I’m Doing June 2014 NaBloPoMo, My Way

I’ve been in need of a blogging challenge. 

Just showing up here a few days per week isn’t cutting it for me anymore.  I need a goal to re-ignite my blogging passion.  A reason to get up each morning and share my tales, thoughts, photos, links with the world while achieving something special for myself.

And what better way to do that than to join BlogHer‘s NaBloPoMo for the month?

That being said, I know my limits. 

So I’ve decided that I’ll join in June 2014 NaBloPoMo on my own terms.  To wit, I’m going to do 20 days of the challenge instead of the entire 30 days.

In other words, I’m doing 2/3 of that which is asked of me because, to quote Margaret’s daughter’s friend: “A decent something is better than a perfect nothing.”

Is this not so?

See you tomorrow, kids.

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17 thoughts on “I’m Doing June 2014 NaBloPoMo, My Way

  1. That’s very exciting! It’ll give me something to read almost every day. I am trying to work myself back into writing something at least a couple times per week. Perhaps you will inspire me.


    • Zazzy, thanks for the encouragement. It’s been a long time since I was a daily blogger, but I think that I can show up here M-F for 4 weeks. Guess we’ll all see how it goes!


  2. I get it. I love writing but sometimes I fear I get boring writing about the same topics. However, I follow a blogger whose scope is narrower than mine and I love the different takes on the same topic. Having a target is a good way to get it done. I enjoy your posts and find them interesting so I am looking forward to this.


    • kate, doing something different here, once in a while, keeps me on my toes. I appreciate your support & only hope that I am able to think of something to write about that’s not too dull– or wacky. We’ll see, won’t we?


  3. I like the approach you are taking here.You know what’s good for you and what’s too much to take on. That’s important because so many of us are automatons who just keep keeping on, rather than thinking things through, and then committing to doing what we know we can do.


    • timethief, thank you. I’m going with the intent of NaBloPoMo modified to accommodate my lifestyle. That seems reasonable to me, a free spirit. 😉

      [Also, thank you for the Like. You were my 1000th Like on this blog.]


  4. I have every confidence that you will meet your set goal. I’m looking forward to your daily insights!
    I’ve also thought of challenging myself with my art as you have with your writing, but I’m too lazy. I only paint when everything is right–I have a subject in mind, I have a complete afternoon with nothing else to do, and the weather has to be just right!
    Good luck in your endeavor:)


    • Beth, I get where you’re coming from. I prefer to post only when I have time to write about exactly what I want to write about. But by doing this challenge I’ll be forced out of my comfort zone… which could be interesting. Once in a while I have to shake it up– or I’d give up.


  5. My daughter’s friend had such a simple saying and yet it was a real AH HAH moment for me as well. How many things do I not do because I fear that I won’t achieve them 100%? I love reading your blog, so this makes me VERY happy!!


    • Margaret, I agree about the AH HAH moment. Love that saying. And thanks for reading along here. I don’t know what I’ll babble about during my 20 days, but when I put my mind to something I usually find a way to do it.


  6. Ha ha, that’s so funny. I never expected this would be “your way”! 20 days instead of 30… I once posted every day for a year. So often want to return to that period of blogging passion. But can’t even maintain daily now for over a week. Good luck, Ally Bean.


    • Kathy, every day for a year would send me over the edge! Congrats to you. Even though years ago I was a daily blogger [about 6 days per week] I’m daunted by the idea of doing even this little bit of intentional blogging. Either I’m busier now– or lazier. Not sure which!


  7. FWIW. I’m still waiting for my blog to be added to the June 2014 NaBloPoMo list. It’s been over 24 hours since I submitted it, but The Spectacled Bean isn’t there yet. Details like this make me nervous.


  8. Love your attitude and name, Ally Bean! I blogged every day in April. Missed a couple of days in May. Missed yesterday. Found it easier to write if I write daily but if I miss a day here and there, it’s okay. Good luck to you.


  9. Pingback: As Per NaBloPoMo: Make New Friends, But Keep The Old | THE SPECTACLED BEAN

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