bright red cushion on it. I’m not good at naming shades of colour – a wall going up the stairs to my study is a deep reddy colour. I have a few shirts or tops or whatever you call them in reddy colours – fuschia? Your dragon is beautiful Ally Bean, greetings to him.

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    • Susan, I like your little splashes of red, seems like they are just what you need and enjoy. I know that there are so many names for shades of red that it is difficult to know which is which. The dragon’s name is Drags and I’ll let him know you said “hi!” He’s enjoying all the attention he’s getting today.


  33. I have two maroon chairs with accessories including pillows and quilt in two different rooms. That’s about it here. 🙂 I’m an introvert who is comfortable with things once it is the way I like it. I don’t have a big need for change with regard to interior design although I have family members who are thrilled with constant change. Each to their own. 🙂 Tomorrow will be like today, when my feet hit the floor I’ll be grateful, and then I’ll try to find stuff to do to keep busy and content. 🙂 Hope you have a great 29th!

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    • Judy, we used to have two maroon occasional chairs that were pretty, but they wore out so now any red around here is in the details. I like interior design more in theory than in practice. I know some people are constantly changing their decor, but once it is *perfect* it stays that way until things wear out.

      I feel the same way about being grateful each morning to get out of bed, so the 29th won’t be any different in that respect. Happy Leap Day to you, too.

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  34. Love this reminder that everything old is new again. Now I need to go around and check for unexpected red. Now that I have a white puppy, I have a lot of “unexpected white” but I’m guessing that’s not a trend…yet. 🙂 My favorite red has to be red wine. Hard to go wrong with that!

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  35. Hmmm….my pops of red are more accidental than intentional. I have a red teapot in an otherwise blue/white/beige kitchen because it’s the teapot Cane had when he moved in and it works just fine and I don’t like to replace things that work just fine. I agree that this is something old framed as something new, but that’s OK. I’m now remembering those crusty old teachers in the lunchroom when I first started teaching who groused about whatever new thing the admin team was trying to get us to do, saying that everything just came in and out and then back in again. I like that I don’t feel crusty or like grousing if the young ‘uns think they’ve discovered something new. There’s always a new wrinkle to it; in this case, that the color must be red.

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    • Rita, I admit that my pops of red are accidental, too. I didn’t decide one day to add red to each room then make it so. I just got things I like and they happened to sometimes be red. Kismet, maybe.

      I take your point about oldsters grousing about young ones reinventing the wheel. Usually I’m quiet about such things, but in this case I literally rolled my eyes when I read the article and thought “nope, nopity, nope” I’m calling them out on this one. And look at all the fun comments here because I did!


    • Donna, I like how you’re spinning this. Yes, we are ahead of our time showing ourselves to be quiet trendsetters. I do like a little red to liven up the place, both as a decorative color and a glass of wine. 😁


  36. I have a long and complicated history with the color red, which I have written about from time to time. Preferences? Cherry, Pomegranate, something that used to be called Chinese red – bright reds. There is so much color in my apartment that I suppose you could say I have pops of neutrals LOL I call it the Ringling Brothers School of Design. Trends? Nah they are usual barf-worthy – tho a medium to dark grey as a neutral, used sparingly, is one I like. I ‘decorate’ with things that make me smile – there’s no rhyme or reason behind any of it and nope, nothing matches. When I re-did my kitchen the constant remarks were ‘But no one does that!” Well, I do. As for Feb. 29th – anther day – who cares – As long as a month has a 28th – the day I pay my bills – I really don’t care.

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    • Grace, I like your “pops of neutral” description. That’s delightful and no doubt accurate in your case. I like seeing some gray on the walls, too, so I went with it in a few rooms. I wasn’t following the trend as much as becoming aware of how versatile gray can be. That was news to me. If your kitchen works for you, then it is perfect.

      I have yet to find anything in particular to do to celebrate the 29th, but I keep hoping someone here will have a great idea. Maybe doing nothing is good enough?

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      • Now see, I would never put grey on walls – I think that is too depressing. This apartment and the house before it – the walls and ceilings in every room were painted Banana Cream – a light yellow – makes me so happy. I do have a dark grey leather loveseat. I don’t understand throw pillows but I did get 2 very small ones for the loveseat to brighten it up – they are metallic orange!

