Mixing It Up: A Tale Of Despair, Determination, And Dollars

“If you have been mixing a dense mixture for several minutes or more, it is possible that the force of the planetary action can over-tighten the bowl.”

~ KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer “stuck bowl” product help

Planetary Action is “a double mechanical motion in which a tool is rotated on a center, while that center is revolved in another circle at the same time.”

~ Dictionary of Occupational Titles glossary

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BLUESY THE MIXING FLOOZY nestled in the corner on the kitchen counter

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This tale involves our KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer, BLUESY THE MIXING FLOOZY.  She’s okay, no need to worry, but there is a casualty in this story.

You see, once upon a time we bought the KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer Ice Cream Attachment.  It’s two parts that involve an insulated freezer bowl and a goofy little paddle thingie.

We did this so we could use BLUESY to make ice cream at home for the heck of it.  Thus it came to be that the other day I decided we needed to make ice cream and we did.

But in the process of using the KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer Ice Cream Attachment, the insulated bowl froze onto BLUESY. Not budging at all.

This did not make us happy.

Following KitchenAid’s “stuck bowl” advice for how to free a stuck bowl, we tried using multiple warm wet kitchen towels wrapped at the juncture where the bowl attaches to the mixer.

Bowl still stuck.

Again following KitchenAid’s advice we put dabs of vegetable oil at the juncture where the bowl attaches to the mixer, then applied brute force.

Bowl still stuck.

Then being innovative little suburban scamps we improvised and tried using WD-40.

Bowl still stuck.

At this point, I’m ashamed to say, I was ready to give up on BLUESY, the old girl. So I went online to see how much a new KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer would cost. I was shocked. Prices have doubled since we bought her.

So we took extreme measures.

Zen-Den, following the last ditch “stuck bowl” advice, took BLUESY into the basement, placed her on a folded beach towel on the floor, then carefully used a rubber mallet to bash the base of the insulated ice cream freezer bowl, slowly reshaping the base of the bowl.

Then he used a flathead screwdriver to lift, force, cajole the insulated bowl loose, destroying its structural integrity in the process while accidentally leaving a small scratch on BLUESY’S pretty blue finish.

We can live with this.

In fact I feel the scratch, a mere boo-boo, adds character to BLUESY.  Not to mention we saved $449.99 by not buying a new Kitchen-Aid Tilt-head Mixer.


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Close-up of BLUESY THE MIXING FLOOZY’S boo-boo

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Have you ever wanted to take a mallet to a machine? Did you do it?

If you have a stand mixer [any brand], have you ever gotten the bowl stuck on it? If so, how’d you get the bowl unstuck?

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

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210 thoughts on “Mixing It Up: A Tale Of Despair, Determination, And Dollars

    • Susan, oh I understand about printers. We have one at home that is DIFFICULT and living on borrowed time. I’m guessing mint chocolate chip is going to be a popular answer.

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  1. Hi ally – the scratch does add some Character -but if you did want to touch it up – I think car paint comes
    In a similar blue and the little bottles of touch up for cars might work good on that scratch?

    And last year we got a ninja ice cream maker with “creamify technology” and it is one of spouse’s fav appliances – work really good and can turn almost anything into a nice ice-creamy treat (sans the basement workout to release things – ha)

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    • Yvette, I hadn’t thought about touch-up paint, but I’m sure you’re right. Bluesy is cobalt blue, a color that KitchenAid no longer makes btw.

      I don’t know anything about a ninja ice cream maker. I’m intrigued. Obviously our freezer bowl is a goner, so IF we want to make ice cream again we either buy a new one or something else.

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      • The cobalt blue is a beautiful option and another idea I had was craft paint from a hobby store – I remember when my boys were in scouts (truly a weird organization – lol) but the little race cars they made had so many paints that came in nail polish like containers and I vaguely recall a similar blue – hmm

        We had kitchen side ice cream makers (just gave the last one away to a friend -) because the ninja is so awesome – you feeeze the contents in one of the containers that comes with it and next day put it in the machine and almost any frozen thing becomes creamy – ) -and so that is what I suggest because making homemade ice cream is crucial in a day when chemicals are evewhere – or when store options have high sugar – thickeners etc
        So homemade ice cream can be about refreshment and a healthy treat –
        Oh and I used to always love vanilla but now I might say a chocolate blend with nuts is my fav….

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        • You said and I agree: “making homemade ice cream is crucial in a day when chemicals are everywhere – or when store options have high sugar – thickeners etc.” That’s how we came to buy the KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer Ice Cream Attachment to begin with– to make healthier ice cream. I like the sound of this ninja gadget. Thanks for the information. 🍨

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          • Well
            Keep an eye out for sales – recently Kohls had a sale like 40% off and my hubs let folks know but not sure anyone jumped on the deal – (they didn’t know the gem it is)
            And I almost took a photo of the ingredients – but recently Breyer’s brand had a low carb half gallon and it had “Acesulfame potassium” and other crap!
            I remember the day when breyer’s was the all- natural and dependable ice cream! Only four ingredient in their vanilla back I the day. And their yogurt in the 80s was the best anyhow – around 2005 we noticed the taste changed and they added guar gum and additives
            But the Acesulfame potassium (low calorie chemical sweetener) pisses me off because it is in protein powders and power bars marketed as keto!
            Folks – do we not know Stevia is amazing and works great? Or is Acesulfame potassium just that much cheaper?

            Not sure what kind of coconut ice cream Z-D loves but we have a few coconut recipes that are easy in the ninja –

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            • I’m chuckling here because back when I bought Bluesy I did so because a friend found a deal at Kohl’s and emailed me to tell me get over there NOW and buy a mixer. She was relentless pushing me to get a KA stand mixer because she knew I’d love it. And I do.

              I don’t digest things like Acesulfame potassium and other chemical sweetners. We’re fortunate that in this region is a local ice cream company that makes some flavors of ice cream that have truly natural ingredients in them. But I still prefer to make ice cream at home for snorts and giggles. Z-D would eat any kind of coconut ice cream!

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  2. I’ve definitely wanted to take mallet to machine, but never my mixer. I have the ice cream maker for my kitchenaid (sadly mine has no name) and my bowl has never gotten stuck but now I worry…and strawberry is my fave flavor

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    • LA, good woman knowing some machines deserve a mallet-ing! We’ve used the KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer Ice Cream Attachment for years with no problem, so this was an annoying surprise. Have your rubber mallet handy, just in case. I like strawberry, too. Not my fave but in the top five.

