July Reply: Answering YOUR Questions About Me [AMA Part 2 Of 3]


Last week I introduced this AMA Extravaganza by answering your questions about how to blog. Go HERE to read who asked a question, what it was, and what I said.

Today I’ll continue answering your questions, this time about me.

Again I’ve highlighted who asked each question and added a link to their blog. I’m doing that in order to create and extend a sense of community that is, in my experience, the backbone of personal blogging.


These questions, occasionally edited for clarity, are arranged alphabetically by topic, then chronologically by when the asker of the question asked the question. Thanks to everyone. I reply in one answer to similar questions because that seems sensible to me, she who is answering your questions.

Lynn from Life After 50 asks: how might others have perceived you as a teenager rather than what did you think of yourself? Or maybe both?
L. Marie from El Space- The Blog of L. Marie asks: what were you like in high school?
Nicki from Behind the Story asks: Tell me more about yourself as a “cool kid.” From what I have noticed, you’re imaginative and funny and open to new experiences and people. What are some examples of your cool kid ways? Were you a cool kid in kindergarten?

MY ANSWER: As a kindergartener I was shy and serious;  I was, after all, an only child of older well-educated parents so kids, my peers, kind of baffled me with their rambunctiousness.  As a high school student I was focused on learning enough to go to college, but I goofed off too. There might have been underage drinking involved.  But not with the Popular Kids, only with other kids who I’d known since forever who were also just trying to survive long enough to escape from our small town.


Dale from A Dalectable Life asks: Do you work full-time outside of the house?
Marty from Snakes in the Grass asks: … in what field [did] you [work] in your career. Your husband’s also?
Judy from NewEnglandGardenAndThread asks: what makes a really good day for you?
Dan from No Facilities asks: What’s Ally’s favorite thing to do when not blogging?
The Travel Architect from THE TRAVEL ARCHITECT asks: what is a daily routine you can’t live without (not literally, like eating, but a cozy habit you love)?

MY ANSWER: I’ve worked as a paralegal, marketing researcher, merchandiser, sales rep, retail store manager, fundraiser, project manager, and writer. In other words, many jobs, no career. I am currently not working outside the home, preferring to lean into the idea that I’m a genuine slacker or perhaps I’m accidentally retired along with my husband who worked as, and technically still is, a lawyer.

When not applying myself to the rigors of being a blogger, I like to goof around with recipes in the kitchen;  or mess around with plants;  or fret over interior design decisions;  or go for walk;  or read a book;  or play board games;  or watch a mystery or comedy TV show.

A quiet calm life makes me happy.

A really good day for me would involve fresh air, tasty food + drink, laughing with friends, reading/learning, and moments of gratitude for how well I’ve landed in life.  My only “cozy habit” is to say tres bien when I drink my first mug of coffee in the morning. I consider it a blessing and a goal.

Margy from Amusives asks: What generation of ‘cool’ did you grow up in? Has the term changed much as each generation used it?
Mary from Mary J Melange asks: Can cool kids also be nerdy kids? 
Pat from retirementtransition asks: I’ve never been a Cool Kid… how can this always-been-a -Do-Bee become a truly Cool Kid?

MY ANSWER: As a former Do-Bee, in order to answer your questions about being a Cool Kid, I decided to research the term “cool” to learn something about its slang etymology, figuring that would shed light on the phrase Cool Kid.

I read three articles* and will summarize my findings thusly:

  1. cool, as in a way to describe someone who is effortlessly with it, came into our lexicon in the 1920s via jazz;
  2. cool is something someone else says about you, you cannot declare yourself to be cool;  and
  3. that which is considered cool changes about every decade so it can mean whatever you want it to mean within the context of your life experiences &/or the decade in which you are currently living.
Esoterica from Existential Ergonomics asks: What topic could you give a 20-minute presentation on without any preparation?

MY ANSWER: I could talk about the ups and downs of personal blogging or what I’ve learned about interior design through the lens of the mistakes I’ve  made.

Linda from The Task at Hand asks: what state do you live in?
Bijoux from Bytes from the ‘Burbs asks: … have you always lived in the Cincinnati area? Did you go to college in Ohio? And do you agree that Graeter’s is the best ice cream ever?

MY ANSWER: I live in southwest Ohio, although I was born and raised in central Ohio. After attending college in this region I stayed. And YES Graeter’s ice cream is the best ice cream ever. I’m especially keen on their Vanilla Bean or their Caramel.

