Beep Beep! Roadrunner, The Coyote’s After You! 7 Random Things To Tell You On A Wednesday

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1. I am agreeing. Social connectedness can take on many forms. I read THIS article about lively front yards that include any items like, but not limited to, garden gnomes, porch swings, plastic flamingoes, little free libraries, and assorted other decorative stuff. The conclusion was that: “residents who expressed themselves with items in front of their house reported feeling a greater sense of place.” 

2. I am enthusiastic. What beach reading books are to summer, ‘Bunny Rabbit’ TV Shows are to your mental health. Bunny Rabbit TV shows aren’t literally about rabbits, they are shows that give you a lift, not requiring more from you than your willingness to be distracted in a lighthearted way from your woes. I grok this term, enjoyed the article and the comments that followed, and haven’t stop thinking about which TV shows to put on my list since I read about this idea.

3. I am ditzy. In my ongoing attempts at being mindful of water usage, I pour the end of our glasses of drinking water onto the houseplants. Welp, in a moment of *duh* I poured the remains of a flavored club soda [San Pellegrino Dark Morello Cherry & Pomegranate to be exact] onto a large pothos. And within days the plant turned yellow-ish and began dropping leaves. Yes, I murdered a plant.

4. I am laughing. According to my results from the Pottery Barn Style Finder Quiz my decorating style is Farmhouse: “rustic woods, hardworking metals, and sprinkles of barnyard whimsy.”  Me thinks not. While the metals around here may be hardworking [not sure what that even means] the wood is refined and there is NO barnyard whimsy here. As if.

5. I am enthralled. I’ve learned that after soccer, badminton is the most popular sport in the world. Who knew? As such there is scientific research about which shuttlecocks, also known as birdies, are best: ones with duck feathers or ones made of nylon. Learn more HERE about findings that “may represent a new arc in the history of the beloved sport.”

6. I am indulging. I decided that I NEEDED something sweet to eat, something devoid of nutritional value. So I scrounged around online and found this Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats recipe that adds freeze-dried strawberries to the classic recipe. Divinely delicious.

7. I am entertained. I stumbled over this website,, that offers a daily online challenge about movies. Titles of said. Dates premiered. Stars in movies. You have 9 chances to answer 9 questions correctly which, if you do, creates a completely filled-in grid of 9 movie posters, NOT like what you see immediately below.  

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What gives you a sense of place? Is having one important to you?

What’s on your Bunny Rabbit TV Shows list?

If you take the PB style quiz, what style do they say you are? Do you agree with the results?

When you want something sweet to eat that is devoid of nutritional value, what do you turn to? Are you on Team Rice Krispie Treats with me?

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203 thoughts on “Beep Beep! Roadrunner, The Coyote’s After You! 7 Random Things To Tell You On A Wednesday

  1. I’m completely on board with an actual Bunny Rabbit Show. I’ve been on Team Bunnies forever, as all longtime Dept. readers know. That they are vastly under-utilized in advertising still astonishes me. Nothing gets me like a display of cute, soft, cuddly, warm bunnies.

    A friend of mine says that whenever she’s asked to bring anything to a potluck or gathering, her Go To is Rice Krispie Treats. They are gluten-free, easy, and so light and delicious. Everyone loves them, and they disappear immediately. The add-ins are endless! I bet the strawberry ones even looked pretty.

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    • nance, when I think of bunny rabbits I remember Captain Kangaroo’s Bunny Rabbit who wore glasses. As a little girl who wore glasses Bunny Rabbit was my hero. You’re right that you rarely see bunny rabbits in advertising.

      Now that you mention it the Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats were pretty and pink. I was more taken with how delicious they were than the color. I like your friend’s reasoning for taking the Treats to a potluck. 


  2. I don’t cook much anymore, but I’m off to the store for the Rice Krispies, marshmallows and dried strawberries. There must be at least a tad of nutritional value in the berries? Or maybe the rice in the krispies? Whatevs. Don’t care. Lemme at ’em!


  3. I quite enjoy when you do these fun introductory posts to all things whimsical and informative! I am reading fast this morning- the power is going off before long but here’s a bit from my world even without reading the links yet:
    1. I think there can be a fine line between feeling that sense of place and having too much crap filling your yard, making it distracting…

    2. No idea about bunny shows, but I do have 2 wild bunnies that visit my yard most days and they are always welcome and enjoyed as they nibble and observe the world from the grass.

    3. Yay for using every drop of water wisely. Not so many yays in the murder department. I have a huge spathiphyllum that I just moved to a larger pot. I was ecstatic that I didn’t kill it. I’ve had her for years and years.

    4.Saving this one for later

    5.Love badminton and I’m pretty good at it. I’m also very competitive when I play, but it’s been years.

    6.Not a RKT person really, I did just make scones a few days ago and they are the “sweetest” thing that I’ve had in months.

    7. This looks like fun! Again- on hold for now but I will return to it. I used to play trivia (mostly music) with my youngest. I have a huge deficit when it comes to remembering names of songs. I suspect I might have the same issue when it comes to movies 🙂

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    • Deb, thanks for popping in before your power goes off. I agree about how less is more when it comes to lawn decorations but the study about how they show friendliness rang true with me. 

      Sure, be a show-off with your spathiphyllum, keeping it alive. Actually I’m impressed. I took badminton PE classes in college. I liked playing it and in that situation got college credit for doing so.

      It was unusual for me to crave something sweet. Like you I usually shun too sweet things, but somehow I the RKT tasted good and satisfied. I’ll never do well in the movie game for the same reason as you, I don’t remember deets about movies [or names of songs]. So be it.

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  4. The daily bunny show in our backyard and in the various yards I walk by each morning are keeping me entertained. I think there will be baby bunnies soon, and that’s always a treat.

    I like Rice Krispie Treats, but I’m not a big fan of strawberry. Costco sells a box of Dark Chocolate Milano cookies in (30) 2-packs. I find they’re a great choice when I need something less than nourishing.

    Walking in the neighborhood gives me a sense of place. We’ve been here over 40 years.


    • Dan, we don’t have as many bunnies around here as we used to. I do like baby bunnies, so cute. And considering all the pet dogs are behind fences [real or invisible], I don’t know why we have fewer rabbits.

      Milano cookies are tasty. I’m sorry you told me about their availability in sensible sizes at Costco. I feel the same way about walking around our neighborhood. We’ve been here 25 years and it seems like home now which is saying something because I didn’t want to move here… but we did.

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  5. I confess…I’ll need to saunter back to read the rest of your post but need to interrupt this programming to tell you that #3 prompted a bout of #4. I mean…if only you could see me sitting at my desk having LOL moments about your pothos plant enjoying (?) a little Pellegrino? Wowza…cue the giggles. I’m still snickering. But you had the very best intentions, didn’t you? 😜

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  6. I love Rice Krispies treats, but have never put strawberries in them! My favorite iteration is from a bakery in Oregon, where they used browned butter!! I love browned butter on anything, and this is definitely no exception!