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  3. My KitchenAid’s mixing bowl gets stuck sometimes if I’m kneading bread dough in it for a while, but thankfully never so stuck that I’ve had to take a mallet to it 😅

    The rubber mallet is a wonderfully satisfying tool to use, though. I mean, that bounce back, though lol Glad Bluesy survived!

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    • Holly, I’ve used Bluesy for bread dough, too. I’ll admit that I’ve wondered why she didn’t get stuck while kneading bread dough, but she kept going. I’m with you about a rubber mallet, most satisfying when in use.


  4. Like Zen-Den, my husband is the can-do type, doing whatever is necessary to git ‘er done! He’s never fixed a stuck mixer, but he just tightened a towel-rack with major effort. Translation: tons of tools spread out “in case I need them and don’t have to go back and forth to the garage to get that one thing.”

    I like Neapolitan–3 flavors in one! 😀

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    • Marian, with your example of your husband you’ve nailed Z-D’s attitude about freeing this freezer bowl. He was going to fix Bluesy– even before I found out how much it’d cost to replace her. My favorite flavor of ice cream is Spumoni for the same reason you like Neapolitan. Variety is one ice cream flavor is brilliant.


  5. I can hardly operate our hand held blender without splattering my whole being. I’m a home style vanilla with tons of choc, caramel and sprinkles. I probably think I’m making art. Ever tried an ice cream maker… Don’t! 😉🤗😂

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    • cjdabbles, I like homestyle vanilla too. Especially when it says ‘Vanilla Bean’ on the carton. I like our ice cream attachment, bless its heart.


  6. Zen-Den was far more careful with the mallet than I would have been at that point.

    I am pleased that your Bluesy survived. My tilt head was murdered when my spouse overfilled it with bread dough and didn’t pay attention and KA bounced off the counter. Spouse replaced it with a bigger, non-tilting head which I cordially loathe.

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    • AutumnAshbough, you and me both. If I’d been allowed to start bashing with the rubber mallet I’d have gone bonkers.

      You lost your KitchenAid mixer when it bounced off the counter? Oh, I am sorry about that– and a little amazed. There are non-tilting head mixers? Didn’t know that. I don’t think I’d like that either. Bad husband

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  7. I love my bright red KA mixer. I also love ice cream far more than I should, especially chocolate marshmallow. If I had an ice cream maker, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.

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    • nance, I’d like a bright red mixer, too. When I got Bluesy back in the day there weren’t too many color choices. I used to eat chocolate marshmallow when I was a kid, getting a cone at Isaly’s, a place you probably remember.


    • Danny, oh that is an intriguing way to put a printer in its place. I know our printer at home has a bad attitude, playing mind games with us the few times we want her to print something.

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  8. As usual I will deviate from your question. Just last week, we tried to turn our 20 lb. propane tank attached to the grill on. Despite the fact that we had used it 2 days before, my husband could not turn the value to turn on the gas. He tried all kinds of things involve big tools, WD40, etc. He watched youtube videos. He finally called a tank repair shop which told him that it’s a goner. They couldn’t fix that. Now the dilemma is that he can’t trash it because it’s full of gas. Soooooo out in our yard yesterday was a tank slowly dispersing gas (probably destroying the ozone). Now we have to buy a new one. Fortunately they are not $500. You were lucky to salvage old bluesy.

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    • Kate, what a story about your gas grill. I feel it’s a cautionary tale. We’ve never had a gas grill, but now that yours is a goner… what are you going to do to dispose of it? I can understand your problem and am sorry. As Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say: “Well it just goes to show you, it’s always something!”

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      • My husband found a recycling place that will take the tank when it’s empty. Fortunately the grill still works but we had to hook up another tank. This is the first time that happened but the peeps at the repair place talked like it happens a lot. Maybe we should name our grill. Will that help? We’ll try to keep it PG but no promises.

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  9. I have never used a mallet, nor have I had a stuck bowl (I have a Cuisinart). But I do have an ice cream maker (also Cuisinart, what can I say, I like it) and I make ice cream all the time. Sadly, I cannot eat dairy but I have made some delicious sorbets – I have a dark chocolate one that I love. I have also bought a few coconut milk ice creams that are to die for.

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    • Nicole, I didn’t know that Cuisinart made an ice cream maker. The things I learn from blogging. I like your suggestion of making a sorbet or ice cream with coconut milk. I know Z-D would love that. I’ll check out Cuisinart because as we approach summer I know we’re going to want to make ice cream again.

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    • Laura, thanks about the tile. I like it too. It’s tumbled limestone, textural, not the smooth kind. It’s held up remarkably well for over 10 years now, although I’m told it’s out of fashion. Oh well

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  10. I have never gotten the bowl stuck because I don’t own a stand mixer, but I have been known to lose it with various kitchen and/or office machines that don’t do their duty the way they’re supposed to, which usually happens when I’m on a deadline and/or in a hurry, natch. My favourite ice cream is chocolate. Love it. Glad you had minimal damage to your mixer. The prices of everything are a scandal right now! 🙂

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    • Lynette, I like how you described the behavior of machines that are miscreants: not doing “their duty the way they’re supposed to.” That’s the bottom line of it. I’m not a big fan of chocolate in general, ice cream in particular– but I’m the outlier on this. Yep, prices are amazingly high.

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  11. I’m one of those folks who, when a tool or device or much of anything electrical even, decides to misbehave in any way, enjoys smacking it- often by hand but also with other tools. Since I have arthritis in my hands it’s often the act of unscrewing something that disrupts my life. I’ve learned channel lock pliers come in handy in extreme cases, but I don’t think they come big enough in your situation with Bluesy. As to ice cream, I’m a vanilla person with a nice drizzle of caramel.

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    • Deb, I like your style letting a machine know who’s boss with channel lock pliers and with your choice of vanilla ice cream with caramel topping. If I have a sundae, which is rare, that’s what I go for.

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  12. We have a red Kitchen Aid. I should call her Rosey. Anyway, that I’m aware, we haven’t had anything stuck on it. I haven’t used it; however. It’s usually my son and husband baking up the treats.

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    • thefiftyedit, Rosey would be a good name for your KA mixer. Bluesy approves. I’ve never had any bowl get stuck before this, so it was a surprise when this happened. Irritating in the moment, funny in the telling.

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  13. Whenever a place has bubblegum, I get that because I feel like a little kid. I also like Mackinac Island Fudge (pronounced Mackinaw because I’m originally from Michigan and I know better) and mint chip because….mint chip. I recently read about a Grey Poupon ice cream and I’ll pass on that.