Victoria from Victoria Ponders asks: has humor always served you well…in your work life, with friends/family? It seems like such a potent part of your personality. And does your humor come from some familial source? A nature or nurture gift?
Lynette from In the Net! – Pictures and Stories of Life asks: are you an introvert or extrovert, and has this consciously affected your life choices?
Deb from Debs Despatches asks: is the person we see here at the Spectacled Bean the real you, or only a slice of you? I know you choose (as do I) to exclude certain matters, but other than that bit of editing, do we get to see the real Ally Bean?

MY ANSWER: I seem to have been born with a sense of humor. I know that from early on I could crack up my parents with my quips. They both could be humorous, but were more reserved than I so my truthfulness made them laugh, but got me in trouble, too.

I’m an introvert who can be extroverted when necessary. I believe that is now referred to as an ambivert. It’s only been with age that I’ve come to understand myself, my ability to work successfully with people BUT to also embrace my innate desire to avoid people.

The person you see here is the real me, albeit with a blogging nom de plume. I don’t talk about everything I do, however the way in which I talk about that which I do is the same here as in real life. Well, not entirely true… in real life I swear more.

Gigi from Gigi’s Ramblings asks: How would you describe your fashion/style choices? Boho Chic, Classic, Jeans and Tee, etc. Also, you’ve mentioned you have curly/wavy hair… what is your preferred styling method and why?
Suzanne from Picture Retirement asks: What is your favorite color and why?

MY ANSWER: I tend to be a casual jeans and t-shirt girl, opting for flats or boots or Birks depending on the weather. I like simple lines, tailored clothes, but nothing too traditional or formal. No ruffles ever.

I don’t do florals or checks. I wear understated  jewelry like hoop or stud earrings, smallish necklaces, and my wedding rings. My curly frizzy graying hair is pulled back into a ponytail or twisted into a librarian bun at the nape of my neck.

When it comes to my wardrobe I stick with a medium Summer palette a la Carole Jackson’s Color Me Beautiful system. My favorite color is teal. I look good in it and I like to see in my home, too. I find it soothing.

Deb from Closer to the Edge asks about: The most fascinating place you have ever visited and what made it so?
Margaret from Stargazer asks: Now that Z-D is retired, do you have any plans to travel? If so, where is your dream destination and why?
Neil from YEAH, ANOTHER BLOGGER asks: Do you have any vacation plans for the second half of 2023?

MY ANSWER: It’s a toss-up about the most fascinating place I’ve visited.  I liked seeing: the Alhambra in Granada, Spain [gorgeous intricate tilework];  Banff and Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada [picture perfect vistas]; and Charleston, South Carolina, USA [funky buildings, groovy vibe].  Plus I liked, and relaxed into, the lushness of Hawaii and Wales.

We probably won’t be traveling anywhere outside of Ohio this year, but eventually would like to see more of Canada, visit all the U.S. Presidential Libraries, and go to Spain, France, Italy.  Also return to England again, maybe visit the University of Exeter where I spent a term when I was in undergrad.

We’ll see how it plays out.

Dave from LIFE IN A WORD asks: Do you have other outlets for your writing besides blogging?
Arlene from Somerton Smith asks: What other things are you writing these days?
Mona from Wayward Sparkles asks: I was wondering whether you’ve ever considered taking the top 10 to 20 best of your posts (your choice) and turning them into a book? Or perhaps you might write a book of the best wisdom you’ve gotten or given on your blog?
Pam from ROUGHWIGHTING asks: Do you think before you write, or just go ahead and be a panster and write as the words come?

MY ANSWER: I only write this blog, nothing more. When it comes to writing posts I know the topic or situation I want to write about but then just babble as the words come, with no advance outline in mind.

I’m a pantster who edits mercilessly.

I’ve talked with some published authors about whether I could turn my posts into a book of essays and the upshot is that I don’t have the desire or patience to write a book. You need a raging fire in your belly to do that– and all I have in my belly is one blue tip safety match.

Nicole from GIRL in a BOY HOUSE asks: I’d like to ask how you and Zen Den met.
Janet from Janet’s Smiles asks: Will you ever post a picture of you and your hubby?
Linda from WALKIN’, WRITIN’, WIT & WHIMSY asks: … my question to you would be “how has life changed for you since Z-D retired?” I know you wrote about his side hustle but that is from home, so he has no commute and (hopefully) creates his own schedule. Are you getting out for the long walks you had hoped to?
Colleen from Martin Family Moments asks: Since you don’t post photos of yourself or your husband, could you choose the closest two celebrities that might be your doppelgangers?

MY ANSWER: Zen-Den and I met in college when he was studying Spanish with a girl down the hall in my dorm.  She introduced us and we hit it off immediately.  At the time we were each dating someone else but knew we were destined for each other.

I doubt that I’ll ever post a photo of us because I’ve made it a point to keep this blog about words and ideas, almost completely free from personal people photos.