    Can a bunny show be a YouTube video? I usually watch a talking head talking about traveling or adventure when I don’t feel like thinking too much.

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    • Kyria, I’ve heard of Browned Butter RKT but never tried that. I’d like them no doubt. Adding pulverized freeze-dried strawberries was genius. The woman who wrote the recipe I linked to is to be commended. 

      I’m sure YouTube videos can be Bunny Rabbit Shows. Why not? The point of the concept is to have a go-to for when you don’t want to dwell or think too much. 


  7. You murderer, you! Your question about sweets devoid of nutritional value is extremely timely. Coming on the heels of watching Jerry Seinfeld being interviewed about his upcoming movie, we decided to buy a package of Pop Tarts. I hadn’t had a Pot Tart in at least 25 years, possibly longer. I chose the brown sugar cinnamon one because not only is it Seinfeld’s favorite, but it was also mine ‘circa 1971. Either the quality isn’t quite what I remember… or my palate has changed. I’m suspecting it’s a little of both. – Marty

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    • Marty, when I realized what I’d done to that poor plant I laughed of course. It went from vibrant to pathetic in a matter of days. During the lockdown part of the pandemic we bought a box of Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts for the first time in decades, feeling we deserved some old-time comfort food. Like you we didn’t like them anymore, we figured the same thing that you did: quality down, palate changed. Never again, eh?

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  8. I think my social connectedness might be hidden away on the inside. That is probably not as contrary as it seems given my introvertedness. My inside of the house has a laid back and well, moose like feel, that many would probably considered too childish. You should see my ducky bathroom.

    That said, apparently I might be coastal – of the laid back vibe variety. While I admire people with really put together rooms, I’m much more pops-of-whimsy than coordinating everything. I don’t think coastal or farm house or even cabin is for me but perhaps they would be in another life.

    Bunny rabbits! Yes! I do my best to avoid sad. And didn’t Requiem for a Dream poke every sad thought in your head? It was a good movie but I couldn’t watch it today. What I do enjoy is something with laughter and singing. I like Disney musicals. I don’t care for what I call the dumb and dumber genre of TV but I try not to make fun of it. Many would laugh at my love of musicals in general and Disney in particular.

    I’m also in favor of rice krispy treats – they are easy to make and have no nutritional justification. If you are interested, try these. The trick is to get the amount of red hots right. Too little and there’s not enough taste, too much and you risk a dental visit.


    • Zazzy, you have a ducky bathroom! Oh that is a hoot… or should I say a quack? 😁

      I didn’t know what other PB categories there were so interesting about Coastal. You live nowhere near an ocean, but don’t let that stop you, eh? I take all quizzes like this one with a grain of salt. Still fun to see who they think you are.

      I’ve never seen Requiem for a Dream or even heard of it. Your fondness for Disney musicals is what the concept of Bunny Rabbit Shows is all about. Your own special way of feeling better, regardless of any naysayers. 

      Your recipe for Red Hot Rice Krispie Treats is a keeper. Thanks for sharing it. I take your point about the perfect amount of red hots, which are something I haven’t eaten in decades. RKTs are endlessly adaptable. 

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  9. Death by Dark Morello Cherry has a certain ring to it. Is the plant rallying at all? I don’t have many plants inside because I’ve always had cats inside, but my flower beds outside always make me happy. Right now the gladiolus are a profusion of pink. And I do love all my activist flags (even if the colors clash with my flowers). Today it’s “End Gun Violence.”

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    • Autumn, the plant is no longer with us. It really took the hit hard. When we had cats we didn’t have houseplants either, but now that we’re living a cat-free life I do the plants.

      I don’t see many activist flags around here and hadn’t thought about that until I read your comment. People are all about the US flag or sports team flags, and even then not many houses put out flags. We’re more of pretty flowers in decorative pots kind of neighborhood.


      • Yes, I used to have pretty seasonal flags to go with my flower beds. And then I put up a rainbow flag one year for Pride. I live near a school, and two moms actually rang my doorbell and hugged me, practically crying, because seeing the flag had meant so much to their gay kids–especially in a conservative area.

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  10. OK. So here’s the thing . . .

    If your San Pellegrino Dark Morello Cherry & Pomegranate killed a plant, what do you suppose it’s doing to your liver and kidneys? Just saying.

    Bunnies! The Cadbury Bunny is a marketing icon extraordinaire.

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    • Nancy, I cannot answer your question but I take your point. I don’t drink it every day so I’m going to go on feeling good about my habit. I’m hydrating myself, oh yes I am.

      I’d forgotten about the Cadbury Bunny. I’m not much for chocolate candy so he slides under my radar. However, the concept of Bunny Rabbit Shows seems sound to me. If you follow the link you’ll see there are close to 600 comments, ’tis amazing.


  11. Not that it answers any of your questions, but I know someone who knows someone who plays badminton professionally. I forgot all about that about him until I read this post. (And yes, he does have a “day job” because no, you really can’t make a living doing that. At least not here.)

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  12. Since I am actively shopping for furniture right this minute, I took the Pottery Barn quiz. My result was “Global”, which can be “vibrant and dynamic or earthy and natural….with a cool spirited sensibility.” And, SURPRISINGLY, they have just the right product(s) that I should buy to pull my house together and make a better me. That’s ok, I’ll pass. But, I will be adding shows to my newly-begun Bunny Rabbit list. Thanks for all the tips!

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    • Gwen, yes I, too, am shocked that PB has what they think you need to pull your newly determined decorating style, Global, together. It’s like they saw you coming… certainly they’re more sincere than that.

      The Bunny Rabbit list is fun.

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  13. A sense of place is something I’ve always aspired towards! No, just kidding. I’m not even sure what it means to have a sense of place. Like, being in the present? Realising I’m here right now? Hmm.
    As for the movie quiz, I’ll try it! And avoid San Pellegrino, because if it kills plants, it can’t be healthy! Thanks for this useful and guiding post! 😆🫶

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  14. My garden provides my sense of place. I have been putting around in it since 2001. In 2007 I planted a Satomi dogwood in my front yard. It is now a show stopper and the topic of many conversations. It started a craze as there are now several in the neighborhood.

    I have no idea what bunny rabbit shows are, but Young Sheldon is now on Netflix and it does wonders.

    I am also ditzy. Maybe not about plants, but you don’t want to drive with me during my ditzy days.

    Barnyard whimsy sounds a little scary to me. How many fake roosters can one room have? 😜


    • Jenn, I adore your way of feeling a sense of place. We are often messing around in our planting beds, making this house seem more like home. It’s fun that you lead the way with your dogwood, they are stunning trees. I think this makes you an influencer! 😉

      Your example of a Bunny Rabbit show is perfect. That’s what the concept is about, TV shows that bring you joy, allow you to escape your reality for a while.