    Glad to know Bluesy’s all right!

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    • Katie, you surprise me with your favorite ice cream flavor. I don’t know that I’ve seen bubblegum flavor ice cream anywhere except Friendly’s and that was years ago. I don’t prefer chocolate but I might be tempted by Mackinac Island Fudge flavor. I always enjoyed visiting there when I was younger so it’d make me feel like a kid, too.

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    • Ellen D, only some appliance get names. It’s random. For instance our home printer is Eppie and my computer is Keysia, but all the other appliances go nameless. I’ve yet to name any of my plants, though. I know that’s a thing with some people.

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  14. Oh, poor Bluesy. More importantly though did you get to enjoy your ice cream? I have never taken a mallet to any appliance, but have been tempted. I’d say the times (MULTIPLE) that my printers have refused to print my Christmas envelopes I’ve wanted to smash them. Sigh.

    I have a Kitchen Aid – professional grade, I think. This purchase was made years ago after I’d burned out the motor of other Kitchen Aid mixers. I have a tendency to make my cookie dough quite thick. This one has worked great and held up. It is enormous. I don’t make ice cream in it, but if I did I would be torn between mint chocolate chip and pralines and cream.

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    • Ernie, thank you for getting to the most important part of this experience, YES we scraped the ice cream out of the stuck bowl. It was a tasty vanilla, should you like to know that.

      I know there are bigger and stronger KA mixers now. Bluesy has been wonderful and held up well, but I’m not cooking or baking for a big family like you are. I’ve enjoyed making ice cream in Bluesy, but those days may be over. I like mint chocolate chip, which seems to be VERY popular with commenters, and I like pralines and cream, which I haven’t had in years.

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  15. I should be making ice cream at home, I eat enough of it. I had a stand up mixer from the 50’s that worked great but I gave it up when I moved recently. Bread I made my hand which was more for meditation that for food production.

    I don’t have a favorite flavor of ice cream. Love mint chocolate, orange, chocolate, french vanilla but will try almost any flavor that comes along. Do not like cookie dough but that’s the only one I don’t like.

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    • Jean, I like making ice cream in small amounts at home. I’m able to guarantee which ingredients are in the stuff. I’ve made bread in Bluesy but not often. Until this incident happened with her, we’d had a fine relationship– and still will for everything except ice cream.

      Mint chocolate chip has been a popular flavor among commenters. I’m not keen on cookie dough either. It’s too sweet for me.


  16. I have a white Kitchen-Aid stand mixer, no ice cream attachment. It’s probably about 20 years old now, and she looks a little worse for wear, too. As for price, well–she was almost the reason a former husband and I went to court rather than settling our divorce agreement in a more civil way. Sometimes it’s the little things. As it turned out, the mixer (originally a gift from my parents) ended up with me, and I use it to make (among other things) my great-grandmother’s Croatian spaghetti sauce, using the meat grinder attachment. I hope to have it forever. The bowl has never been stuck and I can’t imagine taking a mallet to it, but I would if necessary to ensure more years of cookies and spaghetti. Also, Pralines ‘n Cream or caramel sea salt or anything with a really dark chocolate.

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    • Rita, your KA mixer has a history, doesn’t it? I can imagine how something that meaningful could end up being a stumbling block to a smooth divorce. I’ve never used a meat grinder attachment on Bluesy, now that I think of it. I like caramel anything so like you I’m fond of that flavor in ice cream.

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  17. This would have been so frustrating! Glad that you didn’t have to replace the mixer at least. I’ve wanted to take a mallet to just about every machine I own (printer, dryer, washer, ice maker, etc) but haven’t. I don’t have a fancy mixer just two handheld ones from my 1984 wedding. 🙂 Favorite flavor of ice cream? That’s a tough one. Chocolate chip cookie dough or Half Baked. (Ben and Jerrys)

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    • Margaret, you’re right that this situation with Bluesy was frustrating. I’m glad we figured it out, but sorry it happened. I’m with you about wanting to take a mallet to our home printer. She’s a disagreeable menace to my well-being.

      I know what chocolate chip cookie dough is, but not Half Baked. Leave it to Ben and Jerry’s to have an interesting name for a flavor.


  18. I love my kitchenaid and it has never gotten stuck, but then again I have never made ice cream with it. Our dryer just broke and I wanted to beat it up with more than a mallet. I grew up on Cape Cod and my family owned a homemade ice cream store, and so now I am an ice cream snob 😉 Mocha Chip always and forever!

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    • Colleen, up until this ice cream incident Bluesy has always run perfectly. I don’t blame her, just the bowl who had bad intentions. I’m sorry about your dryer, best of luck getting it fixed– supply chain issues and all that. I’d like Mocha Chip ice cream although I don’t think I’ve ever had it. Seems like an oversight on my part…


  19. I have never owned a stand mixer because I’ve never had much counter space. Maybe this is a dumb question, so pardon my ignorance, but wouldn’t the bowl become unstuck at room temperature? I don’t understand the permanence of it all?

    I’m not a huge ice cream fan, but I will eat gelato on vacation. Or, if in your area, Graeter’s coconut chocolate chunk. No other ice cream comes close!

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    • Bijoux, we left Bluesy out on the counter for a few days hoping that at room temp the bowl would come unstuck. No such luck. The bowl was more or less suctioned onto the base by the force of the paddles whirling around inside the bowl. Apparently it can happen.

      Zen-Den likes Graeter’s coconut chocolate chip, but he scoops out most of the chips. I guess he’s a coconut purist.


  20. Wow! I mean, I’m so glad you got it unstuck. Does this mean your ice cream making days are over? Seems like a major design flaw or something. Well done, ZD. I’ve never taken a mallet to an appliance, but there are many times when I’ve wanted to throw my computer through the window.

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  21. I HAVE taken a mallet to a machine! I’ve also put a bullet in a machine as well and that’s rather satisfying too 😂🤭. Your story had me rolling! Thanks as always for sharing such entertainment 🤪

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  22. Oh gosh, I have that same mixer just in stainless steel not blue. I haven’t ever got a bowl stuck on/in it. I don’t have any extra attachments for her. I have thought about the pasta maker one though.
    I’ve never used a mallet on a machine, but there have been times my computer has been close to me doing it. 😮

    My favorite flavor ice cream is rocky road. It has been since I was little and first tried it.