That being said, when we were younger Z-D looked like his Uncle Don John Belushi [Animal House] and I was told I looked like my Great Aunt Idy Mare Winningham [St. Elmo’s Fire]. However now, as old people, we’re looking more like Fred and Ethel Mertz [I Love Lucy].

Z-D’s retirement hasn’t played out quite like I imagined. It’s a long story, not mine to tell, but in addition to his side hustles he continued to work part-time for his employer for many months after he retired. Plus the house has needed lots of repairs that have kept us house poor, so we have yet to experience a full-time retirement lifestyle.


Next week [or maybe later this week depending on my mood] I’ll  post the final installment HERE of this AMA Extravaganza. Once again I’ll be featuring the bloggers who asked the questions and answering their questions that best can be described as wildly miscellaneous and decidedly inventive.

You’ll see. You’ll like it.


  1. How Did Cool Become Such a Big Deal? via Humanities, The Magazine Of The National Endowments For The Humanities
  2. When “Cool” Got Cool via Vocabulary.com
  3. The Birth of Cool via Slate

183 thoughts on “July Reply: Answering YOUR Questions About Me [AMA Part 2 Of 3]

    • Lynn, it was fascinating to learn what readers were curious about and then to answer the questions as best I could. I was tickled by the way in which the questions just naturally fell into groupings.

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  1. I learned something about myself in this blog. I took the color test and I’m a screaming summer! Who knew! Many of the things you say here are not a surprise. You come through in your writing and it’s all real.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. We have some things in common. I love vanilla bean ice cream and the color teal. I did grin at your response about writing a book: blue-tip safety match, indeed. Every now and then I get that same suggestion among my comments. One of these days I’m going to post this as a combination response and public service announcement.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So many things to love in these posts. And you know what? I think I got so absorbed in reading last week’s edition that I forgot to comment. Whoops! So…you’ve got a little Ethel Mertz in you…with a whisper of Mare Winningham? With a potty mouth? 🤣 I love these **extra** glimpses of Ally and the fact that you mentioned Carole Jackson and “Color Me Beautiful” tickles me to no end. I remember…and I’m not ashamed to say whilst in college I made extra cash as a consultant. Ally…let me ‘drape you’ in some teal. LOL! xoxoxo!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Victoria, you were a Color Me Beautiful consultant! Oh that is too good for words [almost]. My neighbor got me into doing my colors and we had the best time. So, I have to ask, what season are you?!!

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      • I’m Autumn all the way! But I’m a deviant. I met Carole once and she yelled at me for my love of black! “It’s death on you!” she said. What a moment! I was traumatized…but I still wear my beloved black! 😜

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ha! Oh you scoundrel, wearing BLACK when you’re a confirmed Autumn. I couldn’t love you more. 🥰

          I admit that I drift into some Autumn colors and feel that’s perfectly fine. I was born a redhead who went blonde so I think it’s okay. 🌺 + 🍁

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  4. Excellent question from Martin Family Moments about your celebrity doppelgängers–very helpful way to picture you and Z-D. Except now I have to replace the semi-omniscient voice in my head with a different mental image. Also, “blue-tipped safety-match” made me laugh.


    • AutumnAshbough, I did what I could to answer Colleen’s question in a way that allowed me to stay true to my blogging principles– and be accurate. Quite a challenge. The blue tip match reference is a bit obscure, but if you remember them you get it. Thanks for stopping by to comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. (Raising my hand for a follow-up question – is that allowed? Make it so!
    Ohio, eh? I once lived in a suburban community outside of Akron. Now for my question from my brain’s random generator.
    Did you have Lawson’s convenience stores? If so, do you remember their potato chips and French onion dip?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Such fun little tidbits this morning. Thanks for answering my query so thoroughly. I see a curious and adventurous woman given the diverse places you have visited. I love this personal guide to Ally Bean, although once the final group is posted I think I’d like a collated printed version as a reference guide 🙂 FYI- I swear a whole lot more in person too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deb, tidbits describes this post perfectly. I answered what was asked of me and y’all were all over the place. This is good, of course. I hadn’t thought of this as a personal guide, but I suppose it is. Happy to know I’m not the only one who can swear when it is called for, some days often even.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Love these answers! Enjoyed getting to know more about you. Thanks for taking the time to answer so many questions.
    I might have to try your saying, with my coffee in the morning. 🙂
    I lived in South Carolina for a year, John’s Island, near Charleston. It is a beautiful state And I agree about the buildings.


  8. “My only “cozy habit” is to say tres bien when I drink my first mug of coffee in the morning. I consider it a blessing and a goal.” I get it about the ‘blessing & goal’ twofer. Tres Bien, indeed!
    BTW: I always liked Fred & Ethel better than the other two. Claiming them as your current standins for the the family portrait does unearth an odd image, tho.


