23 thoughts on “I Got Nothing. Ask Me Something.

  1. Well I don’t have a question, but here are somethings you can write about, according to Danielle LaPorte:
    – Tell the story of how you came to know what you know.
    – Tell the story of what you want to know more of.
    – Tell the story of why you do what you do.
    – Tell the story of how you came to care.

    “And that’s how you create what’s never been created before”, she says.


    • Cheri, excellent advice. I’ll copy those prompts and put them in a good place where I’ll see them often. Fortunately I’ve got the “tell a story” part of each prompt down, it’s the content of the story part I’m running low on today. Thanks for stopping by to help.


  2. Those are very good prompts – for more than just the what did you study in school type questions. I may have to borrow them for some future thinking and writing.

    What’s your earliest memory?


    • My earliest memory is of sitting on the stairs in my aunt & uncle’s house watching my mom & her friend leave the house through the front door. My aunt & uncle were watching me for the night while Mom & her friend went to the movies. I was about 2 1/2 y.o.

      I remember being worried that Mom was leaving, but just as I was about to panic my uncle sat down on the stairs WITH A BOOK and told me if I sat by him he’d read it to me. Even at that young age, I knew books were a good thing. So, without any further thought about my mother, I went with him to the sofa in the living room & he read me a book.


    • That is a photo of a very young fawn who got separated from its mother during a thunderstorm. The fawn was only about 25 lbs and it went to hide/wait for its mother by sitting under the neighbor’s daylilies. I took the photo from about five feet away. Eventually the mother came back for the fawn and they scampered into the woods behind our house.


      • Oddly enough, you can see fawns around the NASA parking lots and buildings. There’s a herd on the grounds – and they have a naturalist assigned to the wildlife. The moms “park” their babies in spots while they go graze. Employees call in locations and they go out and put orange cones around the fawns if necessary and make sure they are not disturbed. They also check for nearby fire ant mounds – a swarm of ants can kill fawns – and swarm into their nostrils. The moms expect the fawns to stay put.
        Interesting that space guys care about the land critters?
        That was a great pix


        • I’m intrigued and gratified to know that NASA cares about such things. This little guy was so sweet and made an almost goat-like bleating sound every few minutes. It took about an hour, but mom came back… which I now know makes perfect deer sense. Thanks for the info. You are a dear! 😉


    • Huh? My guess would be that the light of the headlights would be behind you shining on the back of the car. I say that because I’m such a wiz at physics & all.


      • I guess the next question after that becomes “why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?” Got that one from comdian Steven Wright, who also thought that putting instant coffee in a microwave would make you go backwrds in time.


        • Once again I say Huh? I suppose there is some linguist who could explain your first question, but the instant-coffee-microwave-backward-in-time conundrum is beyond me. Huh.


          • I don’t know the answer to the headlight question either, Ally, but I like the image in my head of the light going backwards. My answer is not as imaginative as yours. I say “nothing” since the car is traveling faster than the speed of light and I don’t think the light particles (?) can get get out of where they are being created. Of course this is a question for a physicist and I’m very sure they have the imagination to answer a question like this as they have already come up with string theory.

            And I see Zen-Den is a fan of Steven Wright just like my husband. This is for him.

            “I bought some instant water one time but I didn’t know what to add to it.”
            -Steven Wright


            • Physics is one of those disciplines that escapes me. I never studied it in school. Most of my understanding of it comes from The Big Bang Theory, so sure I’ll accept your answer, too.


  3. I’m nosy, so I would love stories about how you and your husband met, fell in love, got married, anything that helps me know you more personally. 🙂


    • Zen-Den & I meet in college. We were introduced by a girl in my dorm who had Spanish class with him. A few days after I met him, that girl & I went to a party in a boy’s dorm and Z-D was there. He was quite inebriated and he followed me around all night. Like a lost puppy. Eventually I decided I really should talk to this guy ’cause he seemed nice, so I did. And just like what HIllary said about Bill: we started a conversation that has yet to end.


  4. Please feel free not to answer these things if they are too personal. You know how I’m having a bit of a tricky time with wanderlust and being stuck in this (damn (sorry)) village etc etc? I’m curious about how other people came to live where they do, and if they are happy there, what it’s like there, what do you like / dislike about where you live, where else have you lived and how do those places compare? Lots of questions! Would love some insight. Polly x


    • Polly those are great questions. And answering them could be a blog post in and of itself!

      Short story: we moved here because Z-D found a great job here. We came from a warm & friendly city of 1/2 million to here, an indifferent, but decent city of 2 million. Having lived here previously we knew what we were getting into before we moved back here, so the non-friendliness was expected.

      What we never anticipated was how difficult it’d be to find somewhere to live that met our simple criteria. Which is why this is our third house since moving here 17 years ago. And which is why we keep working to improve it instead of moving on to a [heaven forbid] fourth house.

      There. That about covers it. At least, for now. 😉


  5. Pingback: memories | zazamataz.com

  6. Who put the bomp In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?
    Who put the ram In the rama lama ding dong?
    Who put the bop In the bop shoo bop shoo bop?
    Who put the dip In the dip da dip da dip?


    • Great question, Mike. One that I can only answer in this way.

      I cannot tell you for certain who did the above. I can, however, tell you for certain who did not do the above. And that person would be me.


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