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    • Deborah, I’ve thought about the pasta maker attachement, too. In the photos it looks so cool to make your own pasta, not as cool as making ice cream, but cool enough.

      Funny how many commenters have mentioned wanting to do in their computers. I get that, but have yet to do it..

      Good choice. Rocky road used to be everywhere, but I rarely see it now. Of course I’m not tuned into buying ice cream at the store, so it could be there.

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  23. Good grief Ms Bean! Yes, of course I have wanted to take small sledge hammer, which I no longer have, to machines. I have never done so. Yet.

    My KItchenAid has never stuck. It’s a lift head variety but I did not buy the nifty ice cream attachment for it. ATK recommended the Cuisinart for the price and that’s what I have, Works the same way but does not try to destroy my mixer.

    My favorite ice cream varies, of course. I made a white chocolate ice cream with blueberries that was, oh so very nice. Very rich and I’ll probably never make it again. I’m planning on making strawberry. I love coffee ice cream, especially with toffee bits. You can never go wrong with chocolate. I am not fond of the really odd flavors – I have no desire to try pizza ice cream. Maybe it’s wonderful but it just doesn’t sound good to me.

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  24. Hmmmm… I didn’t know that there was an ice cream maker attachment for my KitchenAid mixer. I’ve been thinking about getting an ice cream maker but, based on your experience, I guess I won’t be getting that one. I’m sorry you had problems and that Bluesy is now sporting a shiner, but I can’t tell you how happy I am knowing that the term “planetary action” is in the KitchenAid product guide.

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    • Janis, I looked up KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer Ice Cream Attachment to see what a new one would cost, about the same as what we paid years ago. It’s different now than the model we had so maybe KA has improved it?

      I agree with you about the term “planetary action” and how impressed I was to see it on the KitchenAid website. So science-y, they are.

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  25. I love this line, “Then being innovative little suburban scamps we improvised and tried using WD-40.” So glad that you innovative scamps were able to unstick the bowl from Bluesy. You have reminded me that I have a problem with my stand mixer (a terrible sound when I turn it on) that I haven’t tried to troubleshoot yet because it’s hard to do with a 6-year-old in the mix who’d love to take a mallet to the mixer. But yes, they are so expensive, I haven’t thrown it out either.

    Thanks for the story, the laugh and the reminder!

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  26. Yes my bread bowl which is now just used for letting the dough rise. We got a glass bowl this time. I’ve wanted to throw a few machines down the stairs at the hospital and our computer drives me to swear words regularly but no mallet. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. The beat!! We have a couple of companies up here that make excellent “clean” ice cream. If we made it often at home (we have a small hand turn one we use on occasion) I would be even chunkier!!

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    • Bernie, computers are the number one machine that commenters here want to smash with a mallet, but have yet to do so. Could have something to do with the price.

      Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is popular, too. I don’t like it, so that just means there’s more for you. We used to have a hand crank ice cream churn, too. It didn’t make the cut for one of our moves and I’ve never thought to replace it.


  27. I had a friend who got upset with her computer and threw it out the window. My favorite ice cream is Baskin Robbins Mandarin Chocolate which I haven’t had for a long long time. They probably don’t even sell it anymore!

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    • Jan, I sympathize with your friend. OBVIOUSLY the computer deserved its fate. Bad ‘puter.

      I’ve never heard of Mandarin Chocolate and I don’t even know where a Baskin Robbins is anymore. If you find one and try that flavor, if it is still around, you can report back.

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  28. No, I don’t have an icecream maker – but have tasted homemade icecream and nothing beats it, not even the mallet. I have sometimes thought of buying top grade icecream and putting all sorts of delectable things into it – I mean I could make a Christmas icecream .. walnuts, glace fruit and whatever else and call it ‘my creation’. Right now I’m travelling and using my phone tethered to my computer so’s to use my computer but It’s not letting me get onto a particular something (which it did a few days ago) – I’m trying to stay calm … I’m sure I’ve done everything correctly so’s to tether it. You could use a spray paint possible to make Bluesy even more bluesy. I love ALL icecream … can’t think of a favourite right now.

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    • Susan, great first sentence. Very funny. I suppose you could enhance a fancy brand of plain ice cream should the spirit move you. I haven’t done that, but why not? Best of luck with your phone to computer, or is it computer to phone, connection. There’s always a rubber mallet should things become untenable. Just saying, no disrespect intended 😉

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  29. Ah yes, the KitchenAid. Shortly before my wife and I married, I took her to San Francisco for a romantic getaway. We stopped in a Williams & Sonoma store, and my soon-to-be bride salivated over a brand new mixer (her old one was left in her former home, left for her ex-husband). I, wanting to impress her, decided on the spot to buy it for her. Love is blind and quite frankly so was I at the time: I never bothered to look at the price sticker. We bought the top model, which thankfully still works wonderful. I’m still aghast at how much they cost.

    In reading this post of yours, Ally, I now know we will never use it for ice cream because I have never used a mallet to a machine, nor do I want to! I do love me a bit of strawberry cheesecake ice cream, though. – Marty

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    • Marty, you are a romantic fellow, aren’t you? Nothing says mature true love like a stand mixer and I say that sincerely. I cannot imagine how much it’d cost to replace the one you have, so not making ice cream in it seems prudent. Bluesy wasn’t anything special and look at her retail price now.

      I haven’t had strawberry cheesecake ice cream in years. I liked it but it fell off my radar once we started making our own ice cream.

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  30. Well, who knew that stuckness was a KitchenAid thing? I had never owned/used one until a former girlfriend of my son started to spend a lot of time at our house during the pandemic. She is such a fantastic baker that she ended up on Season 5 of the Great Canadian Baking Show. (I think you can see it on Netflix in the US? If so, look for Aimee.) Anyway, suddenly a KitchenAid mixer appeared in my house. I have to confess to being an old-fashioned baker – I like the control I have with a hand mixer. So far I’ve never gotten stuck. As for ice cream? I love pralines and cream, or any combination of vanilla base, caramel and Oreo cookie crumbs.

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    • Arlene, apparently stuckness is enough of an issue that KitchenAid has a webpage dedicated to it. This incident is the only time it has happened to us. I’m charmed by the story of how you came to have a KA mixer in your house, even if it wasn’t yours. Now you know I have to find out who Aimee is! I’m with you about caramel topping on vanilla ice cream, or caramel ripples running through vanilla ice cream. Or caramel ice cream by itself. Yum

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  31. What a great name for a mixer!😂 I’m sure I have taken a hammer to something at some point. I am not known for my patience, LOL. As for ice cream, I tend to like vanilla with stuff mixed in. (Moose Tracks, Turtle Tracks, etc.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Linda, I named Bluesy the minute she came home with me. I just knew we were going to be fast friends. I like vanilla ice cream too– although I’m more of a stuff on top person than a stuff mixed in person.