    • Laura, despite the wordiness of these AMA Extravaganza posts, I am a person who likes to get to the point so saying tres bien gets my day off to a good start. Yep, Fred and Ethel although it is said that those two actors didn’t get along in real life. Z-D and get along just dandy.

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  9. What great questions and fantastic answers. I really enjoyed this! None of the answers surprised my, which speaks to your authenticity in blogging but it’s such a joy to catch little glimpses into your world beyond this blog. Thanks for your willingness to share!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Esoterica, thanks for the compliment. I tried to answer each question to the best of my ability. If nothing else the Cool Kids who asked these questions are good interviewers. I kind of figured you they would be.


  10. Hey Egghead!
    So good to read about the real you. You are kinda like a lil sis I never had but loved to pick on. Your home was my home for quite a few years. Keep on swearing and laughing!❤️Becky

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey there Becky! How are you? I can swear with the best of them, in no small measure due to my father’s, shall we say, large vocabulary? No one has called me Egghead in years, decades even. Thanks for making me smile. Good to hear from you.


  11. I went to college in Ohio but never tried Graeter’s ice cream, I’ll need to see if there’s any near my old college since that’s where my two oldest are going and we visit now and then. Also, thanks for answering my question, now I will picture you as Ethel as I read your blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Colleen, some Kroger stores carry Graeter’s ice cream so you might find it there, if there are no Graeter’s shops around. I’m glad you’re happy with my reply to your question. I do try to be accommodating.


  12. Love learning more about you, Ally! You and I have several overlapping features, particularly the introversion and writing, but also some of the prior jobs! How fun!

    I also always enjoy knowing very cool, well-adjusted Only Children. As the parent of an only, I have heard far too many times how she’ll be “weird” or I’m “screwing her up” by not giving her a sibling. Thank you for showing that those things don’t have to be true!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suzanne, thanks for stopping by to read these questions and my replies. This was fun to write, albeit more wordy than my usual posts.

      Trust me I know all about the assumptions people make about Only Children. 🙄 I seem to have managed to grow up into a responsible enough adult, not spoiled, not demanding to be the center of attention, AND able to play nice with others. In fact people assume I’m a second child, which just goes how your behavior is your own not destined by your birth order. Claudia will be just fine.


  13. You described my high school years perfectly! “There might have been underage drinking involved. But not with the Popular Kids, only with other kids who I’d known since forever who were also just trying to survive long enough to escape from our small town.” My hometown was 5,000 people and we were dying to get out! Funny, many of those friends returned home and live there now. I loved the variety of questions and your answers. Your personality shines through.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. This is so interesting. I’m not surprised that you were born with a sense of humor. It comes across very natural. It’s good to know we are kindred cussing types. 😉 I am enjoying a peek behind the scenes of Ally Bean.

    This weekend I’m supposed to take Curly to a b-ball tournament at the Spooky Nook Champion Mill. It’s near Cincinnati, I think. Lots of moving parts because she’s in South Bend this week so I have to figure out whether I try to get there on Friday when she will most likely arrive too late for her game. I’m leaning towards just going on Saturday, which will mean she is one unhappy camper when she learns she has to miss the Friday games.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ernie, yes to be around me in real life is to hear swear words that I edit out of blog posts for no real reason except that I think I shouldn’t swear online… which is nuts, all things considered that are online.

      I don’t know anything about Spooky Nook Champion Mill, never heard of it, but I look forward to reading in your blog about what happens with this installment of Curly Plays Baseball. 😁


  15. It was so fun to read this and learn more about you, along with getting all the links to other wonderful blogs! I LOVE that your celebrity doppelgängers are Ethel and Fred! I also appreciate your reasoning for not showing “personal people photos” on your blog. I don’t post those, either.


    • Michelle, I’m glad you liked this post. It was a bit of a challenge to write in that most of the questions were ones I’d never thought about before. What to say, what to say? I decided from the beginning that I’d not share people photos here although I occasionally post ones from when I was a kid, but that’s it. I enjoy seeing other people’s photos on their blogs, it’s just not my thing.


  16. Readers seemed to play into the workings of your analytical mind for these posts. Or, maybe it is the other way around. How lucky you are to tap the keys and connect with readers this way. For me, the connection is the true joy of blogging.

    Final word: To me, you’ll always be a cool kid—–because I SAY so.
    (Tee Hee)


    • Marian, I agree with you: “…the connection is the true joy of blogging.” That’s exactly how I feel about it.

