And Then It Rained…


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All week it’s been raining here.  I like one day of rain once in a while and I understand its importance, but rain every day makes me:

Anxious. Nervous. Unsettled.

There is noise all the time: water hitting the roof, water running down the gutters, water moving in the creek at the back of our property.

There is grayness everywhere: outside in the garden beds, outside when driving along the roads, inside during the day.

There is mold everywhere: making my eyes itch, making the deck slippery, making my allergies go into overdrive.

Given my druthers I’d rather have a gray winter day with snow than this endless wetness.  Which, if the weather forecast is to be believed, is going to be with us until the weekend.

Annoyed, I am.

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16 thoughts on “And Then It Rained…

  1. Hmm, proper rain, not even just showers. I sympathise, I feel the same way when there are days and days on end of greyness. I hope it cheers up for you soon. Did you take that photograph? It looks as though you still have lots of light, even if it’s not of the quality that you would like!


    • Polly, usually the month of June is sunny and wonderful here. But in keeping with all the not quite normal weather we’ve had in 2014, this month has been rainy.

      I took the photo during one of the breaks in the rain when there was some weak sunshine. I was amazed by how fast the water was moving. Kind of cool, kind of creepy.


    • kate, I don’t know which is worse for me. At least when it snows I know that I’m stuck doing inside stuff. However, when it’s summer and it rains I feel like I should be doing something outside, but I can’t. And that bugs me.


      • We have a big pile of mulch that has been getting rained on all week. We worked in the yard all last weekend and there is a secret part of me that is relieved that I can have a break from this work. Of course don’t tell my husband who is sad that he can’t do more mulching!


  2. I, like you, only like a rainy day every once in awhile. We have thankfully only had sporadic rain in the evenings, which is nice because it cools things down somewhat.
    I have to have sunshine, which thankfully we have most days here. You should come and visit!


  3. I think it’s April. It didn’t rain yesterday. At least not much, just a little in the early morning. Supposed to rain all day today again and tonight. But then, the forecast is calling for sunshine! Until Sunday.


    • Zazzy, you’re right. This weather is more April than June. I’m bummed because I adore a pleasant June and this year in particular it seems like we deserve one. But not to be, eh?


  4. I don’t mind the rain, as long as there are breaks in it and it doesn’t last for too many days. Relentless gray is my nemesis and living in WA can be tough in the winter months because of that. We are getting a little rain now after a long stretch of sunny 70 degree days. (got spoiled) However, my lawn already looks like August, so I’m thankful for the precip.


    • Margaret, this has been a long stretch of rain. I’m bummed because this can be the prettiest and best time of year here. Also, all the mold is getting to my allergies which is making me itchy, twitchy and bitch-y. Meh. Bring on the sun, I say.


  5. I like rain when I don’t have to venture out in it. The dogs hate going out and refuse to do their business in the rain.


    • Kourtney, I don’t mind a day or two of rain, but this past week has been soggy. I think that if I was a dog, I’d not like to go outside either. Smart critters, your dogs.


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