  32. Well, I guess I won’t be buying a KitchenAid anything any time soon! I’d have to be mixing every day to warrant paying ~$450 … lol. Can you mix drinks in it? Might be worthwhile then.
    I’ve never taken a mallet to a machine, but my husband took our previous washing machine apart three times before giving up. Ben & Jerry’s Americone.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Marie, I know the price of a new KitchenAid Tilt-head Stand Mixer surprised me too. I’m sorry to say that I don’t think you could mix drinks in one, but I love Bluesy so I’m glad Z-D got her back in working order.

      Your husband took apart a washing machine three times! That is determination– or insanity. What a hoot. I’m not familiar with Americone ice cream. Ben & Jerry’s isn’t all that popular around here.

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      • Americone is vanilla with chunks of chocolate. Is there anti-Ben & Jerry’s sentiment where you are? It’s been our go-to brand for a long time, too long for me to even remember the first time we had B&J. Actually, it was probably after we moved to Florida. In San Francisco, there were ice cream parlors we could walk to, and we were always out walking.

        Greg was determined to fix the washing machine. We hadn’t had it for very long, and we really didn’t want to buy another one. But, it was a bad design, and water leaked into the bottom and rusted everything out. Never buying GE again.

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        • I like the sound of Americone. I don’t know that there’s any anti-Ben & Jerry’s sentiment here as much as there are some regional ice cream brands that dominate the market. Hometown proud, you know.

          Well, that’s a sad commentary of GE washing machines. We had GE kitchen appliances at one point and I wouldn’t buy them again either. They didn’t hold up, leaked or didn’t heat properly.

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  33. I was born a natural redhead so I come by a short fuse naturally. Of course, I’ve thought about taking a sledge hammer to lots of things. 🙂 Everyone’s mind sees a challenge differently. I would have instinctively tried heat from a heating pad. It probably wouldn’t have worked, but it was what came to mind while reading. When ice cream is the topic, I say my favorites are chocolate or vanilla and in those two flavors you can add other stuff like chips or cherries. I’m not into strawberry or coffee, although I love hot coffee in a cup justt not in ice cream. Glad this story had a happy ending. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Judy, machines often irritate me more than people. I’ve yet to bash one, a machine that is, with a rubber mallet but I could see myself doing that if provoked. It was fun to watch Z-D use the rubber mallet to extricate that bowl.

      Many commenters have said the same thing about ice cream. That they like plain flavors then add stuff in to enhance it. Not a bad plan.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Suzanne, I agree. There must be enough times that a bowl gets stuck on a KA mixer to justify having that page– which was helpful. But still… I like vanilla, too. It’s in my top 5.


  34. I’ve been tempted to perform “percussive maintenance” on computers mostly, but never quite got that far.

    My favorite ice cream is vanilla, believe it or not, because that’s the kind they use when you get something a la mode. Other faves are mint chocolate chip and butter pecan.

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    • John, percussive maintenance is exactly what many computers, and cell phones, deserve. I’ve yet to smash one, but I’ve thought about it.

      I like vanilla ice cream, too. Good point about its a la mode potential. Many commenters have mentioned mint chocolate chip as a favorite.

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  35. We have one exactly the same color but unfortunately during our move to Arizona, the lever that you move to turn it on got bent so it won’t move. It’s so thick that it’s not really something you can just bend back into shape and I’m not sure where I might be able to get it fixed. But like you, I don’t care to spend that much money to get a new one! A continuing saga.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Janet, I’m sorry to read about your mixer’s mishap. That’s a bummer. There used to be a KA repair center in Troy OH [I think]. Maybe there is one nearer to you? I was surprised by the price tag of a new one plus cobalt blue is no longer available. That made me sad.


  36. Lucky you Ally that you guys put Humpty Dumpty, a/k/a Bluesy the Mixing Floozy, back together again. Wow – the price has doubled – yikes! No more ice cream from scratch for you guys. My favorite ice cream used to be Moose Tracks (vanilla with dabs of peanut butter and fudge ripple) – it’s been ages since I had ice cream or even frozen yogurt. I’m so exciting that I just put my yogurt into the freezer for a frozen treat. Since living alone, I’ve become a very boring eater. I might have a bad day at work and sit with the half-gallon and a spoon. 🙂 I never got that mad at a machine, though I called the hedge trimmer a few choice names when sweat trickled into my eyes and I rammed it into the cyclone fence where it shut off after gripping the metal in its “teeth” – I had to ask the male neighbor to help me get it unstuck and it killed the motor and I had to buy a new one. I’ve never done yard work in the heat of the day since.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Linda, yes Bluesy is back together again and we saved ourselves a lot of money. Plus I really do like the old girl so I’d hate to see her go. Your experience with the hedge trimmers sounds about par for the course. Midday yard work will get you every time. I’m sorry for your loss, but you do have a story to tell about the final minutes of your hedge trimmers. And you learned a lesson about when to fuss around in the yard.

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  37. I’ve had a long-standing agreement with household appliances: I will use them as little as possible, and they will perform when called upon. The vacuum is still awaiting my call. However, I was never able to declare a truce with my (former) office copier. It was malicious and I cursed it with words reserved only for that demonic machine. As for ice cream: peach. Sublime.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Donna, you have a brilliant agreement. I am in awe of your foresight in crafting the agreement, a very fair one at that. I know our home copier is devilish, so I can imagine how an office one could be worse. No one else has mentioned peach ice cream. It can be delicious, but maybe seasonal around here.

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  38. Oh, the machines I would have loved to take a mallet too…too numerous to mention. I curse them instead – it doesn’t help, FYI.

    We have a plain white Kitchen Aide that I adore (the only way I could love it more was if it was a fun color). Occasionally, the bowl might get stuck (usually if The Husband has “tightened” the bowl) but never to the point of me having to use brute force to remove it. We don’t have the ice cream attachment but we do have the meat grinding/sausage making attachment – which The Husband loves.

    I like a lot of different types of ice cream but I have to say that, hands down, nothing beats a vanilla soft serve with hot caramel topping. It’s been YEARS since our Carvel closed and I still miss it.