      Also, thank you for telling me I’m a cool kid meaning, obviously, that now I am because you said so. And might I remind you that you’re a cool kid by leaving this comment. 😉

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  17. Thanks Ally. It is always great to learn a little about the writer behind the blog. My HS experience is completely forgettable. Let’s just say it is the kind of place best left in the far reaches of one’s memory. Anyway, I have enjoyed visiting the blogs responsible for your Q&A. Thanks, I should be working but you have provided a pleasant distraction…


    • Danny, many people I know have totally forgettable high school experiences. I get that, I have no interest in going to reunions. I’m glad you’re visiting some of the blogs I linked to. This AMA seemed like the perfect way to let people get to know each other. Happy to be a pleasant distraction today– any day for that matter.

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  18. “As a high school student I was focused on learning enough to go to college, but I goofed off too. There might have been underage drinking involved. ” 😄😄😄How fun to learn about the teen Ally! You have the the kind of voice–the right level of snark–that could launch a young adult novel. 😄


  19. LOL Fred and Ethel. I heard they really didn’t like each other IRL. Another set of very informative and interesting answers. Thanks for the link to my little world. I would love to see the Presidential libraries too. Maybe we could add those to the major league baseball stadium trip we wanted to do.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Janet, I read the same thing about Fred and Ethel. In the show they seemed well-suited, so they were good actors. I like the idea of seeing Major League Baseball stadiums along with the libraries. Sounds like a plan!

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  20. Oh boy, more Ally Bean trivia and a few more new-to-me blogs to check out! I had a Color Me Beautiful session way back when (high school/early college?) and found out that I was a summer. I know there are a lot of different systems out there, but those colors still make up the majority of my wardrobe. Looking forward to Part 3!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Janis, I still abide by the color system, not obsessively but when I can. Color Me Beautiful was such a radical, easy to understand, system. I’ve read that it’s coming back into vogue again. For some of us it never left.


  21. Each of these posts sparks my interest more and more!

    I think we would have had the same friend group in high school based on your description. Then you say you’re from Central Ohio, which is where I’m from, so I’m curious where you grew up. (I won’t press you.) By the way, I used to work as a retail merchandiser as well. I like how we have a lot in common.

    I noticed Lawson’s onion dip and Graeter’s ice cream mentioned in the comments. They were/are both wonderful. We are fortunate to have a Graeter’s shop in the Chicago suburbs. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kari, I have no doubt we’d have been friends in high school. You fit in with my crowd. Marion, is the answer to your question.

      I didn’t know there was a Graeter’s in Chicago. That’s one company that knows what’s it doing and how to serve the public. I don’t eat a lot of ice cream but when I do it is Graeter’s

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, my goodness! I’ve been there many times! I’m from Lexington/Mansfield.

        Northbrook and Winnetka, both suburbs of Chicago, have Graeter’s. I’m not sure why only those two, but we always go to the Northbrook location. Fun fact: It’s on Shermer Road, just around the corner from the “Save Ferris” water tower.

        I remember eating Graeter’s Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream once and telling Mike, “The chocolate chips are so thick and good. Why do we get any other kind of ice cream?”

        Liked by 1 person

    • Gigi, no kidding? Boho Chic, huh? I like that look but would feel uncomfortable wearing it. Too showy for me.

      My goal is to hope that everyone meets someone new and forms some new blogging connections. I can’t force you to do it, but I can facilitate it.


  22. Ally, this was a fun post and I look forward to reading Part 3 and what additional beans you will be spilling about yourself.

    I knew you had traveled before as you mentioned it in your posts or our back-and-forth comments. I relived my Spain adventure when Janis posted about her recent trip. I was lucky to travel with a native Spaniard, so having no language barrier allowed us to visit and enjoy local venues for food and entertainment, but still visit touristy must-sees like The Alhambra in Granada. I enjoyed it immensely too. Even though I am a Canadian, I have only visited Ontario and would love to see other provinces like Alberta or British Columbia. A friend was born and raised in Charleston, SC and told me about how it mixed old and new, stately yet fun and I needed to see it someday. I’ve never been to Hawaii or Wales. I always planned to travel when I was retired, but traveling in the 1970s and 1980s was a lot different than now and I have reservations … sadly not travel plans in the near term, but reservations about traveling abroad and I still am cautious about COVID. I hope you and Zen-Den will finish your home repair and get on a schedule more conducive to what you THOUGHT might happen as opposed to what DID happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda, your adventure in Spain sounds like a fun time. I went to Spain as my high school graduation present back when travel was much more relaxed than it is now. I hope you get to Charleston as it was a memorable place to visit, we had oodles of fun exploring.

      I figure that while year one of Z-D’s retirement has been harried, the next one should be more in tune with what I thought would happen, travel and goofing off more. It could still happen.