      I agree about barnyard whimsy. It’s worrisome to me. Fake roosters, pigs, sheep… I’d never get a sound nights sleep with those things staring at me all day long.

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  15. I have not made – or consumed – a Rice Krispie Square in years, but just this week I was sitting in the car while my husband made a quick jaunt into the grocery store and I watched a man walk out with exactly two ingredients in hand:

    A bag of mini marshmallows

    A box of Rice Krispies

    I happen to know this man has three tween/teen children and I am assuming RKS are on the menu.

    They aren’t a favourite of mine, mostly because I find they hurt the roof of my mouth.

    I love just about all desserts, though, and would NOT turn down a square were it offered to me.

    My favourite dessert is Unbaked Cherry Cheesecake. I mean I guess there is some protein in it, but really…devoid of nutritional value.

    I do the same thing with leftover water in cups!!!


    • Elisabeth, I know what you mean about how a RKT can be rough on the roof you your mouth. Somehow the ones I made weren’t, though. Maybe freeze-dried strawberries soften the squares? Now I’m wondering…

      I’d lean into the idea that cheesecake has some protein in it. That’ll make it seem like you could eat it on a healthful diet. Usually my water saving method works for the plants, us, the planet, but not this time. 😵‍💫


  16. I am wondering if something like that happened to my one and only house plant that I’ve managed to keep alive since 2017. Last month it started to turn yellow and quite a few leaves died! I thought I over watered it or something in the water changed. I only give it bottled water since we have a water softener for our indoor water. I cut off all the dead and dying leaves and have been babying it and it seems to be doing okay now. I don’t want to lose it! I don’t think it’s time to repot it again as the pot I put it in when I last repotted last year it is much deeper with room to spread out and grow. Is there any hope for your plant?

    I did the PB quiz and I’m not mad at it. I might be romantic- This look is all about texture-well worn leathers, and finishes, matte metals, frayed edges, and relaxed, rumpled fabrics. I agree with this assumption.

    I must be a real weirdo because I find murder mysteries very relaxing. 🤣

    Does fixing up the front door entryway count? I don’t put stuff out in the front yard 11 months out of the year, but putting welcoming stuff at my front entry gives me that sense of place. For me it’s more about the backyard space, and knowing my neighbors.

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    • Deborah, I’m sorry to report that the plant is no longer with us. Maybe it was already on the decline and I hadn’t noticed? All I know is that it croaked soon after my mistake. I hope your plant regains its strength and returns to its glory.

      It’s wonderful that the PB quiz rang true for you. I like the sound of Romantic, but don’t think that is us either. I like murder mysteries, too. They’re on my Bunny Rabbit list. No judgment about what makes someone relax.

      Yes DEFINITELY fixing up your front doorway counts. The article explains it is not what you do to make your property look inviting, it is just that you do it. And a whole neighborhood of inviting front yards is a good place to live.

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  17. What a super-duper fun post, Ally!

    I am agreeing with the front yard thing. I’ve been planning on a xeriscape and am now going to ensure I incorporate friendly pieces 🙂

    I had no idea what a Bunny Rabbit Show was. And yet, I know exactly what it is now that I’ve looked it up. Loudermilk falls into my current one 😉

    Bummer on the murder of your plant. It was an involuntary one, remember.

    I am rather pleased that I have a supposed “Global” taste in design… (coz really? I ain’t got none!)

    Never got into soccer or badminton, to be honest. I’m volleyball all the way.

    Oooh… I like the idea of adding dehydrated fruit to Rice Krispy treats… makes one almost believe we’ve given it a healthy twist, no?

    I totes cheated on the quiz. And still got 7 outta 9 ;-) I had no idea who Zendaya was!

    So much fun!

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    • Dale, thank you. ‘Twas meant to be fun.

      The conclusion of the article was that it doesn’t matter what you put out in front of your house, it’s that you care enough to do it. Your xeriscape sounds like it’ll be cool.

      I would have been happier if I’d been told I had Global taste. Somehow I don’t see myself as a Farmhouse girl, but would PB lie to me? Do I even really know who I am? 🤔

      Yes, by adding the strawberries to the RKT I’m sure I inadvertently made them healthy. Not sure who Zendaya is either. You did well on the movie challenge. Congrats.

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      • You succeeded.
        Now, I’m re-considering the little bistro table and two chairs idea because I thought it would be ridiculous… not so much now!

        Yeah, I think my staying away from a few obvious choices helped take me out of country/farmhouse coz I’m sure I was thisclose.

        Absolutely! “Way” more healthy 🙃

        No merit. 100% cheated!

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        • I felt the same way. We have two teak chairs out in front that I’ve wondered if they look goofy, but after reading the article I feel like it’s a good thing.

          Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater! Of course you redeem yourself by admitting it.

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          • Absolutely! My old house had a sort of mini-patio with various bushes to one side and partially in front. It was the perfect place for such. Now? I’m on a boulevard so it would feel much more in the open. Might still do it!

            😀 Phew! 😉

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  18. What gives you a sense of place? Is having one important to you?
    It’s hard to make an itemised list, but I recognise it immediately I find it. It matters a huge amount to me, so it might be a good idea if I was less pragmatic and more focused on finding somewhere which gives me the right feels.

    What’s on your bunny rabbit shows list?
    I love the idea, but I don’t have any currently as I seem to be in a gritty phase.

    If you take the PB style quiz, what style do they say you are? Do you agree with the results?
    No joy on this one as us Europeans are blocked from using the site. Sadly.

    When you want something sweet to eat that is devoid of nutritional value, what do you turn to? Are you on Team Rice Krispie Treats with me?
    I’m more a salty than sweet treat kinda gal, but I am rather partial to Fox’s Chocolatey Rounds.

    You were most kind sharing your posh flavoured sparkling water with your plant. What a pity it didn’t appreciate your generosity! 😀

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    • Deb, good point about how your pragmatic logical self and your intuitive felling self might not agree on whether somewhere had the sense of place you need to feel connected. It’s an interesting concept to contemplate.

      I can understand how watching gritty TV shows might not be a Bunny Rabbit List thing. Should you change your viewing habits you can then start your Bunny Rabbit List, if’n that appeals to you. I’m sorry PB won’t let you take the quiz.

      I’m not familiar with Fox’s Chocolatey Rounds. Maybe a UK thing? I like your reasoning about me sharing my swanky water. What an ungrateful plant, indeed.

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  19. Just a couple observations…when it comes to ‘assorted other decorative stuff’ in one’s front yard, it’s important to define terms. Graduating to couches and appliances usually doesn’t end well. And you murder a plant? Welcome to the club.

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    • Lies Jack Kerouac told Me, the article I linked to do explains what they considered to be appropriate front yard decor. It was well thought out. No to appliances or couches, think more middle class. Yep, I usually murder plants slowly, but not this time. 🤷‍♀️

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  20. One of my Bunny Rabbit Shows is Big Bang Theory; I usually have it on while I’m cooking supper.