        As for my kitchen, people didn’t quite know how to react to the glittery backsplash yet everyone loved my glitter curtains…

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        • I used a light warm gray on the walls and it seems soothing. Not in all the rooms though. Light yellow would be cheery I get why you went with it. A glittery kitchen backsplash! Now that’s about 180º opposite our tumbled limestone. I’ve no doubt there were comments, but I’m thinking it might be cool.

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  37. I love your little pops of red! I like red just fine – it’s my chosen hair colour, after all. Well, I guess it’s technically more orange. I love red flowers in the garden, but I don’t have much in terms of red pops in the house. Unless you consider red wine! Oh, and the tin that I use to put muffins and loaves in is red. Look at me, all trendy.

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    • Nicole, you’re more trendy than you knew! I like the unexpected red theory and you just unexpectedly demonstrated that you are part of it. A little bit of red is cheerful, too much of it might be overwhelming, at least for me.


  38. Our sofa is red, so that’s more than a little pop I guess. And our area rug in the living room has a red background. I’m looking around our bedroom right now, and I see that there is a teddy bear with a red sweater, and a red flower top to a bottle of perfume. I’ll look around the rest of the house too. Certainly book covers.

    The red we have is mostly more of a brick red shade, which I like.

    I don’t like to follow trends because when they are suddenly out of date, my place will feel dated. I do like the ‘pop of color’ thing, though.

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    • J, your use of red sounds beautiful. It’s a color, no matter which shade, that people either like or not. Once I started looking around the house I realized we have many books with red covers. Never thought about that before.

      I agree about not following trends, if you jump onto one, once it’s over whatcha gonna do? I was using red before this trend and will continue after it’s over. Is there a term for that?


  39. I never know what’s trending, and on the occasions when I come across a breathless article declaring this or that the ‘thing’ of the day, I just move on. I do like red, but I haul it out at home mostly around Christmas. Otherwise, I take mine naturally, in the form of flowers and berries. It is worth noting that Mother Nature seems to take the unexpected red theory pretty seriously. It helps to explain the pops of red that show up amid all that greenery out there!

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    • Linda, I don’t go looking for trends but every once in a while I come across one that I find intriguing. Especially when I realize I’ve been doing the trend for years before it became a trend. Excellent point about Mother Nature and pops of red. She does that well.


  40. Hi Ally,  New to me about the red theory. Yet, the concept of a trend reminds me of ‘what is old is new again.’ And, as you describe well, “like people have been doing for decades.” Your plushy is an unexpected and delightful surprise. Re: your questions at the end (something I like that you do, Ally, since my mind never runs out of ideas/thoughts and you help align my energy) I was organizing my evening lists and an unexpected smile when I realized tomorrow is an extra, rare day….hmmm…the possibilities. 😊Thank you for sharing a fun and interesting post. 💕 Erica

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  41. When I took watercolor painting, I realized all the names of the shades of colors. I don’t have anything “red” in the house of “red” clothing. Several things have some shades of red, though. Yay for an extra day tomorrow. In Luna calendar, there’s a whole extra month in the leap year. How about that, Ally?

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  42. My daughter has used a pop of red in her house for at least a decade. In fact, she’s now switching slowly out to blue – ahead or behind? Our house is on point for the 1920 colour chart and is quite bright but not a lot of red. Loads of warm yellows and interestingly enough oranges oh and green. I love the pops of red in your house and was so excited that the dragon is back!!!

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    • Bernie, I realize that many people have been adding pops of red into their decor since time began. I was just so amused by the idea that it was a new trend. Now I’m going to wonder if pops of blue will be the next trend. Your 1920s color scheme is perfect for your house [obviously]. Yep, Drags lives his best life here.


  43. Ally, your pops of red are just too awesome! I love how you found them in unexpected place – a single die, a book cover, a piece of art. I particularly love the glass of wine and the dragon! I mainly decorate in neutrals because they make me feel calm. But my wall art and knick knacks tend to be bright and silly. So I have pops of color – sometimes red. Of course, I LOVE the list of Crayola colors! I’d say my favorite reds are in the red-violet area. I particularly love the name Jazzberry Jam, so I’ll pick that as my favorite! I hope you find something fun to do on your Leap Day!