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    • Gigi, cursing machines is a good way to put them in their place. 😉

      A white KA mixer is classic. Interesting about how you’ve had a bowl get stuck, but not STUCK like what happened to Bluesy. We’ve never gotten the grinder attachment but I have to believe it must be useful.

      I like vanilla ice cream with caramel topping too. It’s been interesting to learn who likes to put stuff like nuts and cookie bits into their ice cream and who prefers topping on their ice cream.


      • Oh, I DO like mixing things into the ice cream too (and vanilla is perfect for that or toppings).
        The Husband, and his firm belief of “man-handling” things have led to certain “rules.” For example, he is not allowed to fix anything with plastic pieces, touch the parking brake on my car, turn the steering wheel on my car while parking…the list is endless.

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        • I like your list of rules. OBVIOUSLY they are necessary. Kind of curious about what he does with your parking brake. Pull it too tight so that you can’t release it? Z-D has been guilty of that.


          • That is EXACTLY what he’s done. On at least one occasion I was late for work because I had to call him to come release the stupid brake. The steering wheel issue came about because I was parked in the driveway (vs the garage where I usually park) which is very steep. So he turns the wheel. Well, he turned it to the point that it took me, him, a neighbor and a YouTube video about twenty minutes to get the darn thing unlocked. So yes, the rules ARE needed.

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  39. I’m still trying to visualize this? I bought a fancy mixer food processor thing at a garage sale for $5 a few years ago, but haven’t used it yet, as it’s too heavy and I have no place for it on the counter. I still use my old-fashioned 40 year old Betty Crocker beater. Chocolate ice cream, every time, although I’m open to any flavor of gelato. I’m posting on Agatha Christie’s life and writing the next two weeks, and I believe you told me you did a paper on her – what an interesting life she led!

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    • Joni, Bluesy is heavy and awkward. That’s why she sits in the corner on the counter. I had a handheld mixer before her. Chocolate ice cream is a popular choice here. I’ve only had gelato a few times while on vacation and could tell you what flavor I had.

      Yes I wrote a paper on Agatha Christie. There was more to her than Miss Marple. Thanks for the heads up about your post. I look forward to it.

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  40. I got rid of my mixer/food processor several years ago. Being the only person in the house, I didn’t want to be tempted by having a whole cake or a whole batch of cookies around the house. I have a sweet tooth, so I have trouble stopping. I can always buy my favorite things one serving at a time. Ice cream is another big temptation, so I seldom buy it. I like strawberry, butter pecan, blackberry, chocolate mint chip, mocha, etc., etc.

    I hate it something gets stuck. My most recent problem was a light bulb in a hard-to-reach place.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Nicki, I understand your logic about not having any machine in the house that makes baking easy. It was for your own good health and peace of mind. Strawberry ice cream has been a popular flavor here in the comments, as has mint chocolate chip.

      Changing lightbulbs seems like something that should be easy, but often turns out difficult. Stuck ones are the worse, you can’t put too much pressure on a bulb or it’ll break– and then you’ll have a bigger problem than darkness.

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  41. First, I must compliment you and your husband for coming up with a solution. I undoubtedly would have given up sooner or broken Bluesy the Mixing Floozy trying. A mallet comes in handy in so many ways. It’s my go-to move when I can’t open a stuck jar. By the way, I’ve heard of people naming their cars but never an appliance, though that has to be in the running for the all-time best names.

    Nothing can top chocolate peanut butter in my book as far as flavors of ice cream.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Pete, we really didn’t want to buy a new mixer. Plus we both were emotionally invested in saving Bluesy, she is part of the family after all. The rubber mallet did the trick. I didn’t know about using one to open a jar. [My car’s name is Olivia.]

      Chocolate peanut butter ice cream does sound good. Put those two flavors together and how could you lose? Nice choice

      Liked by 1 person

  42. I am certainly happy you did not need to replace Bluesy, as we actually sell those Kitchen Aid mixers at Mecca and I shuddered at the very thought you’d have to replace it because it is somehow THE most expensive item we sell in the Housewares department I so proudly stock at night. You can buy a nice mini fridge AND a chest freezer for less than the cost of one KA mixer, or even splurge on one of those silly robotic vacuum cleaners that are all the rage. Those mixers must be made out of pure gold! Or perhaps all that planetary action forces the insides to compress into diamonds…

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    • evilsquirrel13, Mecca has KA mixers! What is the world coming to? I can imagine they’d be the most expensive item in Housewares. I bought Bluesy at Kohl’s years ago, on sale, with a coupon– and I thought she was pricey then. I’m sorry to say that I’ve never discovered that she makes diamonds, but when it comes to mixing banana bread she’s golden.


  43. This was such an interesting post. My mother had a basic stand mixer, but I had no idea they’d morphed into such complex machines. Me? I’m still using the Sunbeam hand mixer I bought in my Berkeley days, which makes that baby about fifty years old. I’ve never had to beat it with anything, although the beaters can be recalcitrant now and then, and getting them out requires extra pressure.

    I rarely vary when it comes to ice cream: HEB lemon gelato in summer, Blue Bell southern blackberry cobbler in summer, and Blue Bell peppermint around Christmas. Cinnamon/vanilla does in the fall, for topping apple cakes and pies. Otherwise, it’s vanilla. Variety, spice of life, and all that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda, I missed your comment when it came in. Mea culpa. WP isn’t notifying me of all comments now.

      My mother had a Sunbeam hand mixer that she loved. She refused to have a stand mixer, so I didn’t grow up with one. I can understand why you like yours, even if occasionally the beaters are being uncooperative.

      Lemon gelato sounds delicious, especially in the summer. I could go for some right now. I’ve never had blackberry cobbler ice cream, but have had blackberry ripple. My husband likes cinnamon ice cream from a regional ice cream shop that has it seasonally, usually just the fall.

      Liked by 1 person

        • I usually get notifications under the little bell symbol on the right side of my screen that tell me there’s a comment, but lately the system seems to be shorting me. So if say 4 people comment in a row, the bell only tells me 3 of them. Another commenter mentioned the same thing is happening on her blog, so I don’t think it’s personal– just a fluke. Anyhow, Happy Sunday!

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  44. Wow. What a conundrum you were in. Do we destroy Bluesy? Do we salvage the ice cream? I think you made the correct decision, dings be damned.
    I do not have a stand-mixer as I’m not really a baker. I remember my Mom wanted a Kitchen Aid one as she baked a lot, but then said something along the lines of: At my age, it’s too much to invest; I won’t use it enough before my life is done.” LOL
    I love Rocky Road. Sadly, I only have ice cream about once a year.