    My decorating style is Farmhouse, which came as no surprise. Our home is rustic, with a cabin vibe. I realized not long ago that cows feature prominently in my decorating, LOL.

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    • Linda, that’s one of my Bunny Rabbit Shows, too. It soothes my mind and makes me laugh even though I know what is coming.

      You sound exactly like what Farmhouse is meant to be. It’s a lovely style, just not ours. Cows you say? That makes me smile.

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  21. For my birthday last year, friends gave me a pair of pink flamingos for the yard. At first I thought they were hideous, but now I look out lovingly at them standing in our yard while I write. I was surprised when I last visited my brother in Washington that he had the same ones in his yard! For a sweet treat, we’re on our tenth box of Frangos — green mint chocolate flavor since Christmas.

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  22. I have a group of things that come out from the barn in the spring to find their summer home and then return in the fall. I have a bottle tree from SC, birdbaths, blue pot from a friend who has passed, etc. Each items has some kind of memory. 🙂 That Bugs Bunny reminded me of sitting in a theatre at a young age when I’d see a feature and then watch the cartoons, news, previews, and then settle in for the second feature. Yes, I’m that old, and that’s okay. 🙂 I don’t know how I’d fare on a style quiz – probably flunk. 🙂 I’d say I’m somewhat traditional but minimalistic as well. I love a good Rice Krispie treat, but my grandparents name was Sweet and I grew up next door to a candy store, so I’m happy with anything with sugar. 🙂

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    • Judy, bottle trees were popular around here for a while. We never had one even though I liked them, think they’re clever. I’ve no idea why they’ve disappeared, though.

      I haven’t thought about double feature movies in years. I knew that they showed news and cartoons in-between, but never experienced it myself. I have my reservations about the style quiz, but some commenters have felt like the results rang true.

      I knew you were a sweet person! What a lovely way to confirm it, with memories from your past.

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  23. Hi Ally, Always interesting to read your bits and pieces and take on life, especially, the little moments which culminate our lives. Darn about the plant…the adage of ‘we are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.’ Who knew about badminton…I would have thought, pickle ball and of course fussball. Challenging question ‘devoid of nutritional value’ likely a good, quality ice cream. I would rather go for the best in smaller quantities. Have a great week, Ally! 💕 Erica

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    • Erica/Erika, thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Details are what makes each of us unique, hence a post like this one.

      I had no idea badminton was so popular, but there you go. The things you learn. I suspect it’ll take a long time for pickleball to overtake badminton in popularity, if ever.

      I like quality ice cream too. I rarely eat ice cream but when I do it is a treat. However in this situation I was hankering for something cookie-like without baking cookies, so RKT it was. 😋

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  24. Very sorry to hear that you are an accidental murderer. Better than a purposeful murderer, though, you have to admit.

    I take issue with the PB quiz. First of all, HOW is “shimmer” a pattern? Secondly, HOW is “succulent” a flower?

    My result was “coastal” which is wildly inaccurate. Although I suppose the mood (“soothing, airy, light”) and colors (“bright whites and hues of blue”) are right on.

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    • Suzanne, I’m laughing here. Yes, you’re right it’s better to accidentally murder a plant than to do so with intention.

      I understand your irritation about the choices on the PB quiz. I don’t know how a succulent is a flower, but PB thinks so and who are we to question the ways of PB? I’m also rather pleased that your results didn’t accurately reflect your style either. 🤨

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  25. I get the idea that the more expressive one is outside their home, the more they feel a sense of place. You don’t just live there, you’re putting down those additional “roots,” I’m like that when it comes to my computer station at home. Material stuff placed in and around it makes me feel I’m doing more than just sitting (or standing) in front of it. I’m “in place.”

    We were historically plant murderers until we arrived at our current residence. Since then, just about everything has thrived. I think we eventually learned from past faux pas.

    Bunny Rabbit Shows…Seinfeld, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory. I’m definitely gonna check out the movie challenge. Challenge accepted, Ally.🙂 (I’ll take a run at the Pottery Barn style test as well…)

    Mrs. Chess actually converted me to Rice Krispie Treats. I have a feeling that once I share the Strawberry recipe I’m going to be picking up Strawberries shortly thereafter.🍓

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    • Bruce, you said it: “You don’t just live there, you’re putting down those additional ‘roots'” I like your analogy of your computer station, that is what is going on with front yard decor.

      Congrats on growing plants. I bet you’re right that there’s a learning curve. My advice would be don’t dump flavored club soda on them. 🙄

      I like your list of Bunny Rabbit Shows. It’s not so much the shows you pick as the fact that you know what you enjoy watching when you need an escape from reality. If you make the RKT I hope you enjoy them. They’re tasty and pretty.

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    • I’m not sure that’s limited to outside one’s home. Just today I was talking to a friend about the importance of having a place to call one’s own at work to feel a sense of belonging there. His workplace is moving towards “grab a spot for the day.” Just like you described it, Bruce, he wants to feel “in place”, not just a “tourist”?

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      • EW, Z-D went through that at the end of his career after the pandemic turned everything upside down in his workplace. He adapted but only because he knew he had less than a year left.

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  26. Such a fun post, Ally!

    1. I’m a big fan of garden gnomes, flamingos, and all that! The more the merrier!
    2. I love “Bunny Rabbit Shows!” HGTV is great. I love any type of dog show and YouTube videos of funny animals.
    3. At least the plant died drinking something tasty!
    4. The Pottery Barn quiz says my style is “Coastal.” Yes, I can see (sea) that! I’m a long way from the ocean, but I do love that style.
    5. I used to be so good at Badminton! That was long ago.
    6. Yes to Rice Krispy Treats! Strawberry sounds amazing!
    7. I don’t get a chance to watch many movies. I got 3 right.

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    • Michelle, somehow I’m not surprised that you like a merry gang of garden things. They can be joyful and fun. Like you.

      The idea of Bunny Rabbit Shows seems timely to me. So much negativity out there, so why now be prepared to forget about it with your own happy list. HGTV is a good oner.

      A couple of other commenters have said that they got Coastal style. I don’t think it matters how close you are to the ocean.

      The Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats made my day. I like strawberries so to put freeze-dried ones into RKT seemed genius to me.

      I doubt I’ll ever get a full grid on the movie challenge. I’m not a movie buff, but for those who are I’d guess the challenge would be addictive.


  27. Bunny rabbit shows? That’s easy, any of the Great British (or other country except American) Baking Shows. I would laugh if I got farmhouse because my style is also far from that. I don’t really have a style, perhaps modern? I love badminton but haven’t played for decades. There’s an ad that comes on my phone when I’m playing one of my games about an app that diagnoses plant problems and one of the cures for a certain issue is coke. It sounds like that wasn’t healthy for your plant though!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Margaret, I’ve watched many seasons of the Great British Baking Show but got away from it. I couldn’t stand the banter between the hosts, too contrived. But the early seasons were golden.