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    • Michelle, most of our interior colors are muted, like in shades of warm grays or creamy whites or light khaki tans, so pops of color make it seem homey to me. Jazzberry Jam is a wonderful crayon color. I can see why you like it, I lean into blue undertones when I think of red. Happy Leap Day to you!

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  44. From the few interior design photos I’ve seen recently, it looks like the current trend is boring, colorless shades of pale gray and white. Ugh! I love color. Most of the walls in the main part of my house are shades of soft green and blue. walking around, I found spots of red in every room. Many of them are in paintings. The watercolor in this room is of a kneeling Balinese dancer painted mainly in shades of blues and greens, yellows and white with just the right touch of orange-y red. In the hall, two pen and ink drawings I did of my daughters framed in red. In the dining room china painted plates of pink wild roses hang on the wall. I could go on and on. The only exception is the guest bathroom, the walls of which are red-orange.

    When I think of Feb. 29th, I think of my nephew. He was born on Feb. 28th. He just missed having the dreaded birthday you celebrate only every four years.

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    • Nicki, your pops of red, expected or not, sound lovely. I like little bits of red in the artwork on the walls, too. To me it seems fresh and energizing in a subtle way that doesn’t overwhelm. Also after reading the article I realized red is a color that comes in many shades so I have more of it around than I at first realized. 

      Happy Leap Day to you! Still have no idea how we’ll be celebrating it, but am thinking a bit of 🥂 might do the trick.


  45. I’m partial to whatever shade of red wine is in the glass. I do like red and had a wine-red car once. Bright red doesn’t not offend, but I don’t care for lipstick at all. Toenail polish is a different matter. Trends? What are those? Must be an endangered species in my neck of the woods.

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    • Eilene, I hadn’t thought of it before but I did have a couple of bright red cars, both were easy to find in any parking lot. I’ve never worn bright red lipstick but did you through a phase with bright red toes. I take your point about trends, I only accidentally find myself in them, like in this case.

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  46. Do you like the color red? If so do you have a particular favorite shade? Yes, I love red. It was my mom’s favorite color. A red rose is the perfect shade. I’m with you in liking the blue tones of it better than the orange tones. I only have one sweater and one shirt in red despite the fact that I love the color. 

    Do you feel, like I often do, that it’s best to ignore trends because someone somewhere is trying to do more than influence you, they’re trying to manipulate you? Yes, especially videos on TT. 😉

    Do you love the fact that tomorrow is an extra day, a rare 29th day in the month of February? Will you be celebrating it in some special way? If so, how? Yes, I smile for all the people born on the 29th of February so they get to be younger than me again. 😆Every four years I celebrate that Leap Years keep our yearly calendars in proper order. 

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    • Shelley, I agree that a red rose is a spectacular shade of red. I don’t see them often out in the wild, but can buy them anytime at the florists!

      I rarely look at TikTok and when I do try to look for families doing dancing things or people cooking something, not people selling me stuff or ideas. But I know it’s a popular place and apparently this trend started there.

      Excellent way to think of Leap Day, the day of organizing our years. I like things to be in order so I shall thank my calendar with for making it so. Maybe gratitude is the theme for the day.

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  47. The appeal of your examples of red is that they’re completely random. Why is one red die in a dish of other colors? Why is one red book almost exactly centered amongst sevearl others? I think it leads to a deeper conversation about why those items are there in the first place. I’m not a fan of red, but it’s worth noting I’m not a fan of certain sports teams with red as one of their colors (ex. USC, Ohio State). Maybe it’s a subconscious influence. I took a quick stroll around the main floor of our house and discovered only a hanging dish towel (which is just as often light blue) and a small throw pillow (a random Christmas gift). February 29th? Just another day to me.

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    • Dave, I know that red doesn’t appeal to everyone, nor does it have to, unless you go to The Ohio State University, I guess. I’m sure I could give a more nuanced explanation of why all the reds that are here are here, but I’m a woman of mystery.