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    • Suz, you nailed it: I love Bluesy so I was really interested in saving her, which Z-D did. Who cares about a little scratch, she’s working fine again. I get your mother’s reluctance to buy a KA mixer, they are an investment.

      A few other commenters mentioned Rocky Road. I haven’t had that in years, decades even. Enjoy your annual dish, or cone, of it.

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  45. The term ‘planetary action’ is not something I would have immediately attached to a mixer. It’s just further evidence that one never knows what weird and wonderful thing the science-y types will come out with next.

    It sounds to me like Bluesy’s planetary action went retrograde, and as we know, upsets of all kinds can happen during a retrograde. Glad to hear that this one had a happy ending though, even if Bluesy ended up with a scar. The way I look at it, if one gets through life without a scar or two, then they haven’t tried hard enough 😉

    When it comes to ice cream, I’m completely monogamous. Black cherry, please 😁

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    • Joanne, yes, yes. That’s what I thought too when I read about planetary action. However I didn’t take it far enough to remember it was Mercury Retrograde time. You’ve rationally explained what happened to poor Bluesy.

      I agree about getting few scars in life, literal and figurative ones. I try hard, I know.

      You’re the first commenter to mention black cherry. I haven’t had that flavor in years! I used to order it as much for the flavor as the pretty color. Yes, I am that shallow.


  46. Hi Ally – I was highly entertained by this post – I can barely understand the definitions or the mechanics behind such a frustrating fail! I still use an old hand-held mixer.

    We had our bottom drawer freezer door freeze shut several times. The only solution was to unplug the freezer and let everything thaw – thus losing much. I had a hair dryer to the outside of the unit hoping to speed up the process. That unit is long gone and very happy with our current classic style.

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  47. I was VERY disappointed to learn that Planetary Action is a technical term, and has nothing to with earth’s rotation. I much prefer the idea that something very big could have an effect on something very small.

    Favorite ice cream flavor? Well, I love key lime pie ice cream. I love Jeni’s lime cardamom ice cream (which I’ve made at home before, NOT with my Kitchen Aid, which also seems to be on its last legs; vigorous mixing results in LOTS of motion in parts that didn’t use to move). I love plain old chocolate. Last summer I tried strawberry jalapeno ice cream and THAT was amazing. Oh! I also love plain old vanilla with a few handfuls of Nerds stirred in.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Suzanne, I suppose you could re-define Planetary Motion in your own way. There’s a Lewis Carroll line something to the effect of: when I say a word it means what I want it to mean. Go for it!

      I like key lime pie but I’ve never had that flavor of ice cream which seems odd now that I write that. I bet I’d like it. Plain old chocolate seems to be a popular choice among the commenters. I bet I’d like strawberry jalapeño ice cream.

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  48. I’m so glad you were able to fix it! Now if I could just fix my one-year old printer that has decided it doesn’t want to print anymore, no matter how much I plead or threaten…….

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  49. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. You certainly have a way with words! I do have a mixer, but have never gotten the bowl stuck. I have considered taking a mallet to a number of appliances and electronic devices. So far, I have not given in to that impulse, but will not commit to such self-control in the future. My favorite ice cream? The truth is I love all kinds, but have a special fondness for moose tracks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Christie, thanks for the compliment. I try to write something from real life that might be of interest to other people. Apparently stuck bowls draw in readers.

      I’ve not bashed anything with a mallet yet either, but our home copier would be on the top of my list if I ever did. A few other commenters have mentioned moose tracks. If nothing else it has a great name.


  50. That was quite the happening! Who knew there were such terms?

    My KitchenAid is forest green. Has made countless batches of batter. I am thisclose to buying the pasta attachment since my hand crank one no longer clamps to the table (coz my son killed it dead) and the new kitchen counters will NOT be clamped to… I never thought of naming her (hard-working as she is, I cannot give her a guy’s name). And I agree – a scratch gives character 😉

    I have an ice cream machine and can actually make two flavours at the same time. Now where the hell did I put it? Ice cream season is upon us!

    Have I wanted to take a mallet to a machine? Countless times. Have resisted so far. No wait. My husband did bang one into submission once.

    Favourite flavour of ice cream is – from a carton: heavenly hash; from an ice cream parlour: pralines ‘n cream. But I’ll give them all a chance 😉

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    • Dale, I apologize. Somehow I didn’t see your comment until now. I like the idea of a forest green KA mixer, I’ve never seen one but that sounds pretty. I’d get that pasta maker attachment to save your new counters, plus it looks like fun. Very impressed with an ice cream maker that makes two flavors at once.

      Mallets and machines seem to go together in an odd way. I am impressed that your husband took one to a machine. That seems inspiring, in an upside down way of thinking.

      I’ve never heard of heavenly hash, but it has a great name. Better than moose tracks, that while tasty, seems dirty to me… but heavenly hash sounds otherworldly.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Don’t you worry. I will go back to my posts to see if I mised any – amazed at how many slip by the notifications – course WP can be quite the *&%$ sometimes and you cannot access them!

        All that to say, I really love the colour. I’ve not seen others with the same. And yeah, definitely will get the attachment.

        It’s pretty cool – there are two bowls, side by side that mix away… I really have to take it out!

        Let’s just say for him to have taken a mallet, it’s because bare-handed there was nothing budging 😉

        Heavenly hash is a vanilla-chocolate and marshmallow swirls, with almond and chocolate chunks. The French name is Savourama – which is rather lovely, too, don’t you think?

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  51. I bought a tree pruner last year. It’s pretty annoying, because bits of bark or whatever keep getting stuck within the blades, thus jamming the blades. I have to hit the blades pretty hard to free things up, and I have a feeling that something is going to break or get knocked out of position one of these days as a result. Oh well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Neil, I can imagine why and how bark would get stuck in that pruner. I wonder how long it’s going to last [with what I’d call a design flaw] like that. Its demise seems imminent. Good luck

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  52. Yes, I fantasize about taking a mallet to a machine almost weekly. But the machine is a computer.

    We have all the same stuff you do, even the ice cream making stuff. Never got it stuck though. Then again, when you never use it (the ice cream making stuff, that is – I use the mixer regularly) it’s unlikely it will get stuck.

    Tie between coffee and peanutbutter/chocolate. But then there’s salted caramel…

    Liked by 2 people

    • The Travel Architect, I understand your desire to use a rubber mallet on a computer. They can be willful, even on their best days.