      Badminton was always fun to play but on our hilly lot it ain’t going to happen here. I’ve seen an ad for that app, but never downloaded it. I accepted what I’d done to the plant and have moved on. Oops!


  28. I love those little free libraries. One of my neighbors has one to share puzzles and another has one to share toys. So cool!

    And you’ve reminded me that I was on my way to water my plants yesterday and got distracted. I often use the left over water from boiling corn. RIP to your pothos!

    Badmitton? Now that’s crazy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wynne, I like the little free libraries, too. We live about equidistant from 4 and contribute to them on the regular. I see puzzles in one but no toys… yet?

      Another person who repurposes water for the plants. Yay! As for badminton I was amazed to find out about its worldwide popularity.

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  29. I don’t follow any bunny shows. I do enjoy seeing them hop around my yard though. So cute. I’m confident that Pottery Barn would ask me not to visit their site, sensing that my home is one of constant clutter and dated furniture. Mini played badminton in high school. I was shocked that so many high schools had teams. I’m even more surprised to learn that it is so popular overall. I have a few GF treats that I keep for a sweet treat, but I do miss real cookies and brownies. I’m partial to ice cream too, which is why I stopped buying it. Too tempting. I laughed at your poor plant’s unfortunate demise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ernie, not everyone has a Bunny Rabbit List, I’m sure of it. I kind of like the idea. I’m not sure exactly what PB is doing with their quiz. Some commenters have had spot on results, while the rest of us are baffled.

      I didn’t know high schools had badminton teams. In college I took it for a couple of my PE credits, but there was no team. I don’t know anything about GF treats. Ice cream can disappear quickly, so I get why you stopped buying it.

      Yep, my poor plant is no longer with us. I tried, but failed with that one.


  30. The Pottery Barn quiz informs me my style is, “Global with varied patterns, rich textures, vintage inspired textiles, you can take a spin around the globe without leaving home.” I’m in total agreement with the Pottery Barn!!! Fun post!

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    • Awakening Wonders, I like your PB results better than mine. I want to be Global, too. Patterns, textures, vintage! It seems more like what we have going on here than Farmhouse and animal whimsy.

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Pingback: Beepity Beep! – A weirdo with…

  32. Junking up one’s front yard gives one a sense of place? Interesting. No thanks!

    I received Global from the quiz, but that doesn’t really match my home. I had trouble choosing answers because my true answer wasn’t one of the choices each time.

    Devoid of nutrition? A doughnut for me, every time.

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    • Bijoux, it’s not necessarily junking up your front yard, it’s having a few items that reflect who you are, thereby making your place look inviting and interesting. We have pots of flowers out front and that qualifies. The deets in the article explain it more in depth.

      A few other commenters have gotten Global. It sounds more like me than my results. Of course the answers to online quizzes often don’t jive with what you want to say, but it’s fun to take them anyway. Just to see.

      I haven’t had a donut in ages. I forget about them, but now that you mention them I NEED to get one. Thanks for the idea.


  33. My PB style is coastal… or so they say.
    Strawberries in Krispie Treats? Sign me up! And I just watched Remarkable Rabbits on PBS the other night so all is right with the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • River, well at least you are near an ocean relatively speaking so your result makes more sense than it has for some other commenters. The Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats we delicious, give ’em a try.

      I don’t know that a Bunny Rabbit List necessarily means you have to watch shows about rabbits, but well done to be so timely in light of this new term.


  34. I have a lot of strange things in my garden but no gnomes that I know about. The moles could be hiding them who knows! I think my decorating style would probably be considered Down Home Mess.

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    • Jan, I love the idea of moles hiding your imaginary gnomes. It’s not that you have to have gnomes to have a sense of place, just that you [and your moles] do something to make the front of your home inviting. I’d love it if one of the PB results was Down Home Mess. That’d endear them to me forever.

      Liked by 1 person

      • EW, I adore the idea of elf homes in the wilderness, in a garden, anywhere I suppose. However gnomes call to me, not many of them just a few, so I’ll leave the elves to Iceland.


  35. Interesting questions. On style I came out with “romantic” which is decidedly NOT me. Yikes. My style is more like “clean and light with clean lines, organised and comfortable” or something like that. That quiz is out to lunch. Maybe at a reclaimed barn wood table with giant pillows that take up all the seating, galvanised farm pails full of roses and last but not least, cucumber sandwiches and tea. 😉 Not my thing.

    I’m not really a bunny show watcher. I like watching bunnies, deer and birds when I’m out walking or hiking, but my viewing tends to be gritty or edgy.

    My sense of place tends to be quite fluid. I’ve lived in different countries and in a wide variety of settings, too, so for me, place is more about people and geographical landscape. I love where we’ve decided to retire, but it doesn’t irrevocably hold me.

    Brownies or butter tarts are my go-to! Sooo good. 😊

    Sorry to hear about your plant but good for you on the water consumption. 😊 Very enjoyable post, Ally.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lynette, while I agree with you about the quiz because my results didn’t seem spot on either, some commenters have said the results made sense to them. SO WHO KNOWS! I do like your way of explaining how out to lunch the quiz is. 😆

      Yes, gritty or edgy shows are not Bunny Rabbit Shows. True dat. I know that I don’t associate sense of place with an *address* [like an upscale suburb or an urban center] as much as with how the people around me behave, no matter where I am. I’m glad you found a place to retire that appeals to you, even if you move on later.

      Butter tarts! I like those too but you don’t find them around here. I have been able to soldier on getting over the loss of the plant, the poor dear.

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  36. I once gave milk to a plant.

    Live and learn.

    I actually like the idea of having a “Farmhouse” style. Though I also really like your style, so… maybe I’m not picky, except anything considered super modern would not be me.

    I loved badminton growing up. I miss that game!

    We saw Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats at the store, and I remarked to Hubby that that must surely be good. We have not, as yet, indulged.

    That movie game sounds dangerously addicting. I’m afraid to partake.

    And yes to bunnies–always.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Betsy, oh, milk on a plant. That’s hilarious and way beyond my mistake. Good job, not.

      I’m not sure how I got Farmhouse style but it’s not me. Like you I wouldn’t want anything super modern– or trendy for that matter which is how I interpret Farmhouse. Joanna Gaines and all that.

      I loved badminton as a girl, but it’s not flat enough here to even try to play. There are Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats for sale in the grocery? I made the ones I linked too, thinking they were an inventive idea. 😋

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  37. I was curious about my “pottery barn style,” but the quiz froze on the first question after saying, ‘Oh- we ‘see’ you are in Australia!’ No chance of lurking on the net anymore. They know where you are from!
    And I wondered what ‘barnyard whimsy’ looked like, and wasn’t thrilled with what I found when I did a speedy internet image search. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting that.
    Rice Krispie Treats are another mystery to solve.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amanda, I’m sorry about the quiz. I suppose if Pottery Barn doesn’t have stores in your country then they stop you from taking the quiz. Deb in England got stopped too.