      Even if you’re not getting into it, I’m still going to wish you a Happy Leap Day. So there. 😁


      • Note to Ally: The “40 Things” list you shared recently is a treasure; so much more than “do this” and “don’t do that”. I was hooked immediately by #1 (writing process = idea, collect, focus, order, draft, clarify). “Tools not rules” is almost liberating. It was encouraging to read a few and go, “Yep, that’s me”. But there’s so much more I can learn. I’ll keep Clark’s list as an occasional reference. Thanks!

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        • I’m glad you’re finding the list helpful. I felt the same way. It’s to the point, useful, and doesn’t seem overwhelming, more like gentle nudges toward a doable goal.


  48. I do love the color red, Ally. My grandmother loved red, so I have a sentimental attachment to it. And while I love all shades, I think Crayola’s basic Red or maybe Maximum Red are my favorites. That said, I don’t believe I have a lot of unexpected red in my decor. If I decide to add some now, I might feel manipulated, so I’ll wait until I see something I really must have.

    As for the extra day this month, since things are humming along pretty well for me right now, I’ll happily take it. Although, I am looking forward to March, just because it means spring is getting closer!

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    • Christie, red either strikes people as pretty or not. I like it small quantities so the unexpected red theory is in play here. I don’t know if I’ll intentionally add anymore red accents feeling, like you said, a little manipulated.

      I’m ready for March, too, but can’t help but like the idea of an extra day. Happy Leap Day!


  49. I’d just heard someone else mention this theory. I love pops of red here and there, and the fact that there is an official theory made me laugh

    I love the link to all of the Crayola colors! I found my favorite, Purple Mountains Majesty. I completely forgot about it until I saw it here. Thank you for sharing this.

    I like the fun Leap Year ideas. Especially writing a letter to myself that I’ll read in 2028.

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  50. My car is red, so yes. I like the color. And we have unexpected pops around the house, too. Lava lamps, anyone?

    I really wanted to paint the basement brick red, but after trying several different samples, went the opposite direction and did sage green instead. I just couldn’t find the right shade.

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    • Mark, I like red cars, had a couple along the way. It’s the pops of red inside the house that seem the most fun to me. A lava lamp would be one, oh yes it would.

      Painting walls red is tricky so I’m not surprised you ended up not doing that. Sage green, while about as opposite as you can get, would be lovely. Good choice.

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  51. Omar the Tentmaker was having a sale a while back, and I bought a shirt in a color called Geranium Pink. I like it and don’t think it’s sissy or anything. I also like #FF0000, the brightest red you can get on a computer screen.

    I know for a fact that people are trying to manipulate me, so yes, I’m avoiding them.

    And we haven’t done much in the way of celebrating, although Mary just came upstairs with a couple of Marie Callender pies, key lime for her, apple for me. So there’s that…

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    • John, your new shirt sounds like it’s snazzy and I bet looks good on you. I didn’t know about #FF0000 being the brightest red on a computer. Just know that #ED0A3F looks pretty to me so I use it occasionally.

      Your pie celebration sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate Leap Day. I mean pie is always a good choice!

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  52. I’m not a big ‘red’ person and probably have less pops of it in my home than you do. (Love your dragon)

    I don’t usually follow trends…because they’re, you know, trendy. 🙂

    I prefer shades of blue, green, cream & gray. I remember reading/seeing many years ago that every room does well with one piece of black to anchor it and I’ve found this to be true.

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    • Suz, you said it about trends. I’m accidentally trendy when it comes to this red trend that isn’t all that trendy. We have similar colors to yours going on here, warm grays, khaki, cream with blue here and there.

      I do the black in every room concept too. That’s a design principle from Victorian times, when there was so much pattern and fussy going on that rooms needed an anchor.

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  53. I prefer reds cousins pink and burgundy. Red doesn’t suit me for some reason. I don’t necessarily care about trends, but admit that I don’t want to look ridiculous when I go out either. Like, I wear faux uggs for running errands because they’re warm and comfortable. But if I’m going to dinner they will not be in my feet

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  54. I’m not a huge fan of red, but I agree that pops of it can brighten a room up. Personally, I tend to ignore trends when I decorate my house and just use the colors and designs that I like. I believe that our house should be a place that makes us happy when we get home!