      I use my KA mixer regularly for normal things, but once in a while we like [liked] to do something special and make ice cream. Except for this incident, all was well doing that.

      Your two ice cream flavor choices sound good to me. No one has mentioned coffee yet. Go figure, huh?


  53. We do not have a stand mixer chez Debs & Himself. We each brought teeny tiny little processors with us into the relationship and have never morphed into anything more. We’ve always had teeny tiny kitchens and we need all that space for multiple coffee equipment – two makers and two grinders currently on the counter plus my little stove top pot, with many (MANY) others just out of sight in the cupboards. I do occasionally gaze upon KitchenAids ‘cos they’re so pretty 😉 But the price – quelle horreur!

    As for ice cream, I like me a really good vanilla. The only flavour I sometimes appreciate is salted caramel. Something to make you chuckle. When I read Z-D’s reply (it being the first one), I thought he was calling you Coconut – y’know, a cute little pet name – I’d already forgotten about your ice cream question by the first comment! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Deb, I understand about the counter space issue. You have to go with what you use regularly, even if a KitchenAid Tilt-head Mixer turns your head. They are pretty.

      I’m loving your take on Z-D’s comment. I can see how you thought that. The fellow is clever but not into endearments like that. Ice cream, however…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am not allowed near them – the hallowed ground of the professional coffee equipment – hence why I have my little stove top pot! But, to be fair, he does use a combination of them every day, and multiple times at the weekends. I call him a coffee snob but, to be fair, he does make very good coffee indeed. I just couldn’t be doing with all the faffing around. Good enough does for me, unless he’s making, then I have the highest expectations 😉

        Liked by 2 people

  54. Oh, dear, that’s quite the situation—good decision to go with a character flaw instead of a costly replacement. I think I would’ve just let it sit until it got back to room temperature and then try to see if it could be released? Now I’m wondering…did the ice cream turnout or did you retry after the rescue mission? PS – love the name for the mixer. You’re so darn clever. 🙂

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  55. Here in Canada (does that sound pretentious? I sincerely hope this flavour is accessible everywhere) we have something called Mariner’s Sea Salt Caramel and it is the best. I’m salivating just thinking about it.
    Also, any flavour that legitimately puts peanut butter first. If the ice cream is a chocolate base with a tiny swirl of PB do not be fooled, this is pseudo-PB ice cream. It does NOT count as PB ice cream and should not be marketed as such. It’s a disappointing fraud.
    On the other hand, a legit light-base PB ice cream with enormous chunks of PB cups is approaching “best food group in the world” territory.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Elisabeth, I swear I replied to you earlier and yet I see no sign of my comment. I’m clearly in need of ice cream therapy. Anyhow we have Salted Carmel ice cream here which is probably like yours.

      I agree about how PB ice cream can be a disappointment. More like vanilla with PB ripples in it. I like your idea that there is a “best food group in the world” territory– and it involves PB with PB cups in it.


  56. This was hilarious… a testament to your determined spirit for making ice cream! I would’ve been the same! LOL I don’t have a mixer so I never knew you could get the bowl stuck but that must’ve been some kind of frustrating!

    And yes, my history of wanting to take a mallet to any and most inanimate object is long and runs deep… LOL

    Hmm fave ice cream flavour…. it depends on my mood but chocolate is a great go-to (also love oreo, score mcflurries, moose tracks, peppermint choco chip) yummmmmm

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jen, I just found your comment. Sorry. WP isn’t notifying me of all comments again. Anyhoo…

      Bluesy made good ice cream, but that freezer bowl just about did her, and me, in. I know that for Z-D it was almost a dream come true to use a rubber mallet on a machine. For me it was a vicarious thrill. Like you said, the desire to bash an inanimate object is within us, too.

      Chocolate has been a popular choice, although moose tracks has been mentioned a few times. I’m keeping a tally of which flavor wins. Will have a reveal sometime down the line.

      Liked by 1 person

  57. Pistachio is very nice and certainly a favourite, thankfully unloved by many so more for me.
    I find hammers are wonderful inventions, useful for everything from stuck doors to nonsensical IKEA furniture and the occasional kitchen implement. I regularly inform my printer it either works or it shall be put on the unemployment line in the basement, sometimes a severe talking to helps though this leaves me wondering if in fact I really have hurt its feelings.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Eva Chatterji, I like pistachio ice cream too. My favorite ice cream flavor is spumoni which is three flavors together, one of which is pistachio.

      Yes, yes, about nonsensical IKEA furniture. I know how you feel, been there, done that. I’m often not on speaking terms with our home printer. Her name is Eppie. If I’ve hurt her feelings, so be it. She’s uncooperative at best.


  58. Yay to you and Zen Den–figuring out a way to solve this challenge! I’ve never smashed a kitchen appliance yet but wanted to throw the latest food processor away because we couldn’t figure out how to run it for days. But all ended well and now it makes pesto like a well-behaved appliance should. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Kathy, yes, yes, appliances should be well-behaved and look pretty. We don’t have a food processor for the reason you mention. They seem like machines that are above our pay grade. But you mention pesto… and I get interested… rethinking our choice…

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  59. Well, I didn’t take a sledgehammer to the rotten porch on my house, but attached a tow strap to it and my Honda Accord and proceeded to rip down the porch…and break a window in the process. Does that count?


    Coffee or anything with caramel.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Eilene, I love that you used a Honda Accord to pull down your porch. I drive one and can envision you in it, making your home a better place. I’ve threatened my cell phone more than once that I was going to drive over it with my car.

      I like coffee ice cream too. I don’t have it often and I can’t tell you why.

      Liked by 1 person

  60. Have never taken a mallet to a machine but have given a few a good shaking. Chocolate would be my favorite flavor of ice cream if only I could still eat it. Happy to hear that BLUESY survived the attachment ordeal. I guess this means you’ll be having store-bought ice cream from now on. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • L. Marie, you’re not alone. Mallet + computer = revenge daydream! I’ve also wanted to drive over my cell phone but have restrained myself on that point.


    • Mark, the KA ice cream maker attachment available now isn’t the one we had. I have to believe the new version is better than the one we had. Vanilla is good stuff.


  61. Never had this happen with our own Mixmaster but now I’m gonna be cautious anytime we’re aggressive with our mixing. At the least, now I have no interest in the ice cream attachment!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dave, we were surprised when the bowl got stuck on Bluesy. That was a new problem, for sure. It all worked out in the sense that she is still working, but in the future if we make ice cream at home it’ll be with a machine designed just for that purpose.


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