      As for barnyard whimsy, I can guarantee you it isn’t my style. BUT if someone likes it then have it, they can have as much as they want.

      You don’t have Rice Krispie Treats in Australia? Rice Krispies, marshmallows, and butter melted together in a sticky mess that reminds me of childhood. Trust me when I say RKT have no nutritional value BUT bring back fond memories… so good for you in a nostalgic way.


      • Ah. RKT sounds like a very wholesome comfort food and so delightful in the nostalgic way. Google tells me that Australians can substitute Rice Bubbles (breakfast cereal) for Rice Krispies in RKT’s. The delicacy sounds similar to a cross between an Australian Chocolate Crackle and a piece of Rocky road. Chocolate crackles were standard fare at children’s parties here forever. Interesting how children’s food tends to be region-specific. While the adults love to experiment with other country’s cuisines, children with their more limited palette stick to what is familiar.

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        • I’m glad you figured out what RKT are and that you could make some a la Australia. Good point about kid food versus adult palates. RKT are definitely something from my childhood that I occasionally crave and this strawberry version was heavenly!

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  38. My current bunny rabbit shows are The Amazing Race and Newhart. Talk about an odd combo, but both bring me joy and require little mental effort.

    I’m so glad to see that plastic flamingos provide a greater sense of place. We have about a dozen in our yard, and I really need to establish roots somewhere SO I DON’T HAVE TO MOVE AGAIN. I should probably add a few more just to be on the safe side!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mark, I like your Bunny Rabbit Shows. I can understand how they are interesting and mindless at the same time.

      I knew you’d like the idea of plastic flamingos. They are so you and if having them, more of them even, helps you establish a sense of place then YAY!


  39. I traveled down the road today and dipped into a Buc-ee’s (Texas mega gas station and convenience store). I grabbed some beef jerky and they were selling Rice Krispie cookies at the checkout, so I caved. And—I was disappointed. Freeze-dried strawberries, huh?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Crystal, I’m sorry your Rice Krispie cookies weren’t good. However putting pulverized freeze-dried strawberries in the basic RKT recipe was delicious. The woman who shared the recipe I linked to deserves kudos.

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  40. Our little backyard sanctuary gives me a sense of place, even so that I’m trying to replicate in our front and side yards. Having the space to enjoy as well as provide for birds, bees, and butterflies is priceless. According to Pottery Barn, my style is Romantic. I’m not too surprised by that. Of course, you wouldn’t know it to see my house since my husband’s style is not Romantic. Hmmm … what else? I love bunnies and have fond memories of when I was a teenager and had a summer job at a cafeteria. On Sundays I would work 7-3 pm. Across from our driveway was a field and when I started my mom’s car at that early hour, bunnies would be hopping in the field. I loved to watch them. I also remember office parties where someone would almost always bring Rice Krispy treats. Such a sugar rush! I’ll have to attend to your other questions later 😉 Fun post!

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    • Marie, hear, hear: “Having the space to enjoy as well as provide for birds, bees, and butterflies is priceless.” That’s how I think of our perennials and pots of posies.

      Someone else mentioned that their style was Romantic, but they didn’t mention the husband angle of it. 😜

      Bunny rabbits can be the cutest things to watch, but the most annoying things when it comes to hostas. They [and the deer] love them.

      Yes, RKT are a sugar rush which is why I wanted some. Usually I don’t care about sweets but somehow, this time, I went all in with them.

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  41. I do have to wonder what it was about the soda water that killed the plant. Carbonation should have been about gone. Hmm.🤔 Even if it wasn’t…a deep mystery. Well, we kill the houseplants just by giving them water and sunlight. Sigh.

    No bunny shows for me, that I can think of. Unless it’s Bugs. But I would know where to find him these days.

    My sweets are oatmeal cookies, zucchini bread, and Jolly Ranchers hard candies. My teeth hurt just thinking about them. Never a big fan of rice crispy treats. My brother loved them, though.

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    • Eilene, I wonder about how my fancy soda water could have killed the plant but the poor dear pretty much dropped dead. Maybe it wasn’t well to begin with. 🤷‍♀️

      I have no idea where you’d watch Bugs Bunny either. He may be too politically incorrect for these times.

      I like zucchini bread or pumpkin bread or banana bread, but can do without hard candies. I know that RKT aren’t for everyone– and that’s ok. More for me.

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  42. The pottery barn quiz says I’m global. I agree. The pictures they showed for global were lovely.

    I don’t know about a whole show about bunnies, but I love the videos on Twitter (X) of kittens and other animals. They always make me smile and coo if not laugh out loud.

    I do enjoy having a sense of place–inside, outside, down the street, around town. I don’t need a flamingo or a gnome, but I do need to be able to take walks from my front door rather than having to drive somewhere.

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    • Nicki, I wish I’d gotten Global. I’m sensing that it might be more me than Farmhouse.

      Bunny Rabbit TV Shows aren’t necessarily about rabbits, or animals for that matter. They’re shows you turn on to forget your worries. I’ve revised what I wrote above because I wasn’t clear. Mea culpa.

      I’m with you about wanting to be able to take walks by stepping out my front door. We briefly lived somewhere where I had to drive to take a walk and I didn’t like it. The ability to go for a walk within the neighborhood was a big draw about living where we do now.


  43. well now imagine that — I got farmhouse. And I live in a ….drum roll… farmhouse! As to bunnies hm… I can’t even think of anything that I have watched in the last 55 years that has bunnies. I guess I don’t get out much. I am, like you, too busy killing house plants! And nope — 100% not team rice krispie. If I am having a cheater kind of treat it is going to have chocolate. The darker and the more the better!! I do make a rice krispie roll that has a peanut butter syrup rice krispie layer that you put a rich chocolate icing on and then roll it up. It’s a signature dish and one that must go camping, skiing, to sports events etc. So good. Hm.. now I want to go make some! Bernie

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    • Bernie, Pottery Barn has you pegged. I think you may win the prize for the most accurate result from the quiz.

      Bunny Rabbit TV Shows aren’t about bunnies per se. It’s a concept that refers to shows you watch to relax and forget your worries. The idea proposed in the article is that everyone has comfort shows aka Bunny Rabbit Shows, so make a list of them for future reference.

      I’ve never heard of anything like your Rice Krispie roll. It sounds decadent and for anyone who loves chocolate it’d be perfection. We’re not big on chocolate around here.


  44. What gives you a sense of place? Is having one important to you? My home (since I’m mostly a homebody, and I work from home, is my sense of place.It’s important as I spend mostly 24/7 there.🤣

    What’s on your Bunny Rabbit TV Shows list? I enjoy are so dang cute!

    If you take the PB style quiz, what style do they say you are? Do you agree with the results? I didn’t have time to take the test.I enjoyed reading your results and your take on it though.