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    • Ann, I like pops of red here and there, too. I certainly didn’t intend to be part of a trend, that isn’t really a trend but more of a time-honored decorating principle, but I seem to be part of a trend. I agree that your home should make you happy, no matter how you decorate it.

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  55. Love those pops of spirited colour (especially the dragon, it was St David’s day in Wales yesterday and he’d fit right in amongst those rolling green hills).

    I ignore trends more than I used to now and go with what I like (though at times my eye can still be drawn by something new & shiny), but I try to stick to styles and colours I know I won’t fall out of love with, because I’m lazy and I hate re-redecorating!

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    • Rae Cod, I’d forgotten about dragons and Wales. And there I was yesterday celebrating without even realizing it. 🐉

      You said it. I was more into design trends when I was younger, maybe everyone is? Now I want to fix it and forget it, so each room is what it is according to me.


  56. Red’s OK, but I wear very little of it because it doesn’t go so well with my (graying) red hair. I’ve never been a trend-follower (much less a trend-setter). It’s not a stick-it-to-the-man kind of thing, I’m just out of touch and doin’ my own thing… Love the glass of wine – nice touch. 🙂

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    • The Travel Architect, I don’t wear much red either, but do like a bit of it in our home decor. It adds energy in a subtle way. It entertains me to know about this *trend* considering this has been a design principle forever, but is being re-worked as something new. 🍷


  57. I like red and used to wear it a lot when I was working on site, but now, I confess my clothes, color combos and me are not so precise and put together since I began working from home in 2011. I didn’t have to look far to find red that popped in the house. This kitchen is a country kitchen and a string of realistic-looking paper mache red peppers is hanging on the wall by the stove and my apple clock, which used to be on my desk at work, is a cute analog red, apple-shaped clock, with a cream-colored face and tiny apples on the quarter hour. I like your dragon – he is a cutie. I have a teddy bear collection and there are a few that are sporting red duds.

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  58. There’s a lot of whimsy at your house. Very nice. We have a pillow with some red on one of our chairs in our very shabby family room. I am not a trend follower and agree with your analysis. I liked your red accents 🙂

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  59. I be partial to deep reds, usually in a wine glass. As far as trends are concerned, when you get to my age (66), you’ve pretty much seen that we don’t have trends as much as cycles. I’m thinking mostly of fashion, of course. I guess that’s why some designers seem to create weirder (and less comfortable) designs every year, so they can set a “trend” that no one wants to follow. Some people say there’s nothing new under the sun, and I kind of agree. That doesn’t mean that people can’t be creative. Your red flying dinosaur a case in point 🙂

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    • Marie, I like deep reds, too, here, there, in a wine glass. I agree, it’s not so much about trends as cycles and when you’re young what you think is a trend is in reality just something cycling back. I like pops of red, so I just couldn’t help but be entertained by the idea that this is a trend. 🤷‍♀️

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  60. Red is my favorite color, so I guess I’m ahead of the trend! 😄😄 I have a bureau with red doors. Definitely not subtle.

    My favorite shade is blood red. I’m not a vampire though.

    Generally, I ignore trends because I don’t really hear about them. I’m not on socia media much. My sister-in-law, who is on TikTok, usually discusses trends she discovers there.

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    • L. Marie, I like bright red too as long as it isn’t too orangish. I like orange, but on its own. Your bureau sounds pretty, something unique to add some pizzazz.

      I rarely go on TikTok, I read about this trend which is how I know about it, not from seeing it. Nice to have an insider who can keep you up-to-date!


    • Awakening Wonders, welcome. I like new things, but I also seem to be suspicious of the new things, which in this case of the unexpected red theory wasn’t a new thing at all. Huh… 🤨

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  61. I’ve heard of this, but didn’t really know what it was about. Sitting in my family room, I just looked towards my kitchen and see my red salt and pepper shakers on my kitchen table. And they look marvelous 😉

    I love red and nothing is more striking than a brunette in a red dress.

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    • Bijoux, I like the idea of adding splash of red in a room, but it isn’t a new concept and that’s what tickled me about this *trend*. Your s & p shakers are a perfect example of the timeless appeal of a pop of red.


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