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      • Ally, I never worried about international travel then. I traveled on my own and hooked up with tour groups. Maybe I just worry too much now. A fellow blogger went to Charleston for her “babymoon” (new concept and word for me at the time) and had a lot of pictures of that city as she and her husband explored it – it looked interesting and fun.

        Hopefully next year, you’ll be more in tune with retirement and renovations are done – you’ll be all set then.


  23. A very enjoyable read. We had a similar non-career path. I call it Business Majors who didn’t become CPA’s. I could probably guess where you went to college and was always envious of those who attended. I’m glad to hear you agree on ice cream, though I’m partial to their coconut chocolate chunk.

    We also want to visit as many Presidential libraries as possible and have plans for a few later this year.

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    • Bijoux, you and Z-D! He likes Graeter’s coconut chocolate chunk ice cream, too. It’s too much for me, but I know it must be great.

      I’ve been to one Presidential Library, Jimmy Carter’s, and that’s how this idea came about. We enjoyed seeing it and thought why not make it our retirement thing. You’ll write posts about what you do, right?


  24. This is a lot of fun! Some imaginative questions you’ve received. Love the answers, too. Fun to check out some other blogs. So many have faded away and time to make some new acquaintances.


    • Eileen, yay! I’m glad you liked this and the questions/answers. You’re right about how bloggy friends just fade away. In fact that’s how I got thinking about doing this, realizing many new bloggers were following along here now, must introduce them to other bloggers.

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    • Donna, thank you. I’ll admit that the questions have been fun to field, I didn’t know what to expect when I opened myself up to this. Plus it’s always nice to promote other bloggers.

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  25. I loved reading this. I’m glad I found your blog–your ideas and humor, a little bit about your life and your followers.It’s been fun getting to know you. I admire your ability to keep up with so many people.


    • Thanks, Nicki. I’ve tried to befriend a wide variety of bloggers over the years and I enjoy introducing one to another so this post was an offshoot of that idea. I do try to keep up with many bloggers, something that I grew into doing during the pandemic when staying home and blogging was all there was to do.


  26. I too was a quiet and shy child who is now an ambivert. I love the glimpses inside your past, your thoughts about travel, your work history and just ALL of it. I’m pretty content where I am right now with no huge urge to travel with my daughters and grandchildren so close to me. I’m still itching to get to Ireland though.


    • Margaret, I’ve sensed that you were an ambivert [and don’t you love that term?] too. I can understand why staying home is a priority for you, Grandma! I’d like to see Ireland again, too. There are many places I’d like to visit, but being practical I know that we’ll only see a few and these were my top ones.


  27. Yay! Glad I got to see my question answered before we jet off to France and I drop out of the blogosphere for a few weeks. Enjoyed seeing the personal side this week! I don’t know how I knew you were from Ohio, but I suspected that was the case. I actually google-mapped Ohio because I couldn’t remember where Cincinnati is. Wow – so close to Kentucky and Indiana. You could have breakfast in one state, a mid-morning snack in another, and an early lunch in yet another!
    I just took a sip of coffee and said “tres bien” in honor of you. 🙂

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  28. Oooo I’ve timed my pop in to perfection as you’ve answered my question in this one – yay! Thanks for sharing that you’re more sweary in real life which is SO good to know, me too. Us sweary Marys need to stick together 😀 Also, I read about your semester at Exeter University with a squeak, as that’s where Himself did his first degree as a mature student. He told me that J K Rowling was also a student there and he could see echoes of many University and Exeter buildings in the films. I don’t know if you’ve seen them also and wondered if you’d picked that up too?

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    • Deb, I’m laughing out loud here about “sweary Marys” which is a perfect way to say who we are. I don’t know why I clean up my language for the blog, but I do.

      I didn’t know about the J K Rowling connection to the University of Exeter. Wow! Now I’m going have to rethink the movie sets juxtaposed with my memories of the buildings on campus. Huh, the things I learn.

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      • Yes, my mother would doubtless be surprised that there’s no swearing on my blog, but it somehow seems more in your face when it’s in writing (and no, I’ve no idea where that concept came from, but there you are).

        I was surprised when he mentioned it, as I’d always presumed the building were inspired by Edinburgh where she lived while writing it. I’m not sure that she’s confirmed it btw, but he’s usually right (insert eye roll!)

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        • I think you’ve nailed why I don’t swear on this blog, it seems too much in your face. When I wrote earlier blogs, my starter blogs as I call them, I swore. Maybe I learned better?

          I figured the buildings were in Edinburgh, too. But now, thinking about the dining hall in my dorm, I’m seeing how the Exeter connection could be true. It’s been a long time since I was in school there so I’m going to have to review a map of Devon/the University.