    When you want something sweet to eat that is devoid of nutritional value, what do you turn to? Are you on Team Rice Krispie Treats with me? You’re spot on with the lack of nutritional value RKTs have.🤣 I add a few drops of English Toffee stevia sweetener to my morning cup of coffee.Other than that, no sweets for me, I never really had a sweet tooth. 

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    • Shelley, I hear you about how your home is your sense of place. Same here. That’s why I focus on making it inviting and comfortable and safe. It’s not the geographic location of where I live as much as how I live that creates the sense of place.

      I followed your link and saw the Becorns. Yep, very cute.

      The results from the PB style quiz have varied among the commenters who took it. Some people feel their results were spot on while others like me feel the quiz is, as Lynnette put it, out to lunch. If nothing else it gets people talking!

      Oddly enough I don’t have much of a sweet tooth either. Just once in a great while I want something super sweet and RKT fill the need. When I really want sugar I eat it, the rest of the time I’m indifferent to the siren call of sweet.

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    • Barbara, I can understand how Coastal and Scandinavian style are similar. My guess is that PB doesn’t sell anything they describe as Scandinavian so Coastal it is. I like how you describe your style, it seems so you.

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  45. I took the PB quiz, but I can’t really say I agree with the results (urban chic). In some of the questions (more than one), I didn’t like any of the choices but was forced to choose one. My dream vacation is Italy. That was not one of the choices! I’m with Barbara. My furniture is Danish modern. I’m not even sure what urban chic is.

    As for Bunny TV, I learn more things when I read your blog! 😊😊 My bunny TV is Avatar: The Last Airbender. A friend’s bunny TV is Gilmore Girls.

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    • L. Marie, you’re the first person to mention Urban Chic! I know what you mean about the answers to the questions not being what you’d answer. Danish modern I know [I call it Aunt Char furniture], but Urban Chic sounds made-up.

      I like the term Bunny Rabbit Shows and had to share it here. If you follow the link to the article you’ll see there are close to 600 comments which blew my mind. Talk about a popular concept. I’ve never seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, but have seen Gilmore Girls.

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  46. I would not have guessed in a MILLION years that badminton was the second most popular sport…I would have went with baseball or tennis. 

    Umm….bunny rabbit TV for me might be something on HGTV. Easy. Nothing to fret about or think deeply about.

    I got Coastal as my preferred design aesthetic. This is fairly accurate.

    Ally, if your pathos couldn’t handle a bit of carbonation, it was not going to survive this world in the long run. 🙂

    Strawberry Rice Krispies? YES PLEASE!


    • Suz, I was surprised to find out about badminton’s popularity, too. I think of it as a lawn game at family picnics, but there’s more to it.

      HGTV is an excellent Bunny Rabbit Show. I like it too, for the reason you mention. I’m not the one paying for the upgrade so it’s fun to watch other people spend money.

      Excellent point about my pathetic pothos. Maybe it wasn’t well to begin with and I just hadn’t noticed. The Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats were a revelation. So good.

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  47. Greetings, Ally. Badminton is the second most popular sport in the world? I doubt if that’s true. I’m sure that more people play basketball, for instance, than badminton. The same probably is true for golf and cricket and tennis. Have a good day. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Frank, the Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats exceeded my expectations. Plus they’re pretty. I say no to asparagus, but you do what you like.

      Good point about the sports that are popular here versus the rest of the world. Happy to know you liked this post. Thanks for stopping by and making me smile.

      Plant Murderer

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  48. I just finished a slice of apple and cinnamon cookie cake…I didn’t mean to buy it, but the shop was new and it had pink decor and they put the delicious looking cakes in the window to lure in innocent passers by, I was helpless I tell you! My bunny rabbit TV shows are Friends and Gilmore Girls and it’s the people that give me a sense of place. Home is where the family are.

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    • Rae Cod, well OBVIOUSLY you had to buy that cookie cake that sounds delicious. It would have been wrong to not buy it.

      Friends and Gilmore Girls are perfect Bunny Rabbit Shows. They’re the epitome of pleasantly predictable. I haven’t seen either in a long time now that I think about.


  49. You wrote this for me, right? Don’t answer that. Allow me to sit in my oblivion. It’s birthday week. and I feel like this post is all mine. ❤️

    I remember reading that Cup of Jo article about Bunny Rabbit shows! I’ve got an idea to write a blog post on comfort things in the future, and you’ve inspired me to create a Bunny Rabbit show list.

    I took the style quiz and it didn’t have my favorite color (green), so it’s already rigged. Urban Chic is what I got. I like that more than Farmhouse. 🤣

    Ella’s favorite sport is badminton! She loves it so much that we are getting a badminton set this summer. I loved seeing it here.

    Ella also loves dried strawberries, so I am making these rice krispie treats.

    Such a fun post! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kari, the minute I read the article about Bunny Rabbit Shows I was starting mine. I think of it as being a good complement to your Joy List.

      I don’t even know what Urban Chic is but I also like it more than Farmhouse. I’m still trying to determine if my metals are hard-working. 🤨

      I like badminton too. Yay Ella! And she likes dried strawberries, too? I knew I liked that kid. Enjoy your set and your RKT.

      Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Happy Birthday! 🥳


  50. I’ve always loved badminton, and it’s one the few sports I was actually good at! Now that I know it’s the second most popular sport in the world, I feel like an actual “jock.” Who knew I was an athlete?

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  51. Sorry about the demise of your plant, Ally. I am actually surprised the flavored drink had such a negative effect (though maybe I shouldn’t be). I sometimes dump the end of our water glasses in the dog’s dish. He probably wouldn’t mind a little surprise once in a while. My favorite sweet treats are pastries of just about any kind, ice cream, or Swedish Fish.


    • Christie, I’m assuming the flavored club soda did in the plant, but it’s possible it could have been unwell to begin with and I didn’t realize it. I make banana bread or pumpkin bread and like that. But making RKT is so easy that they called to me. No baking involved.


  52. Many years ago, my neighbor helped out on some heavy lifting I was doing in my back garden. I appreciated it after lugging landscape ties, bags of bark and potting soil home in my Pacer (hatchback) all weekend, then lugging it to the backyard on a small dolly. This was long before Lowe’s home delivery existed. Jim liked to point out “the garden I helped create” to his family and visitors. He was retired and he and his wife went to Florida all Winter, staying in a large mobile home they bought and left there permanently. I got the mail for three months, checked the house was okay and my reward was a group of flamingos for the yard … I assumed he meant the backyard since he had helped out, but no … he meant the front yard. So, I wasn’t going to hurt his feelings, so they went out front and I did this two years and said “Jim, I guess I’ll put the flamingos in the backyard if you don’t mind – they’re starting to fade a little from all the sun. “No, you keep them out front; I’ll buy you some for the backyard next time we’re in Florida.” Hmm. After he moved away, the flock finally flew the coop.

    Years ago we did the Coke and a penny test where Coke cleaned a copper penny up in a flash after dropping the penny into Coke – you have to wonder what is in Coke!