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  29. Hi Ally, teal is a good color. It is one of the colors of sea glass that I enjoy most. Blue soothes me, but teal would be a close second. Your answers under personality sound a lot like my daughter’s. She is an ‘only’ too. No wonder you seem ‘familiar’ and relatable.

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  30. People ask me all the time if I want to write a book and I’m all like “…” why would I want to do that? It sounds hard. Blogging is easy. I just vomit words out on a post and hit publish and never look at that post again! Editing takes far more patience than I will ever have!

    Liked by 1 person

    • NGS, yes, yes. You’ve explained my point of view about writing/publishing a book, too. Why would I bother when in essence I’ve written many books here over the years– and had the fun of interacting with readers in the moment? Blogging seems like a win-win to me. 🤷‍♀️


  31. Ah, I love your coffee cozy morning habit. That’s something worth emulating, as is this AMA-style post. I’ll wait two years and act like I thought it up. 😆 I always learn something new from your posts and today it was the word “ambivert.” I’m completely with you on needing a fire in the belly to write a book. Each time I take a blogging break, I do think about it and then say, “naw.” – Marty

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    • Marty, I don’t know how or where I stumbled on the idea of saying tres bien [or muy bueno] when I drink my first cup of coffee each morning, but it grounds me [no pun intended].

      I learned about being an ambivert from another blogger, who, after I wrote something about being an extroverted introvert, suggested I was an ambivert. She was right, I like the term.

      Yes, when it comes to writing a book, I just can’t be bothered. There are many wonderful books out there already, so I don’t think any book I might write will be missed. 🤷‍♀️

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  32. This is me to a T: “I don’t have the desire or patience to write a book. You need a raging fire in your belly to do that– and all I have in my belly is one blue tip safety match.” I still have a novel in progress that I’d like to finish just so it’s finished, but sometimes I toy with the idea of posting it as a serial rather than as a book since it would be less work 😉

    So glad to know you and know more about you and Z-D. Thanks for sharing!!

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  33. I’m hesitant to comment in any way that creates more work for you so I’ll just say that I love what you have done and continue to do for this community. No response required…

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  34. Wow – great questions – I so enjoyed reading your answers. It’s fun to learn more about Ally’s life as a cool kid, who is still a cool kid. I enjoyed how the answers resonated with me and my life too and why I enjoy your blog so much, especially these two:

    I’m an introvert who can be extroverted when necessary. I believe that is now referred to as an ambivert. It’s only been with age that I’ve come to understand myself, my ability to work successfully with people BUT to also embrace my innate desire to avoid people.

    The person you see here is the real me, albeit with a blogging nom de plume. I don’t talk about everything I do, however the way in which I talk about that which I do is the same here as in real life. Well, not entirely true… in real life I swear more.

    PS – I’ll be back for installment 3! (Before I leave, I have another blogging question about ping-backs, when I’ve done a post in the past with lots of links it hasn’t been ‘cool’ because of those blogs that don’t allow ping-backs without approval so the whole post kind of hangs there until that link is approved. Have you ever had that issue?)

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    • Shelley, thanks for reading the questions and my answers. I appreciate it. I thought all the questions have been excellent.

      It’s been interesting for me to learn which topics/replies resonate with people. I’m finding out what readers are interested in and which topics are passed over. VERY fascinating. So you like knowing I’m an ambivert and that I am who I am, but swear more irl! Loving it.

      About pingbacks… for these AMA posts I linked to the blogs not to a specific post like you do with a pingback, so for these AMAs it’s been easy to add a link. I’ve never had any trouble when creating pingbacks but then, I guess, the bloggers I’ve pingbacked to have their pingbacks open. This is an interesting question for which I have no useful reply. You’re not on WP.com, are you? Or are you now? That might have something to do with how pingbacks work. 🤷‍♀️

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  35. Tres Bien. Coffee is the best way to start your day, I agree with you!
    I’m giggling about Fred and Ethel Mertz and will always see you that way now! 🤓 Wait, does Ethel wear spectacles?
    I loved this group of questions/answers. Bloggers are pretty nosy, aren’t we?

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    • Neil, I figured if someone took the time to ask me a question I owed that person a good answer. Thus, another long post. Teal is a color I’ve liked my whole life. How’s that for consistency?

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  36. Thanks for giving us a peek into your personal life, Ally. I look forward to the next edition of AMA.


  37. Ally, thanks for answering questions about cool kids and I would have been here days ago if WordPress would have notified me of the link. Ugh. Regardless if I am a nerd, a 70% extrovert/30% introvert, crazy cat lady, or other, I am glad to be one of the cool kids here and know more about you.
    You are near Cincinnati? Why didn’t I make you come out for a beer or ice cream when vacationing with my friend in your area? Lost opportunity, unless the crazy cat lady thing scares you. I swear, I would have taken my meds and combed my hair beforehand. 🤪

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    • Mary, WP can be a poopy head at times. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment here even if WP fell down on the job. You are definitely a Cool Kid and I promise to answer the rest of your questions in my next, and last, AMA post.