    I haven’t played badminton in years, nor have I had regular Rice Krispie treats in a long time – I am inspired to try both again. The strawberry for Rice Krispie treats sounds yummy.


    • Linda, that is a wonderful story. Both that Jim helped you with your garden and what happened after. Of course you being a good neighbor you helped him/them with their winter mail, but to be thanked with a flamboyance* of flamingoes for your front yard is delightful. I adore how you tried to subtly suggest putting the birds in the backyard, but it was not to be, eh? I understand why you no longer have the flamingoes!

      I don’t know about the Coke and penny test, but agree that it is a little suspicious that it can handle cleaning copper.

      I haven’t played badminton in years either, too hilly around here. The Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats were better than I imagined they’d be. And a pretty color too.

      * Because of Mark I know that a group of flamingoes is a flamboyance. He’s a nut for the plastic ones as well as the ones in the zoo. The things I learn from bloggers!

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      • Yes, I was as subtle as could be but my idea fell flat on its face. I would never hurt his feelings. Jim and his wife moved next door right after my father left, so he kind of “adopted” my mom and me, helping out with handyman-type stuff at our house. And he insisted on showing me how to do things. For example, once when full-serve gas was still a thing, I handed the attendant my gas lock key for him to unlock it before filling the tank and he dropped the key down the window well. Jim showed me how to use an allen wrench and take the door panel off to retrieve the key, even though I had a spare key. It took us all afternoon but we got the key. He called himself my “step-papa”.

        He was just 55 years old when he retired from the steel mill after taking a buyout. He went fishing every day, then got bored, so he cut the lawn 3X a week – mine too. I had it made back then.

        I keep saying I am going to write a post about all the words for groups of birds as they are all fun names – where do they get the ideas for them? So I also learned a new word – that would describe that vivid pink to a “T”. I have a high school friend who lives in North Carolina and loves flamingoes too.

        Years ago our City had some tennis courts around the corner from my house and offered free tennis lessons and there were badminton nets set up as well. It’s probably 50+ years since I played either game. Your treat made me hungry Ally!


        • Jim is who you hope a neighbor will be. I wouldn’t know how to take the car door panel apart but am glad Jim did. And what a flashback to the days when someone else pumped your gas. Plus a free lawn mowing service!

          I haven’t played badminton in decades. I enjoyed playing it, but don’t know if watching other people play it would be interesting. Maybe if I was eating a RKT I’d enjoy both!

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          • They don’t make neighbors like Jim anymore and I put a lot of that down to the fact he was born and raised in Kentucky and was a true Southern gentleman. I felt spoiled.

            We had full-service at the Shell station where I bought gas since I got my first car and then I took a trip to Northern Michigan one Fall to see the colors and I needed gas – one station with one pump in this town and it was self-serve. I didn’t know where the next gas station was and I had never pumped gas in my life and, on top of it, at this rinky-dink little station you paid on the honor system, putting your money into a locked box with a slot on top. So I couldn’t ask anyone for help. It was like Mayberry RFD. Luckily someone pulled in a few minutes later but I had to be the dumb, helpless female.

            There you go – there’s always a new opportunity to ponder what an ace you were at badminton back in the day while enjoying a chewy RKT!

            Liked by 1 person

  53. I murdered a plant once, too. I sprayed a very young fir tree (still in a tiny pot on a table in our apartment) with 409, thinking it was just water. The husband doesn’t let me forget it, even though it happened over 20 years ago. I LOVE Rice Krispies, but only homemade. I’m also a traditionalist. No chocolate, no freeze-dried strawberries, just the Krispies, marshmallows, and butter.


    • The Travel Architect, your way of murdering a plant is more *creative* than my way. I can understand how what happened happened, but it is darned funny. At least the dearly departed was clean when it died. 😁

      I agree about homemade RKT. I don’t like the grocery or bakery ones, just ones I make here. I like to zhoosh them up, but also like the traditional ones, too.

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  54. It’s interesting that the desire to claim a ‘place’ also is part of apartment living. Whether it’s a changing door wreath, or potted plants and flowers, or bird feeders or wind chimes, most people in my complex at least occasionally made the effort to show that a real individual with specific interests lives in a given apartment.

    As for the rest of your questions: well. You already know I don’t watch tv, and I don’t know a thing about movies. I did take the style quiz, and was amused that not one of the choices they offered — for pattern, color, home style, etc. — was something I would choose. I kept wanting a “none of the above” choice!

    As for sweets, I’ve changed radically in that regard. For something sweet, I go with grapes, or something similar. I’ve been almost entirely without sugar and sweets since January 28th, and I’ve lost fifteen pounds. Another ten, and I’ll be about where I want to be.


    • Linda, I’ve no doubt that sense of place extends to apartment dwellers– or as in my MIL’s case assisted living residents. It makes me happy to think that people do try to show a bit of pride or style when it comes to where they live. The article I linked to made me think about various places I’ve lived and whether neighbors were outgoing in the sense of putting items in their yards or not.

      I know how you feel about the PB quiz. I did my best to answer each question from their choices, but the choices weren’t very good. Probably why I ended up with, of all things, Farmhouse.

      Congrats on losing weight in a healthy way. It’s not easy to change your eating habits, but clearly you have. In truth I rarely eat sweets which is why my adventure in making RKT was unique enough to rate being added to this list.

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  55. I watched some guys (like, just some regular grad student dudes) from China play table tennis once and it became 100% clear why China is such a powerhouse in that sport. It’s weird how sports have little niches where they are popular, isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • NGS, yes it is weird. The article I linked to didn’t say where badminton is most popular, but the fact that it is caught my attention. I don’t know if I could be a spectator and watch badminton.


    • Laura, your reasoning is sound. You’re right, I was trying to save the planet in my own small way, but sometimes good intentions aren’t enough. Somehow, you’ll be happy to know, I’ve gotten over the loss. 😉


  56. Of course I went to take the quiz! I adore taking a quiz like this one. And it actually hit me right on – Coastal. I usually call my style coastal cottage, when I’m not calling it a cluttered mess. Thanks for sharing the link to it.


    • Pat, you’re a woman after my own heart. I’m a goof for quizzes, too. A few other commenters have gotten Coastal and they’ve all thought it rang true. It sounds like a charming and livable style… not like Farmhouse that is so not me. 🙄

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  57. My PB style is Urban Chic. I wonder if it would have been different if they had had more choices?

    We have a tiny little patio in front of our townhouse, so not much room for anything. I have basically crammed mine full of plants, which makes me happy. There’s not really room for anything else.


    • J, I wonder about that PB style quiz in general. The choices were limited [I’m guessing] by whatever they’re trying to sell. A few other commenters got Urban Chic which I like the sound of better than Farmhouse.

      I like plants, too. My understanding is that plants would be an example of something inviting, it’s not just putting decorative items out front. Seems like if you do something, anything, you’ve made your property friendly according to the article.


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