      Yes, I’m sorry we didn’t get the chance to meet. I didn’t realize where you were going to be cycling until after you did it. I knew you were coming to Ohio but thought you were going to be near Cleveland, not down here. Next time we’ll meet, ok? I’d love it.

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  38. Hey Ally, for some reason I stopped getting notifications of your posts. I have re-signed up so fingers crossed it works. I have a feeling I am missing out on some other bloggers as well🤔. I was thinking maybe you took a break for the summer as so many do. Anyhow, I am here now and hopefully notifications will start coming through again!


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  39. So many lightbulb moments reading this post Ally & thank you for connecting us all!

    “A quiet calm life makes me happy” amen to that 🙏

    “I don’t have the desire or patience to write a book. You need a raging fire in your belly to do that– and all I have in my belly is one blue tip safety match.”
    I feel like this about so much in life, I’m too content to strive for much, it’s a comfort to hear you say this as it reminds me it isn’t something to be ashamed of or apologetic about, just something to be grateful for.

    “in real life I swear more” 🤣

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    • Rae Cod, I’m glad this post landed like it did for you. I’m with you about being content with and grateful about where I am right now and don’t feel compelled to strive for more, as in the capitalistic sense of fame and material possessions. I can always improve on my writing skills or my kindness skills or my spiritual connections, but overall I’m happy DAMN IT! 😜


  40. Pingback: July Reply: Answering YOUR Miscellaneous Questions + My Conclusions About Doing This Project [AMA Part 3 Of 3] | THE SPECTACLED BEAN

  41. Pingback: July Reply: Answering YOUR Questions About Blogging [AMA Part 1 Of 3] | THE SPECTACLED BEAN

  42. Super fun and enjoyable – I enjoyed these clever questions and your clever-cool responses, Ally Bean! I like your comment about needing a “fire in your belly” – that’s a rule I try to follow for all ideas that pop into my head, of course I don’t always comply…


  43. How did I not connect with you when I lived in Cincinnati myself?!? Yes, I just learned you’re a Southwest Ohio girl… I was one for 30+ years myself. (Landen 10, Clifton 17 , Norwood 4 … all you should know about if you’re Cincinnati area!) Now a Florida beach girl and loving it; I really do like myself more living here.

    I enjoyed learning more about you this way – a super fun idea.

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    • Pat, I didn’t realize you used to live in Cincinnati. Of course I know where you lived. We’ve lived in Clifton, Blue Ash, Loveland. While Cincy wasn’t where I thought I’d land in life I’m happy enough here.

      Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate that. Make sure to check out the last post in this series. The miscellaneous questions are unexpected but rather brilliant.


  44. In the Brat Pack, Demi Moore got most of the male attention but Mare Winningham caught my own eye. Her quiet, introspective characters; always wondered if she were the same in real life. Also, the U.S. presidential libraries… really? That’s kind of a fascinating answer (esp. since I haven’t been to a single one). I must be missing out. But not on Charleston – I agree wholeheartedly. The combination of preserved American history and vibrant, trendy scene is unparalleled in the U.S. cities I’ve been to.

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    • Dave, you’re right about Demi versus Mare. I don’t know much about MW in real life, but I like her onscreen characters, plus I kind of look like her.

      Yes, we’ve been to one Presidential Library, Jimmy Carter’s, and decided we’d like to see more. If nothing else visiting them will take us to a variety of places we might not otherwise think about going to.

      Love Charleston, wanna go back someday. Eat more food, see more things.


  45. Thanks so much for sharing all these insights about you… my favorite color is also teal (!) – very soothing in interior design (most of my kitchen accessories are teal!) and in clothing – and I have a little bit of a better idea what you look like (am I the only one who imagines what people look like if they don’t share photos?)

    Liked by 1 person

    • San, thanks for stopping by to read and comment. I’ve always liked teal, long before I learned about the Color Me Beautiful phenomenon. I agree, the color is soothing.

      I imagine what bloggers look like and that, for me, is part of the fun. I started this blog with the idea I’d not do current personal photos and so far I’ve stayed the course.

      If you care, the last installment in this series is up and all I can say is that bloggers ask some questions that are doozies. 🙄


  46. Such great responses, Ally. I admire that you’ve kept yourself and hubby faceless.
    I particularly loved this part of one response: “and all I have in my belly is one blue tip safety match.” You are such a card!

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